nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
TAKAI Ken 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "TAKAI Ken")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
52: TAKAI Ken
17: NUNOURA Takuro
10: ISHIBASHI Jun-ichiro, UENO Yuichiro
9: INAGAKI Fumio, KAWAGUCCI Shinsuke, NAKAMURA Kentaro, SHIBUYA Takazo
7: KUMAGAI Hidenori, MARUYAMA Shigenori
5: DELWICHE Mark, HIRAYAMA Hisako, KOMIYA Tsuyoshi, NEALSON Kenneth H., SUZUKI Yohey, TOKI Tomohiro
4: CHIBA Hitoshi, GAMO Toshitaka, IGISU Motoko, MORISHITA Tomoaki, NAKAGAWA Satoshi, NISHIZAWA Manabu, OKINO Kyoko, SANO Yuji, TAKAHATA Naoto, TSUNOGAI Urumu, YAMANAKA Toshiro, YOSHIDA Naohiro
3: COLWELL Frederick, HARA Kaori, KINOSHITA Masataka, KONNO Uta, LUPTON John, MAKABE Akiko, MASAKI Yuka, MIYAZAKI Junichi, MURAMATSU Yasuyuki, NAKASHIMA Satoru, RUSSELL Michael J., SUZUKI Katsuhiko, SUZUKI Ryohei, TAHATA Miyuki, YOSHIZAKI Motoko
2: BOETIUS Antje, BOYD Stephanie, BRIS Nadine Le, COLWELL Frederick S, HAMASAKI Hiroshi, HAN Jian, HATADA Kenta, IJIRI Akira, INOUE Kazuhiro, ISOZAKI Yukio, KATO Yasuhiro, NAKAGUCHI Yuzuru, NARITA Taku, NOGUCHI Takuroh, OBATA Hajime, ODP Leg. 204 Shipboard Scientific Party, REED David, SAWAGUCHI Takashi, SAWAKI Yusuke, SHU Degan, TERANISHI Genta, TSUCHIDA Shinji, UENO Yuichro
1: ABE Mariko, ARAI Shoji, ASHI Juichiro, BACH Wolfgang, BARROSS John A., BOLTON Robert, BUTTERFIELD David A., CHARLOU Jean-Luc, CHRISTENSON Bruce W., D'HONDT Steven, DE RONDE Cornel, DE RONDE Cornel E. J., DITCHBURN Bob G., EMBLEY Robert W., ENDO Kazuyoshi, FERDELMAN Timothy, FERRIS F. Grant, FISHER Charles R., FORTIN Daniele, FUJIKURA Katsunori, FURUSHIMA Yasuo, GENA Kaul, GERMAN Christopher R., GUO Junfeng, HAMAMOTO Arito, HAMASAKI Hitoshi, HANNINGTON Mark D., HASHIMOTO Jun, HIRAI Miho, HIRANO Satoshi, HIRATA Takafumi, HIROSE Takehiro, HONDA Makio C., HORIKOSHI Kohki, INAGAKI Ken, ISHIBASHI Jun-Ichiro, ISHIBASHI Junichiro, ITO Michihiro, ITOH Michihiro, IWATA Daigo, JI Zhansheng, JORGENSEN Bo B, JORGENSEN Bo B., JORGENSEN Bo Barker, JOSHIMA Masato, KAMENETSKY Dima, KANEKO Masanori, KATO Kenji, KAWASHIMA Mika, KEMP Paul, KIKUMOTO Ryohei, KIRSCHVINK Joseph L., KITADA Kazuya, KITAJIMA Kouki, KITAZATO Hiroshi, KLEIN Frieder, KOBA Keisuke, KODAMATANI Hitoshi, KOGURE Toshihiko, KOGURE Toshihiro, KONO Yuriko, KOPP Robert E., KURAMOTO Shin'ichi, KUYPERS Marcel M.M., LAHR Janine, LI Yong, LIN Weiren, LUPTON John E., LUPTON John. E., LUTHER III George W., MARUMO Katsumi, MASSOTH Gary J., MASSTOTH Gary, MASUI Noriaki, MIYABE Shunsuke, MIZOTA Chitoshi, NAKAJIMA Ryota, NAKAMURA Ko-ichi, NAKAMURA Yasuyuki, NAKASEAMA Miwako, NARAOKA Hiroshi, NEALSON Kenneth H, NEALSON Kennth H, NEO Natsuki, NOZAKI Tatsuo, ODP Leg 204 Shipboard Scientific Party, ODP Leg. 201 and 204 Shipboard Scientific Parties, OHKUBO Satoru, OHSHIMA Shogo, OHTA Hiroyuki, OIDA Hanako, OIWANE Hisashi, OKABE Nobuaki, OKADA Satoshi, OKAMURA Kei, OKANO Tadashi, OMORI Eriko, OMORI Soichi, ONISHI Yuji, OZAKI Noriaki, PHELPS Tommy J., QUERELLOU Joel, REYES Agnes G., SAITOH Masafumi, SATO Taichi, SEYFRIED Jr. William E., SHIMIZU Kenji, SHIMOJIMA Mie, SHINJO Ryuichi, SOBECKY Patricia, SOGIN Mitchell, STOTT Matthew, SUGA Akinobu, SUZUKI Masae, TAKAESU Morifumi, TAKAHASHI Yoshio, TAKAYA Yutaro, TAKEUCHI Akinori, TAMURA Akihiro, TANIKAWA Wataru, TAWATA Miki, TERABAYASHI Masaru, TIVEY Margaret K., TOMIYASU Takashi, TREUDE Tina, TSUJI Takeshi, WATSUJI Tomo-o, WENZHOFER Frank, YAMAGAMI Shosei, YAMAGUCHI Toshiyuki, YAMAMOTO Fujio, YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki, YAMAMOTO Masahiro, YAMAMOTO Shinji, YAO Jianxin, YOKOYAMA Yuka, YOSHIDA-TAKASHIMA Yukari
