My Bibliography4

by Isoji MIYAGI @ Geological Survey of Japan, AIST



Gladstone&Dale(1863) Researches on the Refraction, Dispersion, and Sensitiveness of Liquids. Roy. Soc. London Philos. Trans. 153: 317-343. (my_id=1717)


Goranson(1931) The solubility of water in granite magmas. American Journal of Science. 22: 481-502. (my_id=G416)

Posin&Rammler(1933) The laws governing the finess of powdered coal. (Journal of?) The Institute of Fuel. 29-36. (my_id=G1127)

Bennett(1936) Broken Coal. (Journal of?) The Institute of Fuel. 22-39. (my_id=G1126)

Goranson(1938) Silicate - water systems: Phase equilibria in the NaAlSi3O8 - H2O and KAlSi3O8 - H2O systems at high temperatures and pressures. American Journal of Science. 35: 71-91. (my_id=G548)


Bowen&Tuttle(1950) The system NaAlSi3O8 - KAlSi3O8 - H2O. Journal of Geology. 58: 489-511. (my_id=G729)

Schairer(1950) The alkali-feldspar join in the system NaAlSiO4-KAlSiO4-SiO2. Journal of Geology. 58: 512-517. (my_id=G730)

Huggins&Stevels(1954) Comparison of two equations for calculation of densities of glasses from their compositions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 37: 474-479. (my_id=G1092)

Lamar(1954) Particle-size-distribution analysis bya a modification of the turbidmetric procedure of musgrave and harner. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 37: 386-390. (my_id=G1094)

Lillie&Ritland(1954) Fine annealing of optical glass. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 37: 466-473. (my_id=G1093)

Ritland(1954) Density phenomena in the transformation range of a borosilicate crown glass. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 37: 370-378. (my_id=G1095)

Kuno&Yamasaki_etal(1957) Differentation of Hawaiian magmas. Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography. XXXVIII: 179-218. (my_id=G1331)

Friedman&Smith(1958) The deuterium content of water in some volcanic glasses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 15: 218-228. (my_id=G721)

Carslaw&Jaegar(1959) The flow of heat in a sphere and cone. Conduction of heat in solids, Oxford at the Clarendon press. 2nd edition: 230-254. (my_id=G228)


Craig(1963) The isotopic geochemistry of water and carbon in geothermal areas. Nuclear Geology on Geothermal Areas. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche: 17-53. (my_id=1720)

Kuno(1960) High-alumina basalt. Journal of Petrology. 1: 121-145. (my_id=G1330)

Sugimura(1961) Regional variation of the K2O/ Na2O ratios of volcanic rocks in Japan and environs. J. Geol. Soc. Japan. 67: 292-300. (my_id=G110)

Burnham&Jahns(1962) A method for determining the solubility of water in silicate melts. American Journal of Science. 260: 721-745. (my_id=G213)

Fyfe&Godwin(1962) Further studies on the approach to equilibrium in the simple hydrate systems, MgO-H2O and Al2O3-H2O. American Journal of Science. 260: 289-293. (my_id=G412)

Ikeshima&Aoki(1962) Petrology of Takahara volcano. J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 48: 97-107. (my_id=G109)

Kennedy&Wasserburg_etal(1962) The upper three-phase region in the system SiO2- H2O. American Journal of Science. 260: 501-521. (my_id=G414)

Kuno(1962) Frequency distribution of rock types in oceanic, orogenic, and kratonic volcanic associations. Crust of The Pacific Basin, Geophysical Monograph. 6: 135-139. (my_id=G1327)

Meyer&Yang(1962) Some observations in the system MgO-H2O. American Journal of Science. 260: 707-717. (my_id=G415)

Pistorius(1962) Phase relations in the system CaO- Al2O3- H2O to high pressure and temperatures. American Journal of Science. 260: 221-229. (my_id=G413)

Sourirajan&Kennedy(1962) The system H2O-NaCl at elevated temperatures and pressures. American Journal of Science. 260: 115-141. (my_id=G214)

Haller(1963) Concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient of water in glass. Phys. Chem. Glass. 4: 217-220. (my_id=G208)

Kushiro&Kuno(1963) Origin of primary basalt magmas and classification of basaltic rocks. Journal of Petrology. 4: 75-89. (my_id=G1332)

Shaw(1963) Obsidian-H2O vescosities at 1000 and 2000 bars in the temperature range 700° to 900°C. Journal of Geophysical Research. 68: 6337-6343. (my_id=G725)

Taoka&Ohkohchi(1963) Improved high-temperature microscope and its metallurgical applications. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2: 354-363. (my_id=G1241)

Taylor&Epstein(1963) O18/O16 ratios in rocks and coexisting minerals of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland. Journal of Petrology. 4: 51-74. (my_id=G536)

Hamilton&Burnham_etal(1964) The Solubility of water and effects of oxygen fugacity and water content on crystallization in mafic magmas. Journal of Petrology. 5: 21-39. (my_id=G169)

Lebedev&Khitarov(1964) Dependence of the beginning of melting of granite and the electrical conductivity of its melt on high water vapor pressure. Geochemistry International. 3: 193-197. (my_id=G761)

Shaw(1964) Theoretical solubility of H2O in silicate melts: quasi-crystalline models. Journal of Geology. 72: 601-617. (my_id=G726)

Shaw&Wones(1964) Fugacity coefficients for hydrogen gas between 0 and 1000 C, for pressures to 3000 atm. American Journal of Science. 262: 918-929. (my_id=G1081)

Weber&Goldstein(1964) Stress-induced migration and partial molar volume of sodium ions in glass. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 41: 2898-2901. (my_id=G1243)

Wyllie&Tuttle(1964) Experimental investigation of silicate systems containing two volatile components Part III. The effects of SO3, P2O5, HCl, and Li2O, in addition to H2O, on the melting temperatures of albite and granite. American Journal of Science. 262: 930-939. (my_id=G1038)

Katsui&Kondo(1964(?)) Dating of stone implements by using hydration layer of obsidian. ñkëÂãIóv. ????: 45-60. (my_id=G697)

Anderson&Burnham(1965) The solubility of quartz in supercritical water. American Journal of Science. 263: 494-511. (my_id=G1039)

Hodgeson&Freeman_etal(1965) The thermal decomposition of crocidolite from Koegas, South Africa. Mineral. Mag. 35: 5-30. (my_id=G244)

Hodgson&Freeman_etal(1965) The thermal decomposition of crocidolite from Koegas, South Africa. Mineralogical Magazine. 35: 5-30. (my_id=G694)

Patterson(1965) The thermal disintegration of crocidolite in air and in vacuum. Mineral. Mag. 35: 31-37. (my_id=G245)

Ralkova(1965) Diffusion in radioisotopes in glass and melted basalt. Glass Technology. 6: 40-45. (my_id=G288)

Yoder(1965) Diopside-Anorthite-Water at five and ten kilobars and its bearing on explosive volcanism. Carnegie Institute Washington Yearbook. 64: 82-89. (my_id=G648)

Clark(1966) Thermal conductivity. Handbook of physical constants. The Geological Society of America Memoir 97: 459-482. (my_id=G238)

Clark(1966) Solubility. Handbook of physical constants. The Geological Society of America Memoir 97: 415-436. (my_id=G240)

Kuno(1966) Lateral variation of basalt magma type across continental margins and island arcs. Bulletin Volcanologique. Tome XXIX: 195-222. (my_id=G1328)

Kuno(1966) Review of pyroxene relations in terrestrial rocks in the light of recent experimental works. Mineralogical Journal. 5: 21-43. (my_id=G1329)

Kushiro(1966) Problem of H2O in the mantle. Kazan. 11: 116-126. (my_id=G530)

Oba(1966) Geology and petrology of the Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan. J Fac Sci, Hokkaido Univ, Ser. IV. 13: 185-236. (my_id=G549)

Robie(1966) Thermodynamic properties of minerals. Handbook of physical constants. The Geological Society of America Memoir 97: 437-458. (my_id=G239)

Sato&Wright(1966) Oxygen fugacities directly measured in magmatic gases. Science. 153: 1103-1105. (my_id=G1436)

Watkins&Haggerty(1967) Primary oxidation variation and petrogenesis in a single lava. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 15: 251-271. (my_id=G1355)

Hamilton&Henderson(1968) The preparation of silicate compositions by a gelling method. Mineralogical Magazine. 36: 832-838. (my_id=G545)

Jaegar(1968) Cooling and Solidification of igneous rocks. In Hess H H, Poldervaart A (eds.), "Basalts", Wiley, Nowyork,. 503-506. (my_id=G227)

Kadik&Lebedev(1968) Temperature dependence of the solubility of water in an albite melt at high pressures. Geokhimiya. 12: 1444-1455. (my_id=G546)

Kuno(1968) Origin of andesite and its bearing on the island arc structure. Bulletin Volcanologique. Tome XXXII-1: 141-176. (my_id=G1326)

Piwinskii(1968) Experimental studies of igneous rock series Central Sierra Nevada Batholith, California. Journal of Geology. 76: 548-570. (my_id=G164)

Horikoshi(1969) Volcanic activity related to the formation of the kuroko-type deposits in the Kosaka district, Japan. Mineral. Deposita. 4: 321-345. (my_id=G91)

Johnson(1969) Obsidian hydration rate for the Klamath basin of California and Oregon. Science. 165: 1354-1356. (my_id=G929)

Moore&Melson(1969) Nuees ardentes of the 1968 eruption of Mayon volcano, Philippines. Bulletin of Volcanology. 33: 600-620. (my_id=G1499)

Yamaguchi(1969) Experimental studies on the thermal changes in some hornblendes. J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 61: 158-167. (my_id=G134)


Ernst&Wai(1970) Mössbauer, infrared, X-ray and optical study of cation ordering and dehydrogenation in natural and heat-treated sodic amphiboles. American Mineralogist. 55: 1226-1258. (my_id=G246)

Jacson&Wright(1970) Xenoliths in the Honolulu volcanic series, Hawaii. Journal of Petrology. 11: 405-430. (my_id=G204)

Kudo&Weill(1970) An igneous plagioclase thermometer. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 25: 52-65. (my_id=G591)

Aramaki(1971) Hydrothermal determination of temperature and water pressure of the magma of Aira caldera, Japan. American Mineralogist. 56: 1760-1768. (my_id=G222)

Burnham&Davis(1971) The role of H2O in silicate melts: I. P-V-T relations in the system NaAlSi3O8-H2O to 10 kilobars and 1000°C. American Journal of Science. 270: 54-79. (my_id=G217)

Fisher&Zen(1971) Thermochemical calculations from hydrothermal phase equilibrium data and the free energy of H2O. American Journal of Science. 270: 297-314. (my_id=G215)

Hirosue&Matsuda_etal(1971) On the production and the properties of "Perlite" from Shirasu. Yogyo-Kyokai-Shi. 79: 435-439 (in Japanese with English abstract). (my_id=G778)

Millhollen(1971) Melting of nepheline syenite with H2O and H2O + CO2, and the effect of dilution of the aqueous phase on the beginning of melting. American Journal of Science. 270: 244-254. (my_id=G216)

Soya(1971) Formation of the Traumae volcano. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 16: 15-27. (my_id=G983)

Ui(1971) Genesis of magma and structure of magma chamber of several pyroclastic flows in Japan. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sec II. 18: 53-127. (my_id=G1532)

Cremer&Elsheimer_etal(1972) Microcoulometric measurement of water in minerals. Analytica Chimica Acta. 60: 183-192. (my_id=G724)

Eggler(1972) Water-saturated and undersaturated melting relations in a Paricutin andesite and an estimate of water content in the natural magma. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 34: 261-271. (my_id=G279)

Eggler(1972) Amphibole stability in H2O-undersaturated cald-alkaline melts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 15: 28-34. (my_id=G280)

Ghose&Weidner(1972) Mg2+ - Fe2+ order-disorder in cummingtonite, (Mg, Fe)7 Si8 O22 (OH)2: A new geothermometer. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 16: 346-354. (my_id=G631)

Holloway&Burnham(1972) Melting relations of basalt with equilibrium water pressure less than total pressure. Journal of Petrology. 13: 1-29. (my_id=G57)

Kimura&Jinnai_etal(1972) On the hollow glass micro-sphere made from the "Shirasu" (Silas Baloons). Yogyo-Kyokai-Shi. 80: 84-91 (in Japanese with English abstract). (my_id=G777)

Rouxhet&Gillard_etal(1972) Thermal decomposition of amosite, corcidolite, and biotite. Mineralogical Magazine. 38: 583-592. (my_id=G652)

Shaw(1972) Viscosities of magmatic silicate liquids: An experimental method of prediction. American Journal of Science. 272: 870-893. (my_id=G663)

Swanger&Rhines(1972) On the necessary conditions for homogeneous nucreation of gas bubbles in liquids. Journal of Crystal Growth. 12: 323-326. (my_id=G682)

Carson&Maurer(1973) Optical attenuation in titania-silica glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 11: 368-380. (my_id=G1570)

Eggler&Burnham(1973) Crystallization and fractionation trends in the system andesite-H2O-CO2-O2 at pressures to 10Kb. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 84: 2517-2532. (my_id=G278)

Helz(1973) Phase relations of basalts in their melting range at PH2O = 5kb. Part II. Melt compositions. Journal of Petrology. 17, Part 2: 139-193. (my_id=G11)

Hirosue&Matsuda_etal(1973) Studies on the development of Shirasu perlite with closed-structure. Yogyo-Kyokai-Shi. 81: 515-519 (in Japanese with English abstract). (my_id=G776)

Matsubaya&Sakai(1973) Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic study on the water of crystallization of gypsum from the Kuroko type mineralization. Geochemical Journal. 7: 153-165. (my_id=G925)

Matsubaya&Sakai_etal(1973) Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios and major element chrmistry of Japanese thermal water systems. Geochemical Journal. 7: 123-151. (my_id=G926)

Moore&Schilling(1973) Vesicles, water and sulfur in Reykjanes ridge basalts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 41: 105-118. (my_id=G713)

Piwinskii(1973) Experimental studies of igneous rock series, central Sierra Nevada batholith, California: Part II. N. Jb. Miner. Mh. 5: 193-215. (my_id=G165)

Reeves&Armitage(1973) Density measurements and chemical analysis in the identification of New Zealand archeological obsidians. New Zealand Journal of Science. 1973: 561-572. (my_id=G747)

Wilcox&Kuo(1973) Gas bubble nucreation during crystallization. Journal of Crystal Growth. 19: 221-228. (my_id=G681)

Buchanan(1974) A model for fuel-cooland interactions. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 7: 1441-1457. (my_id=G1660)

Burnham&Davis(1974) The role of H2O in silicate melts: II. Thermodynamic and phase relations in the system NaAlSi3O8-H2O to 10 kilobars, 700°C to 1100°C. American Journal of Science. 274: 902-940. (my_id=G218)

Corson(1974) Correlation functions for predicting properties of heterogeneous materials. IV. Effective thermal conductivity of two-phase solids. Journal of Applied Physics. 45: 3180-3182. (my_id=G899)

Corson(1974) Correlation functions for predicting properties of heterogeneous materials. III. Effective elastic moduli of two-phase solids. Journal of Applied Physics. 45: 3171-3179. (my_id=G900)

Corson(1974) Correlation functions for predicting properties of heterogeneous materials. II. Emprical construction of spatial correlation functions for two-phase solids. Journal of Applied Physics. 45: 3165-6134. (my_id=G901)

Corson(1974) Correlation functions for predicting properties of heterogeneous materials. I. Experimental measurement of spatial correlation functions in multiphase solids. Journal of Applied Physics. 45: 3159-3164. (my_id=G902)

Haughton&Roeder_etal(1974) Solubility of sulfur in mafic magmas. Economic Geology. 69: 451-467. (my_id=G1139)

Katsura&Nagashima(1974) Solubility of sulfur in some magmas at 1 atmosphere. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 38: 517-531. (my_id=G1138)

Lambert&Wyllie(1974) Melting of tonalite and crystallization of andesite liquid with excess water to 30 kilobars. Journal of Geology. 82: 88-97. (my_id=G82)

Lee&Leich_etal(1974) Obsidian hydration profile measurements using a nuclear reaction technique. Nature. 250: 44-47. (my_id=G740)

Board&Hall_etal(1975) Detonation of fuel coolant explosions. Nature. 254: 319-321. (my_id=G1669)

Bochsler&Mazor(1975) Excess of atmospheric neon in pumice from the Islands of Lipari. Nature. 257: 474-475. (my_id=G1087)

Burnham(1975) Water and magmas: a mixing model. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 39: 1077-1084. (my_id=G210)

Hennecke&Manuel(1975) Noble gases in Thailand tektites. Journal of Geophysical Research. 80: 2931-2934. (my_id=G1061)

Hinthorne&Anderson(1975) Microanalysis of fluorine and hydrogen in silicates with the ion microprobe mass analyzer. American Mineralogist. 60: 143-147. (my_id=G209)

Kushiro(1975) On the nature of silicate melt and its significance in magma genesis: regularities in the shift of the liquidus boundaries involving olivine, pyroxene, and silica minerals. American Journal of Science. 275: 411-431. (my_id=G277)

Lawrence&Gieskes_etal(1975) Oxygen isotope and cation composition of DSDP pore waters and the alteration of layer II basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 27: 1-10. (my_id=G1016)

Liebl(1975) The ion microprobe-instrumentation and techniques. NBS Spec. Publ. 427: 1-31. (my_id=G160)

Mirwald&Getting_etal(1975) Low-Friction cell for piston-cylinder high-pressure apparatus. Journal of Geophysical Research. 80, No. 11: 1519-1525. (my_id=G12)

Slodzian(1975) Looking at the collection efficiency problem through the ion microscope optics. NBS Spec. Publ. 427: 33-61. (my_id=G161)

Whitney(1975) The effects of pressure, temperature, and XH2O on phase assemblage in four synthetic rock compositions. Journal of Geology. 83: 1-31. (my_id=G83)

Williams&Evans(1975) High mass resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry. NBS Spec. Publ. 427: 63-68. (my_id=G162)

Cawthorn(1976) Some chemical controls on igneous amphibole compositions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 40: 1319-1328. (my_id=G84)

Chatterjee(1976) Margarite stability and compatibility relations in the system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O as a pressure-temperature indicator. American Mineralogist. 61: 699-709. (my_id=G172)

Friedman&Long(1976) Hydration rate of obsidian. Science. 191: 347-352. (my_id=G646)

Helz(1976) Phase relations of basalts in their melting range at PH2O = 5kb as a function of oxygen fugacity Part I. Mafic phases. Journal of Petrology. 14, Part 2: 249-302. (my_id=G10)

Holloway(1976) Fluids in the evolution of granitic magmas: Consequences of finite CO2 solubility. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 87: 1513-1518. (my_id=G714)

Mercier(1976) Single-pyroxene geothermometry and geobarometry. American Mineralogist. 61: 603-615. (my_id=G170)

Saxena(1976) Two-pyroxene geothermometer: a model with an approximate solution. American Mineralogist. 61: 643-652. (my_id=G171)

Tomita(1976) Exsolution textures in pyroxenes and amphiboles. Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology. 1: 93-104. (my_id=G517)

Turek&Riddle_etal(1976) Determination of chemical water in rock analysis by Karl Fischer titration. Chemical Geology. 17: 261-267. (my_id=G703)

Yeh&Savin(1976) The extent of oxygen isotope exchange between clay minerals and sea water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 40: 743-748. (my_id=G1600)

