2015 Publication

No. Title Author Journal
1 Thermoelectric sintered glass-ceramics with a Bi2Sr2Co2Ox phase Julian Lingner, R. Funahashi, Emmanuel Combe, Martin Letz, Gerhard Jakob Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing,
DOI 10.1007/s00339-015-9169-1(2015)
2 High-temperature thermoelectric properties and thermal stability in air of copper zinc tin sulfide for the p-type leg of thermoelectric devices Atsuko Kosuga, Mie Mastuzawa, Akito Horie, Tatsuro Omoto, and Ryoji Funahashi Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 54, 061801.1-061801.6 (2015)
3 Durability of Silicide-Based Thermoelectric Modules at HighTemperatures in Air R. Funahashi, Y. Matsumura, T. Barbier, T. Takeuchi, R. O. Suzuki, S. Katsuyama, A. Yamamoto, H. Takazawa, E. Combe Journal of Electronic Materials, Volume 44, Issue8, pp 2946-2952 (2015)
4 Compatibility approach for the improvement of oxide thermoelectric converters for rindustrial heat recovery applications Gesine Saucke, Sascha Populoh, Philipp Thiel, Wenjie Xie, R. Funahashi, Anke Weidenkaff JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 118, 035106 (2015)
5 Thermoelectric materials for middle and high temperature ranges R. Funahashi, T. Barbier, E. Combe Journal of MATERIALS RESEARCH, Vol. 30, No. 17, pp. 2544-2557 (2015)
6 Crystal structure and thermoelectric properties of Sr-Mo substituted CaMnO3: a combined experimental and computational study D. Srivastava, F. Azough, R. Freer, E. Combe, R. Funahashi, D. M. Kepaptsoglou, Q. M. Ramasse, M. Molinari, S. R. Yeandel, J. D. Barand, S. C. Parker Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol.3, No.47, pp. 12245-12259 (2015)
Society lecture
No. Title Presenter Society
1 熱電発電技術の実用化に向けた研究課題、(Japanese) 舟橋良次、松村葉子、浦田さおり、竹内友成、B. TRISTAN、E. COMBE、勝山 茂、鈴木亮輔、 日本化学会第95春季年会、 Invited
2 Development and application of oxide and silicide thermoelectric modules,  R. Funahashi, Y. Matsumura, R. O. Suzuki, S. Katsuyama, T. Takeuchi, E. Combe, T. Barbier, 39th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites, Invited
3 Thermoelectric and structural modifications induced by the cation substitution on the new thermoelectric system Mn3-xCrxSi4Al2 T. Barbier, R. Funahashi, Y. Matsumura, R. O. Suzuki, S. Katsuyama, T. Takeuchi, E. Combe,  39th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites,  
4 シリサイド熱電モジュールの長期耐久性に関する研究、(Japanese) 舟橋良次、松村葉子、鈴木亮輔、勝山 茂、Barbier Tristan、Combe Emmanuel、 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会
(JSAP Spring 2015)、
5 Thermoelectric properties enhancement of a silicon-based compound by synthesis optimization and cationic substitution, Tristan Barbier, Ryoji Funahashi, Emmanuel Combe, Tomonari Takeuchi, Ryosuke O. Suzuki, Atsuko Kosuga,  第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会
(JSAP Spring 2015)、
6 Cu2ZnSnS4の大気中での高温安定性と熱電特性、(Japanese) 小菅厚子、松沢 美恵、舟橋 良次、 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会
(JSAP Spring 2015)、
7  Improving thermoelectric performances of n-type Bi-Sb alloys by post treatment after pulse electric current sintering (SPS) Emmanuel Combe, Ryoji Funahashi, Tristan Barbier, Tomonari Takeuchi, Kunio Yubuta, 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会
(JSAP Spring 2015)、
8 Development of thermoelectric waste heat recovery R. Funahashi XVI International forum on thermoelectricity Invited
On the Recent Progress in Thermoelectric Power Generation Technology in Japan Takenobu Kajikawa,
 Ryoji Funahashi
XVI International forum on thermoelectricity Invited
Waste Heat Recovery by Oxide and Silicide Thermoelectrics R. Funahashi The 1st International Conference on Microstructure and Property of Materials Invited
