nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
早川 裕弌 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "早川 裕弌")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
72: 早川 裕弌
19: 小口 高
16: 小花和 宏之
14: 齋藤 仁
9: 青木 久
8: 今泉 文寿
5: 堀田 紀文, 小口 千明, 有賀 夏希, 松多 信尚, 經隆 悠
3: ゴメス クリストファー, 八反地 剛, 前門 晃, 吉田 英嗣, 後藤 和久, 松倉 公憲, 楠本 成寿
2: MCGUIRE Luke, 加藤 顕, 奥村 晃史, 小松 吾郎, 岸野 浩大, 張 文
1: BAKER Victor, BAKER Victor R. PELLETIER Jon D., KOMATSU Goro, KONTANI Ryoichi, KUO Yu-ting, PAUDEL Uttam, PELLETIER Jon, WASKLEWICZ Thad A., WASSMER Patrick, WESTER Thad, ZHENG Hongbo, クラックオウル フィクリ, 上田 真理子, 中田 康隆, 土屋 智, 堀 和明, 多田 隆治, 大坂 早希, 宋 苑瑞, 山本 遼介, 杉戸 信彦, 松山 洋, 松本 一希, 林 冠瑋, 柴田 健一, 森 大樹, 泉 岳樹, 津村 宏臣, 牧 健太郎, 疋津 彰, 石井 伸幸, 石井 椋, 石黒 聡士, 竇 傑, 竹内 識香, 紺谷 亮一, 羽田 康孝, 落合 翔, 財城 真寿美, 逢坂 興宏, 鈴木 克明, 鈴木 洋佑, 陳 宏宇, 陳 文山, 陳 麒文, 高場 智博, 高屋 康彦, 高山 知美, 高波 紳太郎, 魏 倫瑋, 鳴橋 竜太郎
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2009: LRF,DGPSによる高速地形測量システムを用いた地考古学調査 トルコ,カイセリ県における適用事例 (X228 P002)
Geoarchaeological survey with rapid topographic mapping system in Kayseri, Turkey(X228 P002)
2009: Scale dependent changes in stream gradients and its relationship to slope morphology for a mountain watershed(Z176 P003)
2010: DEM・GISを用いた扇状地とその上流域の地形特性値間の関係の分析(P4)
Analysis of Relationships between Morphometric Properties of Alluvial Fans and Source Areas with DEMs and GIS(P4)
2010: 地すべり土塊と滑落崖の地形特性
2010: 地上写真測量および航空・地上レーザ計測を用いた小規模崖錐の時系列変化の解明(P5)
Toward the spatiotemporal analysis of a small talus landform with a combined use of photogrammetry and airborne and terrestrial laser scanning(P5)
2010: 岩盤岩石が1次流域の河床形態におよぼす水文地形学的影響 足尾山地試験流域における事例
Hydrogeomorphic linkage between basin lithology and geometry of first order channels: An example from the Ashio Mountains Experimental Watersheds
2010: 滝の侵食メカニズムに関する一考察 ノッチの拡大と崩落可能性について
Stability analysis on waterfall cliff face with undercutting notch development: An implication to erosional mechanism of waterfall
2011: Fault scarp knickpoint recession and subsequent riverbank widening in central Taiwan(HGM002 05)
2011: Quantitative analysis of lithologic and tectonic influences on the topographic profiles of Danxia landforms(HGM002 04)
2011: 地震発生後の岩盤河川地形変化の解明 台湾中西部、集集地震に起因する遷急点侵食の事例
2011: 氷食谷側壁における河川侵食と滝の後退
Postglacial recession fates of waterfalls in alpine glacial valleys
2012: 地上Lidar測量による長野県・新潟県県境付近の地震に伴う新潟県十日町市松代の泥火山の隆起
Uplift of the Matsudai mud volcano associated with the earthquake near the border of Nagano and Niigata Prefectures, measured by 3d laser scanner
2012: 揚子江最上流域金沙江流域における侵食速度分布の再計算と制御要因 GISを用いた地形分類に基づく推定 (SCG73 P05)
Re evaluation of erosion rate in the uppermost reach of Yangtze River based on topographic classification using GIS(SCG73 P05)
2012: 断層崖にかかる滝の後退速度の変化 台湾、集集地震からの10年間
Changes in recession rates of fault scarp waterfalls in Taiwan: 10 years since the Chi Chi earthquake
2012: 東北地方太平洋沖地震にともなう津波による地形変化のレーザ測量調査(HTT07 01)
Laser scanning surveys to analyze morphological impacts of the 2011 Tohoku Oki Tsunami, northeastern Japan(HTT07 01)
