A development
snapshot (3.01) of CSP-Prover 3.0
We are developing the next version of CSP-Prover. The main differences
the previous version (CSP-Prover-3.00) are summarized as follows:
- all theory files were improved and reorganized to CSP, CSP_T, and
- simple recursion operator (MU) was added,
- full abstraction in F was proven by using replicated internal
instead of general internal choice,
- Isabelle 2005 was used.
DFP package and the theory
files for the systolic array
given in
CSP-Prover-3.00 are now
being modified and will be added to this
version soon.
You can download a development snapshot
of the next version of CSP-Prover:
- Source Package: (requires Isabelle2005)
download [CSP-Prover-3.01.tar.gz]
This version is a development snapshot of ver.3.0, but it has almost
been stable. You can test to prove that ep2 is deadlock free by
CSP-Prover as follows:
It is assumed that "CSP-Prover-3.01" has been downloaded and has been
unpacked (e.g. tar zxvf CSP-Prover-3.01.tar.gz) to the directory (or
your appropriate directory:
The directory CSP-Prover-3.01 has the tree shown in the following
CSP-Prover-3.00 ---+--- CSP
(README, theory
+--- CSP_T (README, theory
+--- CSP_F (README, theory
+--- ep2 (README)
+--- DM (README)
+--- Test (README)
To prove the deadlock freedom of ep2, heap files of CSP, CSP_T,
and CSP_F should be built as follows
(it requires Isabelle(2005)/HOL-Complex):
- make a heap files of CSP, CSP_T, and CSP_F by
isatool usedir -b HOL-Complex CSP
(at ~/tool/CSP-Prover-3.00/CSP)
isatool usedir -b CSP CSP_T
(at ~/tool/CSP-Prover-3.00/CSP_T)
isatool usedir -b CSP_T CSP_F
(at ~/tool/CSP-Prover-3.00/CSP_F)
- Execute ProofGeneral (2005) with CSP_F as follows:
Isabelle -l CSP_F
at ~/tool/CSP-Prover-3.01/ep2
- Load the theory file "ep2_nucleus.thy" by C-x C-f.
- Prove the theorem by C-c C-n until the bottom.
(or Finish the proof by C-c C-b at one step)
If you cannot use ProofGeneral, then you can also start isabelle with
CSP_F as follows:
isabelle -I CSP_F
at ~/tool/CSP-Prover-3.01/ep2 in a shell window. Then, cut and past
commands from ep2_nucleus.thy to the shell window step by step.
Last modified: 07 November 2005
(since 07/11/2005)