Farzaneh&Troll(1977) Quantitative method for determining hydroxyl and H2O in minerals, rocks and other solids. Fresenius Z. anal. Chem. 287: 43-45. (my_id=G723)

Fournier&Rowe(1977) The solubility of amorphous silica in water at high temperatures and high pressures. American Mineralogist. 62: 1052-1056. (my_id=G1031)

Leach(1977) New perspectives on dating obsidian artefacts in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Science. 20: 123-138. (my_id=G746)

Price&Hungingdon_etal(1977) The effect of crushing on the release of volatile components from heated obsidian. Mineralogical Magazine. 41: 551-553. (my_id=G720)

Sakai&Matsubaya(1977) Stable isotopic studies of Japanese geothermal systems. Geothermics. 5: 97-124. (my_id=G762)

Takada(1977) Cyclic frank-vent and central-vent eruption patterns. Bulletin of Volcanology. 58: 539-556. (my_id=G1096)

Arzi(1978) Fusion kinetics, water pressure, water diffusion and electrical conductivity in melting rock, interrelated. Journal of Petrology. 19: 153-169. (my_id=G211)

Eggler&Rosenhauer(1978) Carbon dioxide in silicate melts: II. Solubilities of CO2 and H2O in CaMgSi2O6 (diopside) liquids and vapors at pressures to 40 Kb. American Journal of Science. 278: 64-94. (my_id=G567)

Friedman&Trembour(1978) Obsidian: The dating stone. American Scientist. 66: 44-51. (my_id=G696)

Giletti&Semet_etal(1978) Studies in diffusion-III. Oxygen in feldspars: an ion microprobe determination. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 42: 45-57. (my_id=G992)

Heiken(1978) Plinian-type eruptions in the medicine lake highland, California, and the nature of the underlying magma. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 4: 375-402. (my_id=G654)

Katsui&Oba_etal(1978) Records of volcanic eruptions in historic times and estimation of future eruptions. Kazan. 23: 41-52. (my_id=G804)

Nairn&Self(1978) Explosive eruptions and pyroclastic avalanches from Ngauruhoe in February 1975. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 3: 39-60. (my_id=G1488)

Self(1978) Characteristics of widespread pyroclastic deposits formed by the interaction of silicic magma and water. Bulletin of Volcanology. 41: 196-212. (my_id=G1487)

Sparks(1978) The dynamics of bubble formation and growth in magmas: A review and analysis. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 3: 1-37. (my_id=G633)

Takahashi(1978) Partitioning of Ni2+, Co2+, Fe2+, Mn2+ and Mg2+ between olivine and silicate melts: compositional dependence of partition coefficient. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 42: 1829-1844. (my_id=G219)

Tsong&Houser_etal(1978) Obsidian hydration profiles measured by sputter-induced optical emission. Science. 201: 339-341. (my_id=G742)

Watanabe(1978) Studies on the Aso pyroclastic flow deposits in the region to the west of Aso caldera, southwest Japan, I: Geology. Mem. Fac. Educ. Kumamoto Univ. 27: 97-120. (my_id=G1206)

Yeh&Epstein(1978) Hydrogen isotope exchange between clay minerals and sea water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 42: 140-143. (my_id=G1611)

Yund&Anderson(1978) The effect of fluid pressure on oxygen isotope exchange between feldspar and water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 42: 235-239. (my_id=G991)


Cox(1979) A model for flood basalt vulcanism. Journal of Petrology. 21: 629-650. (my_id=G125)

Garcia&Liu_etal(1979) Volatiles in submarine volcanic rocks from the Mariana Island arc and trough. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 43: 305-312. (my_id=G225)

Kakuta&Nonaka(1979) Spectra of volcanic earthquakes related to the eruptions of Sakura-jima volcano in Feburary, 1975. Report of Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University. 12: 1-14. (my_id=G862)

Marsh(1979) Island-arc volcanism. American Scientist. 67: 161-172. (my_id=G695)

Strens&Wood(1979) Diffuse reflectance spectra and optical properties of some iron and titanium oxides and oxyhydroxides. Mineralogical Magazine. 43: 347-354. (my_id=1746)

Taylor&Brown(1979) Structure of mineral glasses-I. The feldspar glasses NaAlSi3O8, KAlSi3O8, CaAl2Si2O8. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 43: 61-75. (my_id=G755)

Uchiyama&Sato(1979) Relation between the thermal energy of explosive smoke and the seismic energy. Report of Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University. 12: 15-20. (my_id=G863)

Watanabe(1979) Studies on the Aso pyroclastic flow deposits in the region to the west of Aso caldera, southwest Japan, II: Petrology of the Aso-4 pyroclastic flow deposits. Mem. Fac. Educ. Kumamoto Univ. 28: 75-112. (my_id=G1105)

Yamamoto&Oba_etal(1979) Estimation of temperature of magma reservoir of Sakurajima volcano by volcanic bomb. Report of Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University. 12: 33-38. (my_id=G864)


Anderson(1980) Significance of hornblende in calc-alkaline andesites and basalts. American Mineralogist. 65: 837-851. (my_id=G515)

Cameron&Bagby_etal(1980) Petrogenesis of voluminous Mid-Tertiary igninbrites of the Sierra Madre Occidental, Chiuahua, Mexico. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 74: 271-284. (my_id=G342)

Fink(1980) Gravity instability in the Holocene Big and Little Glass Mountain rhyolitic obsidian flows, northern California. Tectonophysics. 66: 147-166. (my_id=G705)

Hajash&Archer(1980) Experimental seawater/basalt interactions: Effects of cooling. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 75: 1-13. (my_id=G469)

Hattori&Muehlenbachs(1980) Marine hydrothermal alteration at a Kuroko ore deposit, Kosaka, Japan. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 74: 285-292. (my_id=G470)

Jacobs&Kerrick(1980) A simple rapid-quench design for cold-seal pressure vessels. American Mineralogist. 65: 1053-1056. (my_id=G511)

Johannes(1980) Melting and subsolidus reactions in the system K2O- CaO- Al2O3- SiO2- H2O. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 74: 29-34. (my_id=G337)

Kaneoka(1980) Rare gas isotopes and mass fractionation: An indicator of gas transport into or from magma. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 48: 284-292. (my_id=G1060)

Kano&Maruyama(1980) On the explosion of Chokai volcano in 1974 with special regards to the origin of eruptive materials. Scientific and Technical Reports of the Mining College, Akita University. 1: 24-35. (my_id=G763)

Manning&Hamilton_etal(1980) The probable occurrence of interstitial Al in hydrous, F-bearing and F-free aluminosilicate melts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 75: 257-262. (my_id=G468)

Mysen&Virgo_etal(1980) Solubility mechanisms of H2O in silicate melts at high pressures and temperatures: a Raman spectroxcopic study. American Mineralogist. 65: 900-914. (my_id=G512)

Mysen&Virgo(1980b) Solubility mechanisms of carbon dioxide in silicate melts: a Raman spectroxcopic study. American Mineralogist. 65: 885-899. (my_id=G513)

Mysen&Seifert_etal(1980) Structure and redox equilibria of iron-bearing silicate melts. American Mineralogist. 65: 867-884. (my_id=G514)

Nakazawa&Morimoto(1980) On the phase relations and superstructures of pyrrhotites. Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology. 2: 63-73. (my_id=G518)

Naney(1980) The effect of Fe and Mg on crystallization in granitic systems. American Mineralogist. 65: 639-653. (my_id=G221)

Nicholls(1980) A simple thermodynamic model for estimating the solubility of H2O in magmas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 74: 211-220. (my_id=G338)

Oba&Tomita_etal(1980) Nature and origin of black ash, red ash, and white ash from Sakurajima volcano, Kyushu, Japan. Report of Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University. 13: 11-27. (my_id=G861)

Oba&Tomita_etal(1980) Mineral and chemical compositions, and mechanism of formation of volcanic ashes from Sakurajima volcano, Kyushu, Japan. Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology. 75: 329-336. (my_id=G865)

Phillips(1980) Water activity changes across and amphibole- granulite facis transition, Broken Hill, Australia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 75: 377-386. (my_id=G403)

Sack&Carmichael_etal(1980) Ferric- ferrous equilibria in natural silicate liquids at 1 bar. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 75: 369-376. (my_id=G343)

Schulien(1980) Mg-Fe partitioning between biotite and a supercritical chloride solution. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 74: 85-93. (my_id=G461)

Spear(1980) NaSi <-> CaAl exchange equilibrium between plagioclase and amphibole: An empirical model. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 72: 33-41. (my_id=G87)

Spera&Bergman(1980) Carbon dioxide in igneous petrogenesis: I Aspects of the dissolution of CO2 in silicate liquids. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 74: 55-66. (my_id=G462)

Stolper(1980) A phase diagram for Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: Preliminary results and implications for petrogenesis. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 74: 13-27. (my_id=G404)

Sunagawa(1980) Crystal growth in nature. Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology. 2: 55-62. (my_id=G519)

Tomita&Yamaguchi(1980) Intergrowth and structural relation between pyroxene and amphibole. Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology. 2: 31-43. (my_id=G516)

Torrent&Schwertmann_etal(1980) Iron oxide mineralogy of some soils of two river terrace sequences in Spain. Geoderma. 23: 191-208. (my_id=1813)

Tsuchiyama&Nagahara_etal(1980) Experimental reproduction of textures of chondrules. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 48: 155-165. (my_id=G175)

Wilson&Sparks_etal(1980) Explosive volcanic eruptions - IV. The control of magma properties and conduit geometry on eruption column behavior. Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc. 63: 117-148. (my_id=G592)

Wilson(1980) Relationships between pressure, volatile content and ejecta velocity in three types of volcanic explosion. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 8: 297-313. (my_id=G690)

Yoshida(1980) Identification of tephras by magnetic measurement (2) -Application to tephras in southern Kyushu-. The Quaternary Research. 19: 99-106. (my_id=G883)

Yund&Tullis(1980) The effect of water, pressure, and strain on Al/Si order- disorder kinetics in feldspar. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 72: 297-302. (my_id=G86)


Annersten&Seifert(1981) Stability of the assemblage orthopyroxene- sillimanite- quartz in the system MgO- FeO- Al2O3- SiO2- H2O. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 158-165. (my_id=G509)

Aoki&Ishikawa_etal(1981) Fluorine geochemistry of basaltic rocks from continental and oceanic regions and petrogenetic application. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 76: 53-59. (my_id=G341)

Chivas(1981) Geochemical evidence for magmatic fluids in porphyry copper mineralization Part I. Mafic silicates from the Koloula igneous complex. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 78: 389-403. (my_id=G463)

Chopin&Bruno(1981) High- pressure synthesis and properties of magnesiocarpholite, MgAl2[Si2O6](OH)4. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 76: 260-264. (my_id=G401)

d'Arco&Maury_etal(1981) Geothermometry and geobarometry of a cummingtonite- bearing dacite from Martinique, Lesser Antiles. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 177-184. (my_id=G351)

Delaney&Karsten(1981) Ion microprobe studies of water in silicate melts: concentration-dependent diffusion in obsidian. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 52: 191-202. (my_id=G212)

DePaolo(1981) Trace element and isotopic effects of combined wallrock assimulation and fractional crystallization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 53: 189-202. (my_id=G200)

Eichelberger&Westrich(1981) Magmatic volatiles in explosive rhyolitic eruptions. Geophysical Research Letters. 8: 757-760. (my_id=G659)

Freer(1981) Diffusion in silicate minerals and glases: A data digest and guide to the literature. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 76: 440-454. (my_id=G346)

Friedman&Obradovich(1981) Obsidian hydration dating of volcanic events. Quaternary Research. 16: 37-47. (my_id=G745)

Fukuyama&Ono(1981) Geological map of Sakurajima volcano. Geological Survey of Japan. (my_id=G822)

Ghent&Stout(1981) Geobarometry and geothermometry of plagioclase- biotite- garnet- muscovite assemblages. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 76: 92-97. (my_id=G402)

Goldsmith(1981) The join CaAl2Si2O8-H2O (anorthite-water) at elevated pressures and temperature. American Mineralogist. 66: 1183-1188. (my_id=G150)

Grove(1981) Use of FePt alloys to eliminate the iron loss problem in 1 atmosphere gas mixing experiments: theoretical and practical considerations. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 78: 298-304. (my_id=G335)

Haria&Tsutsumi(1981) Hydrogen isotopic composition of MnO(OH) minerals from manganese oxide and massive sulfide (kuroko) deposits in Japan. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 256-261. (my_id=G352)

Harris(1981) The microdetermination of H2O, CO2, and SO2 in glass using a 1280°C microscope vacuum heating stage, cryopumping, and vapor pressure measurements from 77 to 273 K. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 45: 2023-2036. (my_id=G722)

Harrison(1981) Diffusion of 40Ar in hornblende. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 78: 324-331. (my_id=G336)

Ito&Tomozawa(1981) Stress corrosion of silica glass. Communications of the American Ceramic Society. November 1981: C-160. (my_id=G1242)

Jenkins(1981) Experimental phase relations of hydrous peridotites modelled in the system H2O- CaO- MgO- Al2O3- SiO2. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 166-176. (my_id=G350)

Kerrick&Jacobs(1981) A modified redlich-kwong equation for H2O, CO2, and H2O-CO2 mixtures at elevated pressures and temperatures. American Journal of Science. 281: 735-767. (my_id=G81)

Kyser&O'Neil_etal(1981) Oxygen isotope thermometry of basic lavas an mantle nodules. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 11-23. (my_id=G347)

Loomis(1981) An investigation of desequilibrium growth process of plagioclase in the system Anorthite- Albite- Water by methods of numerical simulation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 76: 196-205. (my_id=G340)

Manning(1981) The effect of fluorine on liquidus phase relationships in the system Qz- Ab- Or with excess water at 1kb. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 76: 206-215. (my_id=G344)

Martignole&Sisi(1981) Cordierite-Garnet-H2O equilibrium: A geological thermometer, barometer and water fugacity indicator. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 38-46. (my_id=G483)

Masi&Kistler(1981) Stable isotope systematics in Mesozoic granites of central and northern California and southwestern Oregon. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 76: 116-126. (my_id=G484)

Matsubaya&Kita_etal(1981) The origin of deep hot brine from Yuwa, Akita. Scientific and Technical Reports of the Mining College, Akita University. 2: 101-106. (my_id=G765)

Meijer&Reagan(1981) Petrology and geochemistry of the island of Sarigan in the Mariana arc; calc-alkaline volcanism in an oceanic setting. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 337-354. (my_id=G471)

Mysen&Virgo_etal(1981) The structural role of alminium in silicate melts- a Raman spectroscopic study at 1 atmosphere. American Mineralogist. 66: 67-701. (my_id=G152)

O'Neill(1981) The transition between spinel lherzolite and garnet lherzolite, and its use as a geobarometer. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 185-194. (my_id=G510)

Obata&Thompson(1981) Amphibole and chlorite in mafic and ultramafic rocks in the lower crust and upper mantle. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 71-81. (my_id=G348)

Okada&Watanabe_etal(1981) Seismological significance of the 1977-1978 eruptions and the magma intrusion process of Usu volcano, Hokkaido. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 9: 311-334. (my_id=G731)

Olesch&Seifert(1981) The restricted stability of osumilite under hydrous conditions in the system K2O- MgO- Al2O3- SiO2- H2O. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 76: 362-367. (my_id=G485)

Pichavant(1981) An experimental study of the effect of Boron on a water saturated haplogranite at 1 kbar vapour pressure. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 76: 430-439. (my_id=G345)

Sachtleben&Seck(1981) Chemical control of Al-soluibility in orthopyroxene and its implications on pyroxene geothermometry. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 78: 157-165. (my_id=G394)

Shirao(1981) Geology of Daruma volcano and ajacent areas, Izu Peninsula, Japan. J. Geol. Soc. Japan. 37: 641-655. (my_id=G112)

Soya&Katsui_etal(1981) Geological map of Usu volcano. Geological Survey of Japan. (my_id=G827)

Spear(1981) An experimental study of hornblende stability and compositional variability in amphibolite. American Journal of Science. 281: 697-734. (my_id=G80)

Spear(1981) Amphibole- Plagioclase equilibria: An emprical model for the relation Albite + Tremolite = Edenite +4Quartz. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 355-364. (my_id=G88)

Spencer&Lindsley(1981) A solution model for coexisting iron-titanium oxides. American Mineralogist. 66: 1189-1201. (my_id=G151)

Staudigel&Muehlenbachs_etal(1981) Agents of low temperature ocean crust alteration. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 77: 150-157. (my_id=G349)

Tatsumi(1981) Melting experiments on a high-magnesian andesite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 54: 357-365. (my_id=G20)

Tatsumi&Kyoichi(1981) Exestence of andesitic primary magma: An example from southwest Japan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 53: 124-130. (my_id=G23)

Tsuchiyama&Nagahara_etal(1981) Volatilization of sodium from silicate melt spheres and its application to the formation of chondrules. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 45: 1357-1367. (my_id=G174)

Voigt&Bodnar_etal(1981) Water solubility in melts of alkali feldspar composition at 5 kbar, 950°C. EOS Trans. AGU. 62: 428. (my_id=G647)

Wada(1981) Contrasted petrological relations between tholeiitic and calc-alkalic series from Funagata volcano, Northeast Japan. J. Japan. Assoc. Min. Petr. Econ. Geol. 76: 215-232. (my_id=G107)

Watson(1981) Diffusion in magmas at depth in the earth: The effects of pressure and dissolved H2O. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 52: 291-301. (my_id=G727)

Westrich(1981) F-OH exchange equilibria between mica-amphibole mineral pairs. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 78: 318-323. (my_id=G465)

Yamaguchi(1981) Geology of Hotaka volcano. J. Geol. Soc. Japan. 87: 823-832. (my_id=G113)

Yokoyama&Yamashita_etal(1981) Geophysical characteristics of dacite volcanism - The 1977-1978 eruption of Usu volcano. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 9: 335-358. (my_id=G732)

Yuhara&Ehara_etal(1981) Geothermal Fields of Kyushu. in field excursion guide to geothermal fields of Tohoku and Kyushu, Volcanological Society of Japan, International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earty's Interior. 43-66. (my_id=G307)


Aramaki&Ui(1982) Japan. Andesites Edited by R.S. Thorpe, 1982 John wiley & Sons. 259-292. (my_id=G179)

Day&Fenn(1982) Estimating the P-T-XH2O conditions during crystallization of low calcium granites. Journal of Geology. 90: 485-507. (my_id=G816)

Dunn(1982) Oxygen diffusion in three silicate melts along the join diopside-anorthite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 46: 2293-2299. (my_id=G306)

Eichelberger&Hayes(1982) Magmatic model for the Mount St. Helens blast of May 18, 1980. Journal of Geophysical Research. 87: 7727-7738. (my_id=G678)

Fonarev&Graphchikov(1982) Experimental study of Fe- Mg- and Ca- distribution between coexisting ortho- and clinopyroxenes at P=294 MPa, T=750 and 800° C. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 311-318. (my_id=G399)

Freund(1982) Solubility mechanisms of H2O in silicate melts at high pressures and temperatures: a Raman spectroscopic study: discussion. American Mineralogist. 67: 153-154. (my_id=G770)

Fujinawa(1982) Early stage crystallization differentiation of the island arc tholeiite magma, Nasu volcanic zone, Northeast Japan -A petrological study of the Funagata pigeonite basalts-. J. Japan. Assoc. Min. Petr. Econ. Geol. 77: 419-437. (my_id=G105)

