nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
金谷 淳二 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "金谷 淳二")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2004: 東海地震の関東平野における長周期地震動予測(B020)
Prediction of long period strong ground motions in the KANTO sedimentary basin for the M8 Tokai earthquake(B020)
2005: 1938年福島県沖スラブ内大地震の震源特性(B098)
Source characteristics of the large intra slab earthquake in Fukushima oki region occurred in 1938 (B098)
2005: 伝播経路の不均質性および堆積層Q値が長周期地震動評価に与える影響について(B090)
Effects of heterogeneity in the underground structure around the Tokai region and Q value in the sediment layers in the KANTO basing on long period strong ground motions in the KANTO plain (B090)
2006: 1938年塩屋崎沖地震群のアスペリティの抽出結果と相似地震の関係(D002)
Characterization of asperities for the 1938 off Shioyazaki events and their relation to the small repeating earthquakes(D002)
2006: 想定東海地震の関東平野における長周期地震動予測
Quantitative prediction of long period ground motions of Kanto prefecture with Tokai earthquake
2006: 波形インバージョン解析で得られた福島県東方沖のアスペリティ分布
Asperity Distribution of E off Fukushima Prefecture, Japan Evaluated by Waveform Inversion Analysis
2006: 関東西部における中性点電流および地電流観測
The Observation of the Neutral Current and the Telluric Current in the Western Kanto Region