nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
MORI Hiroshi 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "MORI Hiroshi")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
54: MORI Hiroshi
35: TAKEDA Hiroshi
6: WALLIS Simon
4: YANAI Keizo
3: ENDO Shunsuke, IKEDA Yukio, SAITO Jun, SHIGEMATSU Norio
2: ASAHARA Yoshihiro, DELANEY J.S., FUJIMOTO Koichiro, FUJINO Kiyoshi, HARA Hidetoshi, ISHII Teruaki, KAWAHARA Hirokazu, MIYAMOTO M., NAGAYA Takayoshi, OGATA Hiromi, PRINZ M., TAGAI Tokuhei, TOMIOKA Naotaka, WALLIS Simon R.
1: ALLEN Michael, AOYA Mutsuki, ARAI Tomoko, ASAHINA Daisuke, AWATA Yasuo, AZUMA Takashi, BABA Toshiyuki, BARATIN Laura-May, BARTH Nicolas, BECROFT Leeza, BOESE Carolin, BOGARD Donald D., BOLES Austin, BOULTON Carolyn, BRODERICK Neil G.R., CARPENTER Brett M., CELERIER Bernard, CHAMBERLAIN Calum, COOPER Alan, COUSSENS Jamie, COUTTS Ashley, COX Simon, CRAW Lisa, DOAN Mai-Linh, ECCLES Jennifer, FAULKNER Dan, FUJII Naoyuki, FURUYA Naoto, GRIEVE Jason, GROCHOWSKI Julia, GULLEY Anton, HARLOW G.E., HARTOG Arthur, HIROI Takahiro, HOE Soeng Gi, HOWARTH Jamie, IMANISHI Kazutoshi, ISHII T., JACOBS Katrina, JANKU-CAPOVA Lucie, JEPPSON Tamara, KATO Naoki, KEYS Steven, KIMURA Makoto, KIRILOVA Martina, KOMETANI Yusuke, KOUKETSU Yui, KURIHARA Toshiyuki, LANGRIDGE Rob, LIN Weiren, LITTLE Timothy, LUKACS Adrienn, MALLYON Deirdre, MARIANI Elisabetta, MARUYAMA Sadao, MARUYAMA Tadashi, MASSIOT Cecile, MATHEWSON Loren, MCKAY Gordon, MELOSH Ben, MENZIES Catriona, MIKOUCHI Takashi, MITSUISHI Mayumi, MIYAKAWA Ayumu, MIYAMOTO Masaichi, MIYASHITA Yukari, MIZUKAMI Tomoyuki, MOORE Jo, MORALES Luiz, MORGAN Chance, MORI Natsumi, NAKAGAWA Koichi, NAKAMURA Daisuke, NIEMEIJER Andre, NISHIKAWA Osamu, NYQUIST L.E., OCHI Tadafumi, OTSUBO Makoto, OZAWA Kazuhiro, PRIOR David, SADANAGA R., SATO Jun, SAUER Katrina, SAVAGE Martha, SCHLEICHER Anja, SCHMITT Douglas R., SEKINE Toshimori, SHIRAHAMA Yoshiki, SHIRAKAWA Chie, SUTHERLAND Rupert, TACHIKAWA O., TAKEDA HIroshi, TAKEDA Naoto, TANAKA Nobuaki, TAYLOR-OFFORD Sam, TEAGLE Damon, TOBIN Harold, TOWNEND John, TOY Virginia, TSUCHUIYA Takamura, UCHIYAMA Koji, UPTON Phaedra, VALDEZ Robert, WEAVER Konrad, WIERSBERG Thomas, WILLIAMS Jack, WOODEN J.L., WOODMAN Nick, YAMAGUCHI Akira, YOSHIMI Masayuki, ZIMMER Martin
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1973: Temperature Effects on Elastic Behavior of Basalt
1974: Geology of the Takara Mine, Yamanashi Prefecture
1980: A Study of the Uzumine Sengosawa Structural Belt in the Abukuma Plateau, Japan
1980: Mineralogical Examination of the Allan Hills Achondrites and Their Bearing on the Parent Bodies
1980: Thermal and Deformational History of Diogenites and a Lunar Norite, as Determined by Electron Microscopy and Crystallography
1981: Chemical Compositions of Matrices of Unequilibrated Ordinary Chondrites
1981: Microstructures of Pyroxenes from Two Eucrites and a Lunar Monzodiorite
1981: Microtextures due to shock event observed in a lunar achondrite like gabbro and resetting of the radiogenic clock
1981: Mineralogy of the Yamato Diogenites as Possible Pieces of a Single Fall
1981: Mineralogy of the Yamato Diogenites of Possibly Pieces of a Single Fall
1981: Thermal History of a Howardite Parent Body
1981: Thermal and Deformational Histories of Diogenites as Inferred from Their Microtextures of Orthopyroxene
1981: Thermal and Impact Histories of Pyroxenes in Lunar Eucritic Gabbros and Eucrites
1982: A Record of Impact Excavation of a Part of the Lunar Crust during the Formation
1982: Comparison of Orthopyroxenes in Lunar Norites and Diogenites
1982: The Colling Histories of Diogenites as Inferred from the Exsolution Phenomena in Orthopyroxene
1983: A Study of Shock Produced Veins in Ordinary Chondrites
