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近藤 豊 様の 共著関連データベース

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+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "近藤 豊")

共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))

    45: 近藤 豊

    32: 小池 真

    18: 中島 英彰

    12: 趙 永浄

    11: 北 和之

    8: 川上 修司, 杉田 孝史

    7: 入江 仁士

    5: MATTHEWS W.A., 家田 正彦

    4: 栗本 卓, 池田 響, 笹野 泰弘

    3: AIMEDIEU P., 宮崎 雄三, 杉田 考史, 村田 功, 松見 豊, 津久井 健太, 鈴木 勝久, 高木 増美

    2: BIBLE science team, 内野 修, 小川 利紘, 山内 恭, 岩坂 泰信, 岩田 晃, 川口 あかね, 松川 茂久, 森山 智弘, 櫃田 佳波, 永井 智広, 町田 敏暢, 神沢 博, 藤本 敏文, 鈴木 孝樹, 青木 周司, 鳥山 哲司

    1: ANDERSON B.E., ASIATI S., BAUGHCUM S.L., BLAKE Donald R., BLUMENSTOCK T., BLUMENSTOCK Thomas, BUDIYONO A., DESHLER T., HULTQUIST B., LILEY Ben, LIU X., MEIER A., MEIER Amdt, MUCRAY F.J., RODRIGUETZ J., SALAWITCH R., SHELDON W.R., SOEGIJO J., STEEN A., VAY S.A., WITT G., ZEIREIS Helmut, ボデカ- グレッグ, マクリ フランク, 中根 英昭, 井上 久幸, 井上 元, 今須 良一, 劉 旭, 堀 雅浩, 小出 理史, 小口 高, 岩井 邦中, 杉村 行勇, 松枝 秀和, 林 政彦, 柴田 隆, 樋口 聡, 永尾 一平, 池上 三和子, 渡辺 征夫, 牧野 行雄, 竹川 暢之, 西 憲敬, 金田 昌弘

発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))

    1988: 上部成層圏におけるNOの日変化の観測 [Net] [Bib]
    Balioon Borne Measurements of NOx/NOy (Ozoxy II Campaign) [Net] [Bib]

    1988: 北極オゾン層気球観測計画 [Net] [Bib]
    Arctic Ozone Balloon Campaign in 1989 [Net] [Bib]

    1988: 航空機観測用オゾン測定器の開発 [Net] [Bib]
    Development of Airborne Ozone Instrument [Net] [Bib]

    1990: 太平洋上広域上層大気の微量化学成分の分布(INSTAC) [Net] [Bib]
    Distribution of trace chemical constituents in the air over the Pacific [Net] [Bib]

    1991: ポーラ・パトロール・バルーンによる1991年のオゾンホール観測 [Net] [Bib]
    A Plan for Observation of the Antarctic Ozone Hole in 1991 under the Polar Balloon (PPB) Project [Net] [Bib]

    1993: 中緯度成層圏のNO/NOyについて 気球観測モデル [Net] [Bib]
    NO/NOy in Mid latitude Stratosphere Balloon borne Measurements and Modelling [Net] [Bib]

    1993: 可視分光器を用いた昭和基地における成層圏NO2・O3の観測 [Net] [Bib]
    Ground Based Measurements of Column Amount of NO2 and O3 Visible Spectrometer at Syowa Station [Net] [Bib]

    1993: 航空機観測のためのNOy測定器の開発 [Net] [Bib]
    The development of the airborn NOy detection system [Net] [Bib]

    1993: 西太平洋における対流圏のNOy,NO [Net] [Bib]
    Total Reactive Nitrogen and Nitric oxide in the Troposphere over the Western Pacific Ocean [Net] [Bib]

    1994: PEM West B国際共同航空機観測(C41 04) [Net] [Bib]
    Measurements of Reactive Nitrogen during the PEM West B (C41 04) [Net] [Bib]

