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栗谷 豪 様の 共著関連データベース

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+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "栗谷 豪")

共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))

    64: 栗谷 豪

    17: 横山 哲也

    16: 中村 栄三

    10: 吉田 武義

    8: 中川 光弘, 木村 純一

    6: 小林 桂, 長橋 良隆

    5: 常 青

    4: 仙田 量子, 伊藤 嘉紀, 宮本 毅, 平原 由香, 谷口 宏充, 高橋 俊郎

    3: 中村 美千彦, 宮崎 隆, 溝淵 文彦

    2: 北川 宙, 奥村 聡, 宮本 英昭, 松本 亜希子, 田中 真弓, 魏 海泉

    1: ESTELLE Rose, JIN Xu, WEI Haiquan, WIBOWO Haryo, 伴 雅雄, 前野 深, 古山 勝彦, 古川 竜太, 吉木 佳奈, 大場 司, 大谷 栄治, 宮坂 瑞穂, 小林 恭平, 小澤 一仁, 山口 梓, 嶋野 岳人, 新原 隆史, 木村 皐史, 松井 るり子, 林 信太郎, 柵山 徹也, 洪 鵬, 牧嶋 昭夫, 石川 晃, 福光 さゆき, 藤原 伸也, 藤縄 明彦, 金井 千鶴子, 鈴木 勝彦, 鈴木 由希, 鎌田 菜都実, 飯塚 毅, 高橋 良輔, 高田 亮

発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))

    1996: 利尻火山・沓形溶岩流の分化過程 [Net] [Bib]
    Magmatic process of alkali basalt from Rishiri volcano Kutsugata lava flows [Net] [Bib]

    1996: 利尻火山沓形溶岩流の分化過程 2 [Net] [Bib]
    Magmatic processes of alkali basalt from Rishiri Volcano 2 Kutsugata lava flows [Net] [Bib]

    1997: マグマ溜まり.固液境界層での結晶化作用 利尻火山.沓形溶岩流 [Net] [Bib]
    Boudary layer crystallization of a basaltic magma chamber Kutsugata lava flows [Net] [Bib]

    1997: 斑晶の形成場 利尻火山.沓形溶岩流 [Net] [Bib]
    Origin of phenocrysts Kutsugata lava flow from Rishiri Volcano [Net] [Bib]

    1997: 斜長石を用いたマグマ溜まりの進化過程の解明 利尻火山.沓形溶岩流 [Net] [Bib]
    Evolution of a basaltic magma chamber Kutsugata lava flows [Net] [Bib]

    1997: 無斑晶質安山岩マグマの進化過程 利尻火山.種富溶岩流 [Net] [Bib]
    Magmatic processes of aphyric andesite from Rishiri Volcano Tanetomi lava flow [Net] [Bib]

    1998: マグマの分化過程の定量化 [Net] [Bib]
    Numerical simulation of magmatic differentiation [Net] [Bib]

    1998: マグマ上昇中における結晶化作用 [Net] [Bib]
    Crystallization patterns during magma ascent [Net] [Bib]

    1998: 玄武岩質マグマの結晶分化作用 利尻火山沓形溶岩流 [Net] [Bib]
    Fractional crystallization in basaltic magma chamber: Evidence from Kutsugata lava flow, Rishiri Volcano [Net] [Bib]

    1999: マグマの分化過程の定量化 2(ポスターセッション) [Net] [Bib]
    Boundary layer fractionation model 2 [Net] [Bib]

    1999: 利尻火山.アルカリ玄武岩の初生マグマ組成 [Net] [Bib]
    Estimation of primary magma composition of an alkali basalt from Rishiri Volcano [Net] [Bib]

    1999: 利尻火山.種富溶岩流に記録された噴火の誘因 [Net] [Bib]
    Trigger of volcanic eruption recorded in Tanetomi lava flow from Rishiri Volcano [Net] [Bib]

    2000: 三宅島火山における近年のマグマの組成進化 [Net] [Bib]
    Evolution of magmas erupted recently from Miyake jima volcano [Net] [Bib]

