(*-----------------------------------------------* | | | (a part of) ep2 | | --- electronic payment systems --- | | | | November 2005 (modified) | | | | Markus Roggenbach (UWS, UK) | | Yoshinao Isobe (AIST, Japan) | | | *-----------------------------------------------*) The ep2 system is a new industrial standard of electronic payment systems. It consists of seven autonomous entities centred around the ep2 Terminal: Cardholder (i.e., customer), Point of Service (i.e., cash register), Attendant, POS Management System, Acquirer, Service Center, and Card. These entities communicate with the Terminal and, to a certain extent, with one another via XML-messages in a fixed format. These messages contain information about authorisation, financial transactions, as well as initialisation and status data. The state of each component heavily depends on the content of the exchanged data. A part of ep2 can be verified by CSP-Prover. The detail is explained in the following page: http://staff.aist.go.jp/y-isobe/CSP-Prover/CSP-Prover.html