nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
HIRAHARA Kazuro 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "HIRAHARA Kazuro")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
134: HIRAHARA Kazuro
12: KIMATA Fumiaki
11: TONEGAWA Takashi
8: HASHIMOTO Manabu, OHMI Shiro
7: TABEI Takao
6: FUJII Naoyuki, HIROSE Hitoshi, HOSO Yoshinobu, KATO Teruyuki, MIKUMO Takeshi, NAKANO Takehide, OHKURA Takahiro, SAGIYA Takeshi
5: ABE Yuki, ANDO Masataka, HORI Takane, KATO Mamoru, KATO Naoyuki, WADA Yasuo
4: ITO Kiyoshi, KANESHIMA Satoshi, MATSUSHIMA Takeshi, MITSUI Noa, MIYAZAKI Shin'ichi, NAKAMURA Kajuro, NAKAO Shigeru, OHZONO Mako, SHIOMI Katsuhiko, SUITO Hisashi
3: CHACHIN Toshikazu, FUJII Iwao, FUKAHATA Yukitoshi, FURUMURA Takashi, HIRATA Yasuhiro, KASAHARA Minoru, KOTAKE Yoshiko, KUBO Atsuki, MIYATAKE Takashi, OKUDA Takashi, SHIBUTANI Takuro, TAKEUCHI Akira, TANAKA Torao, TERASHIMA Tsutomu, WADA Hiroo, YAMAOKA Koshun, YAMAUCHI Makiko, YAMAZAKI Akira
2: AOKI Harumi, ARIMOTO Mika, BABA Toshitaka, DOI Hikaru, DOUKE Ryosuke, FUJIMORI Kunio, FUKUSHIMA Yo, HANEDA Toshio, HASEGAWA Akira, HASHIMOTO Shin'ichi, HAYASHI Taiichi, HIRANO Norio, HIRATA Naoshi, HORIKAWA Haruo, HORIUCHI Shigeki, IIO Yoshihisa, IKAMI Akira, INOUE Hiroyuki, ISHIKETA Yukio, ITO Akihiko, IWABUCHI Tetsuya, KANAMORI Hiroo, KANAZAWA Toshihiko, KANEDA Yoshiyuki, KARAKAMA Ikuo, KITO Tadashi, KOBAYASHI Masaru, KOIZUMI Makoto, KONO Toshio, KOSUGA Masahiro, KOTANI Akira, KUMAGAI Hiroyuki, KURATA Yuji, KURIYAMA Satoru, KUROISO Akio, MATSUZAWA Toru, MITSUNAMI Toshio, MIURA Katsumi, MIURA Kazuaki, MIYAJIMA Rikio, MIYAMACHI Hiroki, MIZOUE Megumi, MORIYA Takeo, NAKAJIMA Atsushi, NAKAMURA Isao, NAKAMURA Masaru, NISHIGAMI Kinya, NISHIMURA Takuya, OHYA Fumio, OIKE Kazuo, OKAMOTO Takuo, OOI Yoichi, OOIDA Tooru, OTSUKA Shigeaki, OUCHI Toru, SAEKI Tatsuo, SAKAI Kaname, TADOKORO Keiichi, TSUKUDA Tameshige, YAMAMOTO Takeyasu, YOSHIKAWA Shin
1: AGATA Ryoichiro, ASAHI Yuka, BEAVAN John, CATANE J.P.L., CATANE John P.L., CATANE John Patrick L., CRUZ Laarni S. dela, DARMAWAN Dudy, DATE Yuki, DEBSKI Wojciech, EGUCHI Yasuhide, FEIR Renato B., FUKAO Yoshio, GERASIMENKO Mikhail D., HASHIZUME Michio, HAYASHI Tadashige, HORI Muneo, HORI Sadaki, HORI Takane Hori, HOSHIBA Mitsuyuki, ICHIKAWA Ryuichi, ICHIMURA Tsuyoshi, IIZUKA Mikio, IMAGAWA Kazuhiko, IMANISHI Masafumi, IRWAN Meilano, ISHIHARA Yasushi, ISHIKAWA Yuzo, ITO Kosuke, IWAMORI Hikaru, Japan University Consortium for GPS Research (JUNCO), KAMIGAICHI Osamu, KANO Masayuki, KARIYA Shinichi, KAWAKAMI Taichi, KIMATA Naoyuki, KITAWAKI Yuta, KODAIRA Shuichi, KUDO Takeshi, KUSANO Fujio, MATSUMOTO Shigeo, MEILANO Irwan, MIURA Satoshi, MIYAKE Manabu, MURAKAMI Hideyuki, MURATA Ichiro, NAGAO Toshiyasu, NAGASAKA Hideaki, NAKAMURA Hisashi, NAKAMURA Toru, NAKAO Setsuro, NAKAYAMA Toru, NISHIGAMI Kin'ya, NISHIMURA Kazuhiro, OGAWA Kazuo, OHTA Yusaku, OHTAKI Toshiki, OHTAN Makiko, OKADA Masami, OKINO Kyoko, OKUDA Takahiro, OKURA Takahiro, ONOUE Kensuke, OTOZAKI Takahiro, OTSUKA Yuichi, OZAWA Taku, PARK Pil Ho, PUSPITO