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2001: Ubiquity of Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent Archaea in the Global Subsurface Biosphere
2003: Geomicrobiology and Methanogenesis in Accretionary Complexes (OS52C 06)
2003: Microbial community structures in methane hydrate baring deep marine sediments from the Peru Margin(ODP Leg. 201) and the Cascadia Margin(ODP Leg. 204) (B42C 06)
2003: Molecular biology and microbiology of the Mallik 5J 38 cores
2003: Nanometer Size Iron Sulfides Biomineralized by a Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent Gastropod in Cooperation with Endosymbiotic Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (B12C 0803)
2003: The evolution of metabolisms in hydrothermal vents
2003: The evolution of metabolisms in hydrothermal vents
2003: The microbial community structure of methane hydrate bearing deep subseafloor sediments in Cascadia Margin (ODP Leg204)
2003: The microbial community structure of methane hydrate bearing deep subseafloor sediments in Cascadia Margin (ODP Leg204)
2004: A new InterRidge Working Group: 'Biogeochemical interactions at deep sea vents'
2005: Distribution of Unusual Archaea in Subsurface Biosphere
2006: A field work approach to investigate UltraH3 linkage hypothesis at two distinct hydrothermal fields, Indian Ocean (T41B 01)
2006: Culture dependent and independent analyses of subsurface microbial communities in oil bearing strata of the Sagara oil reservoir
2006: Expedition Reveals Changes in Lau Basin Hydrothermal System
2006: Geomicrobiological exploration and characterization of deep sea hydrothermal systems in the Southwestern Pacific, Mariner field in the Lau Basin and Brothers Caldera North Slope field in the Kermadec Arc (B32A 06)
2006: Intra field variability in microbial community associated with phase separation controlled hydrothermal fluid chemistry in the Mariner field, the southern Lau Basin(B34A 07)
2006: Microbial Community in a Sediment Hosted CO2 Lake of the Southern Okinawa Trough Hydrothermal Field(B11B 1030)
2006: Sclerite formation in the hydrothermal vent scaly foot gastropod possible control of iron sulfide biomineralization by the animal
2006: Submarine Hydrothermal Activity and Gold Rich Mineralization at Brothers Volcano, Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand(V31E 05)
2006: Ultramafics Hydrothermalism Hydrogenesis HyperSLiME (UltraH3) linkage: a key insight into early microbial ecosystem in the Archean deep sea hydrothermal systems
2007: Exploring Subseafloor Life with the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
2007: Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystems
2007: Vapor rich Hydrothermal Fluid Migration Within Pumiceous Sediment in the Iheya North Knoll, Okinawa Trough(V34B 06)
2008: Serpentinized olivine rich gabbros near the Kairei Hydrothermal Field, Central Indian Ridge: A Key to understanding the unique chemistry of the vent fluid
2008: Variability in the microbial communities and hydrothermal fluid chemistry at the newly discovered Mariner hydrothermal field, southern Lau Basin
2009: H2 generation by experimental hydrothermal alteration of komatiitic glass at 300 degrees C and 500 bars: A preliminary reslut from on going experiment
2009: Igneous, Alteration and Exhumation Processes Recorded in Abyssal Peridotites and Related Fault Rocks from an Oceanic Core Complex along the Central Indian Ridge