1983: Comparison of Yamato and Victoria Land Polymict Eucrites: A View from Mineralogy and Isotopic Study
1983: Deformation of Olivine in the Antarctic Ureilites, Allan Hills 77257 and 78262
1983: Mineralogical Comparison of Antarctic and Non Antarctic Hed (Howardites Eucrites Diogenites) Achondrites
1984: An Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopic Study of Shock Produced Veins in the Tenham Chondrite
1984: Antarctic Howardites and their Primitive Crust
1984: Mineralogy of Some Achondrites and the Early Evolution of their Parent Bodies
1984: Yamato 79 Howardites and Their Primitive Crust
1985: Electorical Update of Japan
1986: Mineralogy of Antarctic Luner Meteorites and Differented Products of the Luner Crust
1987: Mineralogy of Lunar Meteorites, Yamato 82192 and 82193 with Reference to Breccias in a breccia
1988: On the Pairing of Antarctic Ureilites with Reference to Their Parent Body
1988: Stress Induced Transformation of Pigeonites from Achondritic Meteorites
1990: Mineralogical Comparisons of Two Large Lunar Meteorites Mac88105 and Y86032
1991: Crystallization and Brecciation Histories of Lunar Mare Meteorites, Yamato 793274 and EET87521
1991: Mineral chemical comparisons of MAC88105 with Yamato lunar meteorites
1991: Mineralogical Studies of Lunar Mare Meteorites EET87521 and Y793274
1991: Mineralogy of interstitial rim materials of the Y74123 and Y790981 ureilites and their origin
1992: Mineralogy and Cooling Histories of Lunar Granulites and Related Lunar Meteorites
1992: Mineralogy of a New Orthopyroxene Bearing Ureilite Lew88201 and the Relationship between Magnesian Ureilites and Lodranites
1993: Exsolved Kirchsteinite in Angrite LEW86010 Olivine
1993: Mineralogy of Asuka 881757 Lunar meteorite, A New Type of Mare Rock
1994: Mineralogy and 39Ar 40Ar age of an old pristine basalt: Thermal history of the HED parent body
1994: Mineralogy of new Antarctic achondrites with affinity to Lodran and a model of their evolution in an asteroid
1999: Shock induced transformation of plagioclase into a hollandite structure found in chondrites
2000: Hot shock experiments of a basaltic eucrite: Implication for impact processes on early hot crust
2000: Shock induced transition of NaAlSi3O8 feldspar into a hollandite structure in a L6 chondrite
2010: Lake shoreline deformation in Tibet and mid crustal flow
2010: Large scale folding in the Asemi gawa region of the Sanbagawa Belt, southwest Japan
2012: Internal structure of the Median Tectonic Line fault zone, SW Japan, revealed by borehole analysis
2013: A new approach to develop the Raman carbonaceous material geothermometer for low grade metamorphism using peak width
2013: Tectono stratigraphy and low grade metamorphism of Late Permian and Early Jurassic accretionary complexes within the Kurosegawa belt, Southwest Japan: Implications for mechanisms of crustal displacement within active continental margin
2015: Graphitization of carbonaceous material in sedimentary rocks on short geologic time scales: An example from the Kinsho zan area, central Japan
2015: Recognition of shear heating on a long lived major fault using Raman carbonaceous material thermometry: implications for strength and displacement history of the MTL, SW Japan
2016: Brucite as an important phase of the shallow mantle wedge: Evidence from the Shiraga unit of the Sanbagawa subduction zone, SW Japan
2016: Characteristics of the surface ruptures associated with the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence, central Kyushu, Japan
2017: Evidence for localized high fluid pressure along the paleo subduction boundary exposed in the Sanbagawa belt, SW Japan (SGL33 09)
2017: Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate bounding fault