nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
MENDE Stephen 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "MENDE Stephen")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
2: ADACHI Toru, ANGELOPOULOS Vassilis, CHEN Alfred Bing-Chih, DONOVAN Eric, FUKUNISHI Hiroshi, HSU Rue-Ron, LEE Lou-Chuang, MANN Ian, MCFADDEN James, SHIOKAWA Kazuo, SU Han-Tzong, TAKAHASHI Yukihiro, YAMAMOTO Katsura
1: AUSTER Uli, AUSTER Ulrich, CARLSON Charles, CHIKADA Shigo, CHIKADA Shogo, CONNORS Martin, DAUM Patrick, DUNLOP Malcolm, FAZAKERLY Andrew, FILLINGIM Matt, GLASSMEIER Kael-Heinz, GLASSMEIER Karl-Heinz, JACKEL Brian, KEILING Andreas, LARSON Davin, LECONTEL Olivier, LI Xinlin, LIANG Jun, LIU Wenlong, LIU William, LUI Anthony, MOZER Forrest, MURAYAMA Yasuhiro, OHYA Hiroyo, PARKS George, RAE Jonathan, REME Henri, ROSTOKER Gordon, ROUX Alain, RUSSELL Christopher, SAKAGUCHI Kaori, SINGER Howard, SPANSWICK Emma, SYRJAESUO Mikko, TRONDSEN Trond, VORONKOV Igor, W BONNELL John W, WILD James, YOSHIDA Akihiro, YUMOTO Kiyohumi
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2006: Characteristics of TLEs observed by ISUAL/AP onboad FORMOSAT 2(AE41A 03)
2006: Characteristics of elves and D region structures (SA24C 0080)
2007: Comparison of Auroral and Inner CPS in situ Measurements During an Expansive Phase Onset(SM14A 03)
2007: Investigation of space and ground low frequency particle and field oscillations during the 23 March 2007 substorm(SM22A 03)