Method to update

  1. Check folder items

    Please make sure that you have the following six items in WR-AOTS-210 folder.

    • WR-AOTS.exe
    • vadmgr.dll
    • Sounds folder
    • Lessons folder
    • Language folder
    • HRTF folder

    This figure shows the items in the WR-AOTS-210 folder.
  2. Copy your training field data

    If you have any training field data files that you added by Ver. 2.09 Edit window etc., please copy them from the Lessons folder of WR-AOTS-209 to that of WR-AOTS-210. You can store them at your language folder in the Lessons folder.

    * If you stored your training field data files at other folders except the Lessons folder of WR-AOTS-209, this procedure is not required.

    This figure shows the location of the Lessons folder in the WR-AOTS-210 folder.
  3. Copy your sound data

    If you have any sound data files that you added at Ver. 2.09, please copy them from the Sounds folder of WR-AOTS-209 to that of WR-AOTS-210. Otherwise, you cannot use them at Ver. 2.10.

    This figure shows the location of the Lessons folder in the WR-AOTS-210 folder.
  4. Update completed

    Please use Ver. 2.10 after this.

    * If the error occurs when the application is activated, please see Q&A of Manual.

End of Method to update.


There are the following two modifications in this update.

  • Stopping/going motion of vehicle, and varying engine sound by acceleration/deceleration can be reproduced.

    In Ver. 2.10, Stopping/going motion of vehicle, and varying engine sound by acceleration/deceleration can be reproduced. The training to judge whether the crosswalk can be crossed or not by using vehicle sound can be performed. In addition, the varying engine sound is also applied to turning curve.

    This figure is the illustration showing that the sound varies when the vehicle stops at the stop line.
  • User interfaces were improved.

    In Ver. 2.10, The user interfaces were drastically improved as follows:

    • The range that can be presented by screen reader and Braille display, and the range that can be controlled by keyboard only were extended.
    • The character size and contrast were improved.
    • The training field monitor can display in grayscale.
    • The lighting shape of the indicator varies depending on the status: Available/Unavailable/Mandatory.
    • It is multilingual. Recently, Japanese, English, Chinese (Simplified) and Korean can be used. Adding other language in future is very easy.
    • The controls that are not used frequently are not displayed, and the user interface is as simple as possible.
    This figure is the illustration showing that screen reader is working. This figure is the illustration showing that keyboards can be used. This figure is the illustration showing that the training field monitor can display both color and grayscale. This figure is the illustration showing improvement of character size and variation of lighting shape of indicator. This figure is the illustration showing the multilingual adaptation.
End of Modifications.