last updated 2023.10.12

Peer-reviewed Articles
Journal articles
- Ishii T., Narita N., Iwaki S., Kamiya K., Shimosaka M., Yamaguchi H., Uchida T., Kantake I., Shibutani K., Cross-modal representation of chewing food in posterior parietal and visual cortex, PLoS One, 19: e0310513, 2024. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0310513
- Goto T., Tsurugizawa T., Komaki Y., Takashima I., Iwaki S., Kunori N., Clemastine enhances exercise-induced motor improvement in hypoxic ischemic rats, Brain Research, 1846: 149257, 2024. DOI 10.1016/j.brainres.2024.149257
- Takemoto A., Iwaki S., Duo Z., Yasumuro S., Kumada T., Difficulty with the preceding visual search affects brain activity in the following resting period, Scientific Reports, 12: 18545, 2022. DOI 10.1038/s41598-022-21624-3
- Peng Q., Wu Y., Qie N., Iwaki S., Age-related effects of executive function on takeover performance in automated driving, Scientific Reports, 12: 5410, 2022. DOI 10.1038/s41598-022-08522-4
- Tong S., Liang X., Kumada T., Iwaki S., Putative ratios of facial attractiveness in a deep neural network, Vision Research, 178: 86-99, 2021. DOI 10.1016/j.visres.2020.10.001
- Narita N., Kamiya K., Iwaki S., Ishii T., Endo H., Shimosaka M., Uchida T., Kantake I., Shibutani K., Activation of prefrontal cortex in process of oral and finger shape discrimination: fNIRS study, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15: 588595, 2021. DOI 10.3389/fnins.2021.588593
- Zhang F., Iwaki S., Correspondence between effective connections in the stop-signal task and microstructural correlations, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14: 249, 2020. DOI 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00279
- Nishimura K., Aoki T., Inagawa M., Tobinaga Y., Iwaki S., Mental rotation ability and spontaneous brain activity: a magnetoencephalography study, Neuroreport, 31: 999-1005, 2020. DOI 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001511
- Yun K., Bhattacharya J, Sandkuhler S., Lin Y.J., Iwaki S., Shimojo S., Causally linking neural dominance to perceptual dominance in a multisensory conflict, Neuroreport, 31: 991-998, 2020. DOI 10.1097/WNR.0000000000001505
- Kaida K., Abe T, Iwaki S., Counteracting effect of verbal ratings of sleepiness on dual task interference, Industrial Health, 58: 443-450, 2020. DOI 10.2486/indhealth.2020-0005
- Higuchi H., Iwaki S., Uno A., Altered visual character and object recognition in Japanese-speaking adolescents with developmental dyslexia, Neuroscience Letters, 723: 134841. DOI 10.1016/j.neulet.2020.134841
- Narita N., Ishii T., Iwaki S., Kamiya K., Okubo M., Uchida T., Kantake I., Shibutani K., Prefrontal consolidation and compensation as a function of wearing denture in partially edentulous elderly patients, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 11: 375, 2020. DOI 10.3389/fnagi.2019.00375
- Zhang F., Iwaki S., Common neural network for different functions: an investigation of proactive and reactive inhibition, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13: 124, 2019. DOI 10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00124
- Narita N., Kamiya K., Makiyama Y., Iwaki S., Komiyama O., Ishii T., Wake H., Prefrontal modulation during chewing performance in occlusal dysesthesia patients: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study, Clin. Oral Invest., 23(3):1181-1196, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s00784-018-2534-7
- Kaida K., Iwaki S., Hearing own or other’s name has different effects on monotonous task performance, PLoS One, 13(9): e0203966, 2018.
- Kaida K., Itaguchi Y., Iwaki S., Interactive effects of visuomotor perturbation and an afternoon nap on performance and the flow experience, PLoS One, 12(2): e0171907, 2017.
- Kamiya K., Narita N., Iwaki S., Improved prefrontal activity and chewing performance as function of wearing denture in partially edentulous individuals: functional near-infrared spectroscopy study, PLoS One, 11(6): e0158070, 2016.