    2000: 地殻下における玄武岩質マグマの組成進化(Va 006) [Net] [Bib]
    Compositional evolution of basaltic magmas in crustal magma chambers (Va 006) [Net] [Bib]

    2001: マグマ溜まりの冷却中における地殻物質の混入 利尻火山沓形.種富溶岩流 (A9 P013)(ポスターセッション) [Net] [Bib]
    Crustal assimilation during differentiation of a crustal magma chamber beneath Rishiri Volcano (A9 P013) [Net] [Bib]

    2001: 三宅島火山の238U 230Th放射非平衡から見た,マントル交代作用とメルト急上昇のプロセス [Net] [Bib]
    Mantle metasomatism and rapid melt ascent beneath Miyakejima volcano: Evidence from 238U 230Th disequilibrium [Net] [Bib]

    2001: 玄武岩質マグマ溜まりの冷却における熱対流の役割 利尻火山沓形溶岩流 (Jq P006)(ポスターセッション) [Net] [Bib]
    The role of thermal convection on cooling of a basaltic magma chamber beneath Rishiri Volcano (Jq P006) [Net] [Bib]

    2001: 表面電離型質量分析計による微少量・高精度の鉛同位体比測定法 [Net] [Bib]
    A simple method for precise isotope analysis of ng level Pb for natural rock sampls [Net] [Bib]

    2002: アイスランド・アスキヤ火山下のマグマプロセス [Net] [Bib]
    Magmatic processes beneath Askja volcano, Iceland [Net] [Bib]

    2002: スラブ由来流体によって誘発される島弧火山活動の時間的制約条件 [Net] [Bib]
    Timing and trigger of arc volcanism controlled by fluid flushing from subducting slab [Net] [Bib]

    2002: マグマの分化過程の定量化 3(V033 P006)(ポスターセッション) [Net] [Bib]
    Numerical simulation of magmatic differentiation 3 (V033 P006) [Net] [Bib]

    2003: Coupling of efficiencies of homogeneous fractionation and boundary layer fractionation in cooling magma bodies(V056 P010) [Net] [Bib]

    2003: 最近500年間の三宅島火山の238U 230Th 226Raシステマティックスからみた,浅部マグマ供給系の時間的進化 [Net] [Bib]
    238U 230Th 226Ra systematics in lavas of Miyakejima volcano erupted in the last 500 years: implications for the evolution of shallow plumbing system by magma replenishment [Net] [Bib]

    2003: 熱力学的制約を用いた三宅島火山下のマグマプロセスの解明 [Net] [Bib]
    Magmatic processes beneath Miyake jima volcano constrained by thermodynamic analyses [Net] [Bib]

    2004: 利尻火山下マグマ溜まりにおけるAFC過程の定量的解明−−1 地殻メルトフラックスの推定−− [Net] [Bib]
    Quantitative understanding of assimilation and fractional crystallization process beneath Rishiri Volcano, Japan 1. Estimation of crustal melt flux [Net] [Bib]

    2005: 地殻メルトの輸送に制御されたAFC過程−−利尻火山,沓形・種富溶岩流−−(V056 P018) [Net] [Bib]
    Assimilation and fractional crystallization controlled by transport processes of crustal melt (V056 P018) [Net] [Bib]

    2006: Isotopic evidence for recycling of Rodinia supercontinent in the Cretaceous Pacific superplume(C128 011) [Net] [Bib]

    2006: U Th 放射非平衡を用いたマグマ進化の時間スケールの決定:利尻火山,沓形・種富溶岩流(V102 009) [Net] [Bib]
    Time scales of magmatic evolution from parental basalt to andesite at Rishiri Volcano:constraints from U Th disequilibria(V102 009) [Net] [Bib]

    2006: マグマ溜まりにおけるマグマの熱・物質進化の速度:利尻火山,沓形・種富溶岩流からの制約 [Net] [Bib]
    Rates of the thermal and chemical evolution of a cooling magma body : constraints from Kutsugata and Tanetomi lavas, Rishiri Volcano [Net] [Bib]

