nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
SAVAGE Martha 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "SAVAGE Martha")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
10: SAVAGE Martha
2: OHMINATO Takao, SHELLEY Adrian, TSUJI Hirosi, WILLIAMS Charles, 佐藤 比呂志, 吉田 圭佑, 岡田 知己, 岩崎 貴哉, 石山 達也, 蔵下 英司, 飯高 隆, 高木 涼太
1: ALLEN Michael, AOKI Yosuke Aoki, BARTH Nicolas, BECROFT Leeza, BOLES Austin, BOULTON Carolyn, BRODERICK Neil G.R., CARPENTER Brett M., CELERIER Bernard, COLLET Olivia, COOPER Alan, COUSSENS Jamie, COUTTS Ashley, COX Simon, CRAW Lisa, DOAN Mai-Linh, ECCLES Jennifer, FAULKNER Dan, GRIEVE Jason, GROCHOWSKI Julia, GULLEY Anton, GUREVICH Boris, GUREVICH Gurevich, HARTOG Arthur, HOWARTH Jamie, IIDAKA Takashi, ISHIYAMA Tatsuya, IWASAKI Takaya, JACOBS Katrina, JANKU-CAPOVA Lucie, JEPPSON Tamara, KATO Naoki, KEYS Steven, KIRILOVA Martina, KOMETANI Yusuke, KURASHIMO Eiji, LANGRIDGE Rob, LIN Weiren, LITTLE Timothy, LUKACS Adrienn, MALLYON Deirdre, MARIANI Elisabetta, MASSIOT Cecile, MATHEWSON Loren, MELOSH Ben, MENZIES Catriona, MOORE Jo, MORALES Luiz, MORGAN Chance, MORI Hiroshi, NIEMEIJER Andre, NISHIKAWA Osamu, PRIOR David, SATO Hiroshi, SAUER Katrina, SCHLEICHER Anja, SCHMITT Douglas R., SHIGEMATSU Norio, SUTHERLAND Repert, TAYLOR-OFFORD Sam, TEAGLE Damon, TOBIN Harold, TOY Virginia, UPTON Phaedra, VALDEZ Robert, WEAVER Konrad, WIERSBERG Thomas, WILLIAMS Jack, WOODMAN Nick, ZIMMER Martin, 中山 貴隆, 加藤 愛太郎, 北村 重浩, 平田 直, 望月 公広, 篠原 雅尚
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2008: Changes in stress accompanying the 2004 eruption of Mt. Asama, Japan as measured by seismic anisotropy and GPS
2008: Changes in stress accompanying the 2004 eruption of Mt. Asama, Japan as measured by seismic anisotropy and GPS (X4 002)
2010: ニュージーランド北島下メガスラストを探る 日本−ニュージーランド共同構造探査 (SSS024 12)
Megathrust Structure beneath North Island, New Zealand Japan New Zealand Joint Geophysical/Geological Research Project(SSS024 12)
2012: Computational modelling of seismic anisotropy due to stress in the crust at Mount Asama
2012: ニュージーランド北島、ウエリントン地域下における地震波散乱体分布(SSS34 02)
Seismic scatterer distribution beneath the Wellington region, southernmost part of New Zealand's North Island(SSS34 02)
2014: Modelling shear wave splitting due to stress induced anisotropy; with an application to Mount Asama Volcano, Japan
2015: SAHKE seismic scatter imaging of subduction beneath Wellington, North Island, New Zealand
2016: ニュージーランドアルパイン断層掘削地点とその周辺における地殻浅部S波異方性(S06 03)
Shear wave anisotropy in shallow crust at and around the DFDP drilling sites at the Alpine fault, New Zealand (S06 03)
2016: 地震波干渉法によるニュージランド・アルパイン断層近傍における表層付近のS波異方性の推定(SSS26 P07)
Shear wave anisotropy in shallow subsurface around the Alpine fault, New Zealand, estimated by seismic interferometry (SSS26 P07)
2017: Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate bounding fault