- Kimura K., Kimura M., Iwaki S., Temporal prediction modulates the evaluative processing of "good" action feedback: An electrophysiological study. Psychophysiology, 53(10): 1552-1559, 2016.
- Nishimura K., Aoki T., Inagawa M., Tobinaga Y., Iwaki S., Individual differences in mental imagery tasks: a study of visual thinkers and verbal thinkers, Neurosci. Comm., 2: e1126, 2016.
- Ueno D., Masumoto K., Sutani K., and Iwaki S., Latency of modality-specific reactivation of auditory and visual information during episodic memory retrieval, Neuroreport, 26(6): 303-308, 2015.
- Nishimura K., Aoki T., Inagawa M., Tobinaga Y., and Iwaki S., Brain activities of visual thinkers and verbal thinkers: a MEG study, Neurosci. Lett., 594: 155-160, 2015.
- Yoshino K., Umeno A., Shichiri M., Watanabe H., Ishida N., Kojima M., Iwaki S., Hagihara Y., Nakamura M., and Yoshida Y., Biomarkers for the evaluation of immunological properties during the Shikoku walking pilgrimage, J. Biol. Regulations Homeostatic Agents, 29(1): 51-62, 2015.
- Iwaki S., Harada N., Mental fatigue measurements as application software on consumer devices, Synthesiology, 7: 210-217, 2015.
- Kagawa T., Narita N., Iwaki S., Kamiya K., Minakuchi S., Does shape discrimination by the mouth activate the parietal and occipital lobes? - Near-infrared spectroscopy study, PLoS One, 9: e108685, 2014.
- Takano K., Ora H., Sekihara K., Iwaki S., Kansaku K., Coherent activity in bilateral parieto-occipital cortices during P300-BCI operation, Frontiers in Neurology, 5(74): 1-7, 2014.
- Takeda Y., Okuma T., Kimura M., Kurata T., Takenaka T. Iwaki S., Electrophysiological measurement of interest during walking in a simulated environment, Int. J. Psychophysiol., 93, 363-370, 2014.
- Iwaki S., Bonmassar G., Belliveau J.W., Dynamic cortical activity during the perception of three-dimensional object shape from two-dimensional random-dot motion, J. Integr. Neurosci., 12: 355-367, 2013.
- Iwaki S., Harada N., Mental fatigue measurement based on the changes in flicker perception threshold using consumer mobile devices, Adv. Biomed. Eng., 2: 137-142, 2013.
- Iwaki S., Tonoike M, Stimulus-feature specific modulation of the visual processing by audio-visual intermodal orientation of attention, Neurosci. Biomed. Eng., 1: 116-124, 2013.
- Ora H., Takano K., Kawase T., Iwaki S., Parkkonen L., Kansaku K., Implementation of a beamforming technique in real-time magnetoencephaloghraphy, J. Integr. Neurosci., 12: 331-341, 2013.
- Shichiri M. HaradaN., Ishida N., Komaba L.K., Iwaki S., Hagihara Y., Niki E., Yoshida Y., Oxidative stress is involved in fatigue induced by overnight deskwork as assessed by increase in plasma tocopherylhydroqinone and hydroxycholesterol, Biol. Psychol., 94: 527-533, 2013.
- Tagai K., Shimakura H., Takata S., Nagai M., Watanabe K., Niki K., Iwaki S., Kumada T., Differential brain response to one- or two-hand handling action: an fMRI study, Neurosci. Neuroeconomics, 2: 21-32, 2013.
- Iwaki S., Hamada T., Kawano T., Differential offset and onset responses to interruptions and resumptions of verbal streams in the human auditory cortex, Int. J. Bioelectromagnetism, 14: 74-79, 2012.
- Hamada T., Iwaki S., The speed of mental addition in an abacus expert, estimated by eye movements and neural activities, Percept. Motor Skills, 115: 1-6, 2012.
