nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
EDWARDS R. Lawrence 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "EDWARDS R. Lawrence")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
6: CHENG Hai
3: ITO Emi
2: WANG Xianfeng, 井上 麻夕里, 鈴木 淳
1: ARAOKA Daisuke, AULER Augusto, AULER Augusto S., CHANG Ching-Chih, DORALE Jeffery A., DORALE Jeffrey A., GALLET Sylvain, HORI Masako, HSIEH Yu-Te, INOUE Mayuri, KAN Hironobu, KANO Akihiro, KAWAHATA Hodaka, LAM Doan Dinh, LI Ting-Yong, MATSUZAKI Hiroyuki, QUINN Terrence M., SHEN Chuan-Chou, SHIKAZONO Naotatsu, SPOT Christoph, SUZUKI Atsushi, TAYLOR Frederick W., WU Chung-Che, YOKOYAMA Yusuke, 川幡 穂高, 川畑 穂高, 後藤 和久, 松崎 浩之, 横山 祐典, 河名 俊男, 石村 豊穂, 荒岡 大輔
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1998: Midcontinental Vegetation Changes during Substage 5e: A Speleothem Record from Crevice Cave, Missouri (V72A 5)
2006: Millennial scale interhemispheric asymmetry of low latitude precipitation: speleothem evidences and possible high latitude forcing(PP11A 07)
2007: Rapid Amazonian Moisture Oscillations Correlated with Dansgaard Oeschger Cycles(PP33C 05)
2010: Historic 1771 Meiwa tsunami confirmed by high resolution U/Th dating of massive Porites coral boulders at Ishigaki Island in the Ryukyus, Japan
2011: 南琉球列島の津波災害史の復元 津波石ハマサンゴの放射年代測定によるアプローチ (HDS004 11)
Reconstruction of past tsunami disasters: Evidence from radiometric dating of Porites coral boulders in Southern Ryukyus(HDS004 11)
2011: 完新世中期の西太平洋熱帯域表層における海水温および海水の酸素同位体比の復元(BPT002 04)
Reconstruction of temperature and oxygen isotopes in the surface water of the Mid Holocene tropical western Pacific(BPT002 04)
2012: High precision and high resolution carbonate 230Th dating by MC ICP MS with SEM protocols