Green(1982) Fluorine geochemistry of Quaternary volcanic rocks from Southwestern British Colombia: some petrogenetic implications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 405-410. (my_id=G329)

Green&Watson(1982) Crystallization of apatite in natural magmas under high pressure, hydrous conditions, with particular reference to 'Orogenic' roci series. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 96-105. (my_id=G448)

Grove&Gerlach_etal(1982) Origin of calc-alkaline series lavas at Medicine Lake volcano by fractionation, assimilation and mixing. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 80: 160-182. (my_id=G330)

Halbach&Chatterjee(1982) An empirical Redlich- Kwong- type equation of state for water to 1000°C and 200 Kbar. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 337-345. (my_id=G331)

Harris&Bell(1982) Natural partial melting of syenite blocks from Ascension island. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 107-113. (my_id=G464)

Hervig&Smith(1982) Temperature-dependent distribution of Cr between olivine and pyroxene in lherzolite xenoliths. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 81: 184-189. (my_id=G301)

Karsten&Holloway_etal(1982) Ion microprobe studies of water in silicate melts: temperature-dependant water diffusion in obsidian. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 59: 420-428. (my_id=G207)

Kobayashi(1982) Geology of Sakurajima volcano : A review. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 27: 277-292. (my_id=G860)

Koons(1982) An experimentsl investigation of the behavior of amphibole in the system Na2O- MgO- Al2O3- H2O at high pressures. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 258-267. (my_id=G333)

Kuo&Kirkpatrick(1982) Pre-eruption history of phyric basalts from DSDP legs 45 and 46: Evidence from morphology and zoning patterns in plagioclase. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 13-27. (my_id=G397)

Lee&Friedman_etal(1982) The oxygen isotope composition of granitoid and sedimentary rocks of the southern Snake Range, Nevada. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 150-158. (my_id=G466)

Loomis&Welber(1982) Crystallization processes in the Rocky Hill granodiorite pluton, California: an interpretation based on compositional zoning of plagioclase. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 81: 230-239. (my_id=G298)

Loomis(1982) Numerical simulations of crystallization processes of plagioclase in complex melts: the origin of major and oscillatory zoning in plagioclase. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 81: 219-229. (my_id=G299)

Matsubaya&Kita_etal(1982) An isotopic study of Yatake, Hikage, and Tsubaru-Yunosawa hot speings. Scientific and Technical Reports of the Mining College, Akita University. 3: 85-90. (my_id=G764)

Muehlenbachs&Byerly(1982) 18O- enrichment of silicic magmas caused by crystal formation at the galapagos spreading center. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 76-79. (my_id=G400)

Nicholls&Stout(1982) Heat effects of assimilation, crystallization, and vesiculation in magmas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 81: 328-339. (my_id=G296)

Nicholls&Stout_etal(1982) Petrologic variations in Quaternary volcanic rocks, British Colombia, and the nature of the underlying upper mantle. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 201-218. (my_id=G334)

Niida&Suzuki_etal(1982) Sequence of the 1977 eruption of Mt. Usu and the air-fall pyroclastic deposits. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 27: 97-118 (in Japanese). (my_id=G968)

Plyusnina(1982) Geothermometry and geobarometry of plagioclase- hornblende bearing assemblages. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 80: 140-146. (my_id=G395)

Ryabchikov&Schreyer_etal(1982) Compositions of aqueous fluids in equilibrium with pyroxenes and olivines at mantle pressures and temperatures. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 80-84. (my_id=G449)

Sekine&Wyllie(1982) The system granite-peridotite-H2O at 30 kbar, with applications to hybridization in subduction zone magmatism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 81: 190-202. (my_id=G300)

Sekine&Wyllie(1982) Phase relationships in the system KAlSiO4- Mg2SiO4- SiO2- H2O as a model for hybridization between hydrous siliceous melts and peridotite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 368-374. (my_id=G396)

Selverstone(1982) Fluid inclusions as petrogenetic indicators in granulite xenoliths, Pali- Aike volcanic field, Chile. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 28-36. (my_id=G332)

Stolper(1982) Water in silicate glasses: an infrared spectroscopic study. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 81: 1-17. (my_id=G302)

Stolper(1982) The speciation of water in silicate melts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 46: 2609-2620. (my_id=G305)

Tatsumi&Ishizaka(1982) Origin of high-magnesian andesites in the Setouchi volcanic belt, southwest Japan, I. Petrographical and chemical characteristics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 60: 293-304. (my_id=G21)

Tatsumi(1982) Origin of high-magnesian andesites in the Setouchi volcanic belt southwest Japan, II. Melting phase relations at high pressures. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 60: 305-317. (my_id=G22)

Tatsumi&Ishizaka(1982) Magnesian andesite and basalt from Shodo-Shima island, southwest Japan, and their bearing on the genesis of calcalkaline andesites. Lithos. 15: 161-172. (my_id=G25)

Vaughan&Kohlstedt(1982) Distribution of the glass phase in hot-pressed, olivine-basalt aggregates: an electron microscopy study. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 81: 253-261. (my_id=G297)

Watson(1982) Basalt contamination by continental crust: some experiments and models. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 80: 73-87. (my_id=G328)

Wyllie&Sekine(1982) The formation of mantle phlogopite in subduction zone hybridization. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 79: 375-380. (my_id=G398)


Allen&Boettcher(1983) The stability of amphibole in andesite and basalt at high pressures. American Mineralogist. 68: 307-314. (my_id=G55)

Aramaki(1983) Some problems on the genesis of Japanese calderas. çzéRínéøì¡ï çÜ. 11: 139-154. (my_id=G180)

Arima&Edgar(1983) A high pressure experimental study on a magnesian- rich leucite- lamproite from the West Kimberly area, Australia: petrogenetic implications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 84: 228-234. (my_id=G366)

Baker&Eggler(1983) Fractionation paths of Atka (Aleutians) high-almina basalts: Constraints from phase relations. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 18: 387-404. (my_id=G1)

Baker&de Groot(1983) Proterozoic seawater - felsic volcanics interaction W. Bergslagen, Sweden. Evidence for high REE mobility and implications for 1.8 Ga seawater compositions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 82: 119-130. (my_id=G375)

Beddoe-Stephens&Aspden_etal(1983) Glass inclusions and melt compositions of the Toba tuffs, Northern Sumatra. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 83: 278-287. (my_id=G322)

Bohlen&Boettcher_etal(1983) Stability of Phlogophite- Quartz and Sanidine- Quartz: a model for melting in the lower crust. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 83: 270-277. (my_id=G323)

Bohlen&Wall_etal(1983) Experimental investigation and application of garnet granulite equilibria. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 83: 52-61. (my_id=G365)

Cawthorn&Davies(1983) Experimental data at 3 kbars pressure on parental magma to the Bushveld complex. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 83: 128-135. (my_id=G364)

Fink(1983) Structure and emplacement of rhyolitic obsidian flow: Little glass mountain, Medicine lake highland, northern California. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 94: 362-380. (my_id=G661)

Ghiorso&Carmichael_etal(1983) The Gibbs free energy of mixing of natural silicate liquids; an expanded regular solution approximation for the calculation of magmatic intensive variables. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 84: 107-145. (my_id=G368)

Glassley(1983) Deep crustal carbonates as CO2 fluid sources: Evidence from metasomatic reaction zones. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 84: 15-24. (my_id=G370)

Halliday&Fallick_etal(1983) The isotopic and chemical evolution of Mount St. Helens. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 63: 241-256. (my_id=G201)

Hardie(1983) Origin of CaCl2 brines by basalt- seawater interaction: Insights provided by some simple mass balance calculations. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 82: 205-213. (my_id=G373)

Harrison&Watson(1983) Kinetics of zircon dissolution and zirconium diffusion in granitic melts of variable water content. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 84: 66-72. (my_id=G369)

Hawthorne(1983) Quantitative characterization of site-occupancies in minerals. American Mineralogist. 68: 287-306. (my_id=G56)

Herzberg&Fyfe_etal(1983) Density constraints on the formation of the continental moho and crust. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 84: 1-5. (my_id=G371)

Hoefs&Emmermann(1983) The oxygen isotope composition of Hercynian granites and Pre- Hercynian gneisses from the Schwarzwald, SW Germany. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 83: 320-329. (my_id=G362)

Ito&Anderson(1983) Submarine metamorphism of gabbros from the Mid- Cayman Rise: Petrographic and mineralogic constraints on hydrothermal processes at show- spreading ridges. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 82: 371-388. (my_id=G372)

Jeanloz&Thompson(1983) Phase transitions and mantle discontinuities. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics. 21: 51-74. (my_id=G135)

Johnson&Bohlen_etal(1983) An evaluation of garnet- clinopyroxene geothermometry in granulites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 84: 191-198. (my_id=G367)

Kano(1983) On the origin of garnets in the Setouchi andesites. Scientific and Technical Reports of the Mining College, Akita University. 4: 41-47. (my_id=G788)

Kilinc&Carmichael_etal(1983) The ferric- ferrous ratio of natural silicate liquids equilibrated in Air. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 83: 136-140. (my_id=G325)

Kouchi&Sunagawa_etal(1983) Laboratory growth of sector zoned clinopyroxenes in the system CaMgSi2O6- CaTiAl2O6. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 83: 177-184. (my_id=G363)

Lindsley(1983) Pyroxene thermometry. American Mineralogist. 68: 477-493. (my_id=G405)

Meijer(1983) The origin of low-K rhyolites from the Mariana frontal arc. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 83: 45-51. (my_id=G326)

Michalske&Freiman(1983) A molecular mechanism for stress corrosion in vitreous silica. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 66: 284-288. (my_id=G1237)

Michels&Tsong_etal(1983) Experimentally derived hydration rates in obsidian dating. Archaeometry. 25: 107-117. (my_id=G645)

Michels&Tsong_etal(1983) Obsidian dating and east African archeology. Science. 219: 361-366. (my_id=G743)

Myers&Eugster(1983) The system Fe- Si- O: oxygen buffer calibrations to 1,500K. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 82: 75-90. (my_id=G376)

Naney(1983) Phase equilibria of rock- forming ferromagnesian silicates in granitic systems. American Journal of Science. 283: 993-1033. (my_id=G90)

Naslund(1983) The effect of oxygen fugacity on liquid immiscibility in iron- bearing silicate melts. American Journal of Science. 283: 1034-1059. (my_id=G89)

Newhall&Melson(1983) Explosive activity associated with the growth of volcanic domes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 17: 111-131. (my_id=G939)

Oba&Katsui(1983) Petrology of the felsic volcanic rocks from Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology. 78: 123-131. (my_id=G550)

Ozawa(1983) Evaluation of olivine- spinel geothermometry as an indicator of thermal history for peridotites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 82: 52-65. (my_id=G377)

Self(1983) Large-Scale Phreatomagmatic Silicic Volcanism - a Case-Study from New-Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 17: 433-469. (my_id=G1482)

Tatsumi(1983) Volcanic geology of Shodo-shima island, Kagawa prefecture, Southwest Japan, and its bearing on paleoenvironment of the Seto inland sea area. ínéøäwéGéè. 89, No. 12: 693-706. (my_id=G17)

Tatsumi(1983) High magnesian andesites in the Setouchi volcanic belt, southwest Japan and their possible relation to the evolutionary history of the Shikoku inter-arc basin. Western Pacific-Indonesian region Geodyhamics Series. 11: 331-340. (my_id=G26)

Tatsumi&Sakuyama_etal(1983) Generation of arc basalt magmas and thermal structure of the mantle wedge in subduction zones. Journal of Geophysical Research. 88, No. B7: 5815-5825. (my_id=G27)

Tsuchiyama(1983) Crystallization kinetics in the system CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2Oi2O8: the delay in nucleation of diopside and anorthite. American Mineralogist. 68: 687-698. (my_id=G176)

Tsuchiyama&Takahashi(1983) Melting kinetics of a plagioclase feldspar. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 84: 345-354. (my_id=G220)

Uto&Hayakawa_etal(1983) Geological map of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano. Geological Survey of Japan. (my_id=G826)

Vielzeuf(1983) The spinel and quartz associations in high grade xenoliths from Tallante (S.E. Spain) and their potential use in geothermometry and barometry. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 82: 301-311. (my_id=G374)

Walker&Cameron(1983) Boninite primary magmas: Evidence from the Cape Vogel Peninsula, PNG. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 83: 150-158. (my_id=G324)

Walker(1983) Ignimbrite types and ignimbrite problems. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 17: 65-88. (my_id=G1498)

Watanabe&Ono_etal(1983) Pull-apart structures and squeeze-out of essential lens found in the Aso pyroclastic flow deposits, Japan. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 28: 87-99. (my_id=G1208)

Wolff&M.(1983) The volatile component of some pumice- forming alkaline magmas from the Azores and Canary Islands. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 82: 66-74. (my_id=G327)


Aines&Rossman(1984) Water in minerals? A peak in the infrared. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89: 4059-4071. (my_id=G993)

Alt&Honnorez(1984) Alteration of the upper oceanic crust, DSDP site 417: mineralogy and chemistry. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 87: 149-169. (my_id=G360)

Andersen&O'Reily_etal(1984) The trapped fluid phase in upper mantle xenoliths from Victoria, Australia: implications for mantle metasomatism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 88: 72-85. (my_id=G154)

Aramaki(1984) Formation of the Aira Caldera, Southern Kyushu, ~22,000 Years Ago. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89 No. 10: 8485-8501. (my_id=G163)

Arculus&Dawson_etal(1984) Oxidation states of the upper mantle recorded by megacryst ilmenite in kimberlite and type A and B spinell lherzolites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 85: 85-94. (my_id=G354)

Atkinson(1984) Subcritical crack growth in geological materials. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89: 4077-4114. (my_id=G814)

Bacon&Metz(1984) Magmatic inclusions in rhyolites, contaminated basalts, and compositional zonation beneath the Coso volcanic field, California. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 85: 346-365. (my_id=G339)

Benninghoven&Okano_etal(1984) Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SIMS IV, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference, Osaka, Japan, November 13-19, 1983. Berlin Heidelberg NewYork Tokyo, Springer-Verlag. (my_id=G262)

Bergman&Dubessy(1984) CO2- CO fluid inclusions in a composite peridotite xenolith: implications for upper mantle oxygen fugacity. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 85: 1-13. (my_id=G356)

Blake(1984) Volatile oversaturation during the evolution of silicic magma chamber as an eruption trigger. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89: 8237-8244. (my_id=G709)

Byers&Muenow_etal(1984) Volatile contents and ferric-ferrous ratios of basalt, ferrobasalt, andesite and rhyodacite glasses from Galapagos 95.5°W propagating rift. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 48: 2239-2245. (my_id=G460)

Clemens(1984) Generation of fluorine-bearing fluids in hydrothermal experiments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 48: 2393-2395. (my_id=G1448)

Cox&Hawkesworth(1984) Geochemical stratigraphy of the Deccan traps at Mahabaleshwar, Western Ghats, India, with implications for open system magmatic processes. Journal of Petrology. 26: 355-377. (my_id=G124)

Dennis(1984) Oxygen self-diffusion in quartz under hydrothermal conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89: 4047-4057. (my_id=G994)

Dingwell&Harris_etal(1984) The solubility of H2O in melts in the system SiO2-Al2O3-Na2O-K2O at 1 to 2 Kbars. Journal of Geology. 92: 387-395. (my_id=G285)

Dingwell&Scarfe(1984) Chemical diffusion of fluorine in jadeite melt at high pressure. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 48: 2517-2525. (my_id=G459)

Dunning&Petrovski_etal(1984) The effects of aqueous chemical environments on crack propagation in quartz. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89: 4115-4123. (my_id=G813)

Eggler&Burnham(1984) Solution of H2O in diopside melts: a thermodynamic model. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 84: 58-66. (my_id=G316)

Fransolet&Schreyer(1984) Sudoite, di/ trioctahedral chlorite: a stable low- temperature phase in the system MgO- Al2O3- SiO2- H2O. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 86: 409-417. (my_id=G357)

Freiman(1984) Effects of chemical environments on slow crack growth in glasses and ceramics. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89: 4072-4076. (my_id=G815)

Giletti&Yund(1984) Oxygen diffusion in quartz. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89: 4039-4046. (my_id=G995)

Graham&Harmon_etal(1984) Experimental hydrogen isotope studies: hydrogen isotope exchange between amphibole and water. American Mineralogist. 69: 128-138. (my_id=G102)

Harris&Anderson(1984) Volatiles H2O, CO2, and Cl in a subduction related basalt. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 87: 120-128. (my_id=G319)

Hoschek(1984) Alpine metamorphism of calcareous metasediments in the Western Hole Tauern, Tyrol: mineral equilibria in CHONS fluids. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 87: 129-137. (my_id=G361)

Houghton&Hackett(1984) Strombolian and Phreatomagmatic Deposits of Ohakune Craters, Ruapehu, New-Zealand - a Complex Interaction between External Water and Rising Basaltic Magma. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 21: 207-231. (my_id=G1489)

Ikeda(1984) ñkäCìπÅAì˙çÇë—ÇÃâ‘õºä‚ÇÃî˜ó å≥ëf. Magma. No. 70: 9-14. (my_id=G73)

Johannes(1984) Beginning of melting in the granite system Qz- Or- Ab- An- H2O. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 86: 264-273. (my_id=G358)

Jurewicz&Watson(1984) Distribution of partial melt in a felsic system: the importance of surface energy. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 85: 25-29. (my_id=G355)

Kalamarides(1984) Kiglapait geochemistry IV: Oxygen isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 48: 1827-1836. (my_id=G537)

Kiyosu&Kurahashi(1984) Isotopic geochemistry of acid thermal waters and volcanic gases from Zao volcano in Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 21: 313-331. (my_id=G803)

Kurasawa&Arai_etal(1984) Strontium isotopic identification of the widespread Aira-Tn ash-fall deposits (AT) in Japan. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 29: 115-118. (my_id=G978)

McBirney&Murase(1984) Rheological properties of magmas. Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 12: 337-357. (my_id=G662)

Merzbacher&Eggler(1984) A magmatic geohygrometer: Application to Mount St. Helens and other dacitic magmas. Geology. 12: 587-590. (my_id=G2)

Mykura&Hampton(1984) On the mechanism of formation of reduction spots in the Carboniferous/Permian red beds of Warwickshire. Geological Magazine. 121: 71-74. (my_id=1831)

Naslund(1984) Supersaturation and crystal growth in the roof- zone of the Skaergaard magma chamber. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 86: 89-93. (my_id=G359)

Nogami&Tomozawa(1984) Effect of stress on water diffusion in silica glass. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 67: 151-154. (my_id=G1235)

Olsen&Griffin(1984) Fluid inclusion studies of the Drammen Granite, Oslo Paleorift, Norway. II. Gas- and leachate analyses of miarolytic quartz. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 87: 15-23. (my_id=G320)

Olsen&Griffin(1984) Fluid inclusion studies of the Drammen Granite, Oslo Paleorift, Norway. II. Microthermometry. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 87: 1-14. (my_id=G321)

Otten(1984) The origin of brown hornblende in the Artfjället gabbro and dolerites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 86: 189-199. (my_id=G317)

Ozawa(1984) Olivine-spinel geospeedometry: Analysis of diffusion-controlled Mg-Fe2+ exchange. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 48: 2597-2611. (my_id=G155)