- Mori T, Maekawa Y., Akiyama Y., Mishima F., Sutani K., Iwaki S., Nishijima S., Fundamental study for controlling environment using biological signal, Control & Intelligent Systems, 40: 151-159, 2012.
- Iwaki S., Sutani K., Visualization of the sensitivity of the MEG sensor array based on the 3-D modeling of cortical surface and volume conductor, J. Appl. Phys., 107: 09B317, 2010.
- Bonmassar G., Iwaki S., Goldmaker G., Angelone L.M., Belliveau J.W., On the measurement of electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of the human head, Int. J. Bioelectromagnetism, 12: 32-46, 2010.
- Kashiwagi M., Iwaki S., Narumi Y., Tamai H., Suzuki S., Parietal dysfunction in developmental coordination disorder children: An fMRI study, Neuroreport, 20: 1319-1324, 2009.
- Iwaki S., Bonmassar G., Belliveau J.W., Neuromagnetic brain responses during 3D object perception from 2D optic flow, Excerpta Medica ICS, 1300: 543-546, 2007.
- Iwaki S., Sutani K., Kou-Shimazaki H., Tonoike M., Modeling multiple neuromagnetic activities during the visual infrequent target detection processing, Excerpta Medica ICS, 1300: 535-538, 2007.
- Chung S-C., Iwaki S., Tack G-R., Yi J-H., You J-H., Kwon J-H., Effect of 30% oxygen administration on verbal cognitive performance, blood oxygen saturation and heart rate, Appl. Psychophysiol. Biofeedback, 31: 281-293, 2006.
- Shams L, Iwaki S., Chawla A., Bhattacharya J., Early modulation of visual cortex by sound: An MEG study, Neurosci. Lett., 378: 76-81, 2005.
- Kawano T., Iwaki S., Azuma Y., Moriwaki T., Hamada T., Degraded voices through mobile phones and their neural effects: a risk of using mobile phones during driving, Transport. Res. F, 8: 331-340, 2005.
- Hamada T., Iwaki S., Kawano T., Speech offsets activate the right parietal cortex, Hear Res., 195: 75-78, 2004.
- Iwaki S., Yamamoto C., Tonoike M., Yamamoto T., Rejection of stimulus-related MEG artifacts using independent component analysis, Neurol. Clin. Neurophysiol., 17: 1-4, 2004.
- Harada N., Iwaki S., Nakagawa S., Yamaguchi M., Tonoike M., Effect of word familiarity on visually evoked magnetic fields, Neurol. Clin. Neurophysiol., 34: 1-4, 2004.
- Kishida K., Ohi Y., Tonoike M., Iwaki S., A new dynamical approach to auditory evoked magnetic field by blind identification, Neurol. Clin. Neurophysiol., 27: 1-4, 2004.
- Angelone L., Potthast A., Iwaki S., Segonne F., Belliveau J.W., Bonmassar G., Simulation studies of simultaneous EEG - MRI recordings on high-resolution head models suggest enhanced peak SAR values when using metallic non-magnetic EEG leads, Bioelectromagnetics, 25: 285-295, 2004.
- Iwaki S., Yamamoto C., Takehara S., Tonoike M., Yamamoto T., Rejection of Stimulus-related Artifacts from Electro-gustatory Magnetoencephalographic Signals using Independent Component Analysis, IEEE Trans. Magn., 39: 3381-3383, 2003.
- Yamamoto C., Takehara S., Morikawa K., Nakagawa S., Yamaguchi M., Iwaki S., Tonoike M., Yamamoto T., Magnetoencephalographic study of cortical activity evoked by electrogustatory stimuli, Chemical Senses, 28: 245-251, 2003.
- Iwaki S., Tonoike M., Ueno S., Visualization of the brain activity during mental rotation processing using MUSIC-weighted lead-field synthetic filtering, IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., 85-D: 175-183, 2002.
