nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
磯崎 裕子 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "磯崎 裕子")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
20: 豊田 新
13: 長島 佳菜
10: SUN Youbin
9: 谷 篤史
8: ZHENG Hongbo
7: 吉田 知紘
6: 山本 裕哉
2: YANG Wenjuang, 佐久間 広展, 加藤 拓弥, 山本 信治, 柏山 祐一郎, 渡部 哲子, 田近 英一
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2005: 二畳紀後期・三畳紀中期の古海洋変動解明に向けて−−西南日本内帯のチャート・泥岩層の層序の復元と予察的報告−−(P 4)
Toward the understanding of paleocean fluctuation during late Permian middle Triassic Reconstruction of chert, Shale sequence and progress report (P 4)
2005: 石英のESR信号強度および結晶化度に基づく日本海堆積物中の砕屑物の供給源推定(L039 005)
Provenance of detrital quartz in the Japan Sea sediments deduced from quartz crystallinity and ESR signal intensity (L039 005)
2005: 西南日本内帯のチャート層に連続的に記録された古生代後期〜中生代前期の古海洋システム変動の高解像度解析
High resolution Analysis of Late Paleozoic Early Mesozoic Variability of Paleoceanographic System Recorded in Bedded Chert Sequence in the Inner zone of Southwest Japan
2005: 黄土高原レス堆積物における粒度別にみた石英供給源推定(J033 P004)
Origin of eolian quartz of different size fractions in the Chinese Loess (J033 P004)
2006: 新生代後期の東アジアにおける風成塵供給源変遷とチベット北部 天山山脈隆起との関係(J158 005)
Changes of eolian dust provenance in East Asia and their linkage with uplift of northern Tibet and Tien Shan during late Cenozoic(J158 005)
2006: 黄土高原Lingtai 地域における過去720 万年間の風成塵起源変動(S158 004)
Provenance change of eolian dust at Lingtai section in the Chinese Loess Plateau since 7.2Ma(J158 004)
2007: 10Ma以降のタリム盆地における古環境変遷(L218 P001)
Temporal changes of depositional environment in southeastern Tarim Basin, western China, since 10 Ma(L218 P001)
2008: Millennial scale variations in grain size and provenance of eolian dust in Japan Sea sediments(W155 008)
2008: Multi sources of eolian dust from the Taklimakan desert and their temporal change(L217 P002)
2008: Provenance changes of eolian dust in the Chinese Loess Plateau since 7 Ma and its implication for desert development in East Asia(L217 P001)
2008: 石英中の不純物中心による中国の砂漠堆積物の特徴化
Characterization of sediments of Chinese deserts by impurity centers in quartz
2009: 中国大陸表層堆積物の岩石磁気学的研究 風送塵供給源の解明を目指して (E113 P021)
Rock magnetic study of surface sediments from China:a provenance study of eolian dust(E113 P021)
2009: 石英中の不純物中心のESR信号を用いた風送塵起源地の分別
Characterzation of the eolian dust sources by ESR of impurity centers in quartz
2009: 石英中の不純物中心のESR信号を用いた風送塵起源地の分別の可能性(L135 P006)
Characterization of the eolian dust sources by ESR of impurity centers in quartz(L135 P006)
2009: 石英中の不純物中心のESR信号を用いた風送塵起源地の分別(P 201)(ポスターセッション)(演旨)
Characterization of the eolian dust sources by ESR of impurity centers in quartz (P 201)
2010: 中国タリム盆地南西縁における新生代後期の乾燥化(O 115)(演旨)
Late Cenozoic aridification on western margin of Tarim Basin in China (O 115)
2010: 中新世における中国西部の乾燥化 タリム盆地南西からの証拠 (APE025 P05)
Aridification of western China during Miocene evidence from southwestern margin of the Tarim Basin(APE025 P05)
2010: 日本列島降下物中の石英のESR信号の特徴とその起源(APE025 P04)
The characteristics and the origin of the ESR signals in quartz of atmospheric deposition in Japanese Islands(APE025 P04)
2011: XRDを用いた石英結晶化度測定誤差発生要因の究明と定量化に向けた取り組み
Evaluation of the source of errors in measurement of crystallinity index of Quartz: an approach toward its better quantification using XRD method
2011: タリム盆地砂漠化の時期とその原因(APE031 P10)
Timing and cause of desertification in the Tarim basin(APE031 P10)
2011: 日本列島降下物中の石英のESR信号の特徴とその起源(MIS028 P10)
Temporal change of the sources of aeolian dust delivered to East Asia revealed by ESR signals in quartz(MIS028 P10)
2011: 石英のESR信号強度と結晶化度によるタクラマカン砂漠における砂の供給源と運搬システムの解明(SCG064 06)
Estimation of sand's source and transport system in the Taklimakan desert by quart's ESR intensity and crystallinity(SCG064 06)
2012: 石英の粒度別ESR信号強度、結晶化度を利用したタリム盆地南西部テクトニクス運動復元と乾燥化との関係(APE33 15)
Reconstruction of the tectonic activity in the southwestern Tarim Basin and its relationship with desertification(APE33 15)
2013: 河川堆積物粗粒画分の供給源推定に基づく8Ma以降の崑崙山脈隆起活動史復元(HCG33 04)
Uplift history of the Kunlun Mountains based on provenance of coarse fraction of fluvial sediment since 8Ma (HCG33 04)