    2007: ウラン系列寿命核種を用いた地殻下におけるマグマ進化の時間スケールの解明−−研究の現状と課題−− [Net] [Bib]
    Timescales of magmatic evolution in crustal magma chambers constrained from U series radioactive disequilibria: A brief review [Net] [Bib]

    2007: マグマ溜まり内における熱・物質輸送の定量的理解:利尻島の火山噴出物からの制約(V157 003) [Net] [Bib]
    Quantitative understanding of heat and mass transport in a cooling magma chamber beneath Rishiri Volcano(V157 003) [Net] [Bib]

    2007: 水とマグマ [Net] [Bib]
    Water and Magma [Net] [Bib]

    2007: 玄武岩質マグマ溜まりの熱進化 [Net] [Bib]
    Thermal evolution of basaltic magma chambers [Net] [Bib]

    2008: 利尻火山下におけるマグマ生成過程 1. マントルの累進的融解過程を記録したアルカリ玄武岩溶岩流 (V152 P009) [Net] [Bib]
    Magma generation processes beneath Rishiri Volcano 1: Compositional variation of lavas controlled by progressive mantle melting(V152 P009) [Net] [Bib]

    2008: 利尻火山下におけるマグマ生成過程 2 スラブ由来超臨界流体の流入によるマントルのフラックス融解 (V230 001) [Net] [Bib]
    Magma generation processes beneath Rishiri Volcano 2: Generation of rear arc magmas induced by influx of supercritical liquids(V230 001) [Net] [Bib]

    2008: 玄武岩質マグマの組成進化 均質分化と境界層分化の相対的重要性 [Net] [Bib]
    The relative role of homogeneous fractionation and boundary layer fractionation in basaltic magma chambers [Net] [Bib]

    2009: The relative roles of boundary layer fractionation and homogeneous fractionation in cooling basaltic magma chambers(V160 P001) [Net] [Bib]

    2009: 中国北東部・白頭山地域の台地玄武岩マグマの成因 [Net] [Bib]
    Genesis of basaltic plateau magmas in the Changbaishan area, northeast China [Net] [Bib]

    2009: 中国北東部・長白山地域に産するマントル捕獲岩の記載岩石学的研究(K133 P007) [Net] [Bib]
    Petrographical characteristics of mantle xenoliths from Loggang area, northeast China(K133 P007) [Net] [Bib]

    2009: 伊豆諸島新島・式根島火山のマグマ供給系の岩石学的研究(V160 P005) [Net] [Bib]
    A petrological study on the magma plumbing systems in the Niijima and Shikinejima volcanoes, Izu Islands(V160 P005) [Net] [Bib]

    2010: スラブ由来超臨界流体によるOsの輸送 利尻火山・アルカリ玄武岩からの制約 (SGC065 09) [Net] [Bib]
    Osmium transportation by slab derived supercritical liquid: constraints from alkali basalt lavas from Rishiri Volcano(SGC065 09) [Net] [Bib]

    2010: 中国北東部・大陸内部火山におけるマグマ生成条件(SCG082 02) [Net] [Bib]
    Conditions of magma generation for intracontinental alkali basalt from the Longgang volcanic field, NE China(SCG082 02) [Net] [Bib]

    2010: 中国北東部・新生代玄武岩マグマの成因 地球化学的研究のレビュー [Net] [Bib]
    Origin of Cenozoic basaltic magmas in northeast China: a review of geochemical studies [Net] [Bib]

    2010: 停滞スラブ上方の水に富むマントル−−中国北東部・大陸プレート内玄武岩による制約−− [Net] [Bib]
    Hydrous upper mantle above the stagnant Pacific slab : evidence from the intra continental alkali basalts from the Longgang volcanic field, NE China [Net] [Bib]

    2010: 気泡が存在するマグマ体における選択的結晶分化作用 利尻火山・沓形溶岩流 (SVC062 P04) [Net] [Bib]
    Selective crystal fractionation in a bubble bearing magma body implications from Kutsugata lava flow, Rishiri Volcano (SVC062 P04) [Net] [Bib]