    1994: インドネシアにおける成層圏NO2及びO3の分光観測(41 P15) [Net] [Bib]
    Spectroscopic Observations of Stratospheric NO2 and O3 in Indonesia (C41 P15) [Net] [Bib]

    1994: ピナツボエアロゾルによる成層圏NO2の減少 各高度での不均ー反応のSaturationを考慮したモデル計算 (C41 09) [Net] [Bib]
    Decrease of Stratospheric NO2 caused by Pinatubo Aerosols (C41 09) [Net] [Bib]

    1994: 光散乱式粒子カウンターによる成層圏エアロゾル層の気球観測(C41 P13) [Net] [Bib]
    Balloon borne Stratospheric Aerosol Measurements Using Optical Particle Counter (C41 P13) [Net] [Bib]

    1994: 可視分光器によるNO2・O3の比較観測(C41 P12) [Net] [Bib]
    Comparisons of the Observations of NO2 and O3 Using Visible Spectrometers (C41 P12) [Net] [Bib]

    1994: 可視分光器による母子里,木曽の成層圏NO2オゾンの観測 [Net] [Bib]
    Measurements of stratospheric NO2 and Ozone by visible spectrometer at Moshiri and Kiso [Net] [Bib]

    1994: 太平洋・日本海における対流圏NOy・オゾンの航空機観測 [Net] [Bib]
    Measurements of Total Reactive Nitrogen in the Troposphere over the Pacific Ocean and Japan Sea [Net] [Bib]

    1994: 日本近海における総反応性窒素酸化物(NOy)とオゾンの航空機観測(C41 P11) [Net] [Bib]
    Aircraft Measurements of Total Reactive Nitrogen and Ozone over the Western Pacific in Late Autumn and Late Winter (C41 P11) [Net] [Bib]

    1994: 航空機搭載のためのNO2測定器の開発(C41 P10) [Net] [Bib]
    The Development of the Airborne NO2 Detection System (C41 P10) [Net] [Bib]

    1995: 冬季西太平洋における窒素酸化物の航空機観測(PEM West B) [Net] [Bib]
    Measurements of Reactive Nitrogen over the Pacific Ocean in Winter during the PEM West B [Net] [Bib]

    1996: 南極昭和基地における成層圏NO2とO3の年々変動 [Net] [Bib]
    Year to year variations of the stratospheric NO2 and O3 column amounts observed at Showa station, Antarctica [Net] [Bib]

    1996: 陸別におけるFT IRを用いたHCl, HF, ClONO2全量観測 [Net] [Bib]
    Ground based measurements of HCl, HF, and C;ONO2 vertical column densities with FT IR spectrometer at Rikubetsu, Hokkaido [Net] [Bib]

    1996: 陸別におけるFTIRによるC2H6気柱全量観測 [Net] [Bib]
    Observations of C2H6 total column amounts using a FTIR spectrometer at Rikubetu, Hokkaidou [Net] [Bib]

    1996: 陸別におけるFTIR観測による成層圏O3, HCL, HFの高度プロファイル観測 [Net] [Bib]
    Observations of Height Profiles of Stratospheric O3, HCL, and HF with FTIR Observations at Rikubetsu, Hokkaido [Net] [Bib]

    1997: ILAS検証キャンペーンにおけるキルナ(スウェーデン)での窒素酸化物の気球測定 [Net] [Bib]
    Measurements of nitrogen oxides at Kiruna (Sweden) for ILAS campaign [Net] [Bib]

    1997: 航空機及びバルーン搭載型成層圏ClO計測装置の開発 [Net] [Bib]
    Development of the aircraft borne instrument for measurements of ClO in the stratosphere [Net] [Bib]

    1998: 1996/1997年冬季北極成層圏の脱窒の機構(C11 02) [Net] [Bib]
    Denitrification observed inside the Arctic vortex in the winter of 1996 1997 (C11 02) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: 1997年冬期の北極成層圏でのHNO3 N2Oの相関関係 [Net] [Bib]
    The HNO3 N2O correlation in the arctic stratosphere in the winter 1997 [Net] [Bib]