Peiser&Holden_etal(1984) Element by element review of their atomic weights. abundances, C. o. a. w. a. i., International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. 56: 695-768. (my_id=G1115)

Satake&Matsuo(1984) Hydrogen isotopic fractionation factor between brucite and water in the temperature range from 100° to 510° C. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 86: 19-24. (my_id=G318)

Sen&Bhattacharya(1984) An orthopyroxene-garnet thermometer and its application to the Madras charnockites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 88: 64-71. (my_id=G153)

Sen&Presnall(1984) Liquidus phase relationships on the join anorthite- forsterite- quartz at 10 kbar with applications to basalt petrogenesis. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 85: 404-408. (my_id=G315)

Shibata(1984) ê[äCê´É\ÉåÉAÉCÉgÇ∆ñ{åπÉ}ÉOÉ}. Magma. No. 70: 1-8. (my_id=G73)

Shuto&èrñæ_etal(1984) ìåñkì˙ñ{Ç…Ç®ÇØÇÈêVëÊéOãIñ¢ï™âªÉ\ÉåÉAÉCÉg. Magma. No. 71: 1-6. (my_id=G72)

Smith&Evans(1984) Diffusional crack healing in quartz. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89: 4125-4135. (my_id=G812)

Sparks&Huppert(1984) Density changes during the fractional crystallization of basaltic magmas: fluid dynamic implications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 85: 300-309. (my_id=G353)

Sterner&Bodnar(1984) Synthetic fluid inclusions in natural quartz I. Compositional types synthesized and applications to experimental geochemistry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 48: 2659-2668. (my_id=G458)

Suto(1984) Paleomagnetic study and K-Ar age of volcanic rocks from Kayo-dake, Akita prefecture, northeast Japan. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 29: 112-114. (my_id=G979)

Suzuki(1984) La, CeÇÃó±äEîZèWÇ∆ǪÇÃäÛìyófiå≥ëfï™îzÇ…Ç®ÇØÇÈà”ã`. Magma. No. 72: 1-7. (my_id=G75)

Williams&Compston_etal(1984) Unsupported radiogenic Pb in zircon: a cause of anomalously high Pb-Pb, U-Pb and Th-Pb ages. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 88: 322-327. (my_id=G168)

Wohletz&McGetchin_etal(1984) Hydrodynamic aspects of caldera-forming eruptions: Numerical models. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89: 8269-8285. (my_id=G808)


Baker&Grove(1985) Kinetic controls on pyroxene nucleation and metastable liquid lines of descent in a basaltic andesite. American Mineralogist. 70: 279-287. (my_id=G452)

Belkin&De Vivo_etal(1985) Fluid inclusion geobarometry from ejected Mt. Somma-Vesvius nodules. American Mineralogist. 70: 288-303. (my_id=G451)

Berryman(1985) Measurement of spatial correlation functions using image processing techniques. Journal of Applied Physics. 57: 2374-2384. (my_id=G905)

Cerling&Brown_etal(1985) Low-temperature alteration of volcanic glass: Hydration, Na, K, 18O and Ar mobility. Chemical Geology. 52: 281-293. (my_id=G1557)

Chernosky&Day_etal(1985) Equilibria in the system MgO- SiO2- H2O: experimental determination of the stability of Mg-anthophyllite. American Mineralogist. 70: 223-236. (my_id=G453)

Dingwell&Scarfe_etal(1985) The effect of fluorine on viscosities in the system Na2O- Al2O3- SiO2: implications for phonolites, trachytes and rhyolites. American Mineralogist. 70: 80-87. (my_id=G456)

Dingwell&Mysen(1985) Effects of water and fluorine on the viscosity of albite melt at high pressure: a preliminary investigation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 74: 266-274. (my_id=G760)

Fine&Stolper(1985) The speciation of carbon dioxide in sodium alminosilicate glasses. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 91: 105-121. (my_id=G392)

Gerlach&Graeber(1985) Volatile budget of Kilauea volcano. Nature. 313: 273-277. (my_id=G1019)

Hasenaka&Carmichael(1985) The cinder cones of Michoacan-Guanajuato, central Mexico: their age, volume and distribution, and magma discharge rate. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 25: 105-124. (my_id=G281)

Hayashi(1985) Petrology of Chokai volcano, Northerstern Japan. The science reports of the Tohoku University. 16: 269-325. (my_id=G237)

Hooper(1985) A case of simple magma mixing in the Colombia River Basalt group: The Wilbur creek, Lapwai, and Asotin flows, Saddle Mountains formation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 91: 66-73. (my_id=G393)

Horii&Nemat-Nasser(1985) Compression-induced microcrack growth in brittle solids: Axial splitting and shear failure. Journal of Geophysical Research. 90: 3105-3125. (my_id=G1250)

Machida&Arai_etal(1985) Aso-4 ash: A widespread tephra and its implications to the events of late Pleistocene in and around Japan. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 30: 49-70. (my_id=G1209)

Meyer(1985) Genesis of diamond: a mantle saga. American Mineralogist. 70: 344-355. (my_id=G768)

Murdoch&Stebbins(1985) High-resolution 29Si NMR study of silicate and aluminosilicate glasses: the effect of network-modifying cations. American Mineralogist. 70: 332-343. (my_id=G767)

Mysen&Virgo(1985) Structure and properties of fluorine- bearing alminosilicate melts: the system Na2O- Al2O3- SiO2- F at 1 atm. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 91: 205-220. (my_id=G390)

Ono&Watanabe(1985) Geological map of Aso volcano. Geological Survey of Japan. (my_id=G824)

Rutherford&Sigurdsson_etal(1985) The May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens 1. melt composition and experimental phase equilibria. Journal of Geophysical Research. 90, No. B4: 2929-2947. (my_id=G5)

Sahagian(1985) Bubble migration and coalescence during the solidification of basaltic lava flows. Journal of Geology. 93: 205-211. (my_id=G303)

Scandone&Malone(1985) Magma supply, magma discharge and readjustment of the feeding system of Mount. St. Helens during 1980. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 23: 239-262. (my_id=G691)

Sheppard&Harris(1985) Hydrogen and oxygen isotope geochemistry of Ascension Island lavas and granites: variation with crystal fractionation and interaction with sea water. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 91: 74-81. (my_id=G289)

Silver&Stolper(1985) A thermodynamic model for hydrous silicate melts. Journal of Geology. 93: 161-178. (my_id=G304)

Sneeringer&Watson(1985) Milk cartons and ash cans: two unconventional welding techniques. American Mineralogist. 70: 200-201. (my_id=G454)

Stormer&Whitney(1985) Two feldspar and iron-titanium oxide equilibria in silicic magmas and the depth of origin of large volume ash-flow tuffs. American Mineralogist. 70: 52-64. (my_id=G457)

Togashi(1985) Sr variation by fractional crystallization for volcanic rocks from island arcs and continental margines. Chemical Geology. 51: 41-53. (my_id=G869)

Togashi&Shirahase_etal(1985) Sr isotope geochemistry of voluminous rhyolite of the Tamagawa welded tuffs, related rocks and andesite of the young volcanics, in Hachimantai geothermal area, Northeast Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 24: 339-352. (my_id=G873)

Tsuchiyama(1985) Partial melting kinetics of plagioclase-diopside pairs. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 91: 12-23. (my_id=G223)

Tsukui(1985) Temporal variation in chemical composition of phenocrysts and magmatic temperature at Daisen volcano, Southwest Japan. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 26: 317-336. (my_id=G106)

Wada(1985) Magma mixing process of calc-alkalic andesites from Funagata volcano. J. Japan. Assoc. Min. Petr. Econ. Geol. 80: 467-483. (my_id=G108)

Wickham&Taylor(1985) Stable isotopic evidence for large- scale seawater infiltration in a regional metamorphic terrane; the Trois Seigneurs massif, Pyrenees, France. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 91: 122-137. (my_id=G391)

Yeskis&Van Groos_etal(1985) The dehydroxylation of kaolinite. American Mineralogist. 70: 159-164. (my_id=G455)


Barron&Torrent(1986) Use of the Kubelka-Munk theory to study the influence of iron oxides on soil colour. Journal of Soil Science. 37: 499-510. (my_id=1814)

Barton&Huijsmans(1986) Post-caldera dacites from the Santorini volcanic complex, Aegean sea, Greece: an example of the eruption of lavas of near-constant composition over a 2,200 year period. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 94: 472-495. (my_id=G426)

Berryman&Blair(1986) Use of digital image analysis to estimate fluid permiability of porous materials: Application of two-point correlation functions. Journal of Applied Physics. 60: 1930-1938. (my_id=G904)

Blake&Campbell(1986) The dynamics of magma-mixing during flow in volcanic conduits. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 94: 72-81. (my_id=G436)

Eichelberger&Carrigan_etal(1986) Non-explosive silicic volcanism. Nature. 323: 598-602. (my_id=G543)

Elphick&Dennis_etal(1986) An experimental study of the diffusion of oxygen in quartz and albite using an overgrowth technique. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 92: 322-330. (my_id=G385)

Eslinger&Yeh(1986) Oxygen and hydrogen isotope geochemistry of Cretaceous benthonites and shales from the Disturbed Belt, Montana. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 50: 59-68. (my_id=G1553)

Fonarev&Konilov(1986) Experimental srudy of Fe- Mg distribution between biotite and orthopyroxene at P = 490 MPa. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 93: 227-235. (my_id=G79)

Gerlach(1986) Exsolution of H2O, CO2, and S during eruptive episodes at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii. Journal of Geophysical Research. 91: 12177-12185. (my_id=G1018)

Giletti(1986) Diffusion effects on oxygen isotope temperatures of slowly cooled igneous and metamorphic rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 77: 218-228. (my_id=G988)

Graham&Navrotsky(1986) Thermochemistry of the tremolite- edenite amphiboles using fluorine analogues, and applications to amphibole- plagioclase- quartz equilibria. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 93: 18-32. (my_id=G85)

Grove&Donnelly-Nolan(1986) The evolution of young silicic lavas at Medicine Lake volcano, California: Implications for the origin of compositional gaps in calc- alkaline series lavas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 92: 281-302. (my_id=G387)

Hamilton&Oxtoby(1986) Solubility of water in albite-melt determined by the weight-loss method. Journal of Geology. 94: 626-630. (my_id=G417)

Hammarstrom&Zen(1986) Alminium in hornblende: An emprical igneous geobarometer. American Mineralogist. 71: 1297-1313. (my_id=G8)

Javoy&Stillman_etal(1986) Oxygen and hydrogen isotope studies on the basal complexes of the Canary Islands: implications on the conditions of their genesis. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 92: 225-235. (my_id=G388)

Karato&Paterson_etal(1986) Rheology of synthetic olivine aggregates: Influence of grain size and water. Journal of Geophysical Research. 91: 8151-8176. (my_id=G957)

Kokelaar(1986) Magma-water interactions in subaqueous and emergent basaltic volcanism. Bulletin of Volcanology. 48: 275-289. (my_id=G1496)

Koyaguchi(1986) Textural and compositional evidence for magma mixing and its mechanism, Abu volcano group, Southwestern Japan. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 93: 33-45. (my_id=G92)

Kuo&Lee_etal(1986) Occurrence, chemistry, and origin of immiscible silicate glasses in a tholeiitic basalt: A TEM/AEM study. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 94: 90-98. (my_id=G183)

Kyser&Cameron_etal(1986) Boninite petrogenesis and alteration history: constraints from stable isotope compositions of boninites from Cape Vogel, New Caledonia and Cyprus. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 93: 222-226. (my_id=G78)

Larson&Taylor(1986) 18O/ 16O ratios in ash- flow tuffs and lavas erupted from the central Nevada caldera complex and the central San Juan caldera complex, Colorado. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 92: 146-156. (my_id=G389)

Lorenz(1986) On the growth of maars and diatremes and its relevance to the formation of tuff rings. Bulletin of Volcanology. 48: 265-274. (my_id=G1497)

McMillan&Peraudeau_etal(1986) Water solubility in a calcium alminosilicate melt. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 94: 178-182. (my_id=G418)

Morikiyo(1986) Hydrogen and carbon isotope studies on the graphite-bearing metapelites in the northern Kiso district of central Japan. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 94: 165-177. (my_id=G425)

Morris(1986) Constraints on the origin of mafic alkaline volcanics and included xenoliths from Bveron, New South Wales, Australia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 93: 207-214. (my_id=G77)

Mysen&Virgo(1986) Volatiles in silicate melts at high pressure and temperature 1. Interaction between OH groups and Si4+, Al3+, Ca2+, Na+ and H+. Chemical Geology. 57: 303-331. (my_id=G539)

Mysen&Virgo(1986) Volatiles in silicate melts at high pressure and temperature 2. Water in melts along the join NaAlO2 - SiO2 and a comparison of solubility mechanisms of water and fluorine. Chemical Geology. 57: 333-358. (my_id=G544)

Newman&Stolper_etal(1986) Measurement of water in rhyolitic glasses: Calibration of an infrared spectroscopic technique. American Mineralogist. 71: 1527-1541. (my_id=G687)

Nohda&Tatsumi(1986) What happened in the mantle wedge during the Japan sea. Jour. Geomag. Geoelectr. 38: 545-550. (my_id=G16)

Oba&Nicholls(1986) Experimental study of cummingtonite and Ca-na amphibole relations in the system Cum-Act-Pl-Qz-H2O. American Mineralogist. 71: 1354-1365. (my_id=G8)

Poirier&Peyronneau_etal(1986) Eutectoid phase transformation of olivine and spinel into perovskite and rock salt structures. Nature. 321: 603-605. (my_id=G951)

Rong-long&Ross_etal(1986) Experimental studies to 10 kb of the bulk composition tremolite50-tschermakite50 + excess H2O. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 93: 160-167. (my_id=G76)

Shimizu(1986) Silicon-induced enhancement in secondary ion emission from silicates. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Process. 69: 325-338. (my_id=G542)

Sie&McKenzie_etal(1986) Depth profiles of hydrogen and oxygen in hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B15: 525-529. (my_id=G1274)

Sobolev&Danyushevskiy(1986) Proof of the magmatic origin of water and its estimated concentration in residual Boninite melt. Transactions of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Earth Science Sections. New York. 288: 119-122. (my_id=G1097)

Sparks&Marshall(1986) Thermal and mechanical constraints on mixing between mafic ad silicic magmas. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 29: 99-124. (my_id=G39)

Takahashi(1986)_kazan Origin of Basaltic Magmas -Implications from peridotite melting experiments and an olivine fractionation model-. Kazan. 30: 17-40. (my_id=G276)

Tatsumi&Nakamura(1986) Composition of aqueous fluid from serpentinite in the subducted lithosphere. Geochemical Journal. 20: 191-196. (my_id=G14)

Tatsumi&Hamilton_etal(1986) Chemical characteristics of fluid phase relased from a subducted lithosphere and origin of arc magmas: Evidence from high-pressure experiments and natural rocks. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 29: 293-309. (my_id=G24)

Ujike&Soya_etal(1986) Major-element, Rb, Sr, Y and Zr composition and origin of volcanic rocks from the Kikai caldera, south of Kyushu. Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology. 81: 105-115. (my_id=G1111)

Uto(1986) Variation of Al2O3 content in late Cenozoic Japanese basalts: A re-examination of Kuno's high-alumina basalt. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 29: 397-411. (my_id=G1055)

Walker(1986) Melting equilibria in multicomponent systems and liquidus/ solidus convergence in mantle peridotite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 92: 303-307. (my_id=G386)

Wohletz(1986) Explosive magma-water interactions: Thermodynamics, explosion mechanisms, and field studies. Bulletin of Volcanology. 48: 245-264. (my_id=G1492)

Yeh&Eslinger(1986) Oxygen isotopes and the extent of diagenesis of clay minerals during sedimentation and burial in the Sea. clays and clay Minerals. 34: 403-406. (my_id=G1556)


Ando&Mita_etal(1987) 1986 values for fifteen GSJ rock reference samples, "Igneous Rock Series". Geostandards Newsletter. 11: 159-166. (my_id=G999)

Baker&Eggler(1987) Compositions of anhydrous and hydrous melts coexisting with plagioclase, augite, and olivine or low-Ca pyroxene from 1 atm to 8kbar: Application to the Aleutian volcanic center of Atka. American Mineralogist. 72: 12-28. (my_id=G3)

Berryman&Blair(1987) Kozeny-Carman relations and image processing methods for estimating Darcy's constant. Journal of Applied Physics. 62: 2221-2228. (my_id=G903)

Brandeis&Jaupart(1987) The kinetics of nucleation and crystal growth and scaling laws for magmatic crystallization. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 96: 24-34. (my_id=G433)

Clemens&Navrotsky(1987) Mixing properties of NaAlSi3O8 melt-H2O: New calorimetric data and some geological implications. Journal of Geology. 95: 173-186. (my_id=G758)

Dingwell(1987) Magmatic silicate melts: Relations between bulk composition, structure and properties. Magmatic Processes: Physicochemical Principles. Mysen, B. O., The Geochemical Society. Special Publication No. 1: 423-431. (my_id=G918)

Duncan&Green(1987) The genesis of refractory melts in the formation of oceanic crust. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 96: 326-342. (my_id=G435)

Farnan&Kohn_etal(1987) A study of the structural role of water in hydrous silica glass using cross-polarisation magic angle spinning NMR. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 51: 2869-2873. (my_id=G753)

Frohlich(1987) Interaction Experiments between Water and Hot Melts in Entrapment and Stratification Configurations. Chemical Geology. 62: 137-147. (my_id=G1490)

Ghiorso(1987) Chemical mass transfer in magmatic processes III. Crystal growth, chemical diffusion and thermal diffusion in multicomponent silicate melts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 96: 291-313. (my_id=G434)

Green&Falloon_etal(1987) Mantle-derived magmas --roles of variable source peridotite and variable C-H-O fluid compositions. Magmatic Processes: Physicochemical Principles. Mysen, B. O., The Geochemical Society. Special Publication No. 1: 139-154. (my_id=G916)

Harmon&Hoefs_etal(1987) Stable isotope (O, H, S) relationships in Tertiary basalts and their mantle xenoliths from the Northern Hessian depression, W.-Germany. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 95: 350-369. (my_id=G421)

Hasenaka&Carmichael(1987) The cinder cones of Michoacan-Guanajuato, central Mexico: Petrology and Chemistry. Journal of Petrology. 28: 241-269. (my_id=G282)

Hollister&Grissom_etal(1987) Confirmation of the empirical correlation of Al in hornblende with pressure of solidification of calc-alkaline plutons. American Mineralogist. 72: 231-239. (my_id=G54)

Irifune(1987) An experimental investigation of the pyroxene-garnet transformation in a pyrolite composition and its bearing on the constitution of the mantle. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 45: 324-336. (my_id=G475)

Koyaguchi(1987) Magma mixing in a squeezed conduit. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 84: 339-344. (my_id=G185)

Lange&Carmichael(1987) Densities of Na2O-K2O-CaO-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-TiO2-SiO2 liquids: New measurements and derived partial molar properties. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 51: 2931-2946. (my_id=G1690)

Lightfoot&Hawkesworth_etal(1987) Petrogenesis of rhyolites and trachytes from the Decan Trap: Sr, Nd and Pb isotope and trace element evidence. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 95: 44-54. (my_id=G432)

Liu&Pines_etal(1987) Relaxation mechanisms and effects of motion in Albite ANaAlSi3O8) liquid and glass: A high temperature NMR study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 15: 155-162. (my_id=G769)

