Yoshio Kato Lab

Yuichi FURUHATA (Ph.D)


Educational background

2013.03 Department of Life and Cognitive Science, The University of Tokyo
2015.03 Department of Medical Genome Sciences, The University of Tokyo
2018.03 Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
2018.03 Ph.D. (Medical Science)

Employment history

2015.04-2018.03 Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1)
2018.04-present AIST, Researcher
2022.07-present University of California, Irvine; Specialist


  1. Viswan A, Yoshikawa C, Yamagishi A, Furuhata Y, Kato Y , Yamazaki T, Nakamura C, "Efficient genome editing by controlled release of Cas9 ribonucleoprotein in plant cytosol using polymer-modified microneedle array", Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 686, 149179, (2023).
  2. Furuhata Y, Egi E, Murakami T, Kato Y , "A method for electroporation of Cre recombinase protein into intact Nicotiana tabacum cells", Plants, 12(8), 1631, (2023).
  3. Furuhata Y, Sasaki A, "Monitoring Molecular Properties of a Fluorescence Light-Up Aptamer Using Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy", Applied Sciences, 12, 2002 (2022).
  4. Viswan A, Yamagishi A, Hoshi M, Furuhata Y , Kato Y , Makimoto N, Takeshita T, Kobayashi T, Iwata F, Kimura M, Yoshizumi T, Nakamura C, "Microneedle Array-Assisted, Direct Delivery of Genome-Editing Proteins Into Plant Tissue", Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 878059 (2022).
  5. Furuhata Y, Kato Y, "Asymmetric Roles of Two Histidine Residues in Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 Catalytic Domains upon Chemical Rescue", Biochemistry, 60, 194-200 (2021).
  6. Furuhata Y, Sakai A, Tomi Murakami, Akira Nagasaki, Kato Y, "Bioluminescent imaging of Arabidopsis thaliana using an enhanced Nano-lantern luminescence reporter system", PLOS ONE, 15, e0227477 (2020).
  7. Furuhata Y, Sakai A, Kato Y, "Protein electroporation of Cre recombinase into cultured Arabidopsis cells with an intact cell wall", Protocol Exchange, 27 (2019).
  8. Furuhata Y*, Kobayashi M, Maruyama R, Sato Y, Makino K, Michiue T, Yui H, Nishizawa S, Yoshimoto K*. "Programmable RNA Detection with a Fluorescent RNA Aptamer Using Optimized Three-way Junction Formation", RNA, 25, 590-599 (2019). *Corresponding authors
  9. Furuhata Y, Sakai A, Murakami T, Morikawa M, Nakamura C, Yoshizumi T, Fujikura U, Nishida K, Kato Y, "A method using electroporation for the protein delivery of Cre recombinase into cultured Arabidopsis cells with an intact cell wall", Scientific reports, 9, 2163 (2019).
  10. Furuhata Y, Nihongaki Y, Sato M, Yoshimoto K. "Control of Adipogenic Differentiation in Mesenchymal Stem Cells via Endogenous Gene Activation Using CRISPR-Cas9", ACS Synthetic Biology, 6, 2191-2197 (2017).
  11. Nihongaki Y, Furuhata Y, Otabe T, Hasegawa S, Yoshimoto K, Sato M. "CRISPR-Cas9-based photoactivatable transcription systems to induce neuronal differentiation" Nature Methods, 14, 963-966 (2017).
  12. Furuhata Y, Yoshitomi T, Kikuchi Y, Sakao M, Yoshimoto K. "Osteogenic Lineage Commitment of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Is Predetermined by Three-Dimensional Cell Accumulation on Micropatterned Surface", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 9339-9347 (2017).
  13. Furuhata Y, Kikuchi Y, Tomita S, Yoshimoto K. "Small spheroids of adipose-derived stem cells with time-dependent enhancement of IL-8 and VEGF-A secretion", Genes to Cells, 21, 1380-1386 (2016).

    Link to Google Scholar

Funding (present)

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Mochida Memorial Foundation for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research


y-furuhata at aist.go.jp
(please exchange "at " to "@")