nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
IGARASHI George 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "IGARASHI George")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
33: IGARASHI George
18: WAKITA Hiroshi
10: NOTSU Kenji
7: SANO Yuji
4: SATO Tsutomu
3: HASEGAWA Sunao, OZIMA Minoru, SUGITA Seiji, TAKAHATA Naoto, TOHJIMA Yasunori
2: ABE Masanao, HIROI Takahiro, ISHIBASHI Jun-ichiro, ISHIGURO Masateru, KADONO Toshihiko, KANNO Ai, MIYASAKA Seidai, MORI Toshiya, NAKAMURA Ryosuke, OHNO Sohsuke, SEKIGUCHI Tomohiko, TERADA Hiroshi
1: BOULEGUE Jacques, FUJII Tetsuya, GAMO Toshitaka, HASEGAWA Akira, HIGUCHI Tomoyuki, HORIGUCHI Keika, ISHIBASHI Ko, ISHIKAWA Tetsuo, KADONO ToshihIko, KODERA Masako, KOIZUMI Naoji, MATSUI Takafumi, NAKAI Sun'ichi, NISHIZAWA Satoru, NOJIRI Yukihiro, OHNO Masao, PEREZ Nemesio M., SAKAI Hitoshi, SALAZAR Jose M.L., SASAKI Yoshimi, SHINOGI Masaki, SHITASHIMA Kiminori, SHOTO Eiji, STURCHIO Neil C., TASAKA Shigeki, TOKONAMI Shinji, TSUBUTA Hiroyuki, UEKI Sadato, UMEDA Koji, WATANABE Sei-ichiro, YASUOKA Yumi
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1987: Noble gas elemental and Isotopic Abundances in Deep sea Trenches in the Western Pacific
1988: Geochemical evidence for hydrothermal activity in the Okinawa Trough
1988: Origin of Isotopic Fractionation of Terrestrial Xenon
1990: Groundwater Observations at KSM Site in Northeast Japan, a Most Sensitive Site to Earthquake Occurrence
1991: An Anomalous Radon Decrease in Groundwater Prior to an M6.0 Earthquake : A Possible Precursor?
1991: Delayed Response in Hydrothermal System to the 1986 Eruption of Izu Oshima Volcano, Japan
1991: Hydrological and Geochemical Changes Prior to the 1989 Eruption of Teishi Knoll, Japan
1991: Hydrological and Geochemical Changes Related to the 1989 Seismic and Volcanic Activities off the Izu Peninsula
1991: Secular variations in helium isotope ratios in an active volcano: Eruption and plug hypothesis
1991: Tidal Responses and Earthquake Related Changes in the Water Level of Deep Wells
1992: Anomalous hot spring water changes: Possible precursors of the 1989 volcanic eruption off the east coast of the Izu Peninsula
1992: Precursory and Coseismic Anomalies in Well Water Levels Observed for the February 2, 1992 Tokyo Bay Earthquake
1992: Radon emission associated with earthquake swarms off east coast of the Izu Peninsula, Japan (II 10 1 O 1)
1993: Infrared spectral radiometer: a new tool for remote measurement of SO2 of volcanic gas
1994: Variations in Groundwater Flow Rate at the KSM Well, a Most Sensitive Well to Earthquake Occurrences
1995: Geochemical and Hydrological Observations for Earthquake Prediction in Japan
1995: Time Series Analysis of Groundwater Radon Using Stochastic Differential Equations
1996: Precursory and Coseismic Changes in Well Water Levels Observed for Some Large Earthquakes in Japan (S71C 11)
1996: Some characteristics of earthquake related changes in groundwater radon and well water level
1997: Continuous Monitoring of Dissolved Gas Concentrations in Groundwater Usig a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
1998: Anomalous 3He/4He Ratios along Active Faults in the NW Part of the Iberian Peninsula: Seismotectonic Implications (S12A 5)
1998: Helium degassing related to the Kobe earthquake
1998: Radon, Cl and SO42 anomalies in hot spring water associated with the 1995 earthquake swarm off the east coast of the Izu Peninsula, central Japan
1999: On the primordial neon in the Earth: a possible remnant of a dense dust disk around the proto Earth
2000: A geodetic sign of the critical point of stress strain state at a plate boundary
2000: Continuous monitoring of fumarolic gas flux at a bore hole in an active volcanic island
2002: Near IR and 3 mu m Spectroscopic Observations of a D type Asteroids, (773)Irmintraud, by SUBARU/IRCS
2003: Hugoniot measurements using 15 J laser propelled flyer sheets (P52A 0480)
2003: The first detection of water absorption on a D type asteroid
2004: Laboratory experiments on the kinetics of sulfur oxides in vapor clouds and its implications for the K/T event
2004: Sulfur chemistry in laser simulated impact vapor clouds: implications for the K/T impact event
2006: Evidence of precursor phenomena in the Kobe earthquake obtained from atomospheric radon concentration
2010: Geographical distribution of helium isotope ratios in northeastern Japan