nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
CAI Zucong 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "CAI Zucong")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
5: CAI Zucong
2: AKIMOTO Hajime, OHARA Toshimasa, TSURUTA Haruo
1: BOONJAWAT Jariya, CHAIROJ Prapai, CHOLITKUL Wisit, DING Weixin, KANG Guoding, LI Changsheng, MOSIER Arvin, SAWAMOTO Takuji, WASSMANN Reiner, YAN Xiaoyuan, YAN Xiaoyuan Yan, 八木 一行, 加藤 邦彦, 陽 捷行, 鶴田 治雄
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1995: 日本,中国およびタイにおける水田からのメタン発生量の測定:土壌の性質とメタン発生量の関係
Methane Emission from Rice Paddy Fields in Japan, China, and Thailand: Soil Properties and Methane Emission Rates
2003: Field validation of the DNDC model for greenhouse gas emissions in East Asian cropping system
2003: Methane Emission from Rice Fields in Mainland China: Amount, Seasonal and Spatial Distribution (JSM04/09P/B23 003)
2003: Methane emission from rice fields in mainland China: Amount and seasonal and spatial distribution
2004: Methane Concentration and Emission as Affected by Methane Transport Capacity of Plants in Freshwater Marsh