Nanang T., SAINOKI Junta, SAITO Susumu, SAKAGUCHI Hide, SAKAKIBARA Yousuke, SAKAMOTO Toshifumi, SATAKE Tomoaki, SATO Kazutoshi, SAYANAGI Keizo, SETYADJI Bambang, SHIKAKURA Yosuke, SHIMAZAKI Kunihiko, SUDA Naoki, SUGIMOTO Shingo, SUZUKI Masayuki, SUZUKI Sadaomi, Simulation research group for the next Nankai trough mega thrust earthquakes, TADA Akiko, TADOKORO Keichi, TAKAGI Akio, TAKAHASHI Hiroaki, TAKAHASHI Masayoshi, TAKASU Tomoji, TAKAYA Takashi, TAKEUCHI Fumiaki, TANADA Toshikazu, TANAKA Akiko, TOKUYAMA Akira, UENO Tomotake, UMEDA Yasuhiro, WAKASUGI Tadao, YAMAGIWA Atsushi, YAMAGIWA Shuji, YAMANAKA Yoshiko, YAMAUCHI Makito, YAMAZAKI Fumihito, YARAI Hiroshi, YIN Jun, YOSHIDA Tomohisa, YOSHIDA Yasuhiro, YUBUKI Tetsuichiro
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1977: A Large Scale Three Dimensional Seismic Structure under the Japan Islands and the Sea of Japan
1980: Three Dimensional Seismic Structure of Subducting Lithospheric Plates under the Japan Islands
1980: Three Dimensional Shear Velocity Structure Beneath the Japan Islands and Its Tectonic Implications
1981: Three Dimensional Seismic Structure Beneath Southwest Japan: the Subducting Philippine Sea Plate
1984: Travel Time Inversion for Three Dimensional P Wave Velocity Anisotropy
1985: Source Mechanism of Subcrustal and Upper Mantle Earthquakes around the Northeastern Kyushu Region, Southwestern Japan, and their Tectonic Implications
1987: Dynamical Fault Rupture Processes in Heterogeneous Media
1988: Detection of three dimensional velocity anisotropy
1989: The Horizontally Lying Slab
1991: Daily Observations of Uji Shionomisaki Base line with MINI MAC 2816 and their Error Estimate
1991: Polarization Analysis of Broad Band Surface Wave Data (S22C 10)
1991: Precursory arrivals to PP
1991: The GPS Campaign around the Sagami Bay Results by WM102 (1988 1990)
1992: Anomalous propagation of Rayleigh Waves along Izu Mariana Trench
1992: Daily Observation of Uji Shionomisaki Base line with MINI MAC 2816 and their Error Estimate
1992: Focal Mechanism Analyses of Aftershocks of the 1984 Western Nagano Prefecture Earthquake
1992: Three Dimensional P and S Wave Velocity Structure in the Focal Region of the 1984 Western Nagano Prefecture Earthquake
1993: A Study of P Wave Velocity Discontinuity in D Layer with J Array Records: Preliminary Results
1993: GPS Measurements in Shikoku Region, Southwest Japan Results from 1990 to 1992
1993: Local Network Observation of the Earth's Free Oscillations: Apparent Centroid of the 1989 Macquarie Ridge Earthquake
1993: Three dimensional P wave velocity structure beneath the Indonesian region
1994: GPS Observation of Crustal Movements in Southwest Japan Caused by the Subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate
1994: Seismic structure near the inner core outer core boundary
1994: The thickness of upper mantle discontinuities, as inferred from short period J Array data
1995: Source process of the 1994 Hokkaido Toho Oki earthquake deduced from teleseismic body waves and strong motions
