nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
BARRON John A. 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "BARRON John A.")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
1: ARTHUR Michael, BALDAUF Jack G., BARRERA Enriqueta, BELL Gary, CADET Jean-Paul, CARSON Bobb, CAULET Jean-Pierre, DELANEY Margaret L., FUJIOKA Kantaro, GLADENKOV Andrey Yu., HARPER Howard E., HONZA Eiichi, HUBER Brain T., KEATING Barbara H., KELLER Gerta, LAZARUS David, MOORE George W., NASU Noriyuki, REYNOLDS Richard, SAKAI Hideo, SATO Shunji, SHAFFER Bernard L., THIERSTEIN Hans R., VON HUENE Roland, WEI Wuchang
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1978: Japan Trench transected
1980: Diatom Correlation of Legs 56 and 57 with Onshore Sequences in Japan
1980: Lower Miocene to Quaternary Diatom Biostratigraphy of Leg 57, Off Northeastern Japan, Deep Sea Drilling Project
1991: Biochronologic and Magnetochronologic Synthesis of Leg 119 Sediments from the Kerguelen Plateau and Prydz Bay, Antarctica
1996: Main Results on the North Pacific Diatom Biostratigrphy and Paleogeography Based on ODP Leg 145 Materials
2000: Sedimentary Record of the California Current System, Middle Miocene to Holocene A Synthesis of Leg 167 Results
2002: Late Miocene and early Pliocene biosiliceous sedimentation along the California margin