2016 Publication

No. Title Author Journal
1 Structural Investigation and Indium Substitution in the Thermoelectric Mn2.7Cr0.3Si4Al2-xInx Series T. Barbier, E. Combe, R. Funahashi, T. Takeuchi, M. Kubouchi, Y. Miyazaki, E. Guilmeau, R. O. Suzuki Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 45, pp 1992-1999 (2016)
2 Decreased thermal conductivity in Bi2Sr2Co2Ox bulk materials prepared by partial melting Emmanuel Combe, Ryoji Funahashi, Tristan Barbier, Feridoon Azough , Robert Freera Journal of MATERIALS RESEARCH, Vol. 31, Issue 09, pp. 1296-1305 (2016)
3 Thermal deformation effects on thermoelectric properties for Bi0.82Sb0.18 alloys Emmanuel Combe, Ryoji Funahashi, Tomonari Takeuchi, Tristan Barbier, Kunio Yubuta Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 692, pp. 563-568 (2017)
No. Title Author Journal
1 Thermoelectric Properties of (BaCoO3-y)nBaCo8O11 R. Funahashi , T. Barbier AIP Conference Proceedings(FMS2015) Vol. 1763 pp. 30004-1〜3004-6
Society lecture
No. Title Presenter Society  
1 Development and performance of thermoelectric materials and modules R. Funahashi, Y. Matsumura, T. Takeuchi, T. Barbier, E. Combe, S. Katsuyama, R. O. Suzuki Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy 2016 Invited
2 Development of thermoelectric technology from material to unit Ryoji Funahashi 2016 Shanghai International Workshop on Thermoelectric Materials Invited
3 An example of translational research using thermoelectric oxides Ryoji Funahashi The 35th International Conference on Thermoelectrics Keynote lecture
4 Thermoelectric Materials and Modules Controlled Structures from Nano to Micro Scales Ryoji Funahashi Energy Materials Nanotechnology Qingdao Meeting 2016 Invited
5 環境に優しいコルーサイト系熱電モジュールの開発 (Japanese) 相原 誠, 太田 道広, BOUYRIE. Yohan, 菊池 祐太, 舟橋 良次, 山本 淳, 末國 晃一郎,
高畠 敏郎
The13th Annual Meeting of the Thermoelectrics Society of Japan(TSJ2016) Poster
6 「熱電発電に必要なこと」〜酸化物熱電で見えた課題〜 (Japanese) Ryoji Funahashi The13th Annual Meeting of the Thermoelectrics Society of Japan(TSJ2016) Invited
7 バッファー層急冷グラフェンの電子状態と物性 (Japanese) 乗松 航, 包 建峰, 山本 功樹, 伊藤 孝寛, 舟橋 良次, 楠 美智子 The77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016  
8 SiC上高濃度ホウ素ドープグラフェンの物性 (Japanese) 乗松 航, 増森 淳史, 舟橋 良次, 遠藤 彰, 楠 美智子 The77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016  
9 「熱電実学のすゝめ」 (Japanese) Ryoji Funahashi The77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016 Invited
10 身近な熱で電気を起こそう 〜熱電発電のしくみ〜 (Japanese) Ryoji Funahashi Suita Campus, Osaka University Invited
11 High Temperature Thermoelectric Systems Using Oxide Materials R. Funahashi International Conference on Technologically Advanced Materials and Asian Meeting on Ferroelectricity (ICTAM-AMF 10)
12 High temperature thermoelectric systems using oxide materials R. Funahashi, T. Urata, Y. Matsumura, M. Suzuki, and H. Ikenishi The 4th Southeast Asian Conference on Thermoelectrics 2016
Da Nang,Vietnam
13 Enhancement of thermoelectric properties of oxide and intermetallic materials and modules R. Funahashi Global Research on Energy and Nanomaterials (GREEN 2016)
Keynote lecture
Date Media
September 23, 2016 YOMIURI ONLINE From KANSAI
No. Title Author Book
1 熱電発電、現在と将来 (Japanese) R. Funahashi 機能材料 Vol.36 No.1  pp. 3-4 (2016)
2 環境調和熱電材料を用いた発電モジュール・システムの開発 (Japanese) R. Funahashi まてりあ Vol.55 No.7 pp. 325-328 (2016)