1995: Three Dimensional Velocity Structure of the Upper Crust in the Hida Region, Central Honshu, Japan, and Its Relation to Local Seismicity, Quaternary Active Volcanoes and Faults
1996: Crustal Deformation Associated with the 1995 Hyogo ken Nanbu Earthquake, Japan Derived from GPS Measurements
1996: Crustal deformation at the Nankai subduction zone, southwest Japan, derived from GPS measurements
1996: GPS Observations of Post Seismic Crustal Movements in the Focal Region of the 1995 Hyogo ken Nanbu Earthquake Static and Real Time Kinematic GPS Observations
1996: Post Seismic Crustal Deformation Associated with 1995 Hyogo ken Nanbu Earthquake Derived from GPS Observation Preliminary Analysis of Trimble Data
1996: Simultaneous Inversion of Geodetic and Strong Motion Data for the Source Process of the Hyogo ken Nanbu, Japan, Earthquake
1996: The Upper Mantle P Wave Velocity Structure beneath the Northern Japan Arc, as Inferred from J Array Data
1996: Waveform Station Anomaly Definition and Example for J Array Stations
1997: Densed GPS Campaign in Izu Peninsula, Japan
1997: GPS observations of postseismic deformation for the 1995 Hyogo ken Nanbu earthquake, Japan
1998: Changes in Coulomb Failure Stress of Inland Faults in Southwest Japan Associated with the Subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Repeated Great Interplate Earthquakes along the Nankai Trough (T41A 25)
1998: Episodic Changes of Interplate Coupling in the Tokai Region Deduced from EDM Ranging and Levelling (1978 1997) (T41A 24)
1998: FEM Modeling for Seismic Cycle of Great Inter plate Earthquakes Following the Ruina Dietrich's Rate and Statedependent Friction Law (S32B 9)
1998: Initial results from WING, the continuous GPS network in the western Pacific area
1999: A slow thrust slip event following the two 1996 Hyuganada earthquakes beneath the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan
1999: Inhomogeneous Structures in the Lowermost Mantle Beneath Northeastern China
1999: J Array Project Seismic Data Now on CD ROM
1999: Receiver Function Imaging of the Crust and the Upper Mantle Structure beneath the Japan Islands
1999: Simulation of Earthquake Cycle at Subduction Zones
1999: Simulation of Postseismic Deformations caused by the 1896 Riku u Earthquake, Northeast Japan: Re evaluation of the viscosity in the upper mantle
1999: Viscoelastic FEM Simulation of the Vertical Crustal Movements in Northeast Japan
2000: Local GPS tropospheric tomography
2001: A 3 D Simulation of Slow Slip Event Occurring at a Subduction Zone Based on Rate and State Dependent Friction Law
2001: A Detailed Waveform Modeling for Remarkable Upper Mantle Phases of Receiver Functions Observed at a Broadband Station TMR, Northeast Japan
2001: Modeling of the tectonic loading process of inland faults in Southwest Japan using 3 D visco elastic FFM code
2001: Moho offset beneath the western margin of Lake Biwa, Japan, deduced from gravity data and short period receiver function imaging: Who is pulling down the crust beneath the lake?
