nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
MOLINA Indira 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "MOLINA Indira")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
5: YEPES Hugo
2: ARRAIS Santiago, PALACIOS Pablo, VACA Mayra, 中野 優, 熊谷 博之
1: AGUILAR Jorge, ALVARADO Alexandra, CACERES Vinicio, CISNEROS Chiristian, ENRIQUEZ Wilson, GOMEZJURADO Lorena, HALL Minard, IMAI Takeharu, INOUE Hiroshi, INOUE Ikutoshi, KUMAGAI HIroyuki, MAEDA Takuto, MIYAKAWA Koji, NAGAI Takuro, PAREDES Myriam, PINAJOTA Eddy, POZO Javier, RAMON Patricio, RAMOS Cristina, RUIZ Mario, SEGOVIA Monica, TRONCOSO Liliana, VASCONEZ Freddy, YAMASHINA Tadashi, YAMASHINMA Tadashi, YOKOE Kenichi
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2003: Resonances of a Volcanic Conduit Triggered by Repetitive Injections of an Ash laden gas(p (V52B 0427)
2004: Resonances of a volcanic conduit triggered by repetitive injections of an ash laden gas
2006: エクアドル・コトパキシ火山で観測された数Hzの減衰振動を伴う超長周期地震の震源過程(J241 003)
Source process of very long period events accompanying long period signals at Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador(J241 003)
2007: Enhancing Volcano Monitoring Capabilities in Ecuador
2007: トゥングラワ火山(エクアドル)の火砕流噴火の直前に発生した超長周期地震から推定される噴火準備過程(S229 002)
Very long period signals observed immediately before a Vulcanian eruption accompanying pyroclastic flows at Tungurahua, Ecuador(S229 002)
2008: Source process of very long period events accompanying long period signals at Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador
2010: Broadband seismic monitoring of active volcanoes using deterministic and stochastic approaches