2012: 津波の影響を受けた姉吉地区における谷の地上レーザスキャン解析(HTT07 02)
Terrestrial laser scanning of a tsunami affected valley in Aneyoshi, northeastern Japan(HTT07 02)
2012: 華厳滝における崖面のレーザスキャン(HGM02 10)
Terrestrial laser scanning of cliff face at Kegon Falls(HGM02 10)
2013: 3次元レーザースキャナーを用いた鍾乳石の空間分布と形状の解析
Analysis of spatial distribution and shape of speleothems with a 3D laser scanner
2013: Temporal changes in erosion rates and patterns in Ichinosawa subwatershed of Ohyakuzure landslide, central Japan (HTT09 02)
2013: デジタル地形モデルと地理情報システムを用いた中国丹霞地形の地形解析(HTT09 P02)
Morphometric analyses of Danxia landforms in China using GIS and DEMs (HTT09 P02)
2013: 三陸海岸・姉吉地区の谷における斜面下部の津波侵食 地上レーザスキャンによる分析
Tsunami wave erosion on valley side slopes in a coastal valley of Aneyoshi along the Sanriku coast, northeast Japan: A terrestrial laser scanning approach
2013: 津波で侵食された地形の分析と防災への応用 高解像度地形データの活用
Analysis of landforms eroded by tsunamis for disaster prevention based on high resolution topographic data
2013: 渓流水中における石灰岩の風化速度 野外および室内実験によるアプローチ
Field and laboratory experiments on dissolution rates of limestone in stream flow
2013: 空中写真測量を用いた台湾集集地震で隆起した大安渓河床の経年変化
Downcutting of the Daan River around uplifted area in Taiwan
2013: 華厳滝における滝面上部崩落後の地形変化と後退メカニズム
Morphological changes in cliff face of Kegon Falls after collapse of its upper layer: Implications for erosional mechanisms of waterfall
2013: 集集地震により生じた台湾中西部における滝の地震後10年間の後退速度とその変化
Knickpoint Recession Rates for 10 Years after the Chi Chi Earthquake, Central Taiwan
2014: Evaluation of topographic measurements using UAV and ground based SfM and TLS: A case study at a rocky coast bench (HTT08 03)
2014: Terrestrial laser scanning approach on quantification of weathering depth of sandstone blocks in a coastal environment
2014: UAV空撮とSfMを用いたアクセス困難地の3Dモデリング
3D Modelling of Inaccessible Areas using UAV based Aerial Photography and Structure from Motion
2014: 大規模崩壊地における土石流の流下と河床条件の相互作用(HDS05 P03)
Interaction between river bed condition and debris flow in Ichino sawa subwatershed of Ohya kuzure landslide, Japan (HDS05 P03)
2015: Analysis of the landslides in Hiroshima caused by the typhoon 12 based on bivariate statistical landslide susceptibility(HTT09 03)
Analysis of the landslides in Hiroshima caused by the typhoon 12 based on bivariate statistical landslide susceptibility (HTT09 03)
2015: Ground surface deformation of small mud volcano by repeated measurements of terrestrial laser scanning (Murono, Japan)(HTT08 P02)
Ground surface deformation of small mud volcano by repeated measurements of terrestrial laser scanning (Murono, Japan) (HTT08 P02)
2015: Measurement of changes in wall surface morphology in Yoshimi Hyakuana cave by terrestrial laser scanning(HGM02 P01)
Measurement of changes in wall surface morphology in Yoshimi Hyakuana cave by terrestrial laser scanning (HGM02 P01)
