Aromaphilicity index(アロマフィリシティ:芳香族親和性)(日本語解説記事)
If you use the aromaphilicity index or the pymol script for aromaphilicity mapping, please include an appropriate citation: Atsushi Hirano and Tomoshi Kameda. Aromaphilicity Index of Amino Acids: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Protein Binding Affinity for Carbon Nanomaterials. ACS Applied Nano Materials (DOI:10.1021/acsanm.0c03047).

Amino acid Aromaphilicity index
Trp 1.000
Tyr 0.850
Arg 0.750
Phe 0.575
His 0.450
Met 0.325
Gln 0.300
Asn 0.200
Ile 0.200
Cys 0.200
Val 0.150
Ser 0.125
Leu 0.125
Pro 0.125
Lys 0.100
Thr 0.075
Glu 0.050
Ala 0.025
Gly 0.000
Asp -0.025

Pymol Script for Aromaphilicity Mapping.
1.  Save the script as "".
2.  2.1. Open Pymol file of interest.
  2.2. Select 'File'-'Run Script'
  2.3. Write "aromaphilicity" on the command line.
  2.4. Show-surface