Tutorial: Directory structure

NOTE: This project is ‘dormant’ and no longer updated. This page is posted for reference purpose. Contents here may not be valid under current environment.

You need other SDKs to build SCCToolKit. You need to tell cmake where you put these. So it would make your life easier if you put these in convenient places. Here is my preferences.

  |-Blackmagic_SDK -> bmdsdks/Blackmagic DeckLink SDK 9.7
  |-OpenCV -> opencvs/opencv-2.4.5
      |-build -> qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/build
      |-Blackmagic DeckLink SDK 9.7
          |- ...
          |- ...

The points are

  • Put everything at /src, which is very short in the full path.
  • Put versions of SDKs in /src/opencvs, /src/bmdsdks, /src/Qt
  • Put ‘build’ to be accessible by /src/OpenCV/build, /src/Qt/build
  • To tell cake where’s qmake, you set /src/Qt/build/bin/qmake
  • Make symbolic links to the designated version (shown as ‘->‘ in above tree).

It is just an example. You don’t need to do this way — find your preference and happy hacking!You need other SDKs to build SCCToolKit. You need to tell cmake where you put these. So it would make your life easier if you put these in convenient places. Here is my preferences.

  |-Blackmagic_SDK -> bmdsdks/Blackmagic DeckLink SDK 9.7
  |-OpenCV -> opencvs/opencv-2.4.5
      |-build -> qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/build
      |-Blackmagic DeckLink SDK 9.7
          |- ...
          |- ...

The points are

  • Put everything at /src, which is very short in the full path.
  • Put versions of SDKs in /src/opencvs, /src/bmdsdks, /src/Qt
  • Put ‘build’ to be accessible by /src/OpenCV/build, /src/Qt/build
  • To tell cake where’s qmake, you set /src/Qt/build/bin/qmake
  • Make symbolic links to the designated version (shown as ‘->‘ in above tree).

It is just an example. You don’t need to do this way — find your preference and happy hacking!