How to navigate

In order to navigate the Trainee in the training field, operations are available when the status is Run (the Run button was pushed and the Action indicator shows Run). The keyboard navigation includes Parallel movement, Rotation and Home.

This figure shows the pushed Run button This figure shows that the Action indicator shows Run.
  • Parallel movement (change place)

    If F of keyboard, 8 of numeric keypad, or Right of left hand of Braille keyboard is pushed, the Trainee in the training field moves forward to the direction of the head. If S of keyboard, 2 of numeric keypad, or Left of left hand of Braille keyboard is pushed, it moves backward. If the key is released, it stops.

    * The velocity of parallel movement is depending on the function of key repetition. The maximum is 1.5 m/s.

    This figure shows pushing F-S of keyboard, 8-2 of numeric keypad, or Right-Left of left hand of Braille keyboard. This figure shows that the Trainee in the training field moves in parallel to the same direction as the head direction on the monitor.
  • Rotation (change head direction)

    If J of keyboard, 4 of numeric keypad, or Left of right hand of Braille keyboard is pushed, the Trainee in the training field rotates to the left. If L of keyboard, 6 of numeric keypad, or Right of right hand of Braille keyboard is pushed, the Trainee in the training field rotates to the right. If the key is released, it stops.

    * The velocity of rotation movement is depending on the function of key repetition. The maximum is 60 deg/s.

    This figure shows pushing J-L of keyboard, 4-6 of numeric keypad, or Left-Right of right hand of Braille keyboard. This figure shows that the Trainee in the training field rotates to the both directions on the monitor.
End of How to navigate