nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
NAKADA Masao 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "NAKADA Masao")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
45: NAKADA Masao
3: JOHNSTON Paul, LEE Duk Kee, MAEDA Yasuo, MOGI Toru, OH Seokhoon, SONG Yoonho
2: CHUNG Seung-Hwan, KOBAYASHI Kazuo, KWON Byung-Doo, SATO Hiroshi, YAMADA Yoshiki, YANAGAWA Tomohiko K.B., YANG Jun-Mo, YOKOYAMA Yusuke, YUEN David A.
1: FURUTA Toshio, HASHIZUME Michio, INOUE Hiroshi, IRIGUCHI Chihiro, ISHII Masayoshi, ITO Yoshihiro, KARATO Shun-ichi, KARATO Shun-ichiro, KATOH Shigehiro, KIM Soo-Kyung, KOBAYASHI Fumio, LEE Heuisoon, MAEDA Shun'ichi, MIN Kyung Duck, MIN Kyung Duk, MIURA Hideki, MOGI Tohru, NAGAOKA Shinji, NAKANO Daisuke, PURCELL Anthony, SHIMIZU Hiroshi, SMITHER Catherine, SUZUKI Sadaomi, TAHARA Michitaka, TANAKA Yoshikazu, TONOUCHI Shyoji, TSUTSUMI Tatsuya, XIA Qian, YAMASAKI Tadashi, YANAGI Takeru, YANG Junmo, YOKOSE Hisayoshi, YONEKURA Nobuyuki, YOUN Yong-Hoon, YUKUTAKE Takesi
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1978: Magnetic Anomalies and Tectonic Evolution of the Shikoku Inter Arc Basin
1979: Magnetic Anomalies and Tectonic Evolution of the Shikoku Inter Arc Basin
1980: Magnetic Properties of Pillow Basalt from the Kiman Seamount Chain, the Shikoku Basin
1983: Rheological Structure of the Earth's Mantle Derived from Glacial Rebound in Laurentide
1983: Upper Mantle Structure beneath the Canadian Shield Derived from Higher Modes of Surface Waves
1986: Holocene Sea Levels in Oceanic Islands: Implications for the Rheological Structure of the Earth's Mantle
1988: Non uniqueness of lithospheric thickness estimates based on glacial rebound data along the east coast of North America
1990: Holocene glacial rebound and sea level change in NW Europe
1991: Late Pleistocene and Holocene sea level changes in Japan : implications for tectonic histories and mantle rheology
1992: Ice age as a trigger of active Quaternary volcanism and tectonism
1996: Glacial rebound of the British Isles 3. Constraints on mantle viscosity
1996: Holocene Sea Level Change in the Goto Islands, Japan
1996: Viscosity structure of the oceanic lithosphere inferred from the differential late Quaternary sea level variations for the southern Cook Islands
1997: Lower crustal erosion induced by mantle diapiric upwelling: Constraints from sedimentary basin formation followed by voluminous basalt volcanism in northwest Kyushu, Japan
1997: Telluric current monitoring at the Minou fault using transmission line Electrical potential change related to the 96.10.19. Hyuganada earthquake
1997: The effects of the spinel garnet phase transition on the formation of rifted sedimentary basins
1998: Initial Value Approach for Getting the Postglacial Responses upon Qinghai Tibet Plateau (T21E 6)
1998: The intensification of glaciation in the mid Pliocene and the Earth's obliquity variation
1999: Implications of a non adiabatic density gradient for the Earth's viscoelastic response to surface loading
2000: Effect of the viscoelastic lithosphere on polar wander speed caused by the Late Pleistocene glacial cycles
2000: Holocence Sea Level Changes and Glacio Hydroisostasy
2000: Holocene Sea Level Changes and Glacio Hydroisostasy
2001: Effects of water load on geophysical signals due to glacial rebound and implications for mantle viscosity
2001: Holocene uplift derived from relative sea level records along the coast of western Kobe, Japan
2002: Contributions of Ineffective Ice Loads on Sea Level and Free Air Gravity
2002: Polar wander caused by the Quaternary glacial cycles and fluid Love number
2003: A Study on the Conductivity Structure of the Korean Peninsula by Geomagnetic Depth Sounding (JSA07/10P/A05 003)
2003: Core mantle coupling including a viscoelastic inner core: an application to the axial rotation associated with the Quaternary glacial cycles
2003: Holocene crustal movement along the coast of western Kobe and the 1995 Kobe Earthquake, Japan
2003: Perturbations of the Earth's rotation and their implications for the present day mass balance of both polar ice caps
2003: Study on Deep Structure of the Korean Peninsula by GDS and Teleseismic Data
2003: Water load definition in the glacio hydro isostatic sea level equation
2004: A simplified mantle convection model for thermal conductivity stratification
2005: Rates and causes of recent global sea level rise inferred from long tide gauge data records
2005: influence of lattice thermal conductivity on thermal convection with strongly temperature dependent viscosity
2006: Deep geoelectrical structure in and around the southern Korean Peninsula by GDS study
2006: Focal depth distribution using sP depth phase and implications for plate coupling in the Hyuganada region, Japan
2006: Reply to the comment on Stratigraphic architecture of sedimentary basin induced by mantle diapiric upwelling and eustatic event by H. Mashima
2006: Stratigraphic architecture of sedimentary basin induced by mantle diapiric upwelling and eustatic event
2007: True polar wander associated with continental drift on a hypothetical Earth
2008: Long term true polar wander of the Earth including the effects of convective processes in the mantle and continental drift
2011: Earth's rotational variations due to rapid surface flows at both boundaries of the outer core
2012: Low viscosity of the bottom of the Earth's mantle inferred from the analysis of Chandler wobble and tidal deformation
2012: The viscosity structure of the D layer of the Earth's mantle inferred from the analysis of Chandler wobble and tidal deformation
2014: Vertical tectonic crustal movements along the Japanese coastlines inferred from late Quaternary and recent relative sea level changes