Bio/synthetic polymer hub

Health and Medical Research Institute
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)


Shunsuke Tomita / 冨田 峻介
 Chief Senior Reseacher / 上級主任研究員
 For more information

Kanako Takahashi/ 髙橋 花奈子

 Researcher / 研究員

Akira Nomoto / 野本 晃

 Technical training(3rd-year Ph.D. student, University of Tsukuba, Shiraki Lab.),
 JSPS Young Research Fellow / 技術研修生 (D3, 学振DC2, 筑波大学 白木研究室所属)

Rei Hamaguchi / 濱口 怜

 Technical training(2nd-year master's student, Institute of Science Tokyo, Kinbara Lab.),
 技術研修生 (M2, 東京科学大学 金原研究室所属)

Moe Iijima/ 飯島 萌

 Technical training(1st-year master's student, University of Tsukuba, Shiraki Lab.),
 AIST Innovation School Student / 技術研修生 (M1, 筑波大学 白木研究室所属),

Hiroka Sugai / 菅井 祥加
 Visiting researcher / 産学官制度来所者(特任助教, 東京科学大学 総合研究院)

 Achievement in our team
  1. Chemical tongues as multipurpose bioanalytical tools for the characterization of complex biological samples.
    Shunsuke Tomita, Hiroka Sugai
    Biophysics and Physicobiology, 21, e210017 (2024)

  2. Phase-separation propensity of non-ionic amino acids in peptide-based complex coacervation systems.
    Yuto Akahoshi, Hiroka Sugai, Masahiro Mimura, Yoichi Shinkai, Ryoji Kurita, Kentaro Shiraki,
    Shunsuke Tomita
    Biomacromolecules, 24, 704-713 (2023)

  3. Damage-free evaluation of cultured cells based on multivariate analysis with a single-polymer probe.
    Hiroka Sugai, Shunsuke Tomita, Sayaka Ishihara, Kentaro Shiraki, Ryoji Kurita
    Chemical Communications, 58, 11083-11086 (2022)

  4. Uncharged components of single-stranded DNA modulate liquid?liquid phase separation with cationic linker histone H1.
    Masahiro Mimura, Shunsuke Tomita, Hiroka Sugai, Yoichi Shinkai, Sayaka Ishihara, Ryoji Kurita
    Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9, 710729 (2021)

  5. A microfluidic sensing system with a multichannel surface plasmon resonance chip: Damage-free characterization of cells by pattern recognition
    Hiroka Sugai, Shunsuke Tomita, Sayaka Ishihara, Kyoko Yoshioka, Ryoji Kurita
    Analytical Chemistry, 92, 14939-14946 (2020)

  6. A multichannel pattern-recognition-based protein sensor with a fluorophore-conjugated single-stranded DNA set
    Mari Okada, Hiroka Sugai, Shunsuke Tomita, Ryoji Kurita
    Sensors, 20, 5110 (2020) equally contributed.

  7. Pattern-recognition-based Sensor arrays for cell characterization: From materials and data analyses to biomedical applications
    Shunsuke Tomita, Hiroka Sugai, Sayaka Ishihara, Takuya Hosokai, Ryoji Kurita
    Chemistry Letters, 49, 1447-1451 (2020)

  8. Pattern-based sensor arrays for cell characterization: From materials and data analyses to biomedical applications.
    Hiroka Sugai, Shunsuke Tomita, Ryoji Kurita
    Analytical Sciences, 36, 923-934 (2020)

  9. Optical fingerprints of proteases and their inhibited complexes provided by differential cross-reactivity of fluorophore-labeled single-stranded DNA.
    Shunsuke Tomita, Hiroka Sugai, Masahiro Mimura, Sayaka Ishihara, Kentaro Shiraki, Ryoji Kurita
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 47428-47436 (2019)

  10. A one-component array based on a dansyl-modified polylysine: Generation of differential fluorescent signatures for the discrimination of human cells.
    Hiroka Sugai, Shunsuke Tomita, Sayaka Ishihara, Ryoji Kurita
    ACS Sensors, 4, 827-831 (2019)

