nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
中井 芳恵 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "中井 芳恵")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2003: 砒素に富む変質安山岩の環境岩石学的研究
Environmental petrology of As rich altered andesite in the Tobe Town, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
2004: 愛媛県砥部町のAsに富む変質安山岩における熱水変質作用および環境岩石学的研究(ポスターセッション)
Hydrothermal alteration and environmental petrology of As rich altered andesite in the Tobe Town, northwestern Shikoku, Japan
2004: 愛媛県砥部町万年地域における砒素に富む変質安山岩の風化作用と地表水の砒素濃度の関係
The relationship between weathering of As rich altered andesite and As concentrations of surface water in the Tobe Town, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
2004: 西南日本に分布する火成岩および堆積物の地球化学
Environmental Petrology of As rich Altered Andesite in the Tobe Town, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
2005: 愛媛県砥部町における万年安山岩体周辺の地質および熱水変質作用
Geology and hydrothermal alteration of Mannen altered andesite in the Tobe town, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
2005: 愛媛県砥部町の万年変質安山岩体のボーリングコアにおける硫化鉱物の産状および砒素濃度
Mode of occurrence of sulfide minerals and arsenic concentration of boring core samples in Mannen altered andesite of the Tobe Town, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
2005: 愛媛県砥部町の万年変質安山岩体の化学的風化における主要・微量元素の挙動
Behavior of major and trace elements of the Mannen altered andesite during chemical weathering in the Tobe Town, Ehime Prefecture, Japan