Lorenz(1987) Phreatomagmatism and its relevance. Chemical Geology. 62: 149-156. (my_id=G1478)

Lux(1987) The behavior of noble gases in silicate liquids: Solution, diffusion, bubbles and surface effects, with applications to natural samples. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 51: 1549-1560. (my_id=G1059)

Machida&Fusao_etal(1987) Toya ash - A widespread late Quaternary time-marker in northern Japan -. The Quaternary Research. 26: 129-145. (my_id=G875)

Matsumoto&Maeda_etal(1987) New radiocarbon age of Aira-Th ash (AT). The Quaternary Research. 26: 79-83. (my_id=G977)

Mazzone&Stewart_etal(1987) Sub-solidus dehydration of amphiboles in an andesitic magma. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 97: 292-296. (my_id=G236)

McBirney&Taylor_etal(1987) Paricutin re-examined: a classic example of crustal assimilation in calc-alkaline magma. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 95: 4-20. (my_id=G411)

McMillan&Holloway(1987) Water solubility in alminosilicate melts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 97: 320-332. (my_id=G235)

Michael&Chase(1987) The influence of primary magma composition, H2O and pressure on Mid-Ocean Ridge basalt differentiation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 96: 245-263. (my_id=G422)

Mysen(1987) Magmatic silicate melts: Relations between bulk composition, structure and properties. Magmatic Processes: Physicochemical Principles. Mysen, B. O., The Geochemical Society. Special Publication No. 1: 375-399. (my_id=G917)

Navrotsky(1987) Calorimetric studies of melts, crystals, and glasses, especially in hydrous systems. Magmatic Processes: Physicochemical Principles. Mysen, B. O., The Geochemical Society. 1: 411-422. (my_id=G891)

Nekvasil&Burnham(1987) The calculated individual effects of pressure and water content on phase equilibria in the granite system. Magmatic processes: Physicochemical principles. Mysen, B. O., The Geochemical Society. Special publication, No. 1: 433-445. (my_id=G898)

Notsu&Ono_etal(1987) Strontium isotopic relations of bimodal volcanic rocks at Kikai volcano in the Ryukyu arc, Japan. Geology. 15: 345-348. (my_id=G1110)

Oba&Yagi(1987) Phase relations on the actinolite-pargasite join. Journal of Petrology. 28: 23-36. (my_id=G532)

Okamura(1987) ì˙ñ{äCé¸ï”ínàÊÇÃå√ëÊéOãIññ∞íÜêVê¢ëOä˙â‘éRçÏópÅ@∞êºìÏñkäCìπÇó·Ç…∞. Magma. No. 79: 24-28. (my_id=G70)

Pichavant(1987) Effects of B and H2O on liquidus phase relations in the haplogranite system at 1 kbar. American Mineralogist. 72: 1056-1070. (my_id=G702)

Rosing&Bird_etal(1987) Hydration of corundum-bearing xenoliths in the Qôrqut granite complex, Godthåsfjord, West Greenland. American Mineralogist. 72: 29-38. (my_id=G6)

Ryan(1987) Neutral buoyancy and the mechanical evolution of magmatic systems. Magmatic processes: Physicochemical principles. Mysen, B. O., The Geochemical Society. Special publication, No. 1. (my_id=G42)

Sakaguchi&Okumura_etal(1987) The 1986 eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano. Geological Survey of Japan. (my_id=G1065)

Sakai&ùÙïv_etal(1987) â‘õºä‚ëÃÇ…Ç®ÇØÇÈÉ}ÉOÉ}ç¨çáÇÃâ¬î\ê´Å@-SrìØà ëÃ"ëSä‚ÉAÉCÉ\ÉNÉçÉìîNë„"Ç∆çzï®îNë„ÇÃïsàÍívÇ©ÇÁÇÃÉAÉvÉçÅ[É`-. Magma. No. 79: 29-33. (my_id=G71)

Saxena&Fei(1987) Fluids at crustal pressures and temperatures I. Pure species. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 95: 370-375. (my_id=G410)

Scarfe&Mysen_etal(1987) Pressure dependence of the viscosity of silicate melts. Magmatic Processes: Physicochemical Principles. Mysen, B. O., The Geochemical Society. Special Publication No. 1: 59-67. (my_id=G914)

Stolper&Fine_etal(1987) Solubility of carbon dioxide in albitic melt. American Mineralogist. 72: 1071-1085. (my_id=G701)

Sykes&Holloway(1987) Evolution of granitic magmas during ascent: A phase equilibrium model. Magmatic processes: Physicochemical principles. Mysen, B. O., The Geochemical Society. Special publication, No. 1: 447-461. (my_id=G897)

Taylor&Green(1987) The petrogenetic role of methane: Effect on liquidus phase relations and the solubility mechanism of reduced C-H volatiles. Magmatic Processes: Physicochemical Principles. Mysen, B. O., The Geochemical Society. Special Publication No. 1: 121-137. (my_id=G915)

Valentine(1987) Stratified flow in pyroclastic surges. Bulletin of Volcanology. 49: 616-630. (my_id=G1481)

Watson&Brenan(1987) Fluids in the lithosphere, 1. Experimentally-determined wetting characteristics of CO2-H2O fluids and their implications for fluid transport, host-rock physical properties, and fluid inclusion formation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 85: 497-515. (my_id=G1252)

Webster&Holloway_etal(1987) Phase equilibria of a Be, U and F-enriched vitrophyre from Spor Mountain, Utah. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 51: 389-402. (my_id=G1449)

Westrich(1987) Determination of water in volcanic glasses by Karl-Fischer titration. Chemical Geology. 63: 335-340. (my_id=G692)


Aramaki&Fujii(1988) Petrological and geological model of the 1986-1987 eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 33: 297-306. (my_id=G1188)

Aubele&Crumpler_etal(1988) Vesicule zonation and vertical structure of basalt flows. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 35: 349-374. (my_id=G653)

Baldo&Bradt(1988) Grain growth of the lime and periclase phases in a synthetic doloma. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 71: 720-725. (my_id=G965)

Baumgartner&Rumble(1988) Transport of stable isotopes: I: Development of a kinetic continuum theory for stable isotope transport. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 98: 417-430. (my_id=G431)

Breton&Thompson(1988) Fluid-absent (dehydration) melting of biotite in metapelites in the early stages of crustal anatexis. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 99: 226-237. (my_id=G610)

Cashman&Marsh(1988) Crystal size distribution (CSD) in rocks and the kinetics and dynamics of crystallization II: Makaopuhi lava lake. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 99: 292-305. (my_id=G253)

Cashman&Marsh(1988) Crystal size distribution (CSD) in rocks and the kinetics and dynamics of crystallization III: Metamorphic crystallization. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 99: 401-415. (my_id=G254)

Clowe&Popp_etal(1988) Experimental investigation of the effect of oxygen fugacity on ferric-ferrous ratios and unit-cell parameters of four natural clinoamphiboles. American Mineralogist. 73: 487-499. (my_id=G533)

Condomines&Hemond_etal(1988) U-Th-Ra radioactive disequilibria and magmatic processes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 90: 243-262. (my_id=G101)

Conrad&Nicholls_etal(1988) Water-saturated and -undersaturated melting of metaluminous and peraluminous crustal compositions at 10 kb: Evidence for the origin of silicic magmas in the Taupo volcanic zone, New Zealand, and other occurrences. Journal of Petrology. 29: 765-803. (my_id=G531)

Dixon&Stolper_etal(1988) Infrared spectroscopic measurements of CO2 and H2O in Juan de Fuca Ridge basaltic glasses. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 90: 87-104. (my_id=G1266)

Donaldson&Henderson(1988) A new interpretation of round embayments in quartz crystals. Mineralogical Magazine. 52: 27-33. (my_id=G643)

Eckert&Yesinowski_etal(1988) Water in silicate glasses: Quantitation and structural studies by 1H solid echo and MAS-NMR methods. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 92: 2055-2064. (my_id=G757)

Elphick&Graham_etal(1988) An ion microprobe study of anhydrous oxygen diffusion in anorthite: a comparison with hydrothermal data and some geological implications. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 100: 490-495. (my_id=G384)

Endo&Chiba_etal(1988) Tephrochronological study on the 1987-1987 eruptions of Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 33: 32-51. (my_id=G1191)

Fujii&Aramaki_etal(1988) Petrology of the lavas and ejecta of the November, 1986 eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano. Kazan. 33: 234-254. (my_id=G524)

Fujinawa(1988) Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magma series at Adatara volcano, northeast Japan: 1. Geochemical constraints on their origin. Lithos. 22: 135-158. (my_id=G103)

Giletti&Hess(1988) Oxygen diffusion in magnetite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 89: 115-122. (my_id=G989)

Graham&Zindler_etal(1988) He, Pb, Sr and Nd isotope constraints on magma genesis and mantle heterogeneity beneath young Pacific seamounts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 99: 446-463. (my_id=G250)

Green&Wallace(1988) Mantle metasomatism by ephemeral carbonatite melts. Nature. 336: 459-462. (my_id=G52)

Green(1988) Basalt-basaltic andesite mixing at Mount Baker volcano, Washington, I. Estimation of mixing conditions. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 34: 251-265. (my_id=G673)

Heiken&Wohletz_etal(1988) Fracture fillings and intrusive pyroclasts, Inyo Domes, California. Journal of Geophysical Research. 93: 4335-4350. (my_id=G1262)

Hirabayashi&Yoshida_etal(1988) Chemical composition of volcanic gases and related materials associated with the 1986 eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 33: 271-284. (my_id=G1190)

Hirose&Ishiyama_etal(1988) Mineralization of black ore and gold-bearing siliceous ore at the No. 5 ore body of Nurukawa deposit, Aomori Prefecture. Scientific and Technical Reports of the Mining College, Akita University. 9: 9-18. (my_id=G766)

Huppert&Sparks(1988) Melting the roof of a chanber containing a hot, turbulently convecting fluid. J. Fluid Mech. 188: 107-131. (my_id=G247)

Huppert&Sparks(1988) The generation of granitic magmas by intrusion of basalt into continental crust. Journal of Petrology. 29: 599-624. (my_id=G248)

Ida&Yamaoka_etal(1988) Underground magmatic activities associated with the 1986 eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 33: 307-318. (my_id=G1189)

Inoue(1988) The grouth-history of Takachiho composite volcano in the Kirishima volcano group. J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 83: 26-41. (my_id=G275)

Johnston&Wyllie(1988) Interaction of granitic and basic magmas: experimental observations on contamination processes at 10 kbar with H2O. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 98: 352-362. (my_id=G256)

Johnston&Wyllie(1988) Constraints on the origin of Archean trondhjemites based on phase relationships of Nuk gneiss with H2O at 15 kbar. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 100: 35-46. (my_id=G612)

Kaneko(1988) Geology and petrology of Kenashi volcano, northern part of Shiga highland, central Japan. Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan. 94: 75-89. (my_id=G115)

Kerrich&Kamineni(1988) Characteristics and chronology of fracture - fluid infiltration in the Archean, Eye Dashwa Lakes pluton, Superior Province: evidence from H, C, O-isotopes and fluid inclusions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 99: 460-445. (my_id=G251)

Kress&Carmichael(1988) Stoichiometry of the iron oxidation reaction in silicate melts. American Mineralogist. 73: 1267-1274. (my_id=G571)

Liu&Stebbins_etal(1988) Diffusive motion in alkali silicate melts: An NMR study at high temperature. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 52: 527-538. (my_id=G754)

London&Hervig_etal(1988) Melt-vapor solubilities and elemental partitioning in peralminous granite-pegmatite systems: experimental results with Macusani glass at 200MPa. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 99: 360-373. (my_id=G255)

Malvin(1988) Silica-glass containers for high-temperature experiments. American Mineralogist. 73: 1198-1200. (my_id=G570)

Marsh(1988) Crystal size distribution (CSD) in rocks and the kinetics and dynamics of crystallizationÅ@I. Theory. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 99: 277-291. (my_id=G252)

Miyaji(1988) History of younger Fuji volcano. J. Geol. Soc. Japan. 94: 433-452. (my_id=G114)

Muncill&Lasaga(1988) Crystal-growth kinetics of plagioclase in igneous systems: Isothermal H2O-saturated experiments and extension of a growth model to complex silicate melts. American Mineralogist. 73: 982-992. (my_id=G569)

Nakano&Togashi_etal(1988) Bulk and Mineral chemistry of products of the 1986 eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 33: 255-264. (my_id=G935)

Nekvasil(1988) Calculation of equilibrium crystallization paths of compositionally simple hydrous felsic melts. American Mineralogist. 73: 956-965. (my_id=G534)

Nekvasil(1988) Calculated effect of anorthite component on the crystallization paths of H2O-undersaturated haplogranitic melts. American Mineralogist. 73: 966-981. (my_id=G535)

Nohda&Tatsumi_etal(1988) Asthenospheric injection and back-arc opening: isotopic evidence from Northeast Japan. Chemical Geology. 68: 317-327. (my_id=G18)

Ono&Soya(1988) The eruption of Izu-Oshima volcano since 1986. Mining Geology. 38: 131-138. (my_id=G715)

Phillips&Popp_etal(1988) Structural adjustments accompanying oxidation-dehydrogenation in amphiboles. American Mineralogist. 73: 500-506. (my_id=G58)

Puziewicz&Johannes(1988) Phase equilibria and compositions of Fe - Mg - Al minerals and melts in water-saturated peraluminous granitic systems. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 100: 156-168. (my_id=G613)

Ringwood&Irifune(1988) Nature of the 650-km seismic discontinuity: implications for mantle dynamics and differentiation. Nature. 331: 131-136. (my_id=G476)

Rutherford&Devine(1988) The May 18, 1980, eruption of St. Helens 3. stability and chemistry of amphibole in the magma chamber. Journal of Geophysical Research. 93, No. B10: 11949-11959. (my_id=G4)

Sakaguchi&Takada_etal(1988) The 1986 eruption and products of Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 33: 20-31. (my_id=G936)

Sautter&Jaoul_etal(1988) Aluminum diffusion in diopside using the 27Al(p, gamma)28Si nuclear reaction: preliminary results. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 89: 109-114. (my_id=G990)

Spray(1988) Generation and crystallization of an amphibolite shear melt: an investigation using radial friction welding apparatus. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 99: 464-475. (my_id=G611)

Stolper&Holloway(1988) Experimental determination of the solubility of carbon dioxide in molten basalt at low pressure. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 87: 397-408. (my_id=G651)

Sudo&Honma_etal(1988) Sr isotope ratios of Lage Cretaceous to Paleogene igneous rocks of the Misasa-Okutsu-Yubara area, eastern Sanin Province, Southwest Japan. J. Geol. Soc. Japan. 94: 113-128. (my_id=G111)

Tatsumi&Nohda_etal(1988) Secular variation of magma source compositions beneath the Northeast Japan arc. Chemical Geology. 68: 309-316. (my_id=G19)

Tatsumi&Isoyama(1988) Transportation of the beryllium with H2O at high pressures: Implication for magma genesis in subduction zones. Geophys. Res. Lett. 15, No. 2: 180-183. (my_id=G28)

Togashi(1988) Primitive mantle beneath the Northeast Japan arc. Magma. No. 82: 1-12. (my_id=G69)

Togashi&Matsumoto(1988) Radiocarbon dating methods for the samples of 40,000 to 50,000 years B.P. using benzene-liquid scintillation. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan. 39: 525-535. (my_id=G1107)

Vielzeuf&Holloway(1988) Experimental determination of the fluid-absent melting relations in the pelitic system Consequences for crustal differentiation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 98: 257-276. (my_id=G419)

Walker&Agee_etal(1988) Fusion curbe slope and crystal/liquid buoyancy. Journal of Geophysical Research. 93: 313-323. (my_id=G191)

Wallace&Green(1988) An experimental determination of primary carbonatite magma composition. Nature. 335: 343-346. (my_id=G53)

Westrich&Stockman_etal(1988) Degassing of rhyolitic magma during ascent and emplacement. Journal of Geophysical Research. 93: 6503-6511. (my_id=G660)

Wyllie(1988) Magma genesis, plate techtonics, and chemical differentation of the Earth. Reviews of Geophysics. 26: 370-404. (my_id=G166)


Abbott&Post_etal(1989) Treatment of the hydroxyl in structure-energy calculations. American Mineralogist. 74: 141-150. (my_id=G505)

Anderson&Fink(1989) Hydrogen-isotope evidence for extrusion mechanisms of the Mount St. Helens lava dome. Nature. 341: 521-523. (my_id=G675)

Anderson&Newman_etal(1989) H2O, CO2, Cl, and gas in plinian and ash-flow Bishop rhyolite. Geology. 17: 221-225. (my_id=G684)

Ando&Kamioka_etal(1989) 1988 values for GSJ rock reference samples, "Igneous rock series". Geochemical Journal. 23: 143-148. (my_id=G1316)

Arai&Takahashi(1989) Formation and compositional variation of phlogopites in the Horoman peridotite complex, Hokkaido, northern Japan: implications for origin and fractionation of metasomatic fluids in the upper mantle. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 101: 165-175. (my_id=G382)

Brean&Rossman_etal(1989) The hydrous component of sillimanite. American Mineralogist. 74: 812-817. (my_id=G500)

Brown&Lamb(1989) P-V-T properties of fluids in the system H2O±CO2±NaCl: New graphical presentations and implications for fluid inclusion studies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 53: 1209-1221. (my_id=G565)

Carroll&Mather(1989) The solubility of hydrogen sulphide in water from 0 to 90°C and pressures to 1 MPa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 53: 1163-1170. (my_id=G574)

Carroll&Wyllie(1989) Granite melt convecting in an experimental micro-magma chamber at 1050°C, 15 kbar. Europian Journal of Mineralogy. 1: 249-260. (my_id=G575)

Cordier&Doukhan(1989) Water solubility in quartz and its influence on ductility. Europian Journal of Mineralogy. 1: 221-237. (my_id=G608)

Dingwell(1989) Effect of fluorine on the viscosity of diopside liquid. American Mineralogist. 74: 333-338. (my_id=G568)

Dingwell&Webb(1989) Structural relaxation in silicate melts and non-Newtonian melt rheology in geologic processes. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 16: 508-516. (my_id=G668)

Eichelberger(1989) Are extrusive rhyolites produced from permeable foam eruptions? A reply. Bulletin of Volcanology. 51: 72-75. (my_id=G665)

Friedman(1989) Are extrusive rhyolites produced from permeable foam eruptions? Bulletin of Volcanology. 51: 69-71. (my_id=G664)

Gerretsen&Paterson_etal(1989) The uptake and solubility of water in quartz at elevated pressure and temperature. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 16: 334-342. (my_id=G547)

Giampaolo&Putnis(1989) The kinetics of dehydration and order-disorder of molecular H2O in Mg-cordierite. Europian Journal of Mineralogy. 1: 193-202. (my_id=G605)

Graham&Maresch_etal(1989) Experimental studies on amphiboles: a review with thermodynamic perspectives. Europian Journal of Mineralogy. 1: 535-555. (my_id=G564)

Green&Borch(1989) A new molten salt cell for precision stress measurement at high pressure. Europian Journal of Mineralogy. 1: 213-219. (my_id=G607)

Hedenquist&Browne(1989) The evolution of the Waiotapu geothermal system, New Zealand, based on the chemical and isotopic composition of its fluids, minerals and rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 53: 2235-2257. (my_id=G748)