Challenge for Waste Heat Recovery by Themoelectrics R. Funahashi BIT’s 4th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials-2015 Invited
12 Development and application of oxide and silicide thermoelectric modules R. Funahashi, Y. Matsumura, T. Barbier, E. Combe, S. Iwaoka, S. Katsuyama ,R. O. Suzuki, A. Kosuga 34th International Conference on Thermoelectrics Invited
13 Crystal structure and thermoelectric properties of In-substituted GeBi6Te10 with homologous structure T. Omoto, H. Kanaya,
R. Funahashi, H. Ishibashi,
Y. Kubota, K. Kifune, A. Kosuga
34th International Conference on Thermoelectrics Poster
14 Substitution effects on the crystal structure and thermoelectric properties of Ge‐Sb‐Te homologous compounds A. Kosuga, M. Matsuzawa,
T. Omoto, H. Kanaya,
R. Funahashi, H. Ishibashi,
Y. Kubota, K. Kifune
34th International Conference on Thermoelectrics Poster
15 Recent advances in the thermoelectric Mn‐Si‐Al systems T. Barbier, R. Funahashi,
E. Combe, T. Takeuchi, R. O.  Suzuki, A. Kosug
34th International Conference on Thermoelectrics Poster
16 Fabrication and Power Generation of a Silicide‐based Thermoelectric Module S. Naito, R. Funahashi, Y. Matsumura, S. Katsuyama, Y. Kikuchi, K. Hayashi,
Y. Miyazaki
34th International Conference on Thermoelectrics Poster
17 Thermoelectric Materials and Modules for High Temperature Application R. Funahashi, Y. Matsumura, T. Barbier, E. Combe, S. Iwaoka, S. Katsuyama, R. O. Suzuki, A. Kosuga Workshop on Renewable Energies Thermoelectrics and Photovoltaics Invited
18 Challenge to Thermoelectric Generation R. Funahashi, Y. Matsumura, S. Iwaoka, T. Takeuchi, T. Barbier, E. Combe, S. Katsuyama, R. O. Suzuki, A. Kosuga The 11th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies Invited
19 Thermoelectric properties and density of state calculation of silicide based compound T. Barbier, R. Funahashi, T. Takeuchi, R. O. Suzuki, A. Kosuga, M. Yoshiya, S. Fujii 第12回日本熱電学会学術講演会(TSJ2015)  
20 ホモロガス構造化合物Ge-Bi(In)-Te系化合物の結晶構造と熱電特性 (Japanese) 大本達朗、金谷拓紀、舟橋良次、石橋広記、久保田
第12回日本熱電学会学術講演会(TSJ2015) Poster
21 Development of Thermoelectric Materials and Application R. Funahashi,  T. Barbier 2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Science Invited
22 Combined Experimental and DFT Computational Study of Silicide Based compounds T. Barbier, R. Funahashi,
R. O. Suzuki, S. Fujii,
M. Yoshiya
2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Science Poster
23 Thermoelectric Materials and Modules for High Temperature Application R. Funahashi,  T. Barbier 228th ECS Meeting Invited
24 Resent Advances on the Promising Thermoelectric Oxides Materials T. Barbier,  R. Funahashi 228th ECS Meeting Invited
25 Correlation Between Density of State Calculations and Thermoelectric Properties in CrSi2 structure type T. Barbier, R. Funahashi,  R. O. Suzuki, S. Fujii, M. Yoshiya International Conference on Thermoelectric Materials Science 2015  
26 Thermoelectric materials and modules for high temperature application Ryoji Funahashi International Symposium on "Frontier of Molecular Science & Technology" Invited


No. Title Presenter Organization
1 排熱を有効利用する熱電発電技術の現状と展望(Japanese) 舟橋良次 三重県工業研究所第5回省エネ/システム技術分科会 (2015)
2 熱電発電の実用化へ向けた課題 (Japanese) 舟橋良次 秋田県・熱電材料研究会講演会 (2015)
3 熱電変換の基礎と最新技術動向〜材料、モジュール作製、熱電発電の今後の展望〜 (Japanese) 舟橋良次 情報機構セミナー(2015/8/7)
4 排熱利用を可能にする酸化物及びシリサイド熱電発電技術 (Japanese) 舟橋良次 ニューセラミックス懇話会 第218回研究会(2015/9/3)
5 熱電変換技術の動向について(Japanese) 舟橋良次 平成27年 度第2回循環・ 代謝型社会システム研究会 地球環境技術推進懇談会主催(2015/9/14)
6 排熱利用を可能にするセラミックス熱電発電技術の開発 (Japanese) 舟橋良次 第34回エレクトロセラミックスセミナー 日本セラミックス協会電子材料部会主催(2015/11/27)