1997  Publication

No. Title Author Journal
Critical Current Density of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox/Ag Tapes prepared using an isothermal partial melting method under controlled atmospheres, R. Funahashi, I. Matsubara, M. Konishi, T. Ogura, K. Ueno, H. Ishikawa, and N. Ohno, Physica C, Vol.273, 337 (1997).
Preparation and Critical Current Density of Bi-Based Superconducting Whisker Composites, R. Funahashi, I. Matsubara, M. Konishi, L. Dimesso, M. Umeda, T. Ogura, H. Yamashita, S. Kosaka, and N. Ohno, Ceramics International, Vol.23, 85 (1997)
Improvement in critical current density under magnetic field in heavily Pb-doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox superconducting tape, R. Funahashi, I. Matsubara, K. Mizuno, K. Ueno, H. Ishikawa, and N. Ohno, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.71, 1715 (1997).
Control of partially melted microstructure and critical current density for Bi-2212 tapes, R. Funahashi, I. Matsubara, K. Ueno, and H. Ishikawa, Physica C, Vol.282-287, 2579 (1997).
Application of Bi-2212 Supercoducting Whiskers for Thick Films, R. Funahashi, I. Matsubara, M. Konishi, S. Tanaka, K. Ueno, and H. Ishikawa, Physica C, Vol.282-287, 2561 (1997).
Systematic Studies on Substitutional Effects in Layered Manganocuprate Eu3Ba2Mn2Cu2O12, I. Matsubara, R. Funahashi, N. Kida, K. Ueno, and H. Ishikawa, Physica C, Vol.282-287, 945 (1997).
Large-scale Synthesis of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox Superconducting Whiskers, I. Matsubara, R. Funahashi, K. Ueno, and H. Ishikawa, Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol.16, No. 17, pp. 1460-1463 (1997).

No. Title Author Journal
Preparation of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox/Ag Tapes Isothermal Partial Melting Method, R. Funahashi, I. Matsubara, K. Ueno, and H. Ishikawa, Advances in Superconductivity IX, 919-922 (1997).
Preparation and Properties of Ln3Ba2Mn2Cu2O12 (Ln=lanthanide), I. Matsubara, R. Funahashi, K. Ueno, N. Kida, and N. Ohno, Advances in Superconductivity IX, 357-360 (1997).

Society lecture
No. Title Presenter Society
1 Control of partially melted microstructure and critical current density for Bi-2212 tapes, R. Funahashi, I. Matsubara, K. Ueno, and H. Ishikawa M2S-HTSC-V (1997)
2 Application of Bi-2212 Supercoducting Whiskers for Thick Film, R. Funahashi, I. Matsubara, K. Ueno, and H. Ishikawa M2S-HTSC-V (1997).
3 Systematic Studies on Substitutional Effects in Layered Manganocuprate Eu3Ba2Mn2Cu2O12, I. Matsubara, R. Funahashi, K. Ueno, H. Ishikawa, N. Kida, and N Ohno M2S-HTSC-V (1997)
4 Critical Current Density for Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox/Ag Tapes Prepared Using an Isothermal Partial Melting Method, R. Funahashi, I. Matsubara, H. Ohashi, K. Ueno, H. Ishikawa, and N. Ohno International Workshop on Critical Currents in Superconductors for Practical Applications (1997)
5 Yド−プBi-2212ウィスカ−の合成とテ−プ材への応用、(Japanese) 松原一郎、舟橋良次、上野和夫、石川 博 第44回応用物理学関係連合講演会(1997)
6 等温部分溶融法によるBi-2223/Agテ−プ材の作製、(Japanese) 舟橋良次、松原一郎、大橋 弘、上野和夫、石川 博、大野宣人 第44回応用物理学関係連合講演会 (1997)
7 Grain Growth Alignment, and Properties of Bi-based Superconducting Materials, R. Funahashi, I. Matsubara, K. Ueno, H. Ishikawa, and H. Yamashita Int. Conf. on High Pressure Sci. and Tech. (1997) Invited
8 Bi-2212テ−プのPb多量ド−プによる臨界電流特性の改善、(Japanese) 舟橋良次、松原一郎、水野克宣、上野和夫、石川 博 第58回応用物理Society学術講演会 (1997).
9 Preparation and Properties of RuSr2GdCu2Ox with the 1212 Structure, I. Matsubara, N. Kida, R. Funahashi, K. Ueno, and N. Ohno 10th International Symposium on Superconductivity (1997)
10 Improvement in Critical Current Density under Magnetic Field of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox Superconducting Tape by Large Pb-doping, R. Funahashi, I. Matsubara, K. Mizuno, K. Ueno, and H. Ishikawa 10th International Symposium on Superconductivity (1997)
11 Pbド−プによるBi-2212テ−プの臨界電流特性の改善、(Japanese) 舟橋良次、松原一郎、水野克典、上野和夫、石川 博 第57回1997 度秋季低温工学・超電導Society (1997)
12 酸化物系新熱電変換材料の探索、(Japanese) 松原一郎、舟橋良次、袖岡 賢、鈴木雅人、上野和夫 平成9 度集中移動型研究室「熱電変換技術の新たな展開の可能性」

No. Title Author Book
1 高性能超電導テープ材の新作製法、(Japanese) 舟橋良次、 工業技術(1997)