nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
MIZUTA Toshio 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "MIZUTA Toshio")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
52: MIZUTA Toshio
34: ISHIYAMA Daizo
7: SATO Hinako
4: ISHIKAWA Yohei, OGAWA Yasumasa, SATOH Hinako, SHIKAZONO Naotatsu, TSUSUE Akio, URABE Tetsuro
3: ADOMAKO-ANSAH Kofi, HAMMOND Napoleon Q., KIMURA Jun-ichi, TAMAI Tadaharu
2: CHARUSIRI Punya, CHIBA Hitoshi, GENA Kaul, ISHIYAMA Daiso, ISIYAMA Daizo, KYAW Htay Thura, MAEDA Jinichiro, MAGLAMBAYAN Victor B., NAKANO Takanori, NAKASHIMA Kazuo, NAKAYAMA Ken, OHGUCHI Takeshi, TAKASHIMA Isao, WOOD Scott A., YAMAMOTO Masatsugu, YAMASAKI Toru
1: A'SHAIKH Durair, ADOMOKO-ANSAH Kofi, AIKAWA Nobuyuki, ANDO Atsushi, AUZENDE Jean-Marie, BALDORJ Batkhuu, BYAMBAJAV Amarjargal, DOI Nobuo, ERDENEBAYAR Jamsran, FUCHINO Tatsuya, FUJIKAWA Osamu, FUKUYAMA Mayuko, GENA Kaul R., HIDA Tadataka, ICHII Yoshihiko, IMAI Akia, ISHIHARA Shunso, ISHIZEKI Hirotaka, KANEDA Hiroaki, KANEKO Kensuke, KANO Kazuhiko, KAUL Gena, KIM Sang Wook, KOBAYASHI Norihiko, KOMINE Yusuki, KRIT-WONIN, LEE Min Sung, MARHOTORN Kuakul, MATSUBARA Osamu, MATSUEDA Hiroharu, MIKAMI Susumu, MIN Kyong Gwon, MIYASHITA Sumio, MIYATA Muneyuki, MIYOSHI Naoya, MOIYA KIA Paul, NISHIMURA Toshiharu, NUANLAONG Saranya, SATO Ryoji, SCOTT Steven D., SERA Koichiro, SHIMAZAKI Hidehiko, SOE Myint, SUGAWARA Naoyuki, TAKADA Jitsuya, TAKAHASHI Miwa, TAKENO Yuko, TANGWATTANANUKUL Ladda, TATEISHI Ryutaro, TSUCHIYA Nobutaka, UKHNAA Genden, WANG Jingbin, WATANABE Yoshihiro, YAMADA Ryoichi, YANAI Keizo, YOSHIDA Takeyoshi, YOSHIMURA Yohei
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1981: Jurassic and Cretaceous Granitic Rocks in South Korea
1988: Granitic Rocks of Southwest Japan : Trace Element Evidence Regarding Their Differentiation; 2. Ba, Rb, and Sr Relationships
1988: Interdiffusion Rate of Zinc and Iron in Natural Sphalerite
1988: Mesozoic Granitic Rocks of South Korea : Trace Element Evidence Regarding Their Differentiation; Rare Earth Element Patterns
1988: Speedometry of Chalcopyrite and Pyrrhotite Exsolution in Sphalerite from Some Skarn Deposits
1990: Compositional Variation of Sphalerite from Some Gold Silver Ore Deposits in South Korea
1990: Mode of Differentiation of Granitic Magmas in South Korea and Southwest Japan
1992: Evolution of Chimney Ores from a Hydrothermal Mound at the Central Spreading Axis of the North Fiji Basin, Southwest Pacific (C7 O 10)
1994: Mineral Assemblage, Ore Textures, and Fluid Inclusion Studies of the Uwamuki No.4 Kuroko Deposit, Kosaka Akita Prefecture
1996: Mineralogical and Geochemical characteristics of sulfuric rich hydrothermal alteration of basaltic andesite from Desmos Caldera, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
1998: An Examination of Scheelite Mineralization using LA ICP MS Method at the Yamaguchi Skarn Deposit, Iwate, Japan
1998: An Experiment on Quantitative Chemical Analysis of an Individual Fluid Inclusion Using LA ICP MS
1998: Geological and Petrochemical Significance of Acidic Rocks Around the Yano Shokozan Pyrophyllite Deposits, Shobara, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan
1998: LA ICP MASS Spectrometry of Rare Earth Elements in Quartz of Various Mineralization Stages from the Hishikari Epithermal Gold Quartz Vein Deposit, Japan
1998: Mobility of Major, Minor and Trace Elements in Basaltic Andesite from a High Sulfidation type of advanced Argillic Alteration in Desmos Caldera, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
1998: Thermal Effect by Post Ore Intrusive Rocks to Ore Textures and Fluid inclusions of the Uwamuki No.4 Orebody, Kosaka Kuroko Deposits, Akita Prefecture, Japan
1998: Zonal Structures of Cobalt in Pyrite from Some Metamorphosed Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits in Japan
1999: Mobility of major and trace elements during sulfuric acid rich hydrothermal alteration of basaltic andesites from the Desmos caldera, Manus Basin
2000: Tungsten Mineralization of the Ohkawame Molybdenite Deposit in Kuji City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
2001: Characteristic Features of Tin iron copper Mineralization in the Anle Huanggangliang Mining Area, Inner Mongolia, China
2002: Coexistence of a Fluid Phase with Granitic Magma: Geochemical Characteristics of REE and Cu in Miyako Granite and in Scheelite bearing Aplitic Veins at the Yamaguchi Cu W Skarn Deposit, Iwate, Japan