- Tanaka S., Inui T., Iwaki S., Konishi J., Nakai T., Neural substrates involved in imitating finger configurations: an fMRI study, NeuroReport, 12: 1171-1174, 2001.
- Iwaki S., Ueno S., Imada T., Tonoike M., Dynamic cortical activation in mental image processing revealed by biomagnetic measurement, NeuroReport, 10: 1793-1797, 1999.
- Iwaki S., Ueno S., Weighted minimum-norm source estimation of magnetoencephalography utilizing the temporal information of the measured data, J. Appl. Phys., 83: 6441-6443, 1998.
- Iwaki S., Ueno S., A high-speed estimation of internal electrical sources in the human brain from the MEG measurements using subspace scanning with multiple scanning resolutions, IEEE Trans. Magn., 33: 4272-4274, 1997.
- Iwaki S., Ueno S., Comparison of the performance of distributed source estimation in the human brain using normal and vector magnetic field measurements, IEEE Trans. Magn., 32: 5127-5129, 1996.
- Iwaki S., Ueno S., Inverse problem of traveling electrical sources in the human brain associated with auditory evoked magnetic fields, Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., S47: 431-438, 1996.
- Ueno S., Iwaki S., Tazume K., Ara K., Control of heat transport in heat pipes by magnetic fields, J. Appl. Phys., 69: 4925-4927, 1991.
Book chapters
- Iwaki S., Biomagnetic Measurements, In Biomagnetics - Principles and Applications of Biomagnetic Stimulation and Imaging, Ueno and Sekino (Eds.), pp. 89-119, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 2015. (ISBN: 978-1-4822-3920-1)
- Iwaki S., Multimodal neuroimaging to visualize human visual processing, Biomedical Engineering and Cognitive Neuroscience for Healthcare, IGI Global Press, pp. 274-282, 2012.
- Iwaki S., Belliveau J.W., Neural interactions between dorsal and ventral visual subsystems while perceiving 3-D structure from 2-D motion, Advances in Biomagnetism, Springer, pp. 286-289, 2010.
- Harada N., Iwaki S., Tonoike M., Objective detection of the flicker fusion threshold with pupil diameter and visual evoked magnetic field, Advances in Biomagnetism, Springer, pp. 290-293, 2010.
- Sutani K., Iwaki S., Dynamic brain responses to semantic incongruencies in the visually presented language streams, Advances in Biomagnetism, Springer, pp. 334-337, 2010.
- Iwaki S., Modulation of extrastriate visual processing by audio-visual attention, Brain Topography and Multimodal Imaging, Kyoto University Press, pp. 75-78, 2009.
- Harada N., Iwaki S., Tonoike M., Non-arbitrary detection of the flicker fusion threshold with visual evoked magnetic field, Brain Topography and Multimodal Imaging, Kyoto University Press, pp. 83-84, 2009.
- Iwaki S., Bonmassar G., Belliveau J.W., Dynamic cortical activity during the perception of 3-D object shape from 2-D motion, Biomagnetism: Interdisciplinary Research and Exploration, Hokkaido Univ. Press, 118-120, 2008.
- Iwaki S., Kou-Shimazaki H., Complexity dependent changes in the neuromagnetic brain responses to mental arithmetic, Biomagnetism: Interdisciplinary Research and Exploration, Hokkaido Univ. Press, 215-217, 2008.
- Iwaki S., Bonmassar G., Belliveau J.W., Event-related changes in the spontaneous brain activity during 3D perception from random-dot motion, Complex Medical Engineering, pp.499-510, 2007.
- Iwaki S., Bonmassar G., Belliveau J.W., Spatiotemporal imaging of the brain activities during 3-D structure perception from motion, Frontiers in Human Brain Topography, Elsevier, pp. 209-212, 2004.
- Iwaki S., Hirata N., Tonoike M., Dynamic brain activation during visual infrequent target detection processing, Recent Advances in Human Brain Mapping, Elsevier, pp.277-282, 2002.