Heller-Kallai&Miloslavski_etal(1989) Evolution of hydrogen on dehydroxylation of clay minerals. American Mineralogist. 74: 818-820. (my_id=G502)

Houghton&Wilson(1989) A vesicularity index for pyroclastic deposits. Bulletin of Volcanology. 51: 451-462. (my_id=G656)

Ingrin&Latrous_etal(1989) Water in diopside : An electron microscopy and infrared spectroscopy study. Europian Journal of Mineralogy. 1: 327-341. (my_id=G563)

Itoh&Katsura_etal(1989) Magnetic glasses in the Azuki and AT volcanic ashes in Japan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 96: 220-228. (my_id=1715)

Iwasaki&Matsueda_etal(1989) Occurrence and chemical compositions of glauconites from Dewa hilly land, Akita Prefecture. Scientific and Technical Reports of the Mining College, Akita University. 10: 35-47. (my_id=G771)

Jago&Gittins(1989) Silver fluoride (AgF) as a source of fluorine in experimental petrology. American Mineralogist. 74: 936-937. (my_id=G503)

Johannes(1989) Melting of plagioclase-quartz assemblages at 2 kbar water pressure. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 103: 270-276. (my_id=G423)

Johnson&Rutherford(1989) Experimental calibration of the aluminium-in-hornblende geobarometer with application to Long Valley caldera (California) volcanic rocks. Geology. 17: 837-841. (my_id=G46)

Johnston&Wyllie(1989) The system tonalite- peridotite- H2O at 30 kbar, with applications to hybridization in subduction zone magmatism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 102: 257-264. (my_id=G378)

Jones&MacKenzie(1989) Liquidus phase relationships in the system CaAl2Si2O8 - NaAlSi3O8 - KAlSi3O8 - NaAlSiO4 - KAlSiO4 at P(H2O) = 5 kb. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 101: 78-92. (my_id=G379)

Kanisawa&Yoshida(1989) Genesis of the extremely low-K tonalites from the island arc volcanism. Bulletin of Volcanology. 51: 346-354. (my_id=G1700)

Katsui&Suzuki_etal(1989) Geological map of Hokkaido-Komagatake volcano. Geological Survey of Japan. (my_id=G825)

Keppler(1989) A new method for the generation of N2-containing fluids in high-pressure experiments. Europian Journal of Mineralogy. 1: 135-137. (my_id=G604)

Kohn&Dupree_etal(1989) A multinuclear magnetic resonance study of the structure of hydrous albite glasses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 53: 2925-2935. (my_id=G479)

Kohn&Dupree_etal(1989) Proton environments and hydrogen-bonding in hydrous silicate glasses from proton NMR. Nature. 337: 539-541. (my_id=G751)

Koyaguchi&Blake(1989) The dynamics of magma mixing in a rising magma batch. Bull. Volcanol. 52: 127-137. (my_id=G184)

Koyaguchi(1989) Chemical gradient at diffusive interfaces in magma chambers. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 103: 143-152. (my_id=G437)

Lager&Armbruster_etal(1989) OH substitution in garnets: X-ray and neutron diffraction, infrared, and geometric-modeling studies. American Mineralogist. 74: 840-851. (my_id=G499)

London&Morgan_etal(1989) Vapor- undersaturated experiments with macusani glass + H2O at 200 MPa, and the internal differentiation of granitic pegmatites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 102: 1-17. (my_id=G380)

Luth(1989) Natural versus experimental control of oxidation state: Effects on the composition and speciation of C-O-H fluids. American Mineralogist. 74: 50-57. (my_id=G504)

Matsuda&Matsubara_etal(1989) Anomalous Ne enrichment in obsidians and Darwin glass: Diffusion of noble gases in silica-rich glasses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 53: 3025-3033. (my_id=G1058)

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Mysen&Virgo(1989) Redox equilibria, structure, and properties of Fe-bearing aluminosilicate melts: Relationships among temperature, composition, and oxygen fugacity in the system Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2-Fe-O. American Mineralogist. 74: 58-76. (my_id=G573)

Ogasawara(1989) The flexure in the uppermost crust and the shear force at depth estimated from in situ stress measurements. J. Phys. Earth. 37: 75-100. (my_id=G94)

Ozima&Zashu_etal(1989) Origin of the anomalous 40Ar-39Ar age of Zaire cubic diamonds: excess 40Ar in pristine mantle fluids. Nature. 337: 226-229. (my_id=G970)

Phillips&Draheim_etal(1989) Effects of oxidation-dehydrogenation in tschermakitic hornblende. American Mineralogist. 74: 764-773. (my_id=G501)

Robert&Della Ventura_etal(1989) The infrared OH-stretching region of synthetic richterites in the system Na2O - K2O - CaO - SiO2 - H2O - HF. Europian Journal of Mineralogy. 1: 203-211. (my_id=G606)

Sahagian&Anderson_etal(1989) Bubble coalescence in basalt flows: comparison of a numerical model with natural examples. Bulletin of Volcanology. 52: 49-56. (my_id=G1221)

Sato(1989) 2. Mg-Fe partitioning between plagioclase and liquid in basalts of hole 504B, ODP LEG 111: A srudy of melting at 1 atm. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results,. Becker, K. and Sakai, H. 111: 17-26. (my_id=G738)

Shock&Helgeson_etal(1989) Calculation of the thermodynamic and transport properties of aqueous species at high pressures and temperatures: Standard partial molal properties of inorganic neutral species. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 53: 2157-2183. (my_id=G566)

Shuto&Anzai_etal(1989) Lateral variations of K2O, Rb and Sr contents of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene volcanic rocks in the Northeast Japan arc, in Japanese. Magma. No. 84: 1-10. (my_id=G66)

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Spear&Cheney(1989) A petrogenetic grid for pelitic schists in the system SiO2 - Al2O3 - FeO - MgO - K2O - H2O. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 101: 149-164. (my_id=G383)

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Tait&Jaupart_etal(1989) Pressure, gas content and eruption periodicty of a shallow, crystalling magma chamber. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 92: 107-123. (my_id=G93)

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Wallace&Carmichael(1989) Minette lavas and associated leucitites from the western front of Mexican volcanic belt: petrology, chemistry, and origin. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 103: 470-492. (my_id=G424)

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Baker(1990) Chemical interdiffusion of dacite and rhyolite: anhydrous measurements at 1atm and 10kbar, application of transition state theory, and diffusion in zoned magma chambers. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 407-423. (my_id=G291)

Baldwin&Harrison_etal(1990) Diffusion of 40Ar in metamorphic hornblende. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 105: 691-703. (my_id=G430)

Blundy&Holland(1990) Calcic amphibole equilibria and a new amphibole-plagioclase geothermometer. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 208-224. (my_id=G49)

Brophy(1990) Andesites from notheastern Kanaga Island, Aleutians. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 568-581. (my_id=G294)

Chermak&Rimstidt(1990) Estimating the free energy of formation of silicate minerals at high temperatures from the sum of phlyhedral contributions. American Mineralogist. 75: 1376-1380. (my_id=G581)

Cygan&Chou(1990) The assemblage WO2 + H2O as a steady-state hydrogen source in moderately reduced hydrothermal experiments. American Mineralogist. 75: 1399-1405. (my_id=G584)

Dingwell(1990) Shear viscosities of galliosilicate liquids. American Mineralogist. 75: 1231-1237. (my_id=G580)

Dingwell&Webb(1990) Relaxation in silicate melts. Europian Journal of Mineralogy. 2: 427-449. (my_id=G708)

Doukhan&Ingrin_etal(1990) Coprecipitation of magnetite and amphibole in black star diopside: A TEM study. American Mineralogist. 75: 840-846. (my_id=G1071)

Fogel&Rutherford(1990) The solubility of carbon dioxide in rhyolitic melts: A quantitative FTIR study. American Mineralogist. 75: 1311-1326. (my_id=G1021)

Fujinawa(1990) Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magma series at Adatara volcano, Northeast Japan: 2. Mineralogy and phase relations. Lithos. 24: 217-236. (my_id=G104)

Giggenbach&P._etal(1990) The chemistry of fumarolic vapor and thermal-spring discharges from the Nevado del Ruiz volcanic-magmatic-hydrothermal system, Colombia. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 42: 13-39. (my_id=G847)

Gittins&Beckett_etal(1990) Composition of the fluid phase accompanying carbonatite magma: A critical examination. American Mineralogist. 75: 1106-1109. (my_id=G1072)

Graham&Elphick(1990) A re-examination of the role of hydrogen in Al-Si interdiffusion in feldspars. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 481-491. (my_id=G293)

Groat&Raudsepp_etal(1990) The amblygonite-montebrasite series: Characterization by single-crystal structure refinement, infrared spectroscopy, and multinuclear MAS-NMR spectroscopy. American Mineralogist. 75: 992-1008. (my_id=G1070)

Han&Tomozawa(1990) Crack initiation and mechanical fatigue of silica glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 122: 90-100. (my_id=G1284)

Hoisch(1990) Empirical calibration of six geobarometers for the mineral assemblage quartz+ muscovite+ biotite+ plagioclase+ garnet. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 225-234. (my_id=G48)

Hoschek(1990) Melting and subsolidus reactions in the system K2O- CaO- MgO- Al2O3- SiO2- H2O: experiments and petrologic application. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 105: 393-402. (my_id=G429)

Ikeda&Katui_etal(1990) Petrology of the 1988-89 essential ejecta and associated glassy rocks of Tokachi-dake volcano in central Hokkaido, Japan. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 35: 147-162. (my_id=G962)

Ishikawa&Nakamura(1990) Suppression of Boron volatilization from a hydrofluoric acid solution using a Boron- mannitol complex. Analytical chemistry. 62, No. 23: 2612-2616. (my_id=G98)

Jamtveit&Bucher-Nurminen_etal(1990) Fluid controlled eclogitization of granulites in deep crustal shear zones, Bergen arcs, Western Norway. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 184-193. (my_id=G44)

Johnson&Lipman_etal(1990) H, O, Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope geochemistry of the Latir volcanic field and cogenetic intrusions, New Mexico, and relations between evolution of a continental magmatic center and modifications of the lithosphere. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 99-124. (my_id=G292)

Katsui&Kawachi_etal(1990) The 1988-89 explosive eruption of Tokachi-dake, central Hokkaido, its sequence and mode. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 35: 111-129. (my_id=G964)

Koyaguchi(1990) Graphical estimations of magma densities and compositional expansion coefficients. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 105: 173-176. (my_id=G428)

Kuhn&Rauch_etal(1990) A low-background detection systems using a bgo detector for sensitive hydrogen analysis with the 1H(15N, alpha gamma)12C reaction. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B45: 252-255. (my_id=G1287)

Lee&Onstott_etal(1990) An 40Ar/39Ar investigation of the contact effects of dyke intrusion, Kapuskasing structural zone, Ontario. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 105: 87-105. (my_id=G427)

Moecher&I-Ming(1990) Experimental investigation of andradite and hedenbergite equilibria employing the hydrogen sensor technique, with revised estimates of $\Delta_{f}G^{0}_{m,298}$ for andradite and hedenbergite. American Mineralogist. 75: 1327-1341. (my_id=G1020)

Nakajima&Shirahase_etal(1990) Along-arc lateral variation of Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages of Cretaceous granitic rocks in Southwest Japan. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 381-389. (my_id=G1047)

Nakajima&Maruyama_etal(1990) Evidence for late Proterozoic subduction from 700-Myr-old blueshists in China. Nature. 346: 263-265. (my_id=G1049)

Pan&Longhi(1990) The system Mg2SiO4- Ca2SiO4- CaAl2O4- NaAlSiO4- SiO2: one atmosphere liquidus equilibria of analogs of alkaline mafic lavas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 105: 569-584. (my_id=G420)

Persikov&Zharikov_etal(1990) The effect of volatiles on the properties of magmatic melts. Europian Journal of Mineralogy. 2: 621-642. (my_id=G655)

Rossman&Smyth(1990) Hydroxyl contents of accessory minerals in mantle eclogites and related rocks. American Mineralogist. 75: 775-780. (my_id=G1083)

Sarda&Graham(1990) Mid-ocean ridge popping rocks: implications for degassing at ridge crests. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 97: 268-289. (my_id=G666)

Sato&Aramaki_etal(1990) Geochemical difference of basalts between polygenetic and monogenetic volcanoes in the central part of the Cameroon volcanic line. Geochemical Journal. 24: 357-370. (my_id=G734)

Sharp(1990) A laser-based microanalytical method for the in situ determination of oxygen isotope ratios of silicates and oxides. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 54: 1353-1357. (my_id=G1586)

Shinohara(1990) Behavior of volatiles in magma. Kazan. 34: 99-110. (my_id=G494)

Silver&Ihinger_etal(1990) The influence of bulk composition on the speciation of water in silicate glasses. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 142-162. (my_id=G286)

Skirius&Peterson_etal(1990) Homogenizing rhyolitic glass inclusions from the Bishop Tuff. American Mineralogist. 75: 1381-1398. (my_id=G582)

Skogby&Bell_etal(1990) Hydroxide in pyroxene: Variations in the natural environment. American Mineralogist. 75: 764-774. (my_id=G1082)

Stewart&DePaolo(1990) Isotopic studies of processes in mafic magma chambers: II. The Skaergaard Intrusion, East Greenland. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 125-141. (my_id=G295)

Stixrude&Bukovinski(1990) Fundamental thermodynamic relations and silicate melting with implications for the constitution of D". Journal of Geophysical Research. 95: 19311-19325. (my_id=G1149)

Toramaru(1990) Measurement of bubble size distributions in vesiculated rocks with implications for quantitative estimation of eruption processes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 43: 71-90. (my_id=G676)

Trigila&Spera_etal(1990) The 1983 Mount Etna eruption: thermochemical and dynamical inferences. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 594-608. (my_id=G290)

Tsukui&Aramaki(1990) The magma reservoir of the Aira pyroclastic eruption - A remarkbably homogeneous high-silica rhyolite magma reservoir. Kazan. 35: 231-248. (my_id=G139)

Wanamaker&Wong_etal(1990) Decrepitation and crack healing of fluid inclusions in San Carlos olivine. Journal of Geophysical Research. 95: 15623-15641. (my_id=G698)

Webb&Dingwell(1990) Non-Newtonian rheology of igneous melts at high stress and strain rates: Experimental results for rhyolite, andesite, basalt, and nephelinite. Journal of Geophysical Research. 95: 15695-15701. (my_id=G699)

Webster(1990) Partitioning of F between H2O and CO2 fluids and topaz rhyolite melt. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 104: 424-438. (my_id=G287)

Yui&Jeng(1990) A stable-isotope study of the hydrothermal alteration of the East Taiwan Ophiolite. Chemical Geology. 89: 65-85. (my_id=G1581)


Anderson(1991) Hourglass inclusions: Theory and application to the Bishop Rhyolitic Tuff. American Mineralogist. 76: 530-547. (my_id=G585)

Arai&Okada(1991) Petrology of serpentine sandstone as a key to tectonic development of serpentine belts. Tectonophysics. 195: 65-81. (my_id=G614)

Arai(1991) The Circum-Izu massif peridotite, central Japan, as back-arc mantle fragments of the Izu-Bonin arc system. Ophiolite genesis and evolution of the oceanic lithosphere. Peters, T. e. a., Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals, Sultanate of Oman. 801-816. (my_id=G621)

Arai&Hisada(1991) Detrital chromian spinels from the Ishido Formation of the Sanchu Cretaceous Formations, Kanto Mountains, central Japan. Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology. 86: 540-553. (my_id=G627)

Baker(1991) Interdiffusion of hydrous dacitic and rhyolitic melts and the efficacy of rhyolite contamination of dacitic enclaves. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 106: 462-473. (my_id=G443)

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Brenan&Watson(1991) Partitioning of trace elements between carbonate melt and clinopyroxene and olivine at mantle P-T conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 55: 2203-2214. (my_id=G51)

Brenan&Watson(1991) Partitioning of trace elements between olivine and aqueous fluids at high P-T conditions: implications for the effect of fluid composition on trace-element transport. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 107: 672-688. (my_id=G226)

Carmichael(1991) The redox states of basic and silicic magmas: a reflection of their source regions? Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 106: 129-141. (my_id=G982)

Carrigan&Eichelberger(1991) Zoning of magmas by viscosity in volcanic conduits. Nature. 343: 248-251. (my_id=G186)

Cashman&Bergantz(1991) Magmatic processes. Reviews of geophysics, supplement,. U.S. National report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1987-1990: 500-512. (my_id=G233)

Chaussidon&Sheppard_etal(1991) Hydrogen, sulphur and neodymium isotope variations in the mantle beneath the EPR at 12° 50' N. Stable Isotope Geochemistry: A Tribute to Samuel Epstein. Special publication No. 3: 325-337. (my_id=G35)

Clayton&Kieffer(1991) Oxygen isotopic thermometer calibrations. Stable Isotope Geochemistry: A Tribute to Samuel Epstein. Special publication No. 3: 3-10. (my_id=G30)

Cosca&Essene_etal(1991) Complete chemical analyses of metamorphic hornblendes: implications for normalizations, calculated H2O activities, and thermobarometry. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 108: 472-484. (my_id=G446)

Deloule&France-Lanord_etal(1991) D/H analysis of minerals by ion probe. Stable Isotope Geochemistry: A Tribute to Samuel Epstein. Special publication No. 3: 53-62. (my_id=G32)

Dempster&Hutton_etal(1991) Textural evolution of the rapakivi granites, south Greenland- Sr, O and H isotopic investigations. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 107: 459-471. (my_id=G442)

Douce&Johnston(1991) Phase equilibria and melt productivity in the peritic system: implications for the origin of peralminous granitoids and slminous granulites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 107: 202-218. (my_id=G650)

Dubois&Cheminee(1991) Fractal analysis of eruptive activity of some basaltic volcanoes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 45: 197-208. (my_id=G1403)

Ebert&Hoburg_etal(1991) The sorption of water on obsidian and a nuclear waste glass. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses. 32: 133-137. (my_id=G553)

Fink(1991) Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology 1986-1990. Reviews of geophysics, supplement,. U.S. National report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1987-1990: 443-445. (my_id=G231)

Ghiorso(1991) Thermodynamics of minerals and melts. Reviews of geophysics, supplement,. U.S. National report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1987-1990: 446-456. (my_id=G232)

Ghiorso&Sack(1991) Fe-Ti oxide geothermometry: thermodynamic formulation and the estimation of intensive variables in silicic magmas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 108: 485-510. (my_id=G447)

Han&Tomozawa(1991) Effect of residual water in silica glass on static fatigue. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 127: 97-104. (my_id=G1283)

Hansteen&Andersen_etal(1991) Fluid and silicate glass inclusions in ultramafic and mafic xenoliths from Hierro, Canary Islands: implications for mantle metasomatism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 107: 242-254. (my_id=G440)

Hariya(1991) On the formation of manganese oxide minerals. çzï®äwéGéè. 20: 3-11 (in Japanese). (my_id=G933)

Holtz&Johannes(1991) Genesis of peraluminous granites I. Experimental investigation of melt compositions at 3 and 5 kb and various H2O activities. Journal of Petrology. 32: 935-958. (my_id=G474)

Hoshizumi&Kamata(1991) Eruption Age for the Yufugawa pyroclastic flow deposit in central Kyushu, Japan. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 36: 393-401. (my_id=G1210)

Houghton&Nairn(1991) The 1976-1982 Strombolian and phreatomagmatic eruptions of White Island, New Zealand: eruptive and depositional mechanisms at a 'wet' volcano. Bulletin of Volcanology. 54: 25-49. (my_id=G704)

