nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
大内 悠平 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "大内 悠平")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2013: 山崎断層帯主部北西部と主部南東部との中間部の地下電気比抵抗構造(1)(R003 P003)
Conductivity structure beneath the fault segment gap in the Yamasaki fault zone, southwest Japan (1)(R003 P003)
2014: 山崎断層帯主部のセグメントギャップにおける地下電気比抵抗構造(2)(SEM36 P07)
Conductivity structure beneath the fault segment gap in the Yamasaki fault zone, southwest Japan (2) (SEM36 P07)
2014: 山田断層帯郷村断層(京都府京丹後市)の地下比抵抗構造の特徴(SEM36 P04)
Electrical conductivity structure beneath the Gomura Fault (Kyotango, Kyoto) (SEM36 P04)
2014: 野島断層1800m深注水実験時における自然電位観測序報(SEM36 06)
Preliminary report of self potential observation during a water injection experiment at 1800 m depth in Nojima fault (SEM36 06)
2015: AMT稠密観測による中央構造線断層帯の浅部比抵抗構造(2)(R003 P06)
Shallow Resistivity Structure around MTL Fault Zone deduced from the dense AMT observations ( 2 ) (R003 P06)
2015: 中央構造線断層帯(和泉山脈南縁)における稠密AMT観測の概要
Dense AMT Observations Across the Japan Median Tectonic Line Izumi Fault Zone
2015: 中央構造線断層帯(和泉山脈南縁)での稠密AMT観測の概要(SEM33 P07)
Dense AMT observations across the Japan Median Tectonic Line Izumi fault zone(SEM33 P07)
2015: 山田断層系郷村断層(京丹後市)の地下比抵抗構造探査とその解釈 1300mボーリングデータとの比較 (S10 03)
Electrical resistivity structure of the Gomura fault of the Yamada fault system and its interpretation with referring to the 1300m borehole data (S10 03)
2015: 山田断層系郷村断層(京都府京丹後市)の電気伝導度構造モデルの再検討(R003 07)
Reexamination of the conductivity structure of the Gomura fault of the Yamada fault system in Kyotango city, Kyoto, JAPAN (R003 07)
2015: 構造変化モニタリングを目指した四国西部での長周期MT連続観測(R003 P02)
Long term Magnetotelluric Monitoring in the Western Part of Shikoku for Temporal Changes Detection of Resistivity Structure (R003 P02)
2016: AMT高密度観測データから得られた中央構造線断層帯(和泉山脈南縁)の浅部比抵抗構造(SEM35 P11)
Shallow Resistivity Structure around the MTL Fault Zone (Izumi segment) deduced from the dense AMT observations (SEM35 P11)
2016: Audio frequency Magnetotelluric法による郷村断層周辺の地下比抵抗構造
Audio frequency magnetotelluric imaging of the electrical resistivity structure around the Gomura fault in the Tango Peninsula, southwest Japan
2016: 四国西部域での広帯域MT観測
Wideband Magnetotelluric Measurements in the Western Part of Shikoku Island
2016: 四国西部域の広域比抵抗構造(S06 14)
Large scale electrical resistivity structure around the Western Part of Shikoku (S06 14)
2016: 四国西部域の広域比抵抗構造(SEM35 P10)
Large scale electrical resistivity structure around the Western Part of Shikoku (SEM35 P10)
2016: 断層不連続部の地下比抵抗構造 山崎断層帯の例 (SEM35 11)
Electrical resistivity structure beneath the fault segment gap: A case study of the Yamasaki fault zone, southwest Japan (SEM35 11)
2016: 豊後水道スロースリップ域周辺の広域比抵抗構造(R003 03)
Large scale electrical resistivity structure around the long term Slow Slip Events in the Bungo Channel (R003 03)
2016: 電磁気学的手法を用いた活断層構造の探査 山田断層系郷村断層(京丹後市)の例 (SSS31 21)
Electrical resistivity survey of subsurface structure of an active fault A case study of the Gomura fault in Kyotango, Kyoto (SSS31 21)
2017: Large scale electrical resistivity structure around the long term Slow Slip Events beneath the Bungo Channel region, southwest Japan (SSS04 P40)