    1998: 1998年4月の太平洋および日本海上空の対流圏上部における大気微量成分の航空機観測(C11 07) [Net] [Bib]
    Earth Observation Research Center/the National Space Development Agency (C11 07) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: FTIR(フーリエ変換赤外分光計)によって測定されたエタンの気柱全量の変動(C11 P144) [Net] [Bib]
    Variation of C2H6 Column abundance observed by FTIR measurement (C11 P144) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: SONEXにおける窒素酸化物の測定(C11 06) [Net] [Bib]
    Measurement of reactive nitrogen in SONEX (C11 06) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: SONEX航空機観測から推定される航空機の排気による窒素酸化物分布への影響(C11 05) [Net] [Bib]
    Impact aircraft emissoion on reactive nitrogen estimated using NOy O3 N2O correlation (C11 05) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: Seasonal variation of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) observed at mid latitude of Japan using ground based infrared solar spectroscopy [Net] [Bib]

    1998: キルナにおける成層圏CIO全量観測(C11 P143) [Net] [Bib]
    Stratospheric CIO column abundances over Kiruna (C11 P143) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: 上部対流圏における窒素酸化物の放出量指数(C12 01) [Net] [Bib]
    Emission indices of reactive nitrogen in the upper troposphere (C12 01) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: 北大西洋民間航空路における窒素酸化物と凝結核の相関関係(C11 08) [Net] [Bib]
    Correlation between NOx, NOy and CN in the North Atlantic flight corridor (C11 08) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: 北極成層圏中での窒素酸化物の気球観測および人工衛星ILASとの比較 [Net] [Bib]
    Intercomparison of ILAS HNO3 and NO2 measurements with balloon borne experiments made over the arctic region [Net] [Bib]

    1998: 成層圏CIO計測装置の開発:原理実証及び感度試験(C11 P142) [Net] [Bib]
    Development of an instrument for measurements of CIO in the stratosphere: Lanboratory studies of the techniques (C11 P142) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: 春季東アジア域の上部対流圏における大気微量成分の航空機観測(C11 04) [Net] [Bib]
    Aircraft measurements of ozone and its precursor gases in the upper troposphere in the eastern Asia in April 1998 (C11 04) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: 秋季大西洋域上部対流圏の窒素化合物の分布(C11 09) [Net] [Bib]
    The distribution of reactive nitrogen species in upper troposphere at Atlantic area on October/November 1997 (C11 09) [Net] [Bib]

    1998: 航空機観測された空気塊の組成による分類と気象学的指標との比較(C11 P141) [Net] [Bib]
    Comparison of the air mass characterization with meteorological indices for observed air masses during SONEX (C11 P141) [Net] [Bib]

    1999: BIBLE Aキャンペーンで観測されたオーストラリア・インドネシア域上部対流圏でのオゾン前駆気体の増大 [Net] [Bib]
    Enhancement of ozone precursor gases in the upper troposphere over Australia and Indonesia observed during BIBLE A campaign [Net] [Bib]

    1999: 冬季北極下部成層圏の脱窒と混合 [Net] [Bib]
    Denitrification and mixing in the arctic winter [Net] [Bib]

    1999: 成層圏NO2の季節変動と緯度変化:インドネシアにおける観測(ポスターセッション) [Net] [Bib]
    Stratospheric NO2 over Indonesia: Annual variation and perspective from latitudinal variation [Net] [Bib]

    1999: 春季東アジア域対流圏におけるO3及び前駆気体航空機観測の事例解析 [Net] [Bib]
    Aircraft measurements of tropospheric ozone and its precursor gases in the eastern Asia: A case study for April 17 24, 1998 [Net] [Bib]

    1999: 真空紫外共鳴蛍光法を用いた航空機搭載型CO測定器の開発 [Net] [Bib]
    Development of an aircraft instrument for in situ measurement of CO using a vacuum ultraviolet resonance fluorescence technique [Net] [Bib]

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