nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
HACKNEY Ron 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "HACKNEY Ron")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
3: HASHIMOTO Takehiko, HIGGINS Karen, ROLLET Nadege
2: ARCULUS Richard, COOLEN Marco, GRICE Kliti, LOGAN Graham A., MULLER Dietmar, STAGPOOLE Vaughan, SUTHERLAND Rupert, WHITESIDE Jessica, 山田 泰広, 斎藤 実篤, 稲垣 史生, 黒田 潤一郎
1: BACHE Francois, BERNARDEL George, BOSTON Brian, COLLET Julien, COLLOT Julien, FUJIE Gou, GALLAIS Flora, GROSJEAN Emmanuelle, HERZER Richard H., IODP 871-CCP Proponent Team, KODAIRA Shuichi, KR16-05 Scientists, LAFOY Yves, MCGIVERON Stephen, MITCHELL C., MIURA Seiichi, MORTIMER Nick, NAKAMURA Yasuyuki, NICHOL Scott, PETKOVIC Peter, ROUILLARD Pierrick, SAITO Saneatsu, SHIRAISHI Kazuya, URUSKI Chris, VISKOVIC Paul, WOOD Ray, YAMADA Yasuhiro, 西 弘嗣
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2010: Lithosphere delamination with foundering of lower crust and mantle caused permanent subsidence of New Caledonia Trough and transient uplift of Lord Howe Rise during Eocene and Oligocene initiation of Tonga Kermadee subduction, western Pacific
2012: Cenozoic tectonics and paleogeography of continental fragments between Australia, New Caledonia, and New Zealand
2012: Seafloor features and fluid migration in the Capel and Faust basins, offshore eastern Australia
2016: Lord Howe Rise Drilling: Deep stratigraphic record for the Cretaceous eastern Gondwana margin (SIT09 06)
2016: The Lord Howe Rise: newly acquired multi channel and wide angle seismic data to study an enigmatic continental ribbon (S06 P22)
2016: ロードハウライズ掘削計画の概要(MIS16 13)
The Lord Howe Rise (LHR) Drilling Project: tectonics, paleoclimate and deep life on the LHR high latitude continental ribbon (MIS16 13)