2013  Publication

No. Title Author Journal
Thermoelectric Ceramics for Energy Harvesting, Kunihito Koumoto, Ryoji Funahashi, Emmanuel Guilmeau, Yuzuru Miyazaki, Anke Weidenkaff, Yifeng Wang1, Chunlei Wan, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Volume 96, Issue 1, pages 1?23, January 2013
New n-type Thermoelectric Material with High Oxidation Resistance, R. Funahashi, Y. Matsumura, T. Takeuchi, H. Tanaka, W. Norimatsu, E. Combe, R. O. Suzuki, C. Wan, Y. Wang, M. Kusunoki, K. Koumoto, Thermoelectric Materials Research and Device Development for Power Conversion and Refrigeration, Vol. 1490, pp. 103-112 (2013)
Society lecture
No. Title Presenter Society
Thermoelectric materials for middle temperature application, R. Funahashi Electric Materials and Applications 2013, Orlando, USA, 24 January, 20 Invited
Transport Phenomena in CaMnO3: A Combined Experimental and Modelling Approach, R. Freer, F. Azough, S. Parker, M. Molinari, E. Combe, and R. Funahashi, Electric Materials and Applications 2013
広い温度域に対応する熱電発電技術、(Japanese) 舟橋良次 電気Society全国大会@名古屋大学 Invited
Thermoelectric materials for medium and high temperature application, R. Funahashi, Y. Matsumura, E. Combe, F. Azough, R. Freer, The 15th Asian chemical congress (Singapore, 23rd August, 2013). Invited Invited
Development of new silicide thermoelectric devices, R. Funahashi, TEP-CH 2013: Synthesis and function of Thermoelectric Materials (2013) Invited
Development of silicide thermoelectric material and module, R. Funahashi, Y. Matsumura, R. O. Suzuki, S. Katsuyama, T. Takeuchi, E. Combe, 2013 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting (2013) Invited
Mid- and High-Temperature Module with Environmental Friendly Materials, Ryoji Funahashi, Workshop on Advanced Thermoelectric Materials and Modules, 9th December, 2013 @ Tsukuba. Invited
Preparation of Bi2Sr2Co2Ox devices through bulk process method for high temperature thermoelectric applications, Emmanuel Combe, Yoko Matsumura, Ryoji Funahashi, Feridoon Azough, and Robert Freer, The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, (Kobe, 4th July, 2013) Oral
Effect of mixed grain sizes on the thermoelectric properties of Ca0.9Yb0.1MnO3, Tsubasa Fukui, Mie Matsuzawa, Ryoji Funahashi, and Atsuko Kosuga, The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, (Kobe, 2nd July, 2013) Poster
Effect of In substitution on thermoelectric properties of GeSb6Te10, Kazuki Nakai, Mie Matsuzawa, Takuya Tachizawa, Yoshiki Kubota, Kouichi Kifune, Ryoji Funahashi, and Atsuko Kosuga, The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, (Kobe1st July, 2013) Poster
Thermoelectric properties of n-type Bi-Sb alloys improved by post treatment after pulse electric current sintering, Emmanuel Combe, Ryoji Funahashi, Tomonari Takeuchi, Junichi Hayashi, Takehiko Matsuoka, Feridoon Azough, and Robert Freer, The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, (Kobe, 2nd July, 2013) Poster
Effect of stoichiometry on the microstructure and high temperature thermoelectric properties of Bi2Sr2Co2Oy cobaltite, Nuth Kulwongwit, James Roscow, Feridoon Azough, Robert Freer, Emmanuel Combe, and Ryoji Funahashi, The 32nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics, (Kobe, 1st July, 2013) Poster
Development of silicide and oxide thermoelectric materials, Ryoji Funahashi, Emmanuel Combe, Feridoon Azough, and Robert Freer, 4th International Workshop on Thermoelectrics, (Awaji, 5th July, 2013). Oral
Preparation of Bi2Sr2Co2Ox devices through bulk melt process, Emmanuel Combe, Ryoji Funahashi, Feridoon Azough, and Robert Freer, 4th International Workshop on Thermoelectrics, (Awaji, 5th July, 2013). Poster
Development of new silicide thermoelectric devices, Ryoji Funahashi, TEP-CH 2013: Synthesis and function of Thermoelectric materials, Duebendorf, Swizerland, 18th September 2013. Invited Invited
Improvement of thermoelectric performances of Bi2Sr2Co2Ox by controlling microstructure through bulk melt process, Emmanuel Combe, Ryoji Funahashi, Feridoon Azough, Robert Freer, 第74回応用物理Society秋季学術講演会、2013 9月20日、京田辺
Understanding Oxide Thermoelectrics at the Atomic Scale: A Combined Experimental and Modeling Approach, Robert Freer, Feridoon Azough, Ryoji Funahashi, and Stephen Parker, 2013 MRS Fall Meeting, December 4, 2013, Boston USA.
