nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
山下 真 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "山下 真")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2004: 静岡県牧ノ原台地における第四系の分布と隆起の特性
Pleistocene distribution and uplifting character of Makinohara terrace in Shizuoka Prefecture
2005: 牧ノ原台地 古谷泥層と牧ノ原礫層
2005: 牧ノ原台地周辺茶園地帯における硝酸性窒素汚染とその対策
Nitrate pollution of water and its control in Makinohara tea plantation area
2006: 静岡県牧ノ原台地の更新統の堆積過程と海水準変動
Sedimentary process and sea level change of the Pleistocene Series in Makinohara Upland, Shizuoka, Japan
2007: 牧ノ原台地古谷層の軟体動物化石と有孔虫化石からみた堆積過程
2007: 牧ノ原台地古谷層の軟体動物化石と有孔虫化石からみた堆積過程
Sedimentary process of the Furuya Formation in Makinohara Upland, Shizuoka, Japan, based on its molluscous and foraminifers fossil assemblages
2008: 静岡県牧ノ原台地の更新統古谷層の有孔虫化石群集と堆積環境
Fossil Foraminiferal Assemblages and Sedimentary Environment of the Pleistocene Furuya Formation in Makinohara Upland, Shizuoka Prefecture, Central Japan
2008: 静岡県牧ノ原台地の更新統古谷層の貝化石群集と堆積環境
Fossil Molluscan Assemblages and Sedimentary Environment of the Pleistocene Furuya Formation in Makinohara Upland, Shizuoka Prefecture, Central Japan