nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
MATSUTOMI Hideo 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "MATSUTOMI Hideo")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
4: IMAI Kentaro, IMAMURA Fumihiko
3: KAWATA Yoshiaki, TAKAHASHI Tomoyuki, TSUJI Yoshinobu
1: ABE Ikuo, ABE Yoshi, ARAI Ken'ichi, AZUMAI Yusuke, COOK Benjamin, FUJIMA Koji, FUKASAWA Yoshinobu, HADA Yasunori, HAN Se Sub, HARADA Kenji, HARADA Satoshi, HARJADI Prih, HASEGAWA Yohei, HAYASHI Yutaka, HIRAKAWA Kazuomi, HIRATA Kenji, JUMADI, KAMATAKI Takanobu, KAMIKAWA Akiyasu, KOBAYASHI Masaki, KOSHIMURA Shunichi, MASAKA Seiichi, MATSUYAMA Masafumi, MATSUYAMA Masashi, NAMEGAWA Yuichi, NANANG Pusptito T., NANAYAMA Futoshi, NISHIMURA Yuichi, OKAMOTO Kensuke, SHIGA Toru, SHINDOU Kazuya, SUNARJO, SYNOLAKIS Costas E., TAKEO Minoru, TANIOKA Yuichiro, YOSHIKAWA Akifumi
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1995: Damages to Coastal Villages due to the 1992 Flores Island Earthquake Tsunami
1995: Field Survey of the East Java Earthquake and Tsunami of June 3, 1994
1998: Field Survey on the TSUNAMI of the 1998 Papua New Guinea and its Damage (S71E 2)
2003: On the Reflection of an Obliquely Incident Bore from an Inclined Wall (JSS07/09P/A02 003)
2003: Tsunami Fluid Force on Vegetation (JSS07a/09P/D 003)
2004: Tsunami run up heights of the 2003 Tokachi oki earthquake
2005: Fluid Force on Vegetation due to Tsunami Flow on a Sand Spit
2010: Inundation flow velocity of tsunami on land