Preparation of Bi2Sr2Co2Ox devices through Bulk Melt Process, Emmanuel Combe, Ryoji Funahashi, Feridoon Azough, and Robert Freer, 2013 MRS Fall Meeting, December 4, 2013, Boston USA.
Development of Silicide Thermoelectric Material and Module, Ryoji Funahashi, Yoko Matsumura, Ryosuke O. Suzuki, Shigeru Katsuyama, Tomonari Takeuchi, and Emmanuel Combe, 2013 MRS Fall Meeting, December 4, 2013, Boston USA. Invited
Thermoelectric properties of n-type Bi-Sb alloys improved by post treatment after pulse electric current sintering, E. Combe, R. Funahashi1, T. Takeuchi1, J. Hayashi, T. Matsuoka, F. Azough and R. Freer, 2013 MRS Fall Meeting, December 4, 2013, Boston USA.
No. Title Presenter Seminar Contents, Organization
酸化耐久性の高い熱電発電ユニットの開発、(Japanese) 舟橋良次 高分子同友会勉強会 (2013)
国立研究機関によるベンチャー創出〜熱電発電の市場化を目指して〜、(Japanese) 舟橋良次 名古屋大学IGERリトリート研修 (2013)
レアメタルを用いない熱電材料の開発、(Japanese) 舟橋良次 レアメタルシンポジウム@関西「エネルギー高度利用とレアメタル」(2013)
温度差で発電〜棄てる熱から電気を起こす〜、(Japanese) 舟橋良次 第15回市民講座・エネルギーハーベスト(環境発電)日本表面科Society関西支部organization 大阪府池田市 2013/8/3
無機材料を用いた熱電発電の現在と展望、(Japanese) 舟橋良次 エネルギーハーベスティング最前線、日本化Society関東支部organization (2013)
未来の熱電発電、(Japanese) 舟橋良次 第13回関西伝熱Seminar2013先の先の伝熱技術 in 六甲、日本伝熱Society関西支部organization (2013)
身近な熱を活かす熱電変換技術〜熱電発電の強みや新材料開発・実用化〜、(Japanese) 舟橋良次 Electronic Journal 第1942回 Technical Seminar(2013)
無機系熱電材料の特性と実用化研究、(Japanese) 舟橋良次 第19回材料・製造フォーラム「ソフトマテリアル」分科会 (2013)
国立研究機関によるベンチャー創業 〜熱電ビジネス始めました〜、(Japanese) 舟橋良次 「おかやま電池関連技術研究会」第4回技術Seminar、半導体ネットおかやま2013第3回例会、岡山県、半導体ネットおかやまorganization、岡山県岡山市、2013 12月20日
No. Title Author Book
熱電変換による廃熱利用、(Japanese) 舟橋良次、 表面科学、第34巻、第4号、pp.210-212 (2013)
広い温度域に対応する熱電発電技術の開発、(Japanese) 舟橋良次、 多様な熱源に対応する熱電発電システム技術、S & T出版、pp. 139-154 (2013)
Naturally Nanostructured Thermoelectric Oxides, R. Funahashi, A. Kosuga, Thermoelectric Nanomaterials, Springer Series in Materials Science, Volume 182, pp.353-363 (2013)