2003: Behaviors of REE, Cu and W in the Miyako Granitoids and W Mineralizaton, Iwate, Japan: Coexistence of a Fluid Phase with Granitic Magma
2003: Geological and Geochemical Features of Kuroko type Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Ore Deposits in Japan
2003: Several factors controlling the chemical composition of the hydrothermal solution in the hydrothermal system
2003: Several factors controllong the chemical composition of the hydrothermal solution in the hydrothermal system
2004: Geochemical Characteristics of Sedimentary Rocks of Pre and Post Kuroko Mineralization, Akita, Northeast Japan (189 28)
2004: Geochemical Systematics of Minor Elements in Ores from Some Japanese Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits: Kuroko Type Versus Besshi Type Ores (266 19)
2004: Petrological and Geochemical Evidence for Transition from Mid Ocean Ridge Setting to Supra Subduction Zone Setting, Haylayn Block, Oman Ophiolite (76 28)
2005: An experimental study on felsic rock artificial seawater interaction: implications for hydrothermal alteration and sulfate formation in the Kuroko mining area of Japan
2006: Alteration of felsic volcanics hosting gas reservoirs in the Minami Nagaoka gas field, Niigata Prefecture, Japan Comparison of the alteration styles of rhyolite on gas reservoirs with dacite associated with Kuroko deposits
2006: Characteristic features of radium lead strontium bearing Tamagawa thermal water related to a deep seated magmatic system in Akita Prefecture, Japan
2006: Evolution of the Northeast Honshu Arc Arc volcanism from Cretaceous to Present
2006: Geochemical evidence in clinopyroxenes from gabbroic sequence for two district magmatisms in the Oman ophiolite
2006: Hydration mechanism of glassy rhyolite, Pleistocene Katsuma Yama volcano, Okushiri Island, Hokkaido, Japan
2006: Hydrogen, Oxygen and Sulfur Isotope Studies of Seafloor Hydrothermal System at the Desmos Caldera, Manus Back arc Basin, Papua New Guinea: An Analogue of Terrestrial Acid Hot Crater lake
2006: Hydrothermal Alteration of Oman Ophiolite Extrusives in Ghuzayn Area
2006: Kuroko and Besshi type volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in Japan
2006: Origin of iron on Miocene Fe skarn mineralization of the Oohinata deposit in the active uplifting region of central Japan
2007: Mechanisms for anhydrite and gypsum formation in the Kuroko massive sulfide sulfate deposits, north Japan
2007: The Occurrence of Stibnite in the Hishikari Epithermal Gold Silver Deposit, Southern Kyushu, Japan
2008: A Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Based Approach to Indentifying Mineralization in Central Volcanic Arc of Myanmar
2008: Cathodoluminescence and fluid inclusion studies of granitoids associated with Miocene Fe Cu Pb Zn mineralization of the Chichibu skarn deposit in the active uplifting region of central Japan: Timing of generation of magmatic fluid coexisting with granitic
2008: Geochemical Characteristics of Neogene Acidic Volcanic Rocks in the Ohdate Kosaka Tunnel Area, Hokuroku District, Akita Prefecture, Japan
2008: Geochemical and tectonical characteristics of Neogene bimodal volcanic rocks in the Hokuroku Kuroko district, northeast Japan
2008: Geology and Geochemical Characteristics of Mt. Crater Epithermal Gold Mineralization, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea (poster sesssion)
2008: Implications of metal rich Cl SO4 type thermal water of the Tamagawa hot spring, northeast Japan: A window of magmatic hydrothermal system
2008: Petrochemistry of Igneous rocks in the Southern Parts of the Chatree Gold Mine, Pichit, Central Thailand
2012: Contrasting fluid conditions associated with gold mineralization in banded iron formation at the Kalahari Goldridge and Amalia gold deposits, Kraaipan Amalia greenstone belts, South Africa
2013: Gold Mineralization in Banded Iron Formation in the Amalia Greenstone Belt, South Africa: A Mineralogical and Sulfur Isotope Study
2014: Characteristics of Triassic epithermal Au mineralization at the Q prospect, Chatree mining area, Central Thailand
2016: Petrography and Geochemistry of Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Occurences in Western Mongolia
2017: Nature of ore forming fluid and formation conditions of BIF hosted gold mineralization in the Archean Amalia Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Constraints from fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies