Studies on Novel Quantum Phenomena
1. We established the method of single-crystal growth of Ca3Ru2O7 using the FZ method for the first time. We clarified that this material is the quasi two-dimensional antiferromagnetic metal and determined the magnetic structure(Physical Review B69 (2004)22041. Invited talk at APS.)

2. We clarified the structure of the Fermi surface of Sr2RhO4 for a high-quality single-crystal sample by using the ARPES. The mixing between t2g orbital and eg orbital of 4d electrons, which depends on the rotation of Rh06 octahedron, plays an important role in this material. (Physical Review Letters 97 (2006) 106401)(Collaboration with the Seoul University)

3. We found a novel pseudogap structure for Ca3RuO7 on the basis of the optical conductivity measurements. This pseudogap is similar to that of cuprate high-temperature superconductors.

4. We found that Ru oxide Sr3Ru2O7 show the ferromagnetic transition under high pressure, and exhibit anomalous critical behaviors.
Refs. S.I. Ikeda et al.: Physical Review B62, 6089 (2000).
S.A. Grigera et al.: Science 294, 329 (2001).