2009: Micro FTIR Spectroscopic Characterization of Fossil and Extant Microorganisms(10 5)
2009: Serpentinized troctolites exposed near the Kairei Hydrothermal Field, Central Indian Ridge: Insights into the origin of the Kairei hydrothermal fluid supporting a unique microbial ecosystem
2010: Fast and Simple Domain Level Diagnosis of Prokaryotic Cell in Microbial Community Using Micro Infrared Spectroscopy(88 12)
2010: Highly alkaline, high temperature hydrothermal fluids in the early Archean ocean
2011: Hydrothermal fluid geochemistry at the Iheya North field in the mid Okinawa Trough: Implication for origin of methane in subseafloor fluid circulation systems
2011: Possible kilometer scale hydrothermal circulation within the Iheya North field, mid Okinawa Trough, as inferred from heat flow data
2012: Depth variation of carbon and oxygen isotopes of calcites in Archean altered upperoceanic crust: Implications for the CO2 flux from ocean to oceanic crust in the Archea
2012: Dynamic process of turbidity generation triggered by the 2011 Tohoku Oki earthquake
2012: Exploration of limits of life and unseen microbial potentials in the deep biosphere
2012: Hydrothermal fluid flow system around the Iheya North Knoll in the mid Okinawa trough based on seismic reflection data
2013: Decrease of seawater CO2 concentration in the Late Archean: An implication from 2.6 Ga seafloor hydrothermal alteration
2013: Geochemical origin of hydrothermal fluid methane in sediment associated fields and its relevance to the geographical distribution of whole hydrothermal circulation
2013: Post drilling changes in fluid discharge pattern, mineral deposition, and fluid chemistry in the Iheya North hydrothermal field, Okinawa Trough
2013: Reactions between basalt and CO2 rich seawater at 250 and 350 degrees C, 500 bars: Implications for the CO2 sequestration into the modern oceanic crust and the composition of hydrothermal vent fluid in the CO2 rich early ocean
2013: Stable chlorine isotope ratio analysis of subnanomolar level methyl chloride by continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry
2014: Diversity of fluid geochemistry affected by processes during fluid upwelling in active hydrothermal fields in the Izena Hole, the middle Okinawa Trough back arc basin
2014: FTIR microspectroscopy of Ediacaran phosphatized microfossils from the Doushantuo Formation, Weng'an, South China
2014: Nitrogen isotope chemostratigraphy across the Permian–Triassic boundary at Chaotian, Sichuan, South China
2014: Nitrogen isotope chemostratigraphy of the Ediacaran and Early Cambrian platform sequence at Three Gorges, South China
2014: Physiological and isotopic characteristics of nitrogen fixation by hyperthermophilic methanogens: Key insights into nitrogen anabolism of the microbial communities in Archean hydrothermal systems
2015: Development of a deep sea mercury sensor using in situ anodic stripping voltammetry
2015: Water column imaging with multibeam echo sounding in the mid Okinawa Trough: Implications for distribution of deep sea hydrothermal vent sites and the cause of acoustic water column anomaly
2016: Free energy distribution and hydrothermal mineral precipitation in Hadean submarine alkaline vent systems: Importance of iron redox reactions under anoxic conditions
2016: Geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal fluids at Hatoma Knoll in the southern Okinawa Trough
2016: Methanogens in H2 rich hydrothermal fluids resulting from phase separation in a sediment starved, basalt hosted hydrothermal system