Invited Lectures
6 July 2023: Incheon, Korea
International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2023
Special Session: 30 years of SCES and Kondo physics
"From Resistance Minimum to Kondo Physics"
11 June 2020: On line conference
Quantum Complex Matter 2020
"Kinetic energy driven superconductivity and quantum fluctuations in cuprate high-temperature superconductors"
9 October 2019: Odessa, Ukraine
International Conference Electron Correlation in Superconductors and Nano-structures (ECSN-2019)
"Phase diagram of cuprate high-temperature superconductors based on the
optimization Monte Carlo method"
25 June 2019: Ischia, Italy
International Conference Superstripes 2019
"Phase diagram and mechanism of superconductivity
in correlated electron systems"
10 September 2018: Autum Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan
Symposium on Phase dynamics of superconductors (Japanese)
"Physics and Theory of fractional-flux quantum vortices in
multi-component superconductors"
14 June 2018: Rome, Frascati, Italy
Quantum Complex Matter 2018
"Crossover induced electron pairing and high-temperature superconductivity
in correlated electron systems"
17-20 August 2017: Odessa, Ukraine
International Conference Electron Correlation in Superconductors and Nanostructures (ECSN-2017)
"Strongly correlated superconductivity"
4-10 June 2017: Ischia, Italy
International Conference Superstripes 2017 Quantum in Complex Matter: Superconductivity, Magnetism and Ferroelectricity
"Crossover-induced spin fluctuation and electron pairing"
18 January 2017: Macau
International Conference on Computational Physics 10 (ICCP10)
The organizer of Symposium "Novel Superconductivity".
26 June 2016: Ischia, Italy
International Conference Superstripes 2016: Rome International Center for Materials Science
"Nambu-Goldstone-Leggett and Higgs modes in multi-gap superconductors"
20 March 2016: Tohoku Gakuin University, Sendai, Japan
"Recent developments in the physics of multi-gap superconductivity " Symposium in JPS Annual Meeting
16 September 2015: Osaka, Kansai University, Japan
Symposium on "50th Anniversary of the Kondo effect" in JPS Autumn Meeting
15 June 2015: Ischia, Italy
Quantum in Complex Matter: Rome International Center for Materials Science
9 April 2015: Tokyo, Society of New Chemical Technology, Japan
"Theory of low-resistance materials and its developments" (in Japanese)
January 8, 2015: National University of Singapore, Singapore
International Conference on Computational Physics : Invited talk in "Novel Superconductors"
July 20, 2014: Erice, Italy, Majorana Foundation
Erice School Multi-Condensates Superconductivity
April 17, 2014: Shanghai, China
Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology
"Electron correlation and high-temperature superconductivity"
March 25, 2013: Hiroshima, Hiroshima University, Japan
Symposium in JPS Annual Meeting
"New phase physics of multi-gap superconductors"
January 10, 2013: ISSP, University of Tokyo, Japan
New developments in computational physics
June 28-29, 2012: Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK
Theoretical and Experimental Magnetism Meeting 2012
January 13-15, 2012: Osaka Museum of History, Japan
Pathbreaking Phase Sciences in Superconductivity 2012
June 14, 2011: Kagurazaka Campus, Tokyo University of Science
Workshop "Superconductivity, Vacuum, Universe"
January 22, 2009 Osaka Prefecture University
Workshop on anisotropic superconductivity and vortex physics
"Anisotropic superconductivity in two-dimensional correlated systems"
Before 2008
October 31, 2007: AIST Tsukuba, Japan
International Symposium on Lattice Effects in Cuprate High Temperature
September 29, 2006: Tsukuba, Japan
Isotope 2006: Mini Workshop on Isotope Effects in Cuprate High Temperature Superconductors
July 20, 2006: Majorana Foundation, Italy
International School of Solid State Physics "Twenty years from the discovery of
high-Tc superconductors"
October 27-28, 2005: Tsukuba, Japan
Electron States and Lattice Effects in Cuprate High Temperature Superconductors
July 9, 2004: Tsukuba, Japan
Mini Workshop on Non-Doped High Temperature Superconductors
May 25-26, 2004: Tsukuba, Japan
New Trends in Science and Technology of Quantum Functional Oxides
November 10-12, 2003, Osaka, Japan
Theoretical developments of Nanosuperconductors and its application
CREST First NANOFAB Workshop
October 31, 2003: Tsukuba, Japan
Workshop on the Fermi Surface and Lattice Effects in Cuprate High Temperature Supercondutors
December 14-17, 2002
International Workshop on Strongly Correlated Electrons in New Materials, Loughborough, UK
July 23-26, 2000
International Symposium on Physics in Local Lattice Distortions