2001: On going Slow Slip Event at the Tokai Region, Central Japan
2001: Receiver Function Imaging of Crust and Uppermost Mantle Structure beneath the Japan Islands Inclusion of Hi net Data
2001: Repeated Occurrence of Slow Slip Events on the Subducting Plate Interface in the Subducting Plate Interface in the Tokai Region, Central Japan, the Focal Region of the Anticipated Tokai Earthquake (M=8)
2001: Viscoelastic Simulation of Earthquake Cycle Using a Simple Spring Dashpot Mass System with a Friction Law
2002: 3 D Viscoelastic FEM Modeling of Crustal Deformation in Northeast Japan
2002: A model for complex slip behavior on a large asperity at subduction zones
2002: Interplate Earthquake Fault Slip Duirng Periodic Earthquake Cycles in a Viscoelastic Medium at a Subduction Zone
2002: Subsurface structure and faulting of the Median Teconic Line, southwest Japan inferred from GPS velocity field
2003: A Generation Mechanism of Slow Slip Events in the Simulation Based on the Rate and State Dependent Friction Law (SS02/04A/D 055)
2003: A viscoelastic model of interseismic strain concentration in Niigata Kobe Tectonic Zone of central Japan
2003: Dense GPS Array observations across the Atotsugawa fault, central Japan
2003: FDM simulation of receiver function laterally heterogeneous model including a subducting slab (S41E 0130)
2003: High Resolution Local GPS Water Vapor Tomography with Flexible Spatiotemporal Constraints (GA2.03/04P/A13 003)
2003: High Resolution Receiver Function Imaging of the Crust and the mantle Beneath the Japan Islands (JSS06a/08P/D 016)
2003: High resolution receiver function imaging of the seismic velocity discontinuities in the crust and the uppermost mantle beneath southwest Japan
2003: Nation wide Upper Crustal Anisotropy Distribution Beneath the Japan Island Shear wave Splitting Analysis of Hi net data (S11C 0312)
2003: Parallel 3D Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation in the Structure of Nobi Plain, Central Japan (S52A 0118)
2003: Receiver Function Image of the 410 and 660KM Seismic Velocity Discontinuities Beneath the Japan Islands (JSS06a/08P/D 017)
2003: Receiver Function Imaging of the upper mantle seismic discontinuities beneath the Japan Islands and the Korean Peninsula Lateral variation in the depths and the Ps amplitudes (T32B 0923)
2003: Repeated Slow Slip Events and the Occurrence Process of the Large Earthquakes in the Tokai Region, Central Japan (JSS01/30A/D 040)
2003: Scattering objects in the lower mantle beneath northeastern China observed with a short period seismic array
2003: Seismic Wave Propagation in the 3D Basin Structure of Nobi Plain (SS04a/09P/D 045)
2003: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Afterslip for the 1995 Hyogoken Nanbu Earthquake Inferred from Surface Displacement Data Obtained with GPS Observations (JSG01/08P/D 026)
2003: Strain Accumulation Model on the Atotugawa Fault System, an Inland Active Fault System, Located in the High Strain Rate Zone, Central Japan (SS03/07P/A02 012)
2003: Studying Eruption Column of the August 18, 2000 Miyakejima Eruption, Japan, by Continuous GPS Measurement (G02/10P/D 012)
2003: The Experimental of Kinematic GPS/Acoustic Positioning System from Surrounding Coastal Reference Stations to Seafloor References at Suruga Bay, Central Japan (JSS03/03A/A13 008)
2004: A 3 D Quasi static Model for a Variety of Slip Behaviors on a Subduction Fault
2004: A numerical simulation of earthquake cycles along the Nankai Trough in southwest Japan: lateral variation in frictional property due to the slab geometry controls the nucleation position
2004: GeoFEM Kinematic Earthquake Cycle Simulation in Southwest Japan
2004: Measuring ground deformations with 1 Hz GPS data: the 2003 Tokachi oki earthquake (preliminary report)
2004: Simple Spring mass Model Simulation of Earthquake Cycle along the Nankai Trough in Southwest Japan
2005: Detailed structure of the upper mantle discontinuities around the Japan subduction zone imaged by receiver function analyses
2006: 2D Simulations of Earthquake Cycles at a Subduction Zone Based on a Rate and State Friction Law Effects of Pore Fluid Pressure Changes (S33B 0235)
2006: Detailed crustal deformation and tectonic loading of the Atotsugawa fault system, central Japan(G53B 0887)
2006: High resolution receiver function imaging of velocity discontinuities in the crust and the upper mantle beneath the Japan Islands
2006: Large surface wave of the 2004 Sumatra Andaman earthquake captured by the very long baseline kinematic analysis of 1 Hz GPS data
2006: Lower slab boundary in the Japan subduction zone
2006: Mechanisms of separation of rupture area and variation in time interval and size of great earthquakes along the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan (T12A 07)
2006: Rapid crustal deformation of large earthquakes through re analyses of high rate GPS data with HR PPP technique(G33A 0034)
2006: Slow slip events controlled by the slab dip and its lateral change along a trench
2006: Toward Receiver Function Tomography(S54B 07)
2006: Upper mantle imaging beneath the Japan Islands by Hi net tiltmeter recordings
2006: Upper mantle structure beneath the Japan Islands using single scattering analysis(T51D 1557)
