
Seminar Information
November 27-29, 2017 Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan
25th Conference on Vortex Physics
February 15 (Wed), 2017 From 14:00 AIST Tsukuba Central 2 M307
Prof. Eugen Kogan (Bar-Ilan University, Israel): Spin-anisotropic magnetic impurity in a Fermi gas
with the power law density of states: Integration of poor mans's scaling equations
January 16-20, 2017 Macao, Physical Society of Macao
10th International Conference on Computational Physics
Organizer of Symposium
January 30 (Fri), 2015 From 13:30 to 14:30 Tsukuba Central 1 Lecture Hall
Prof. K. von Klitzing (Max Planck Institute, Germany): Foundamental Constants: The Basis for a New SI
November 28 (Fri), 2014 From 16:00 Tsukuba Central 2 M303
Prof. R. C. Verma (Punjabi University, India): Symmetries in Nature
December 4 (Wed), 2013 From 15:00 Tsukuba Central 2 M304
Dr. K. Yamada (KEK): Phase transition in particle physics
June 6, 2013 From 10:30 Tsukuba Central 2 M307
Prof. M. A. Ghantous (Texas A & M University, Qatar): Magnetic properties and magnons transports across ferrimagnetic
alloy nano junctions [Co1-cGdc]n
January 29, 2013 From 15:00 Tsukuba Central 2 M304
Dr. Pierre Matsumi (Chennai Research Institute for Mathematical Science (India)): Elliptic curves and number theory@- ABC Conjecture -
June 28-29, 2012 Rutherford Appletpn Laboratory, Oxfordshire, UK
Theoretical and Experimental Magnetism Meeting
January 13-15, 2012 Lecture Hall, Osaka Museum of History
Pathbreaking Phase Sciences in Superconductivity"
June 14, 2011 Kagurazaka Campus, Tokyo University of Science
Workshop "Superconductivity, Vacuum, Universe"
April 27, 2011 From 15:30 Tsukuba Central 2 M302
T. Yanagisawa (AIST): On Superconductivity Research
October 8, 2009 From 15:30 Tsukuba Central 2 M302
M. Hashimoto (KEK): Color superconductivity and recent developments
July 2, 2009 From 15:30 Tsukuba Central 2 M304
J. Kondo (AIST): Resistance minimum and heavy fermion
Jun 18, 2009 From 15:00, At Tsukuba Central 2 M303
Y. Nogami (Okayama Univ.):
Modulated structure of triangular lattice systems under electric
and magnetic fields observed by X ray and photoemission spectroscopy
May 28, 2009 From 15:00, At Tsukuba Central 2 M304
S. Kashiwaya (AIST): Anomalous transport in Sr2RuO4
May 21, 2009 From 15:00
K. Odagiri (AIST): Gribov equation and antiferromagnetic Goldstone boson
April 23, 2009 From 15:00
Y. Hikida (KEK): AdS/CFT correspondence and Condensed Matter Physics
April 16, 2009 From 15:00
A. Iyo (AIST): Inverse isotope effect in iron-based new superconductors
April 7, 2009 From 15:00
S. Koikegami (Second Lab.): Superconductivity in Spin-Chain Ladder Cuprate
October 10, 2008 15:00- Tsukuba Central 2, D821-2
Seigo Tarucha (University of Tokyo):
Kondo effect and superconductivity observed single InAs quantum dot coupled to superconducting leads
October 10, 2008 15:00- Tsukuba Central 2, D821-2
C. Bauerle (Institut Neel-CNRS and Universite Joseph Fourier, France):
Decoherence in mesoscopic conductors due to Kondo impurities
October 31, 2007: AIST Tsukuba, Japan
International Symposium on Lattice Effects in Cuprate High Temperature
September 29, 2006: AIST Tsukuba, Japan
Isotope 2006: Mini Workshop on Isotope Effects in Cuprate High Temperature
October 27-28, 2005: AIST Tsukuba, Japan
Electron States and Lattice Effects in Cuprate High Temperature Superconductors
July 9, 2004: AIST Tsukuba, Japan
Mini Workshop on Non-Doped High Temperature Superconductors
November 10-12, 2003
Theoretical developments of Nanosuperconductors and its application
CREST First NANOFAB Workshop
Knowledge Space
Physics on Local
Lattice Distortions
December 14-17, 2002
International Workshop on Strongly Correlated Electrons in New Materials
July 23-26, 2000
International Symposium on
Physics in Local Lattice Distortions
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