nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
NAKA Jiro 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "NAKA Jiro")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
39: NAKA Jiro
6: SHUKUNO Hiroshi, TAMURA Yoshihiko
5: KANAMATSU Toshiya, LIPMAN Peter W.
4: FUJIOKA Kantaro, IRINO Naoko, SISSON Thomas W., SMITH John R., TAKAHASHI Eiichi, TANAKA Takeo
3: AUZENDE Jean-Marie, FUJIKURA Katsunori, HOTTA Hiroshi, JOSHIMA Masato, RUELLAN Etienne, TANI Ken-ichiro, TANI Kenichiro, UI Tadahide, URABE Tetsuro, YAMAZAKI Toshitsugu
2: ISHIZUKA Osamu, KATO Yukihiro, KR 02-16 Shipboard Scientists, MATSUMOTO Takeshi, MOMMA Hiroyasu, ODA Hirokuni, OKINO Kyoko, SAKAMOTO Izumi, TAKEUCHI Akira, YOKOSE Hisayoshi, YUASA Makoto
1: AOIKE Kan, ARIMA Makoto, BENDEL Valerie, CHABROUX David, CHAMPION Duane, CHANG Qing, CHARLOU Jean-Luc, CLAGUE David A., COOMBS Michelle, DANHARA Tohru, DEPLUS Christine, Deep Sea Research Group, EAKINS Barry W., EISSEN Jean-Philippe, FISKE R.S., FUKUDA Y., GAMO Toshitaka, GARCIA M.O., GARCIA Michael O., GARCIA Mike, GENA Kaul, GRIMAUD Daniel, HENRY Katell, HONZA Eiichi, HUCHON Philippe, IIZASA K., IIZASA Kokichi, ISHIBASHI Junishiro, ISHIMORI Masumi, KIDO Yukari, KINOSHITA Hajimu, KITADA Kazuya, KIYOKAWA Schoichi, KLAUS Adam, KOBAYASHI Kazuo, KUBO Yusuke, LAGABRIELLE Yves, LIPMAN P.W., LIPMAN Peter, MATSUBAYASHI Osamu, MEISEL C. Julius, MEVEL Catherine, MITSUZAWA Kyohiko, MOORE James G., MORGAN Julia K., MORITA Sumito, MURAKAMI Fumitoshi, MURAKI Hiroaki, NAGANUMA T., NAGANUMA Takeshi, NAGAYA Yoshiharu, NAKAMURA Eizo, NT 02-10 Shipboard Scientists, OBATA Sumie, OKAMURA Kei, ROBINSON Joel E., SAITO Saneatsu, SATAKE Kenji, SCIENTICTS Shipboard, SEAMA Nobukazu, SHIBATA Tsugio, SHINOHARA Masanao, SHINOZAKI Ken, SISSON Thormas W., STERN Robert J., SUGIYAMA Kazuhiro, SUN Chih-Hsien, SUYEHIRO Kiyoshi, TAIRA A., TAIRA Asahiko, TAKAHASHI Narumi, TAKEUCHI Rika, TANAHASHI Manabu, TOKUYAMA Hidekazu, TRUSDELL Frank, TSUBOYAMA Nohiro, TSUGARU Ryosuke, UMINO Susumu, UTO Kozo, WADA Hideki, YAMAMOTO F., YUASA M.