2007: Dense GPS Array Observations across the Atotsugawa Fault System in Central Japan
2007: Effects of the Metamorphic Dehydration Reactions on Long term Slow Slip Events: Implications of two Dimensional Numerical Simulations(S12B 04)
2007: Imaging of P and S wave velocity structure beneath the Kii Peninsula in central Japan by combined analyses of P and S wave receiver functions(T13E 1632)
2007: Seismic Velocity Contrasts at the Top Surface of the Subducting Pacific Slab Down to the Deep Upper Mantle ; Implications for Water Flow Into the Mantle Transition Zone(DI51B 08)
2007: Tectonic loading of active faults in central Japan revealed by dense GPS observations(S34C 01)
2007: Temporal variations of crustal structure in the source region of the 2007 Noto Hanto and Niigata ken Chuetsu oki Earthquakes, central Japan, with passive image interferometry(S31A 0212)
2007: Two dimensional model calculations of earthquake cycle on a fluid infiltrated plate interface at a subduction zone: Focal depth dependence on pore pressure conditions
2008: Advanced but simple modeling of earthquake cycle: Introduction of interseismic chemical pore compaction (X4 056)
2008: Effect of positive and negative (A B) values assigned in the region other than asperities on the earthquake cycles (X3 009)
2008: Improvement in the Extended Time Multitaper Receiver Function Estimation Technique
2008: InSAR verification of slow preseismic displacements of the 2008 Iwate Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake (Y2 235)
2008: Long term slow slip events are not necessarily caused by high pore fluid pressure at the plate interface: an implication from two dimensional model calculations
2008: New research project for the next Nankai trough mega thrust earthquakes Simulation research (B22 08)
2008: Numerical Simulation of Earthquake Cycles in the Philippine Fault Zone, Luzon Island, Philippines (X3 010)
2008: Numerical simulation of an elastic block motion under friction with a MPS method (X3 011)
2008: Philippine Sea Plate and Serpentinized Mantle Wedge beneath Kii Peninsula (X4 035)
2008: Tectonic Loading of Crustal Faults: How does the Lower Crust behave? (X3 022)
2008: Temporal variations of crustal structure in the source region of the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake, central Japan, with passive image interferometry
2008: Water flow to the mantle transition zone inferred from a receiver function image of the Pacific slab
2009: An Attempt to Detect Preseismic Displacement Field of the 2008 Iwate Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake Using InSAR Small Baseline Time Series Analysis (G51A 0596)
2009: Coseismic thermal pressurization can notably prolong earthquake recurrence intervals on weak rate and state friction faults: Numerical experiments using different constitutive equations
2009: Interseismic pore compaction suppresses earthquake occurrence and causes faster apparent fault loading
2010: Crustal structure beneath Aso Caldera, Southwest Japan, as derived from receiver function analysis
2010: Possible Aquifer Near the Fault Plane of the 2007 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Central Japan, Detected by the Passive Image Interferometry
2010: Temporal Variation of the Decay Rate of the Autocorrelation Function of the Ambient Seismic Noise
2010: Temporal Variations of Crustal Structure in the source region of the 2007 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Central Japan, using Ambient Seismic Noises
2011: Assessment of the finite element solutions for 3D spontaneous rupture using GeoFEM
2011: Common conversion point stacking of receiver functions for estimating the geometry of dipping interfaces
2011: Fault instability on a finite and planar fault related to early phase of nucleation
2012: Detecting Subsurface Reflections in the Kinki District, Southwestern Japan, Using Ambient Seismic Noise
2012: Detecting Subsurface Reflectors in the Shikoku District, Southwestern Japan, Using Ambient Seismic Noise
2012: Megaquake cycle at the Tohoku subduction zone with thermal fluid pressurization near the surface
2013: Along arc variation in water distribution in the uppermost mantle beneath Kyushu, Japan, as derived from receiver function analyses
2013: An adjoint data assimilation method for optimizing frictional parameters on the afterslip area
2013: Crustal structure beneath Aso caldera, Japan, as derived from receiver function analyses of waveform data from densely distributed stations(1B P19)
2014: Long term changes in the Coulomb failure function on inland active faults in southwest Japan due to east west compression and interplate earthquakes
2014: Observed change in plate coupling close to the rupture initiation area before the occurrence of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake: implications from an earthquake cycle model
2015: Afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation following the 2011 Tohoku oki earthquake (Mw9.0) inferred from inland GPS and seafloor GPS/Acoustic data
2016: Robust and portable capacity computing method for many finite element analyses of a high fidelity crustal structure model aimed for coseismic slip estimation
2017: Low velocity zones in the crust beneath Aso caldera, Kyushu, Japan, derived from receiver function analyses