(*-----------------------------------------------* | | | The Dining Mathematicians in CSP-Prover | | | | June 2004 | | December 2004 (modified) | | November 2005 (modified) | | | | Yoshinao Isobe (AIST, Japan) | | Markus Roggenbach (UWS, UK) | | | *-----------------------------------------------*) 1 Introduction These 5 theory files (DM1_Sys_def.thy - DM5_Spc_Seq.thy) verify that (Imp n) refines Spc (i.e. Spc <=F (Imp n)). (Imp n) expresses a concurrent behavior between two mathematicians and a shared variable, where n is the initial value of the shared variable. On the other hand, Spc requires that the mathematicians exclusively eat and they have no deadlock. Please also see the following URL: http://staff.aist.go.jp/y-isobe/CSP-Prover/ex_dm/dining_mathematicians.html 2 Theory files DM1_Imp_def.thy : defines Imp DM2_para.thy : expands parallel operators in Imp DM3_hide.thy : expands hiding operators in Imp DM4_Spc_def.thy : defines Spc DM5_Spc_Imp.thy : proves Spc <=F Imp 3 How to use these theory files (1) Execute Proof General (2005) as follows: Isabelle -l CSP_F (the heap for CSP_F should be built before) (2) Load the theory file "DM5_Spc_Imp.thy" by C-x C-f. (3) Prove the lemmas by C-c C-n until the bottom. (or Finish the proof by C-c C-b at one step *) 4 References for The Dining Mathematicians E.M.Clarke and B.H.Schlingloff "Model Checking", Chapter 24 in Handbook of Automated Reasoning, Elsevier Science Publishers, 2001