2015: Tsunami induced bedrock erosion and sediment deposition on uplifted coastal bench: Cape Todogasaki, eastern Japan (HTT08 03)
2015: UAVとSfM多視点写真測量を用いた高精細データの取得と地形解析への応用 阿蘇山周辺の表層崩壊を対象として
Application of high definition data for topographic analysis using UAVs and SfM photogrammetry A case study of shallow landslides around Mt. Aso
2015: アクセス困難な海食崖における高解像度かつ高頻度な地形変化計測手法(HTT08 P03)
High resolution spatio temporal topographic survey in hardly accessible sea cliff (HTT08 P03)
2015: 三陸海岸における津波による侵食地形の特徴 地上レーザ測量による解析
Characteristics of Erosional Morphology Formed by Tsunami Waves along the Sanriku Coast, Northeastern Japan: Analysis Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
2015: 口絵2:三陸海岸姉吉地区における津波侵食地形とその測量調査
Pictorial 2: Laser Scanning Survey Reveals the Characteristics of Erosional Landforms Created by Tsunami Waves in the Valley at Aneyoshi along the Sanriku Coast
2015: 吉見百穴坑道壁面における凝灰岩の塩類風化の発生条件について
Microenvironmental Factors of Salt Weathering Observed on Sandy Tuff Walls of Abandoned Munitions Factory Tunnel in the Yoshimi Hyaku Ana Historic Site
2015: 地すべりキーワード101(ワン・オー・ワン)14 地上レーザ測量(TLS)
Key words (14) Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)
2015: 小型無人航空機および単独測位GNSS搭載カメラを用いた簡易的な地形測量手法
Simplified Survey Method Using Small UAV and Single Point Positioning GNSS Equipped Digital Camera
2015: 様々な環境下における小型UAV航空測量の適用事例
Field applications of aerial survey with small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle under several conditions
2015: 遺跡周辺における高精細地形情報の取得と解析 トルコ中部カイセリ県を対象として
Acquisition and analysis of high definition topographic data around archaeological sites: Case studies in Kayseri, central Turkey
2016: Morphological analysis of debris flow deposits in steep headwater channel using multi temporal terrestrial laser scanning: a 4 year case study at Ohya kuzure Landslide, central Japan (HTT08 01)
2016: Spatial pattern analysis of wall surface modification by weathering in Yoshimi Hyakuana cave using terrestrial laser scanning (HTT08 P08)
2016: Statistical analysis on topography of mountain watersheds with frequent debris flows using multi temporal high resolution DEMs (HTT09 P04)
2016: Temporal changes in debris flow characteristics and topography in a debris flow initiation zone in Ohya landslide, Japan (HDS05 04)
2016: UAV SfM手法による岩塊斜面の微地形測量 然別火山群・東ヌプカウシヌプリの西面斜面を例に (HTT08 P01)
Micro topographic survey on the block slope using UAV SfM method: a case study on the west face of Mount Higashi—Nupukaushi, Shikaribetsu volcanic group, Hokkaido, Japan (HTT08 P01)
2016: Using an unmanned aerial vehicle to examine influence of topography on development of debris flows in a initiation zone of Ohya landslide, Japan (HTT08 P05)
2016: アナトリア高原中部における後期完新世の考古環境マッピング 大規模災害リスク評価に向けて
2016: トルコ・カイセリ盆地南東エルジエス断層の第四紀の活動(HQR15 12)
Quaternary activity of the Erciyes fault southeast of the Kayseri basin, Turkey (HQR15 12)
2016: 吉見百穴坑道壁面における凝灰岩の塩類風化の発生条件について