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1983: Broken Seamount Fragments in Subduction complex
1985: Broken Seamount Fragments in the Setogawa Subduction Complex
1988: Volcanostratigraphic Sequence of Greenstones in the Setogawa Terrane, Central Japan
1991: In situ geological and geochemical study of an active hydrothermal site on the North Fiji Basin ridge
1992: Micro topography of the spreading center of the North Fiji Basin (C7 P 2)
1992: Stationary Sea Floor Observation around the Hydrothermal Area in the North Fiji Basin (C7 P 4)
1993: Sedimentary Processes of Volcaniclastic Sediments, Leg 136
1994: Geology of Myojin Knoll Submarine Volcano, Izu Bonin Arc, Japan
1995: Caldera forming Submarine Pyroclastic Eruption at Myojin Knoll, Izu Bonin Arc
1996: Japanese plan for future deepsea drilling OD 21
1996: Shinkai 6500 Dives in the Manus Basin: New Starmer Japanese French Program
1996: Submarine Volcanism of Iheya Ridge, Axial Area of Middle Okinawa Trough: Submersible and Deep Tow Results
1997: Methane seepage in the Japan Sea? Sediments fatty acids from the Northern Okushiri Ridge, compared those from a methane seep and a submarine volcano
1998: Nature and growth rate of the Northern Izu Bonin (Ogasawara) arc crust and their implications for continental crust formation
1998: Preliminaly Result of the KAIREI KR98 08, 09 Cruises around the Hawaiian Islands (V42E 8)
1999: 40Ar/39Ar ages for submarine basalts from northern submarine flanks of Koolau and West Molokai Volcanoes, Hawaii
1999: Geological and geochemical studies with Dolphin 3K on North Hiyoshi seamount, Izu Bonin Mariana arc
1999: Petrology and Geochemistry of Giant Landslide Blocks in the Northeast of Oahu Island, Hawaii
1999: Sea floor fissures, biological communities and sediment fatty acids of the Northern Okushiri Ridge, Japan Sea: Implications for possible methane seepage
1999: Submarine topography of the northern Mariana Trough and adjacent area: Preliminary results of the R/V KAIREI and YOKOSUKA cruises in 1997 and 1999
2000: In Search of ancestral Kilauea volcano
2001: A Distal Record of Large Hawaiian Submarine Landslides: the Lithology of Sediments Obtained From the Deep sea Floor Adjacent to the Hawaiian Islands, KR01 K12 Cruise
2002: Ancestral Submarine Growth of Kilauea Volcano and Instability of its South Flank
2002: Deep Sea Volcaniclastic Sedimentation Around the Southern Flank of Hawaii
2002: Emplacement and Inflation Structures of Submarine and Subaerial Pahoehoe Lavas From Hawaii
2002: Introduction to Section 1 Progress in Deep Underwater Geology around Hawaii
2002: Spreading of northern Mariana Trough deduced from magnetic vector anomaly (C22 P98)
2002: Submarine Alkalic Through Tholeiitic Shield Stage Development of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
2003: A Distal Record of Large Hawaiian Gaiant Submarine Landslides: The Stratigraphy Obtained from the Deep Sea Floor Adjacent to the Hawaiian Islands (V07/02A/D 009)
2003: Are Arc Basalts Dry, Wet, or Both ? Evidence from Sumisu Caldera, Izu Bonin Arc, Japan (V06/30P/A05 005)
2003: Bimodal Magmatism at the Sumisu Caldera Volcanic Complex, Izu Bonin Arc: Preliminary Petrologic Interpretations of Samples Collected during R/V Natsushima Cruise NT02 10 (V08/04A/D 016)
2003: Coexistence of Highly Depleted Wet Basalts and Depleted Dry Basalts in Sumisu Caldera, Izu Bonin Arc, Japan (T31H 03)
2003: Geology of Sumisu Volcanic Complex Pleliminary Results of the R/V Natsushima NT02 10 and R/V Kairei KR02 16 Cruise (V08/04A/D 015)
2003: International Activities 3. Japan US Joint Study on Hawaiian Host Spot Volcanoes 1998 2002
2003: Spreading process of the northern Mariana Trough: Rifting spreading transition at 22 degrees N
2003: Submarine Topography and Surficial Geology of Torishima Seamount Caldera and the Adjacent Area, Izu Bonin Arc: Preliminary Results of the Kairei KR02 16 Cruise (V08/04A/D 014)
2003: Volcanic Record in Sedimentary Materials Collected from South of Hawaii Island (V07/02A/D 010)
2006: JAMSTEC Multibeam Surveys and Submersible Dives Around the Hawaiian Islands: A Collaborative Japan USA Exploration of Hawaii's Deep Seafloor, USGS Data Series 171
2008: Sumisu volcano, Izu Bonin arc, Japan: site of a silicic caldera forming eruption from a small open ocean island