  11. Fingerprint-based protein identification in cell culture medium using environment-sensitive turn-on fluorescent polymer.
    Hiroka Sugai, Shunsuke Tomita, Ryoji Kurita
    Sensors and Materials
    , 31, 1-11 (2019)

  12. 細胞培養液の特徴パターンを認識するchemical tongue.
    菅井 祥加、冨田 峻介、栗田 僚二
    細胞, 55, 347-351 (2023)

  13. 特徴パターンの認識.
    菅井 祥加、冨田 峻介
    in 相分離生物学の全貌, pp.343-348. 白木 賢太郎 編, 東京化学同人 (2020)

  14. 分子アレイデバイスと多変量解析による生体試料評価法.
    冨田 峻介、菅井 祥加、南木 創、栗田 僚二
    , 88, 262-271 (2020)

  15. 生体試料の特徴情報を出力する交差反応性ポリマーアレイを利用したバイオメトリクス.
    菅井 祥加、冨田 峻介、栗田 僚二.
    ケミカルエンジニヤリング, 63, 58-65 (2018)

  16. 若手特別賞, SATテクノロジー・ショーケース2021 (2021).

  17. 優秀ポスター賞, 第14回ナノ・バイオメディカル学会 (2019)

Nozomi Tomimatsu/ 富松 望
 Visiting researcher (Molmir Co., Ltd.)/ 産学官制度来所者(モルミル株式会社)

Daiki Sato/ 佐藤 大記
 Visiting researcher (Molmir Co., Ltd.)/ 産学官制度来所者(モルミル株式会社)

Sayaka Ishihara / 石原 紗綾夏
 Technical staff / 技術職員

Ryoji Kurita / 栗田 僚二 (PI)
 Group Leader / 研究グループ長
 For more information


Yumika Yanagihayashi / 栁林 由美香(2023-2024年)
 Technical staff / 技術職員

Tomoto Ura / 浦 朋人(2018-2023年)
 Technical training (Ph.D from University of Tsukuba, Shiraki Lab.) /
 技術研修生 (博士後期課程修了, 筑波大学 白木研究室)

 Achievement in our team
  1. Dynamic behavior of liquid droplets with enzyme compartmentalization triggered by sequential glycolytic enzyme reactions.
    Tomoto Ura, Shunsuke Tomita, Kentaro Shiraki
    Chemical Communications, 57, 12544-12547 (2021)

Yuto Akahoshi / 赤星 友都(2019-2022年)
 Technical training (Master's degree from University of Tsukuba, Shiraki Lab.) /
 技術研修生 (博士前期課程修了, 筑波大学 白木研究室)

 Achievement in our team
  1. Phase-separation propensity of non-ionic amino acids in peptide-based complex coacervation systems.
    Yuto Akahoshi, Hiroka Sugai, Masahiro Mimura, Yoichi Shinkai, Ryoji Kurita, Kentaro Shiraki,
    Shunsuke Tomita
    Biomacromolecules, 24, 704-713 (2023)

Masahiro Mimura / 三村 真大 (2017-2022年)
 Ph.D from University of Tsukuba(Kurita Lab.) / 博士後期課程修了(筑波大学, 栗田研究室)

 Achievement in our team
  1. Phase-separation propensity of non-ionic amino acids in peptide-based complex coacervation systems.
    Yuto Akahoshi, Hiroka Sugai, Masahiro Mimura, Yoichi Shinkai, Ryoji Kurita, Kentaro Shiraki,
    Shunsuke Tomita
    Biomacromolecules, 24, 704-713 (2023)

  2. Uncharged components of single-stranded DNA modulate liquid-liquid phase separation with cationic linker histone H1.
    Masahiro Mimura, Shunsuke Tomita, Hiroka Sugai, Yoichi Shinkai, Sayaka Ishihara, Ryoji Kurita
    Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9, 710729 (2021)

  3. Quadruplex folding promotes the condensation of linker histones and DNAs via liquid-liquid phase separation.
    Masahiro Mimura, Shunsuke Tomita, Yoichi Shinkai, Takuya Hosokai, Hiroyuki Kumeta, Tomohide Saio, Kentaro Shiraki, Ryoji Kurita
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, 9849-9857 (2021)