Microenvironmental Factors of Salt Weathering Observed on Sandy Tuff Walls of Abandoned Munitions Factory Tunnel in the Yoshimi Hyaku Ana Historic Site
2016: 地形学における地上レーザ測量の活用
Applications of Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Geomorphology
2016: 地震後における地形データ取得の迅速化 熊本県南阿蘇村における斜面崩壊を例に (MIS34 P94)
How quickly can topographic data are acquired after earthquake ? A case study for the landslide in Minami Aso, Kumamoto, Japan (MIS34 P94)
2016: 地震時の地殻変動情報に基づく地盤沈下・海面上昇に起因する海岸侵食量予測技術の向上
2016: 塩類風化による削剥量と風化環境との定量的関係 史跡・吉見百穴の凝灰岩の事例
Quantitative relationship between denudation volume and weathering environment due to salt weathering of tuff in the Yoshimi Hyaku Ana historic site
2016: 大隅半島神ノ川流域における滝の形成・後退の地形プロセス
Formation and regression processes of waterfalls in the drainage basin of Kaminokawa river in Osumi Peninsula, southern Kyushu, Japan
2016: 小型無人航空機を用いたSfM多視点ステレオ写真測量による地形情報の空中計測
Aerial measurements of topography using small UAS and SfM MVS photogrammetry
2016: 平成24年(2012年)7月九州北部豪雨に伴う阿蘇火山地域での土砂生産量の推定 UAVとSfM多視点ステレオ写真測量を用いた高精細地形データの活用
Sediment Yields Triggered by Heavy Rainfall in July 2012 at Aso Volcano: Application of High Definition Topography Data Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Structure from Motion Multi View Stereo Photogrammetry
2016: 斜面崩壊の危険度評価における高精細地形データの応用(HTT08 04)
High definition topography applied to landslide hazard assessment around Aso Volcano (HTT08 04)
2016: 豪雨と地震に伴う阿蘇火山・仙酔峡での斜面崩壊 UAVとSfM多視点ステレオ写真測量を用いて
Landslides triggered by heavy rainfalls and earthquakes at Aso volcano using UAVs and SfM MVS photogrammetry
2017: Accurate volumetric measurement of tsunami boulders using 3D point clouds (HTT19 01)
2017: Application of Structure from Motion Multi View Stereo Photogrammetry to the extraction of vertical deformation caused by an inflated magma chamber in an analogue experiment (HTT19 07)
2017: Detection of surface changes in sandstone blocks by weathering in a coastal environment using TLS (HTT19 P07)
2017: Earthquake induced surface deformations in a small mud volcano: multi temporal high definition measurements using TLS and UAS SfM (SSS07 14)
2017: Relationships between coastal sand dune vegetation and landforms: A preliminary analysis using TLS and UAV SfM photogrammetry in Tottori Sand Dunes (HTT19 03)
2017: Sediment yields during typhoon events in Taiwan (HTT20 P02)
2017: 千葉県太東崎雀島における海食崖の詳細な地形変化の把握 UAVを用いた高頻度観測
High resolutional measurement of erosion volume of inaccessible sea cliff at Suzume jima, Taito saki, Japan: frequent measurements using UAV
2017: 地理でコミュニケーション(5)3次元地理空間情報を活用したアウトリーチ
2017: 琉球列島南部,宮古島・下地島・石垣島・黒島に襲来した津波営力の差異 海岸段丘上の津波石を用いた検討
A study on difference in historical tsunami force, southern Ryuku Islands, Japan
2017: 華厳滝周辺における崖面の経年変化
Development of waterfall cliff face around Kegon Falls, Nikko, Japan
2017: 阿蘇地域における斜面崩壊の時系列解析(HTT19 04)
Time series analysis of TLS derived point clouds for shallow landslides in Aso region, Kumamoto, Japan (HTT19 04)