nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
UCHIDA Masao 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "UCHIDA Masao")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
63: UCHIDA Masao
33: SHIBATA Yasuyuki
17: OHKUSHI Ken'ichi
12: ITAKI Takuya
11: TADA Ryuji
10: HARADA Naomi, YONEDA Minoru
8: AHAGON Naokazu, KHIM Boo-Keun
7: KIM Sunghan, KIMOTO Katsunori, SAKAMOTO Tatsuhiko
6: IKEHARA Minoru, MORITA Masatoshi
4: AOKI Kaori, ARAMAKI Takafumi, HIROTA Masashi, HOSHIBA Mayumi, RELLA Stephan F., TANAKA Atsushi
3: IKEHARA Ken, KUMAMOTO Yuichiro, NAGAO Seiya, RELLA Stephan, SUZUKI Masanori
2: ANDERSSON Per, AOIKE Kan, COPPOLA Laurent, GUSTAFSSON Orjan, HAYES John M., KANAMATSU Toshiya, KANKE Hirohide, KAWAHATA Hodaka, KENNETT James P., KONDO Miyuki, KUMON Fujio, KUSAKABE Masashi, MINOURA Koji, MISHIMA Toshiaki, MUKAI Hitoshi, MURAYAMA Masafumi, NAKAYA Shu, OHKUSHI Kenichi, OKAZAKI Yusuke, OKUDA Tomoaki, SAKAI Hideo, TAKADA Hideshige, TAKAHASHI Kozo, WAGAI Rota
1: AHGON Naokazu, AKAZAWA Takeru, AMANO Hikaru, AMANO Kunihiko, ASAHI Hiroshi, BAHK Jang-Jun, CAI Cheng, EGLINTON Tim, EGLINTON Tim M., EGLINTON Timothy, EGLINTON Timothy I., FUJII Rie, FUJIMAKI Reiji, FUKUMA Koji, HAN Sang-Joon, HANAISHI Ryuji, HARADA Koichiro, HAYASHI Tatsuya, HINZMAN Larry D., HIURA Tsutom, HONG Bing, HONG Yetang, HORI Joichi, HORIKAWA Keiji, HYUN Sangmin, ICHIKAWA Hiroshi, IIJIMA Koichi, IMAI Akio, INAGAKI Fumio, IRINO Tomohisa, ISHIHARA Yoshiro, ISHIMURA Toyoho, IWAHANA Go, IWAI Masao, KANEKO Nobuhiro, KATAYAMA Hajime, KAWASAKI Nobuyuki, KIM Ryoung Ah, KITAGAWA Hiroyuki, KITAYAMA Kanehiro, KOMATSU Kazuhiro, KOMATSUBARA Junko, KONDO Tomomi, KRETSCHMER Wolfgang, KUBOTA Yoshimi, KURAMOTO Shinichi, KUSHIDA Keiji, KUWAHARA Yoshihiro, LEE Kyung Eun, LEE Young-Joo, MAKI Takeshi, MAMPUKU Mami, MATSUDA Ayuri, MATSUMOTO Kohei, MATSUSHIGE Kazuo, MAYER Lawrence M, MIKAMI Hajime, MONTLUCON Daniel, MONTLUCON Daniel B., MORGENROTH Gerhard, MOTOYAMA Isao, MURATA Akihiko, MURAYAMA Shohei, NAKAMURA Toshio, NAKAMURA Yo-hei, NAKASHIMA Rei, NAKATANI Tomoko, NAM Seung-Il, NARA WATANABE Fumiko, NARITA Kenji, NISHIMURA Akira, NOJIRI Yukihiro, OGURO Yutaro, OHKUSI Kenichi, OHNO Masao, OHTSUKA Toshiyuki, ONO Ayumu, OTOSAKA Shigeyoshi, PENG Haijun, SAGAWA Takuya, SAITO Kazuyuki, SAKAI Harutaka, SHIBAHARA Akihiko, SHIM Won-Joon, SHIMADA Chieko, SHIN Hye Sun, SHIN Hye-Sun, SHIN Kyung Hoon, SHIRATO Yasuhito, SUGAWARA Toshikatsu, SUZUKI Nozomi, TANIMURA Yoshihiro, TAYASU Ichiro, TERAO Yukio, TOYOTA Ayu, TSUNOGAI, TSUYUZAKI Shiro, UEBAYASHI Akihito, UZAWA Kazuhiro, Urumu TUZINO Taqumi, WANG Yu, YAHAGI Wataru, YAMANAKA Toshiro, YIM Un-Hyuk, YUAN Linggui, ZHU Yongxuan
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1993: Tsunami deposits in a lacustrine sequence of the Sanriku coast, northeast Japan
1994: Tsunami deposits in a lacustrine sequence of the Sanriku coast, northeast Japan
2001: Compound Specific Radiocarbon Ages from Surface Sediments in the Western North Pacific
2001: Compound Specific Radiocarbon Ages of Fatty Acids in Marine Sediments from the Western North Pacific
2001: Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Effect in the Western North Pacific Observed in Archaeological Fauna
2002: Compound specific isolation technique using PCGC for AMS radiocarbon dating: A case study using marine sediment in the Western North Pacific
2002: Compound specific radiocarbon and stable carbon isotope measurements of fatty acids in an aerosol sample and their geochemical significance
2002: Is amino acid chronology applicable to the estimation of the geological age of siliceous sediments