Housh&Luhr(1991) Plagioclase-melt equilibria in hydrous systems. American Mineralogist. 76: 477-492. (my_id=G583)

Imura&Kobayashi(1991) Eruptions of Shinmoedake volcano, Kirishima Volcano group, in the last 300 years. Kazan. 36: 135-148. (my_id=G508)

Ito&Sato(1991) Effect of the phase trahsformations on the dynamics of the descending slab. Technical report of ISEI. Ser. A No. 46: 1-18. (my_id=G96)

Ito&Sato(1991) Aseismicity in the lower mantle by superplasticity of the descending slab. Nature. 351: 140-141. (my_id=G966)

Jaupart&Allégre(1991) Gas content, eruption rate and instabilities of eruption regime in silicic volcanoes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 102: 413-429. (my_id=G147)

Jaupart(1991) Effects of compressibility on the flow of lava. Bulletin of Volcanology. 54: 1-9. (my_id=G572)

Jewell&Shelby(1991) The role of water content in the phase separation of soda -lime glasses: the effect of heat treatment on properties. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses. 32: 81-86. (my_id=G554)

Kahle(1991) Rock identification using thermal infrared data. International symposium on remote sensing. Tokyo, Japan. 163-174. (my_id=G1116)

Kawabe&Kitahara_etal(1991) Non-Chondric yttrium/holmium radio and lanthanide tetrad effect observed in pre-Cenozoic limestones. Geochemical Journal. 25: 31-44. (my_id=G1411)

Kline&Mullins(1991) Sol-gel kinetics followed by cylindrical attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 74: 2559-2563. (my_id=G527)

Kress(1991) The compressibility of silicate liquids containing Fe2O3 and the effect of composition, temperature, oxygen fugacity and pressure on their redox states. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 108: 82-92. (my_id=G1135)

Kyser&Kerrich(1991) Retrograde exchange of hydrogen isotopes between hydrous minerals and water at low temperatures. Stable Isotope Geochemistry: A Tribute to Samuel Epstein. Special publication No. 3: 409-422. (my_id=G38)

Lange&Carmichael(1991) A potassic volcanic front in western Mexico: The lamprophyric and related lavas of San Sebastian. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 103: 928-940. (my_id=G981)

Lawaence&White(1991) The elusive climate signal in the isotopic composition of precipitation. Stable Isotope Geochemistry: A Tribute to Samuel Epstein. Special publication No. 3: 169-185. (my_id=G33)

Lowenstern&Mahood(1991) Petrogenesis of high-silica rhyolite on the Alaska peninsula. Geophysical Research Letters. 18: 1565-1568. (my_id=G1395)

Lowenstern&Wallmann_etal(1991) The west mageik lake sill complex as an analogue for magma transport during the 1912 eruption at the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters. 18: 1569-1572. (my_id=G1396)

Luhr&Williams(1991) Volcanology. Reviews of geophysics, supplement,. U.S. National report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1987-1990: 513-531. (my_id=G234)

Malla&Komarneni_etal(1991) Probing the nature and the structure of pores in silica xerogels by water sorption: the tetramethyl orthosilicate - hydrogen chloride/ fluoride system. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 74: 2988-2995. (my_id=G529)

Metz&Mahood(1991) Development of the Lonv Valley, California, magma chamber recorded in precaldera rhyolite lavas of Glass Mountain. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 106: 379-397. (my_id=G450)

Morishita(1991) Fluid evolution and geobarometry on the Ohtani and Kaneuchi tungsten-quartz vein deposits, Japan: oxygen and carbon isotopic evidence. Mineral. Deposita. 26: 40-50. (my_id=G938)

Nakamura(1991) A petrologic model for the younger period of Northern Yatsugatake volcanoes, central Japan. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 36, No. 1: 93-112. (my_id=G14)

Ohta(1991) The evolutional history of the eastern and the central area of Kuju volcano group. J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 86: 243-263. (my_id=G140)

Okumura(1991) Quaternary tephra studies in the Hokkaido district, northern Japan. The Quaternary Research. 30: 379-390. (my_id=G876)

Okumura(1991) âŒéRÉKÉâÉXÇÃéÂê¨ï™ëgê¨Ç…äÓÇ√Ç≠ÉeÉtÉâÇÃëŒî‰-EPMA. åéäßínãÖ. 13: 169-174. (my_id=G880)

Rushmer(1991) Partial melting of two amphibolites: contrasting experimental results under fluid-absent conditions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 107: 41-59. (my_id=G437)

Sato&Kusakabe(1991) Water content and hydrogen isotopic composition of glassy bronzite anesite (sanukite) and glassy rhyolite from Goshikidai and Kanayama, northeast Shikoku, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan. 97: 755-758. (my_id=G735)

Sato&Tchoua_etal(1991) Olivine phenocrysts in some Cameroonian basalts - Implications for primary magma composition. Mineralogy and Petrology. 44: 253-269. (my_id=G737)

Scamehorn&Angell(1991) Viscosity-temperature relations and structure in fully polymerized alminosilicate melts from ion dynamics simulations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 55: 721-730. (my_id=G205)

Senapati&Angell(1991) Nucleation and crystallization kinetics in fragile glass-forming liquids. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 74: 2659-2662. (my_id=G528)

Shinohara(1991) Geochemistry of magmatic hydrothermal system. Chikyukagaku (Geochemistry). 25: 27-38. (my_id=G488)

Stolper&Epstein(1991) An experimental study of oxygen isotope partitioning between silica glass and CO2 vapor. Stable Isotope Geochemistry: A Tribute to Samuel Epstein. Special publication No. 3: 35-51. (my_id=G31)

Taran&Razhkov_etal(1991) Chemical and isotopic composition of magmatic gases from the 1988 eruption of Klyuchevskoy volcano, Kamchatka. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 46: 255-263. (my_id=G790)

Tatsumi&Murasaki_etal(1991) Geochemistry of Quaternary lavas from NE Sulawesi: transfer of subduction components into the mantle wedge. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 107: 137-149. (my_id=G438)

Taylor(1991) Degassing of obsidian dome rhyolite, Inyo volcanic chain, california. Stable Isotope Geochemistry: A Tribute to Samuel Epstein. Special publication No. 3: 339-353. (my_id=G36)

Tomozawa&Han_etal(1991) Water entry into silica glass during slow crack growth. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 74: 2573-2576. (my_id=G1236)

Toramaru(1991) Model of nucleation and growth of crystals in cooling magmas. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 108: 106-117. (my_id=G444)

Tsu(1991) ASTER (ITIR) and EOS project. International symposium on remote sensing. Tokyo, Japan. 127-153. (my_id=G1118)

Turi&Taylor_etal(1991) Comparisons of 18O/16O and 87Sr/86Sr in volcanic rocks from the Pontine Islands, M. Ernici, and Campania with other areas in Italy. Stable Isotope Geochemistry: A Tribute to Samuel Epstein. Special publication No. 3: 307-324. (my_id=G34)

Watson(1991) Diffusion in fluid-bearing and slightly-melted rocks: experimental and numerical approaches illustrated by iron transport in dunite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 107: 417-434. (my_id=G441)

Wendlandt(1991) Oxygen diffusion in basalt and andesite melts: experimental results and discussion of chemical versus tracer diffusion. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 108: 463-471. (my_id=G445)

Westrich&Eichelberger_etal(1991) Degassing of the 1912 Katmai magma. Geophysical Research Letters. 18: 1561-1564. (my_id=G1384)

Wickham&Taylor_etal(1991) An oxygen and hydrogen isotope study of high-grade metamorphism and anatexix in the Ruby mountains- east Humboldt range core complex, Nevada. Stable Isotope Geochemistry: A Tribute to Samuel Epstein. Special publication No. 3: 373-390. (my_id=G37)

Yamaguchi(1991) Application of JERS-1 data to geologic analyses. International symposium on remote sensing. Tokyo, Japan. 75-95. (my_id=G1117)

Yamashita&ä‚êXåı_etal(1991) ÉsÉXÉgÉìÉVÉäÉìÉ_Å[å^çÇà≥î≠ê∂ëïíuÇégópǵÇΩínäkì‡à≥óÕóÃàÊÇ≈ÇÃónóZé¿å±ÇÃäJî≠. ïΩê¨ìÒîNìxÉvÉçÉWÉFÉNÉgå§ãÜê¨â ïÒçêèë. (my_id=G13)

Yamashita(1991) Origin of felsic magmas at Meiyo-Daini seamount in Yamato backarc basin, Japan sea. Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Japan. 36: 431-441. (my_id=G523)

Zhang&Stolper_etal(1991) Diffusion of water in rhyolitic glasses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 55: 441-456. (my_id=G206)

Zimanowski&Frohlich_etal(1991) Quantitative Experiments on Phreatomagmatic Explosions. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 48: 341-358. (my_id=G1491)

Minolta(1991?) Spectrophotometer CM-1000. Minolta Co. Ltd. (my_id=G230)


Abe&Arai_etal(1992) Hydration processes in the arc mantle; petrology of the Megata peridotite xenoliths, the Northeast Japan arc. J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 87: 305-317. (my_id=G145)

Aoki&Yoshida_etal(1992) Low-pressure fractional crystallization origin of the tholeiitic basalts of the Deccan plateau, India. J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 87: 375-382. (my_id=G123)

Arai&Muraoka(1992) Peridotite xenoliths in alkali basalts from On-yama, the Chugoku district, as a suite of fertile upper mantle peridotites beneath the Southwest Japan arc. J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 87: 240-251. (my_id=G143)

Arai(1992) Petrology of peridotites as a tool of insight into mantle processes: a review. Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology. 87: 351-363. (my_id=G146)

Arai(1992) Petrological and geological significance of detrital chromian spinel and detrital serpentinite. Mem. Geol. Soc. Japan. 38: 329-344. (my_id=G615)

Arai(1992) Chemistry of chromian spinel in volcanic rocks as a potential guide to magma chemistry. Mineralogical Magazine. 56: 173-184. (my_id=G624)

Arakawa&Murakami_etal(1992) Strontium isotope compositions of anorthite and olivine phenocrysts in basaltic lavas and scorias of Miyakejima volcano, Japan. J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 87: 226-239. (my_id=G144)

Ayers&Brenan_etal(1992) A new capsule technique for hydrothermal experiments using the piston-cylinder apparatus. American Mineralogist. 77: 1080-1086. (my_id=G121)

Bacon&Newman_etal(1992) Water, CO2, Cl, and F in melt inclusions in phenocrysts from three Holocene explosive eruptions, Crater Lake, Oregon. American Mineralogist. 77: 1021-1030. (my_id=G577)

Bagdassarov&Dingwell(1992) A rheological investigation of vesicular rhyolite. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 50: 307-322. (my_id=G710)

Baker(1992) Oceanic islands and the mantle: historical perspectives. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 50: 17-32. (my_id=G129)

Ban&Oba_etal(1992) K-Ar dating of Mutsu-Hiuchidake, Osoreyama, Nanashigure, and Aoso volcanoes of the Aoso-Osore volcanic zone -The formation of the present volcanic zonation of the Northeast Japan arc-. J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 87: 39-49. (my_id=G141)

Behrens(1992) Na and Ca tracer diffusion in plagioclase glasses and supercooled melts. Chemical Geology. 96: 267-275. (my_id=G308)

Bell&Rossman(1992) The distribution of hydroxyl in garnets from the subcontinental mantle of southern Africa. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 111: 161-178. (my_id=G120)

Belonoshko&Saxena(1992) A unified equation of state for fluids of C-H-O-N-S-Ar composition and their mixtures up to very high temperatures and pressures. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 56: 3611-3626. (my_id=G127)

Boyd&Pillinger_etal(1992) C and N isotopic composition and the infrared absorption spectra of coated diamonds: evidence for the regional uniformity of CO2-H2O rich fluids in lithospheric mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 109: 633-644. (my_id=G969)

Capasso&G._etal(1992) Isotope composition of rain water, well water and fumarole steam on the Island of Vulcano, and their implications for volcanic surveillance. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 49: 147-155. (my_id=G706)

Cashman(1992) Groundmass crystallization of Mount St. Helens dacite, 1980-1986: a tool for interpreting shallow magmatic process. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 109: 431-449. (my_id=G7)

Dawson&Smith(1992) Olivine-mica pyroxenite xenoliths from northern Tanzania: metasomatic products of upper-mantle peridotite. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 50: 131-142. (my_id=G133)

Draper&Johnston(1992) Anhydrous PT phase relations of an Aleutian high- MgO basalt: an investigation of the role of olivine- liquid reaction in the generation of arc high- alumina basalts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 112: 501-519. (my_id=G406)

Duan&Møller_etal(1992) Molecular dynamics simulation of PVT properties of geological fluids and a general equation of state of nonpolar and weakly polar gases up to 2000 K and 20,000 bar. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 56: 3839-3845. (my_id=G126)

Duffield&Ruiz(1992) Compositional gradients in large reserviors of silicic magma as evidenced by ignimbrites versus Taylor Creek Rhyolite lava domes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 110: 192-210. (my_id=G43)

Dunbar&Kyle(1992) Volatile contents of obsidian clasts in tephra from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: Implications to eruptive processes. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 49: 127-145. (my_id=G712)

Dunbar&Hervig(1992) Volatile and trace element composition of melt inclusions from the lower Bandelier tuff: Implications for magma chamber processes and eruptive style. Journal of Geophysical Research. 97: 15151-15170. (my_id=G852)

Dunbar&Hervig(1992) Petrogenesis and volatile stratigraphy of the Bishop tuff: Evidence from melt inclusion analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research. 97: 15129-15150. (my_id=G853)

Ehlers&Grove_etal(1992) The effect of oxygen fugacity on the partitioning of nickel and cobalt between olivine, silicate melt, and metal. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 56: 3733-3743. (my_id=G148)

Elsenheimer&Valey(1992) In situ oxygen isotope analysis of feldspar and quartz by Nd: YAG laser microprobe. Chemical Geology (Isotope Geoscience Section). 101: 21-42. (my_id=G157)

Fink&Anderson_etal(1992) Textural constraints on effusive silicic volcanism: beyond the permeable form model. Journal of Geophysical Research. 97: 9073-9083. (my_id=G667)

Foley(1992) Vein-plus-wall-rock melting mechanisms in the lithosphere and the origin of potassic alkaline magmas. Lithos. 28: 435-453. (my_id=G987)

Freundt&Schmincke(1992) Mixing of rhyolite, trachyte and basalt magma erupted from a vertically and laterally zoned reservoir, composite flow P1, Gran Canaria. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 112: 1-19. (my_id=G407)

Fyfe(1992) Magma underplating of continental crust. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 50: 33-40. (my_id=G130)

Giggenbach(1992) Isotopic shifts in waters from geothermal and volcanic systems along convergent plate boundaries and their origin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 113: 495-510. (my_id=G177)

Giggenbach&Soto(1992) Isotopic and chemical composition of water and steam discharges from volcanic-magmatic-hydrothermal systems of the Guanacaste Geothermal Province, Costa Rica. Applied Geochemistry. 7: 309-332. (my_id=G840)

Giggenbach(1992) Magma Degassing and Mineral Deposition in Hydrothermal systems along Convergent Plate boundaries. Economic Geology. 87: 1927-1944. (my_id=G842)

Harmon&Gerbe(1992) The 1982-83 eruption at Galunggung volcano, Java (Indonesia): Oxygen isotope geochemistry of a chemically zoned magma chamber. Journal of Petrology. 33: 585-609. (my_id=G478)

Holloway&Dixon_etal(1992) An internally heated, rapid-quench, high-pressure vessel. American Mineralogist. 77: 643-646. (my_id=G273)

Holtz&Pichavant_etal(1992) Effects of H2O on liquidus phase relations in the haplogranite system at 2 and 5 kbar. American Mineralogist. 77: 1223-1241. (my_id=G578)

Holtz&Beherens_etal(1992) Water solubility in aluminosilicate melts of haplogranite composition at 2 kbar. Chemical Geology. 96: 289-302. (my_id=G700)

Imura(1992) Eruptive history of the Kirishima volcano during the past 22,000 years. Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University. 27: 71-89. (my_id=G507)

Inoue&Sawamoto(1992) High pressure melting of pyrolite under hydrous condition and its geophysical implications. High-pressure research: Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences. Sano, Y. and Manghnani, M. H. Tokyo, Washington, D. C., Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB). 323-331. (my_id=G314)

Ishida&Arai_etal(1992) Greenstones from the south marginal part of the Cretaceous Sanchu belt in the Kanto Mountains, central Japan. Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology. 87: 174-186. (my_id=G625)

Ishikawa&Eizo(1992) Boron isotope geochemistry of the oceanic crust from DSDP/ ODP hole 504B. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 56, No. 4: 1633-1639. (my_id=G99)

Isozaki&Hashiguchi_etal(1992) The Kurosegawa klippe: an examination. J. Geol. Soc. Japan. 98, No.10: 917-941. (my_id=G167)

Jambon&Lussiez_etal(1992) Olivine growth rates in a tholeiitic basalt: An experimental study of melt inclusions in plagioclase. Chemical Geology. 96: 277-287. (my_id=G832)

Jenkin&Fallick_etal(1992) A stable isotope study of retrograde alteration in SW Connemara, Ireland. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 110: 269-288. (my_id=G47)

Kanzaki(1992) Pressure-induced structural changes in silicate glass (melt). Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Japan. 21: 149-160. (my_id=G1146)

Katsura&Ito(1992) The system MgO- SiO2- CO2- H2O at high pressure: A preliminary investigation of CO2 concentration in mantle fluids. High-pressure research: Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences. Sano, Y. and Manghnani, M. H. Tokyo, Washington, D. C., Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB). 275-281. (my_id=G310)

Kawano&Ohira_etal(1992) Petrology of Tanigawadake Pliocene plutonic body, North Fossa Magna, central Japan. J. Geol. Soc. Japan. 98: 497-508. (my_id=G136)

Kleiman&Saragovi_etal(1992) Biltite oxidation processes in ash-flow tuffs (Mendoza, Argentia): A Mosbauer spectroscopy and chemical study. Chemical Geology. 97: 251-264. (my_id=G159)

Knittle&Hathrone_etal(1992) A spectroscopic study of the High-pressure behavior of the O4H4 substitution in garnet. High-pressure research: Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences. Sano, Y. and Manghnani, M. H. Tokyo, Washington, D. C., Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB). 297-304. (my_id=G313)

Kohn&Dupree_etal(1992) The interaction between water and aluminosilicate magmas. Chemical Geology. 96: 399-409. (my_id=G741)

Kurosawa&Yurimoto_etal(1992) Hydrogen analysis of mantle olivine by secondary ion mass spectrometry. High-pressure research: Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences. Sano, Y. and Manghnani, M. H. Tokyo, Washington, D. C., Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB). 283-287. (my_id=G311)

Leroy&George-Aniel(1992) Volcanism and uranium mineralizations: the concept of source rock and concentration mechanism. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 50: 247-272. (my_id=G1555)

Lu&Anderson_etal(1992) Melt inclusions and crystal-liquid separation in rhyolitic magma of the Bishop Tuff. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 110: 113-120. (my_id=G924)

Lykins&Jenkins(1992) Experimental determination of pargasite stability relations in the presence of orthopyroxene. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 112: 405-413. (my_id=G408)

Mason(1992) Snow crystals, natural and man made. Contemporary Physics. 33: 227-243. (my_id=G195)

