nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
KONO Yoshiteru 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "KONO Yoshiteru")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
44: KONO Yoshiteru
12: KANEDA Yoshiyuki
7: KODAIRA Shuichi, PARK Jin-Oh, TAKAHASHI Narumi
5: FUJIMOTO Hiromi, FURUSE Nobuhiro, HIGASHI Toshihiro, IZUTUYA Sadakatu, NAKAGAWA Ichiro, NAKAI Sinzi, SHICHI Ryuichi, TAJIMA Hirokazu
4: FUNAKI Minoru, KIDO Yukari, MURAKAMI Makoto, TAJIMA Kazuo
3: FURUMOTO Muneyoshi, KUDO Takeshi, MIURA Seiichi, NAKANISHI Ayako, XU Jiren
2: FUJIOKA Kantaro, HIBI Takeshi, HIGASHIKATA Toshihiko, HONDA Ryo, KASAYA Takafumi, KUBO Masayuki, MACHIDA Shiki, MICHIGAMI Osamu, MIURA Yasunori, NAGAO Toshiyasu, SATO Hiroshi, SHIBUYA Kyoji, SUNAMI Motoaki, SUZUKI Keijiro
1: AMANO Masao, AWARA Masaru, CUMMINS Phil R., FUJIMOTO Muneyoshi, GENNAI Naomi, HARA Hiroshi, HASEMI Akiko, HIRAMATSU Yoshihiro, HIRANO Norio, HIRANO Satoshi, HIRATA Naoshi, KATAGAWA Hideki, KIDO (NAKASA) Yukari, KINOSHITA Hajimu, KOBAYASHI Yoji, MORITA Akiko, OKUBO Yoshihiro, SATO Hiroaki, SATOMURA Mikio, TAKEUCHI Akira, TAKEUCHI Fumiaki, YOSHII Toshikatsu, ZHAO Zhixin
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1966: Heat flow and tectogenesis
1970: Origin of low volocity layer by partial melting
1971: Terrestrial Heat Flow in Hokuriku District, Central Japan
1975: Gravity Survey in the Noto Peninsula, Japan (1) Method and Data Presentation
1975: Numerical Experiments on the Thickening Plate Model
1978: Thickening model of the continental lithosphere
1981: Precise Calibration of Scale Constants of LaCoste & Romberg Gravimeters and International Gravimetric Connection along the Circum Pacific Zone (The First Half of the Main Investigation), Report on Precise Calibration of Scale Constants of LaCoste & Romberg Gravimeters and Contribution to the Reform of the International Gravity Standardization Net 1971 (Main Investigation in 1980), Grant in Aid for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan
1982: Gravity Anomaly over the Northern Part of the Central Japan (1)
1982: Precise Calibration of Scale Constants of LaCoste & Romberg Gravimeters and International Gravimetric Connection along the Circum Pacific Zone (The Second Half of the Main Investigation), Report on Precise Calibration of Scale Constants of LaCoste & Romberg Gravimeters and Contribution to the Reform of the International Gravity Standardization Net 1971 (Main Investigation in 1981), Grant in Aid for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan
1983: Gravimetric Connection between Tokyo and McMurdo Sound
1983: Gravity Anomaly over the Northern Part of Central Japan (2)
1983: Observation of Gravity to Reveal a Buried Fault Associated with the Fukui Earthquake
1983: Precise Calibration of Scale Values of LaCoste & Romberg Gravimeters and International Gravimetric Connections along the Circum Pacific Zone (Final Report), Final Report on Precise Calibration of Scale Values of LaCoste & Romberg Gravimeters and Contribution to the Reform of the International Gravity Standardization Net 1971, Grant in Aid for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan
1985: On the Sensitivity Characteristics of Lacoste & Romberg Gravimeter (Model G)
1989: A Hypothesis on the heat Flow Similarity between Oceans and Continents
1990: Digital Compilation of Gravity Data Over the Japanese Islands
1992: A New Tectonic Line across the Japanese Islands found from Gravity Anomalies (II 6 1 P 17)
1992: Invisible Faults: Distribution of Steep Horizontal Gradient Zones ( SHGS ) of Bouguer Anomalies Over the Japanese Islands (II 6 10 P 1)
1992: Subsurface Photographs: Detailled Gravity Anomalies in and around the Japanese Islands (II 6 10 P 2)
1994: Geophysical Investigations of the Takamatsu Crater, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan
1995: Structure of the Takamatsu Crater Inferred from Gravity and Geomagnetic Anomalies
1996: A New Gravity Anomaly Map of the Japanese Islands Reduction of Gravity Contribution due to Subducting Plates
1996: Proposal for Scientific Drilling on the Takamatsu Crater
1996: Proposal for Scientific Drilling on the Takamatsu Crater
1996: Short Wavelength Gravity Anomalies in and around the Japanese Islands
1997: FEM Modeling of Interseismic Forearc Deformation due to Plate Subduction
1997: Gravity Anomalies in the Vicinity of Bandai Volcano, Northeastern Japan
1998: A Subducting Seamount Beneath the Nankai Accretionary Prism off Shikoku, Southwestern Japan (T31D 6)
1998: Geometry and Stress Field on Nankai Subduction Zone, Japan Deduced from Hypocentral Data and Focal Mechanism Solutions (T41A 23)
1999: A subducting seamount beneath the Nankai accretionary prism off Shikoku, southwestern Japan
1999: Geophysical features across the eastern Shikoku
1999: Geophysical features along subducted plate off Nankai trough to the eastern Shikoku (P057)
1999: JAMSTEC Seismic Study in Seismogenic Zone High resolution deep seismic image of the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone
1999: Seismic structure and stragigraphy of the Nankai forearc wedge off Shikoku, southwestern Japan
1999: Seismic velocity structure of Japan Trench off Fukushima fore arc region, Northeastern Japan, using controlled source
1999: Tectonic structures along the plate boundary at the Japan Trench off Sanriku obtained by seismic reflection imaging
2000: Characteristics of Intraslab Stress Field and Tectonic Implication in the Nankai Trough, Japan
2000: Out of sequence thrust faults developed in the coseismic slip zone of the 1946 Nankai earthquake (Mw=8.2) off Shikoku, southwest Japan
2000: Tectonic features of the Japan Trench convergent margin off Sanriku, northeastern Japan, revealed by multichannel seismic reflection data
2001: Crustal Structure beneath Northeastern Japan Derived from Explosion Seismology and Gravity Anomalies
2001: Three dimensional overview of the Japan Trench an example of using the Frontier database system
2002: Geometry of slab, intraslab stress field and its tectonic implication in the Nankai trough, Japan
2005: Buried large block revealed by gravity anomalies in the Tonankai and Nankai earthquakes regions, southwestern Japan
2008: Gravity anomalies and the geologic block structures in and around the aftershock area of the 2007 Noto Hanto Earthquake