2002: Radiocarbon ages of benthic foraminifera and planktic foraminifera in deep sea sediments of the Shatsky Rise
2002: Radiocarbon and Stable Isotope Analyses on the Earliest Jomon Skeletons from the Tochibara Rockshelter, Nagano, Japan
2002: Radiocarbon measurement of bone material a NIES TERRA
2003: Characteristics of alkenones synthesized by a bloom of Emilia nia huxleyi in the Bering Sea
2003: Compound specific radiocarbon sedimentary chronology for the high resolution IMAGES core (MD012412) in the Sea of Okhotsk
2003: Compound specific radiocarbon sedimentary chronology for the high resolution IMAGES core (MD012412) in the Sea of Okhotsk
2003: Mid dpth circulation in the northwest Pacific during the last deglaciation: Evidence from foraminiferal radiocarbon ages
2003: Rock Magnetic Evidence of Oceanographic Change in the Northwestern Pacific since the Last Glacial (GA1.04/01A/D 011)
2003: Source apportioning of sedimentary PAHs in an urban reservoir by combined compound specific radiocarbon analysis and petroleum biomarker analysis
2003: Source apportioning of sedimentary PAHs in an urban reservoir by combined compound specific radiocarbon analysis and petroleum biomarker analysis
2004: Episodic Methane Release Events from Last Glacial Marginal Sea Sediments in the Northwest Pacific Ocean (293 20)
2004: Episodic methane release event from the western North Pacific margin during the Last Glacial period
2004: Episodic methane release events from Last Glacial marginal sediments in the western North Pacific
2005: Age discrepancy between molecular biomarkers and calcareous foraminifera isolated from the same horizons of Northwest Pacific sediments
2005: Foraminiferal isotope anomalies from northwestern Pacific marginal sediments
2005: Late Quaternary paleoceanographic changes in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea: Evidence from geochemical, radiolarian, and diatom records
2006: Compound specific radiocarbon age of organic matter in size fractionated sediments from the Washington Margin and Cascadia Basion(OS16K 06)
2006: Foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotopes during the last 34 kyr off northern Japan, northwestern Pacific
2006: Hydrodynamic Controls on the Age and Composition of Terrestrial Organic Matter Distributed over the Washington Margin(OS23A 1625)
2006: Millennial scale variations of sea ice expansion in the southwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea during the past 120 kyr: Age model and ice rafted debris in IMAGES Core MD01 2412
2006: Rapid fluctuation of alkenone temperature in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea during the past 120 ky
2007: Anti phase variability of North Pacific ventilation and Atlantic overturning circulation during the last deglaciation(PP13B 1284)
2007: High resolution radiolarian analysis for the late Pleistocene paleoceanography in the Bering Sea
2007: Interannual Variability and Trends of Atomspheric Radiocarbon (14CO2) over the Tropical Western Pacihic(B13B 1187)
2007: Millennial Scale Variation of Intermediate Water Intensity in the Bering Sea During the Last Glacial Interglacial Cycle(PP13B 1285)
2007: Millennial scale variation of CaCO3 values during the last glacial period in the Bering Sea:Evidence of Dansgaard Oeschger events
2007: Radiocarbon based Turnover Time Estimates of Soil Organic Carbon in a Cool temperate Deciduous Forest in Asian Monsoon Region(B12B 02)
2008: Alkenoens SST and TEX86 Variations Synchronized with D/O Cycles in the Western North Pacific: First Paleoceanographic Results from the D/V CHIKYU Shakedown Cruise