Massonne(1992) Evidence for low-temperature ultrapotassic siliceous fluids in subduction zone environments from experiments in the system K2O-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (KMASH). Lithos. 28: 421-434. (my_id=G1000)

Matsuhisa(1992) Origin of magmatic waters in subduction zones: Stable isotopic constraints. Rept. Geol. Surv. Japan. 279: 104-109. (my_id=G188)

Mitropoulos&Tarney(1992) Significance of mineral composition variations in the Aegean ialsnd arc. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 51: 283-303. (my_id=G128)

Miyaji&Endo_etal(1992) Tephrochronological history of Mt. Fuji. 29th IGC Field Trip. C12: 1-35. (my_id=G1678)

Morishita(1992) Stable isotope analysis by secondary ion mass spectrometry --Studies on diffusion kinetics in rock-forming minerals--. Chishitsu News. 450: 42-52. (my_id=G1002)

Mysen(1992) Peralkalinity, Al <-> Si substitution, and Solubility mechanisms of H2O in sluminosilicate melts. Journal of Petrology. 33: 347-375. (my_id=G479)

Mysen&Frantz(1992) Raman spectroscopy of silicate melts at magmatic temperatures: Na2O-SiO2, K2O-SiO2 and Li2O-SiO2 binary compositions in the temperature range 25-1475°C. Chemical Geology. 96: 321-332. (my_id=G783)

Nagano&Nakashima_etal(1992) Color variations associated with rapid formation of goethite from proto-ferrihydrite at pH 13 and 40 deg-C. Clays and Clay Minerals. 40: 600-607. (my_id=G1593)

Nakamura&Ishikawa_etal(1992) Precise boron isotopic analysis of natural rock samples using a boron-mannitol complex. Chemical Geology. 94: 193-204. (my_id=G100)

Nelson&Montana(1992) Sieve-textured plagioclase in volcanic rocks produced by rapid decompression. American Mineralogist. 77: 1242-1249. (my_id=G603)

Nielsen&Gallahan_etal(1992) Experimentally determined mineral-melt partition coefficients for Sc, Y and REE for olivine, orthopyroxene, pigeonite, magnetite and ilmenite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 110: 488-499. (my_id=G122)

Orsi&Gallo_etal(1992) A comprehensive study of pumice formation and dispersal: the Cretaio Tephra of Ischia (Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 53: 329-354. (my_id=G1223)

Paillat&Elphick_etal(1992) The solubility of water in NaAlSi3O8 melts: a re-examination of Ab-H2O phase relationships and critical behaviour at high pressures. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 112: 490-500. (my_id=G409)

Pallister&Hoblitt_etal(1992) Mont St. Helens a decade after the 1980 eruptions: magmatic models, chemical cycles, and a revised hazards assessment. Bull. Volcanol. 54: 126-146. (my_id=G45)

Pichavant&Holtz_etal(1992) Phase relations and compositional dependence of H2O solubility in quartz-feldspar melts. Chemical Geology. 96: 303-319. (my_id=G716)

Poe&McMillan_etal(1992) Al and Si coordination in SiO2-Al2O3 glasses and liquids: A study by NMR and IR spectroscopy and MD simulations. Chemical Geology. 96: 333-349. (my_id=G784)

Prewitt&W.(1992) Crystal chemistry of high-pressure hydrous magnesium silicates. High-pressure research: Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences. Sano, Y. and Manghnani, M. H. Tokyo, Washington, D. C., Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB). 269-274. (my_id=G309)

Ripley&Butler_etal(1992) Effect of devolatilization on the hydrogen isotopic composition of pelitic rocks in the contact aureole of the Duluth Complex, northeastern Minnesota, U.S.A. Chemical Geology. 102: 185-197. (my_id=G1578)

Rogers(1992) Potassic magmatism as a key to trace-element enrichment processes in the upper mantle. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 50: 85-99. (my_id=G131)

Roselieb&Rammensee_etal(1992) Solubility and diffusion of noble gasas in vitreous albite. Chemical Geology. 96: 241-266. (my_id=G249)

Sakayori(1992) Geology and Petrology of Zao volcano. J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 87: 433-444. (my_id=G138)

Sato(1992) Laboratory seismic studies: A search for mechanical, thermal and chemical structures of the Earth. Technical report of ISEI. Ser. A No. 52: 1-39. (my_id=G95)

Sato(1992) Thermal structure of the mantle wedge beneath northeastern Japan: Magmatism in an island arc from the combined data of seismic anelasticity and velocity and heat flow. Technical report of ISEI. Ser. A No. 51: 1-30. (my_id=G97)

Sato&Fujii_etal(1992) Crumbling of dacite dome lava and generation of pyroclastic flows at Unzen volcano. Nature. 360: 664-666. (my_id=G733)

Sekine&Aramaki(1992) Physical condition of felsic magma constrained by experimentally-determined phase relations. Geochemical Journal. 26: 279-290. (my_id=G1029)

Sharp(1992) In situ laser microprobe techniques for stable isotope analysis. Chemical Geology (Isotope Geoscience Section). 101: 3-19. (my_id=G156)

Shaw&Sturchio(1992) Boron-lithium relationships in rhyolites and associated thermal waters of young silicic calderas, with comments on incompatible element behaviour. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 56: 3723-3731. (my_id=G149)

Shimizu&Nihei_etal(1992) Effect of texture of iced road surface on characteristics of ice and snow tires. Subzero Engineering Conditions Conference. Helsinki, Finland, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. 920018: 173-181. (my_id=G1114)

Shumidt(1992) Amphibole composition in tonalite as a function of pressure: an experimental calibration of the Al-inHornblende barometer. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 110: 304-310. (my_id=G50)

Shuto&Kagami_etal(1992) Temporal variation of Sr isotopic compositions of the Cretaceous to Tertiary volcanic rocks from Okushiri island, Northeast Japan Sea. J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol. 87: 165-173. (my_id=G142)

Stein&Spera(1992) Rheology and microstructure of magmatic emultions: theory and expreiments. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 49: 157-174. (my_id=G707)

Tait(1992) Selective preservation of melt inclusions in igneous rocks. American Mineralogist. 77: 146-155. (my_id=G556)

Takahashi(1992) Petrological study of tonalitic rocks in the upper reaches of Satsunai River, Main Zone of the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt -Coexistent relation of S-type with I-type granite-. J. Geol. Soc. Japan. 98: 295-308. (my_id=G137)

Taran(1992) Chemical and isotopic composition of fumarolic gases from Kamchatka and the Kurile islands. Rept. Geol. Surv. Japan. 279: 183-186. (my_id=G189)

Taran&Pokrovsky_etal(1992) Hydrogen isotopes in amphiboles and micas from Quaternary lavas of the Kamchatka-Kurile arc system. Rept. Geol. Surv. Japan. 279: 187-189. (my_id=G190)

Taran&Torokhov_etal(1992) Isotopic composition of mineral precipitates and free gas associated with hydrothermal vents of Pipp submarine volcano, Bering Sea. Geochemical Journal. 26: 291-297. (my_id=G1030)

Taylor(1992) Degassing of H2O from rhyolite magma during eruption and shallow intrusion, and the isotopic composition of magmatic water in hydrothermal systems. Rept. Geol. Surv. Japan. 279: 190-194. (my_id=G191)

Togashi&Tanaka_etal(1992) Trace elements and Nd-Sr isotopes of island arc tholeiites from frontal arc of Northeast Japan. Geochemical Journal. 26: 261-277. (my_id=G870)

White&Wyllie(1992) Solidus reactions in synthetic lherzolite-H2O-CO2 from 20-30 kbar, with applications to melting and metasomatism. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 50: 117-130. (my_id=G132)

Williams(1992) A vibrational spectroscopic study of hydrogen in high pressure mineral assemblages. High-pressure research: Application to Earth and Planetary Sciences. Sano, Y. and Manghnani, M. H. Tokyo, Washington, D. C., Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB). 289-296. (my_id=G312)

Wunder&Schreyer(1992) Metastability of the 10-Å phase in the system MgO- SiO2- H2O (MSH). What about hydrous MSH phases in subduction zones. Journal of Petrology. 33: 877-889. (my_id=G477)

Zhang&Frantz(1992) Hydrothermal reactions involving equilibrium between minerals and mixed volatiles 2. Investigations of fluid properties in the CO2-CH4-H2O system using synthetic fluid inclusions. Chemical Geology. 100: 51-72. (my_id=G158)


Agrinier&Mevel_etal(1993) Metasomatic hydrous fluids in amphibole peridotites from Zabargad Island (Red Sea). Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 120: 187-205. (my_id=G1575)

Alt&Shanks III_etal(1993) Cycling of sulfur in subduction zones: The geochemistry of sulfur in the Mariana Island Arc and back-arc trough. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 119: 477-494. (my_id=G261)

Anilkumar&Sparks_etal(1993) Geological implications and applications of high-velocity two-phase flow experiments. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 56: 145-160. (my_id=G1373)

Arai(1993) Origin of the sub-cratonic harzburgite. Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ. 38: 51-58. (my_id=G618)

Aramaki(1993) Geological map of Asama volcano. Geological Survey of Japan. (my_id=G823)

Ayers&Watson(1993) Rutile solubility and mobility in supercritical aqueous fluids. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 114: 321-330. (my_id=G265)

Bagdassarov&Dingwell(1993) Deformation of formed rhyolites under internal and external stresses: an experimental investigation. Bulletin of Volcanology. 55: 147-154. (my_id=G683)

Bagdassarov&Fradkov(1993) Evolution of Double Diffusion Convection in a Felsic Magma Chamber. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 54: 291-308. (my_id=G1507)

Ballhaus(1993) Redox states of lithosphere and asthenospheric upper mantle. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 114: 331-348. (my_id=G264)

Binard&Maury_etal(1993) Mehetia Island, South Pacific: geology and petrology of the emerged part of the Society hot spot. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 55: 239-260. (my_id=G197)

Bindeman(1993) A practical petrological method for the determination of volume propertions of magma chamber refilling. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 56: 133-144. (my_id=G1375)

Blair&Duffy_etal(1993) A new glass for hosting organic compounds with optical, electronic, and biological applications. Physics and Chemistry of Glasses. 33: 191-198. (my_id=G552)

Blank&Stolper_etal(1993) Solubilities of carbon dioxide and water in rhyolitic melt at 850°C and 750 bars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 119: 27-36. (my_id=G242)

Blank&Delaney_etal(1993) The concentration and isotopic composition of carbon in basaltic glasses from the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Pacific Ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 57: 875-887. (my_id=G1265)

Blattner(1993) "Andesitic water": a phantom of the isotopic evolution of water-silicate systems. Comment on "Isotopic shifts in waters from geothermal and volcanic systems along convergent plate boundaries and their origin" by W.F.Giggenbach. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 120: 511-518. (my_id=G841)

Bolognesi&D'Amore(1993) Isotopic variation of the hydrothermal system on Vulcano Island, Italy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 57: 2069-2082. (my_id=G837)

Brandon&Hooper_etal(1993) Evaluating crustal contamination in continental basalts: the isotopic composition of the Picture Gorge Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 114: 452-464. (my_id=G259)

Brodholt&Wood(1993) Molecular dynamics simulations of the properties of CO2-H2O mixtures at high pressures and temperatures. American Mineralogist. 78: 558-564. (my_id=G600)

Brown(1993) Fractional crystallization and zoning in igneous feldspars: ideal water- buffered liquid fractionation lines and feldspar zoning paths. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 113: 115-125. (my_id=G481)

Bursik(1993) Subplinian eruption mechanisms inferred from volatile and clast dispersal data. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 57: 57-90. (my_id=G1394)

Caprarelli&Togashi_etal(1993) Preliminary Sr and Nd isotopic data for recent lavas from Vesuvius volcano. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 58: 377-381. (my_id=G868)

Cashman(1993) Relationship between plagioclase crystallization and cooling rate in basaltic melts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 113: 126-142. (my_id=G480)

Cheng&Macdougall_etal(1993) Geochemical studies of Tahiti, Teahitia and Mehetia, Society Island chain. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 55: 155-184. (my_id=G229)

Chiodini&Cioni_etal(1993) Reactions governing the chemistry of crater fumaroles from Vulcano Island, Italy, and implications for volcanic surveillance. Applied Geochemistry. 8: 357-371. (my_id=G839)

Christensen&DePaolo(1993) Time scales of large volume silicic magma systems: Sr isotopic systematics of phenocrysts and glass from the Bishop Tuff, Long Valley, California. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 113: 100-114. (my_id=G203)

Dunbar&Kyle(1993) Lack of volatile gradient in the Taupo plinian-egninbrite transition: Evidence from melt inclusion analysis. American Mineralogist. 78: 612-618. (my_id=G579)

Dunbar&Riciputi_etal(1993) Generation of rhyolitic melt in an artificial magma: Implications for fractional crystallization processes in natural magmas. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 57: 157-166. (my_id=G1366)

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Holland&Blundy(1994) Non-ideal interactions in calcic amphiboles and their bearing on amphibole-plagioclase thermometry. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 116: 433-447. (my_id=G522)

Hurwitz&Navon(1994) Bubble nucleation in rhyolitic melts: Experiments at high pressure, temperature, and water content. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 122: 267-280. (my_id=G467)

Huysken&Vogel_etal(1994) Incremental growth of a large volume, chemically zoned magma body: a study of the tephra sequence beneath the Reinier Mesa ash flow sheet of the Timber Mountain Tuff. Bulletin of Volcanology. 56: 377-385. (my_id=G559)

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Li&Tomozawa(1994) Mechanical strength increase of abraded silica glass by high pressure water vapor treatment. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 168: 287-292. (my_id=G1267)

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Mukhopadhyay&Holdaway(1994) Cordierite- garnet- sillimanite- quartz equilibrium: I. New experimental calibration in the system FeO- Al2O3- SiO2- H2O and certain P-T-XH2O relations. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 116: 462-472. (my_id=G520)

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Mysen&Frantz(1994) Silicate melts at magmatic temperatures: in-situ structure determination to 1651 °C and effect of temperature and bulk composition on the mixing behavior of structural units. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 117: 1-14. (my_id=G526)

Nagano&Nakashima_etal(1994) The use of color to quantify the effects of pH and temperature on the crystallization kinetics of goethite under highly alkaline conditions. Clays and Clay Minerals. 42: 226-234. (my_id=G1594)

Nakagawa&Masuda_etal(1994) Recent eruptions of Eniwa volcano, Post-Shikotsu Caldera, Southwestern Hokkaido. Bulletin of the Volcanological Society of Japan. 39: 237-241 (in Japanese). (my_id=G962)

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Northrup&Reeder(1994) Evidence for the importance of growth-surface structure to trace element incorporation in topaz. American Mineralogist. 79: 1167-1175. (my_id=G586)

Ohba&Hirabayashi_etal(1994) Equilibrium temperature and redox state of volcanic gas at Unzen volcano, Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 60: 263-272. (my_id=G497)

Okuchi&Takahashi(1994) Geochemical Constraints on the origin of the Moon. ìVï∂åéïÒ. 87: 245-252. (my_id=G487)

Okumura&Shimokawa_etal(1994) Recent surface faulting events along the middle section of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line. Jishin. 46: 425-438. (my_id=G878)

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Romano&Dingwell_etal(1994) Kinetics of quenching of hydrous feldspathic melts: Quantification using synthetic fluid inclusions. American Mineralogist. 79: 1125-1134. (my_id=G590)

Rose&Bird(1994) Hydrothermally altered dolerite dykes in East Greenland: implications for Ca-metasomatism of basaltic protoliths. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 116: 420-432. (my_id=G521)

Roux&Holtz_etal(1994) A reliable high-temperature setup for internally heated pressure vessels: Applications to silicate melt studies. American Mineralogist. 79: 1145-1149. (my_id=G588)

Sato&Shimizu_etal(1994) Narrowing of graben width near Unzen volcano: Effect of local thinning of lithosphere. Journal of Geolgrphy. 103: 471-478 (in Japanese). (my_id=G739)

Shinohara&Kazahaya(1994) Release of hydrothermal fluid from a degassing magma. Mem. Geol. Soc. Japan. 43: 120-132. (my_id=G489)

Sobolev&Danyushevsky(1994) Petrology and geochemistry of Boninites from the north termination of the Tonga trench: Constraints on the generation conditions of primary high-Ca boninite magmas. Journal of Petrology. 35: 1183-1211. (my_id=G576)

Sobolev&Danushevsky(1994) Petrology and geochemistry of Boninites from north termination of the Tonga trench: Constraints on the generation conditions of primary high-Ca boninite magmas. Journal of Petrology. 35: 1183-1211. (my_id=G1089)

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Takahashi&Arai(1994) Basalt gravels in the Senhata Formation, the Miura Group, Boso Peninsula - A constituent of the Circum-Izu Massif Serpentine Belt -. Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology. 89: 101-114. (my_id=G626)

Tamura(1994) Genesis of island arc magmas by mantle-derived bimodal magmatism: Evidence from the Shirahama group, Japan. Journal of Petrology. 35: 619-645. (my_id=G560)

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Larrieu&Ayers(1997) Measurements of the pressure-volume-temperature properties of fluids to 20 kbar and 1000 deg-C: A new approach demonstrated on H2O. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 61: 3121-3134. (my_id=G1140)

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Schmidt&Holtz_etal(1997) The influence of H2O-H2 fluids and redox conditions on melting temperatures in the haplogranite system. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 126: 386-400. (my_id=G1292)

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Bindeman&Davis_etal(1998) Ion microprobe study of plagioclase-basalt partition experiments at natural concentration levels of trace elements. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 62: 1175-1193. (my_id=G1260)

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Nakagawa&Wada_etal(2002) Mixed Magmas, Mush Chambers and Eruption Triggers: Evidence from Zoned Clinopyroxene Phenocrysts in Andesitic Scoria from the 1995 Eruptions of Ruapehu Volcano, New Zealand. Journal of Petrology. 43: 2279-2303. (my_id=G1407)

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Saito&Stimac_etal(2002) Mafic-felsic magma interaction at Satsuma-Iwojima volcano, Japan: Evidence from mafic inclusions in rhyolites. Earth Planet Space. 54: 303-325. (my_id=G1349)

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Yokoyama&Banfield(2002) Direct determinations of the rates of rhyolite dissolution and clay formation over 52,000 years and comparison with laboratory measurements. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 66: 2665-2681. (my_id=G1551)

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Shimizu&Aoki_etal(2003) Near-infrared and visible light microthermometry of fluid inclusions in sphalerite from a possible southeast extension of the Toyoha polymetallic deposit, Japan. Resource Geology. 53: 115-126. (my_id=G1464)

Shinohara&Kazahaya_etal(2003) Variation of CO2/SO2 ratio in volcanic plumes of Miyakejima: Stable degassing deduced from heliborne measurements. Geophysical Research Letters. 30: 12-1-4. (my_id=G1457)

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Mastin&Christiansen_etal(2004) What makes hydromagmatic eruptions violent? Some insights from the Keanakaloi Ash, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 137: 15-31. (my_id=G1644)

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Bulmer&Glaze_etal(2005) Distinguishing between primary and secondary emplacement events of blocky volcanic deposits using rock size distributions. Journal of Geophysical Research. 110: doi:10.1029/2003JB002841. (my_id=G1624)

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Kueppers&Scheu_etal(2005) Field-based density measurements as tool to identify preeruption dome structure: set-up and first results from Unzen volcano, Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 141: 65-75. (my_id=G1680)

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