Selected talks

  1. A talk entitled "Aharonov-Bohm Effects and Conductivity in Carbon Nanotubes "
    is given in a seminar in theory group, ISSP (18 Nov. 2005)
    Slides [PDF file]
  2. A talk entitled "Persistence of Fano and Aharonov-Bohm phases in an interferometer with a quantum dot"
    is given in 16th International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics (2-6 Aug. 2004)
    Slides [PDF] , Proceedings[PDF](preprint), and related full paper PDF(preprint) | Link to APS page [Abstruct+PDF]
  3. A lecture entitled "Electrical Conduction in Carbon Nanotubes"
    is given in ISSP International Workshop: International Summer School for Young Researchers on "Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Scale and Low Dimensions" (13-21 Aug. 2003)
    Slides [PDF file] and Abstract [PDF file]

This page was last updated on: 8 Sep. 2023