nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
TAKAGI Tetsuichi 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "TAKAGI Tetsuichi")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
34: TAKAGI Tetsuichi
5: KON Yoshiaki, WATANABE Yasushi
4: NAITO Kazuki, TSUKIMURA Katsuhiro
2: IIZUMI Shigeru, MORITA Sayaka, MURAKAMI Hiroyasu
1: ARAOKA Daisuke, ASCH Kristine, BALZER Drirk, CHANG Ho-Wan, COLLINS Lorence G., EJIMA Terumi, FUKUSHI Keisuke, HENGER Manfred, HIRATA Takafumi, HOSHINO Mihoko, IM Chang-Bock, ISHII Takemasa, KANEKO Nobuyuki, KAWAHATA Hodaka, KAWANO Yoshinobu, KEHLER Peter, KUDRASS Hermann-Rudolf, MARUYAMA Tadashi, MORITA Sumito, MORRIS Alan P., MORRIS Alan Paul, MURAO Satoshi, NISHIMURA Koshi, NISHIO Yoshiro Nishio, NUREKI Terukazu, OKAMOTO Nobuyuki, PARK Seong-Wan, RAHLING Heinz Gerd, REICHERT Christian, RICHTS Andrea, SANEMATSU Kenzo, SAWAKI Takayuki, SIMS Darrell, SIMS Darrell W., SMART Kevin J., SON Byeong-Kook, STAMATAKOS Jhon A., STRUCKMEIER Willhelm, SUZUKI Masaya, SUZUKI Yuichiro, TANAKA Mikiya, TSUKAMOTO Hitoshi, TSUNEMATSU Maiko, UCHIDA Yohei, WALLNER Manfred, WALTER Gray R., WYRICK Danielle Y., YANO Nobuhiko, YOSHIKAWA Toshiyuki, ZAEPKE Markus
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1992: Orgin of magnetite series granitoids in the San'yo belt, Southwest Japan (II 8 3 P 29)
1993: Progress Report of the ITIT Project: Study on the Ondor tsagaan Ore Field, Mongolia
1994: Two T F(O2) Paths in the Myoken zan Magnetite Bearing Granitic Complex, San'yo Belt, Southwestern Japan
1995: Genesis of oxidized and reduced type granitoids
1995: Rhyolites Related to the Miocene Epithermal Gold Mineralization in the Kitakami Region, Hokkaido, Japan
1996: Temporal and spatial variations of oxidized and reduced type plutonism
1997: Genesis of Oxidized and Reduced Type Granites
1997: Mantle derived rhyolite magma, the Kitakami rhyolite, Hokkaido Japan
2002: The geochemical behavior of altered igneous rocks in the Tertiary Gampo Basin, Kyongsang Province, South Korea
2003: Origin of the Magnetite and Ilmenite Series Granites in Japan Arc
2003: Smectite Diagenesis in the Tertialy Marine Sedimentary basin, SE Korea
2003: Sodic Calcic Alteration of Granites Associated with MO Mineralization at the Komaki District, Southwest Japan(228 8)
2004: A New Practical Index of Chemical Weathering for Granitic Rocks(242 4)
2004: Origin of Magnetite and Ilmenite Series Granitic Rocks in the Japan Arc
2005: Earth Science for Society Cooperation between German and Japanese Geological Survey
2005: Mineralogical, physicochemical and thermal properties of cetylpyridinium exchanged smectite
2006: Genesis of metallogenic provinces from the viewpoint of global material recycling
2006: Layered Granitic Batholiths of the Hiroshima Granite, Southwestern Japan(231 14)
2007: Plagioclase Quartz Rocks of Metasomatic Origin at the Expense of Granitic Rocks of the Komaki District, Southwestern Japan
2008: 40Ar 39Ar and K Ar geochronology for plutonic rocks in the central Abukuma Plateau, northeastern Japan
2008: Simulating Alternative Conceptual Models of Fault Controls on Regional Ground Water Flow Near the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Hokkaido, Japan (301 33)
2008: Stress Analysis and Fracture Based Fluid Transmissivity at the Underground Research Laboratory Site at Horonobe, Hokkaido, Japan (138 14)
2010: Origin of Mo and W Metallogenic Provinces(132 11)
2010: Petrographic contrast between ilmenite and magnetite series gabbroids in the Ryoke and San in belts, southwestern Japn Arc
2010: Rapid Quantitative Analyses of REE and Trace Elements in 1:10 XRF Glassbead Using LA ICPMS(132 10)
2011: The development of whole rock analysis of major and trace elements in XRF glass beads by fsLA ICPMS in GSJ geochemical reference samples
2012: UP Pb zircon ages of Abukuma granitic rocks in the western Abukuma plateau, northeastern Japan Arc
2013: Origin of Redox Contrast of Granitic Magma, Discussion of Magnetite and Ilmenite Series for 36 Years(87 8)
2014: Geochemical Characteristics of Apatite in Heavy REE rich Deep Sea Mud from Minami Torishima Area, Southeastern Japan
2014: Lithium and strontium isotopic systematics in playas in Nevada, USA: constraints on the origin of lithium
2014: Tectonic Control on the Emplacement of Cretaceous to Paleogene Granitic Batholiths in the Southwestern Japan Arc (89 14)
2015: Spatial U–Pb age distribution of plutonic rocks in the central Abukuma Plateau, northeastern Japan Arc
2016: Mineral and hydrocarbon resources
2016: Securing a stable supply of offiacal raw metals Efforts and issues for the securement of rare east resources)