This page introduces simple programs that would used for research on geomorphology and geology. The programs are mainly written in Javascript and run on the web.
- Simple Delta Simulator
You can simulate how the delta topography changes in response to sea-level change. Sea level fluctuations, delta front topography (slope), and sediment supply can be changed.
- Calculation of fault displacement (single plate model)
You can calculate and graph the vertical displacement distribution based on the theory of elasticity of discrepancy (Mansinha & Smylie,1971) for setting of the fault plane as a single plate.
- Striped Pattern Maker for GSI Map
This is a program that allows you to create a stripe pattern legend (like a SAR image) for the GSI Map provided by the Geographical Survey Institute map of Japan. You can create a legend for setting including range, interval and color, and download txt file that can be read by GSI maps.