  4. Affinity diversification of a polymer probe for pattern-recognition-based biosensing using chemical additives.
    Hiroki Okada, Masahiro Mimura, Shunsuke Tomita, Ryoji Kurita
    Analytical Sciences, 37, 713-719 (2021)

  5. Optical fingerprints of proteases and their inhibited complexes provided by differential cross-reactivity of fluorophore-labeled single-stranded DNA.
    Shunsuke Tomita, Hiroka Sugai, Masahiro Mimura, Sayaka Ishihara, Kentaro Shiraki, Ryoji Kurita
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 47428-47436 (2019)

  6. Array-based generation of response patterns with common fluorescent dyes for identification of proteins and cells.
    Masahiro Mimura, Shunsuke Tomita, Ryoji Kurita, Kentaro Shiraki
    Analytical Sciences
    , 35, 99-102 (2019)

  7. DNAとタンパク質の相分離の再現実験.
    冨田 峻介, 三村 真大
    in 実験医学別冊 最強のステップUPシリーズ フロントランナー直伝 相分離解析プロトコール
    , pp.58-65.
    加藤 昌人, 白木 賢太郎, 中川 真一 編, 羊土社 (2022)

  8. グアニン四重鎖構造が誘起するヒストン/DNA液–液相分離.
    冨田 峻介, 三村 真大
    生化学, 94, 754-758 (2022)

  9. 相分離メガネで見えたDNA構造の新たな役割.
    三村 真大, 冨田 峻介, 栗田 僚二
    , 76, 68-69 (2021)

  10. 特別研究員DC2, 日本学術振興会(2020/4-2022/3)

  11. 2019年度 SUMBOR SCHOLARSHIP, 公益財団法人 サントリー生命科学財団 (2019/4-2022/3)

  12. 奨励賞, 第29回日本MRS年次大会 (2019)

  13. 優秀賞, 第34回高分子学会茨城地区「若手の会」交流会 (2019)

  14. 優秀ポスター賞, 第8回 Chem-Bio Joint Seminar 2019 (2019)

  15. Best Poster Award, ASUKAシンポジウム2019 (2019)

  16. 優秀ポスター賞, 平成30年度東日本分析化学若手交流会 (2018)

Okubo Atsuya / 大久保 敦也(2021年-2022年)
 Technical training (University of Tsukuba, Shiraki Lab.) / 技術研修生 (筑波大学 白木研究室)

Kanou Shogo / 狩野 彰吾(2021-2022年)
 Technical training (University of Tsukuba, Shiraki Lab.) / 技術研修生 (筑波大学 白木研究室)

Hiroki Okada / 岡田 弘毅 (2019-2021年)
 Master's degree from University of Tsukuba (Kurita Lab.) / (博士前期課程修了, 筑波大学 栗田研究室)

 Achievement in our team
  1. Affinity diversification of a polymer probe for pattern-recognition-based biosensing using chemical additives.
    Hiroki Okada, Masahiro Mimura, Shunsuke Tomita, Ryoji Kurita
    Analytical Sciences,37, 713-719 (2021)

Mari Okada / 岡田 摩利 (2019-2021年)
 Master's degree from University of Tsukuba (Kurita Lab.) / (博士前期課程修了, 筑波大学 栗田研究室)

 Achievement in our team
  1. A multichannel pattern-recognition-based protein sensor with a fluorophore-conjugated single-stranded DNA set.
    Mari Okada, Hiroka Sugai, Shunsuke Tomita, Ryoji Kurita
    Sensors, 20, 5110 (2020) equally contributed.

Ayumi Matsuda / 松田 あゆみ (2015-2017年)
 Technical training (Master's degree from University of Tsukuba, Shiraki Lab.) /
 技術研修生 (博士前期課程修了, 筑波大学 白木研究室)

 Achievement in our team
  1. One-step identification of antibody degradation pathways using fluorescence signatures generated by cross-reactive DNA-based arrays.
    Shunsuke Tomita, Ayumi Matsuda, Suguru Nishinami, Ryoji Kurita, Kentaro Shiraki
    Analytical Chemistry, 89, 7818-7822 (2017)