2008: Deglacial Ventilation History in the North Pacific Mid Deep Water: Implications for Active North Pacific Deep Water Formation Synchronized with Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
2008: Delta 15N Variations in the Western North Pacific Synchronized with D/O Events
2008: Late Quaternary Oceanic Conditions Deduced from the Total Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Contents of the Sediment Cores off the Shimokita Peninsula, Northwest Pacific
2008: Millennial scale Paleoceanographic Response to the Bering Sea during the Last 65 kyrs
2008: Millennial scale Variations of Sediment Characteristics at the Bering Sea Slope during the Last Glacial and Deglaciation Period and their Implications
2008: Occurrence of Diploptene and its Carbon Isotope Values in East Sea Sediments: Implications for Methane Release and Paleoceanography
2008: Radiocarbon based carbon source quantification of anomalous isotopic foraminifera in last glacial sediments in the western North Pacific
2008: Soil Organic Carbon Residence Time in Japanese Temperate Forest: Insight from Radiocarbon Analysis of Density Fractionated Soil (B11D 0392)
2008: Soil Organic Matter Storage and Dynamics Along Altitudinal Gradient in Bornean Tropical forests: Preliminary Radiocarbon Results of Bulk Soils and Density Fractions (B23B 0421)
2008: Variation of the Sea ice and Primary Productivity in the Bering and Okhotsk Seas since the Last Glacial Maximum
2008: Variations in Delta14C values of POM in the Ishikari River (B43A 0426)
2009: Ecological variations in diatom assemblages in the Paleo Kathmandu Lake linked with global and Indian monsoon climate changes for the last 600, 000 years
2009: High Resolution Paleoproductivity Change in the Central Region of the Bering Sea Since the Last Glaciation
2010: Effects of Vegetaion Switch and Subsequent Change in Soil Invertebrate Composition on Soil Carbon Accumulation Patterns, Revealed by Radiocarbon Concentrations
2010: High Contribution of Recalcitrant Organic Matter to DOC in a Japanese Oligotrophic Lake Revealed by 14C Measurements
2010: Spatial Distribution of delta 14C Values of Organic Matter in Surface Sediments off Saru River in Northern Japan, One Year after a Flood Event in 2006
2010: The Effects of Rainfall on Carbon Isotopes of POC in the Teshio River, Northern Japan
2012: Abrupt changes of intermediate water properties on the northeastern slope of the Bering Sea during the last glacial and deglacial period
2012: Millennial scale variations of late Pleistocene radiolarian assemblages in the Bering Sea related to environments in shallow and deep waters
2012: Millennial scale variations of late Pleistocene radiolarian assemblages in the Bering Sea related to environments in shallow and deep waters
2012: Millennial scale variations of late Pleistocene radiolarian assemblages in the Bering Sea related to environments in shallow and deep waters
2012: Multibeam bathymetric and sediment profiler evidences for ice grounding and crater on the Chukchi and Beaufort borderland, Arctic Ocean
2014: Abrupt variations of Indian and East Asian summer monsoons during the last deglacial stadial and interstadial
2014: Shallow water environmental change in the Sea of Japan during the last 30 kyr deduced from foraminiferal isotopes (MIS01 08)
2016: Geomorphological and geochemistry changes in permafrost after the 2002 tundra wildfire in Kougarok, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
2017: Difference in timing of maximum flooding in two adjacent lowlands in the Tokyo area caused by the difference in sediment supply rate
2017: Variation in subsurface water temperature and its link to the Kuroshio Current in the Okinawa Trough during the last 38.5 kyr