nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
CHAPMAN Neil 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "CHAPMAN Neil")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
5: GOTO Junichi
4: KAWAMURA Hideki, TSUCHI Hiroyuki
3: APTED Mick, JAQUET Olivier, SPARKS Steve
2: BEAVAN John, BERRYMAN Kelvin, CLOOS Mark, CONNOR Charles, CONNOR Laura, LITCHFIELD Nicola, MAHONY Sue, SMITH Warwick, WALLACE Laura, 河村 秀紀
1: ASPINALL Willy, CONNOR Chuck, ELLIS Susan, KITAYAMA Kazumi, KIYOSUGI Koji, MIWA Tadashi, SCOURSE Ellie, STIRLING Mark, Stirling Mark, VILLAMOR Pilar, 三和 公, 佐久間 秀樹, 吉田 英一, 土 宏之, 市川 康明, 後藤 淳一, 水谷 伸治郎, 渡辺 邦夫
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2003: 地層処分における国際的動向 国際研修センター(ITC)構想とその背景 (G018 002)
A current movement on the study of geological disposal Plan of the International Training Centre and related activities (G018 002)
2008: Siting Japan's HLW repository 2: Addressing the tectonic issues in probabilistic approach
2009: Development of Methodologies for the Identification of Volcanic and Tectonic Hazards to Potential HLW Repository Sites in Japan Summary Report
2009: Development of Methodologies for the Identification of Volcanic and Tectonic Hazards to Potential HLW Repository Sites in Japan The Tohoku Case Study
2010: 放射性廃棄物の地層処分における火成活動の確率論的な長期評価手法(SVC062 18)
Probabilistic long term assessment of volcanism for siting a HLW repository in Japan(SVC062 18)
2012: Assessing tectonic hazard to possible geological repositories for radioactive wastes in Japan: the Topaz Project
2012: Siting a geological repository for radioactive wastes in a tectonically active country
2013: TOPAZ: Long term volcanic risk forecasting for deep geological repositories for radioactive waste(4D O7)
2016: 沿岸海底下処分における考慮事項(S1 O 4)
Factors Affecting on Sub seabed Disposal (S1 O 4)