    2011: 岩手火山・玄武岩質マグマの含水量 [Net] [Bib]
    Water content in basaltic magmas from Iwate Volcano [Net] [Bib]

    2012: マントル遷移層と水 [Net] [Bib]

    2012: 中国北東部・五大連池火山の玄武岩の起源 [Net] [Bib]
    Origin of basalts from Wudalianchi volcanic field, NE China [Net] [Bib]

    2012: 東北日本弧に産する第四紀火山岩類のHf同位体比組成の空間分布(SCG62 04) [Net] [Bib]
    Spatial variations in Hf isotopic compositions of Quaternary volcanic rocks in Northeastern Japan Arc(SCG62 04) [Net] [Bib]

    2013: 三ノ目潟火山のマグマ生成条件 [Net] [Bib]
    Generation condition of magma from Sannome gata Volcano [Net] [Bib]

    2013: 東北本州弧・三ノ目潟火山の初生マグマの温度(SCG10 P01) [Net] [Bib]
    Temperature of primary magma from Sannome gata volcano, NE Japan Arc(SCG10 P01) [Net] [Bib]

    2014: 中国北東部・長白山火山におけるマントル含水量 [Net] [Bib]
    Water content of the mantle beneath Changbaishan Volcano, NE China [Net] [Bib]

    2014: 中国北東部・長白山火山におけるマントル含水量 予察的検討 (SVC54 P03) [Net] [Bib]
    A preliminary estimation of water content of the mantle beneath Changbaishan Volcano, northeast China (SVC54 P03) [Net] [Bib]

    2015: インドネシア、リンジャニ火山の岩石学的研究 マグマ変化から見た西暦1257年カルデラ形成噴火およびその準備過程について (SVC47 18) [Net] [Bib]
    Petrology of Rinjani volcano, Indonesia: The magmatic processes before and during AD 1257 caldera forming eruption (SVC47 18) [Net] [Bib]

    2015: 伊豆大島火山におけるカルデラ形成以降のマグマ変遷の解明(SVC47 P06) [Net] [Bib]
    Investigation into transition magma after Caldera forming, Izu Oshima Volcano, eastern Japan (SMP47 P06) [Net] [Bib]

    2015: 伊豆大島火山・安永噴出物のマグマプロセス [Net] [Bib]
    Magmatic processes for An ei eruption from Izu Oshima volcano [Net] [Bib]

    2015: 北海道中央部、十勝岳火山群の新規活動期の岩石学的研究 特に20世紀噴火のマグマ系について (SVC45 P01) [Net] [Bib]
    The Petrological Study of Tokachidake Volcano: Especially about the Magma System of 20th Century Activities (SMP45 P01) [Net] [Bib]

    2015: 有珠山・外輪山溶岩のマグマプロセス(SVC47 14) [Net] [Bib]
    Magmatic processes for somma lavas from Usu Volcano (SVC47 14) [Net] [Bib]

    2015: 有珠山・玄武岩質マグマの生成条件 [Net] [Bib]
    Generation condition of basaltic magma from Usu Volcano [Net] [Bib]

    2016: 利尻火山におけるマグマ活動の起源 [Net] [Bib]
    Origin of rear arc magmatism at Rishiri Volcano [Net] [Bib]

    2016: 秋田駒ヶ岳の火山噴出物の岩石学的解析に基づくマントル温度条件の推定 [Net] [Bib]
    Temperature of the sub arc mantle constrained by ejecta from Akita Komagatake volcano [Net] [Bib]

    2016: 隕石の蛍光X線エネルギースペクトルを用いた主成分分析(MTT27 02) [Net] [Bib]
    Statistical identification of meteorites using X ray energy spectra measured with handheld XRF (MTT27 02) [Net] [Bib]

    2017: Fluid fluxed melting of the mantle as the cause of intraplate magmatism over a stagnant slab: implications from Fukue Volcano Group, SW Japan (SGC52 P04) [Net] [Bib]

    2017: Origin of ophiolite pulse and thermal state of the upper mantle in the Ordovician time constrained from the Hayachine Miyamori Ophiolite (SMP41 09) [Net] [Bib]

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