- Iwaki S., Ueno S., Imada T., Estimation of MEG sources evoked by mental rotation task, Recent Advances in Human Neurophysiology, I. Hashimoto et al. (Eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., The Netherlands, pp.589-594, 1998.
- Nakagawa S., Ueno S., Yamanami K., Iwaki S., Ueno K., Imada T., Measurement of MEG activities associated with short-term memory task in human subjects, Brain Topography Today, Y.Koga et al. (Eds.), Elsevier Science B.V., The Netherlands, pp.179-182, 1998.
- Iwaki S., Ueno S., Imada T., Spatio-temporal source imaging of brain magnetic fields evoked by mental rotation task, Recent Advances in Biomagnetism, T. Yoshimoto et al. (Eds.), Tohoku Univ. Press, Sendai, Japan, pp.684-687, 1999.
- Iwaki S., Ueno S., Estimation of traveling source in the human brain associated with auditory evoked magnetic fields, Studies in Applied Electromagnetics, A. Basak et al. (Eds.), IOS Press, The Netherlands, pp.306-309, 1996.
- Iramina K., Iwaki S., Ueno S., Estimation of the ratio of the number of firing nerve fibers in contralateral and ipsilateral auditory pathways based on a MEG source model, Biomagnetism: Clinical Aspects, edited by M. Hoke et al., Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, pp.705-709, 1992.
- Ueno S., Iwaki S., Tazume K., Iwasaka M., Simulation of magnetic curtain produced by magnetic fields, Electromagnetic Forces and Applications, edited by J. Tani and T. Takagi, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, pp.503-506, 1992.
Japanese articles
- 近井 学, 伊藤 納奈, 水浪 田鶴, 遠藤 博史, 氏家 弘裕, 岩木 直, 山口 忠克, 曽原 倫太郎, 曽布川 美穂, 遠藤 康平, 鳥居 由紀子, 名倉 千紘, 佐藤 洋, 航空接客場面におけるおもてなしの要素抽出のための顧客視点評価, 人間工学, 57: 303-309, 2021.
- 岩木 直, サービス・製造プロセス分析のための脳活動センシング技術, 電子情報通信学会誌, 100 (4): 301-305, 2017.
- 岩木 直, 原田 暢善, 日常的に利用可能な疲労計測システムの開発 -フリッカー疲労検査をPCやスマートフォンを使って生活環境で実現-, シンセシオロジー, 7: 220-227, 2014.
- 岩木 直, 脳活動の計測技術と疲労・ストレス評価への応用の可能性, ストレス科学研究, 28: 4-7, 2013.
- 原田 暢善, 岩木 直, 高橋 淳子, 岩橋 均, 連続的疲労負荷過程における血液中で発現する生理的疲労関連遺伝子の検討, 日本疲労学会誌, 6-2: 28-35, 2011.
- 岩木 直, 動きと空間の認知, Clinical Neuroscience, 10: 1153-1155, 2010.
- 岩木 直, MEGとfMRIを用いた脳機能解析技術, 日本磁気学会誌, 3-2: 82-86, 2008.
- 小谷 賢太郎, 島野 達矢, 柏木 充, 橋本 竜作, 岩木 直, 鈴木 周平, 若宮 英司, 堀井 健, 発達性読み書き障害児を対象とした文字単位の音読時間計測によるひらがな読み能力の計測手法, 計測自動制御学会誌, 43: 166-171, 2007.
- 矢倉 晴子, 外池 光雄, 中川 誠司, 岩木 直, 西原玲子, 荻野敏, 情緒的プロソディ認知処理過程に関する神経活動-MEGを用いた検討-, 日本生体磁気学会誌, 18: 1-7, 2006.
- 東 義隆, 川野常夫, 浜田隆史, 岩木直, 北川貴博, 森脇俊道, 携帯電話による会話と自動車運転の同時処理における意味的および空間的情報の干渉, 日本機械学会誌, 70, 693: 117-123, 2004.
- 岩木 直, 脳磁界計測による脳活動の計測と可視化, 電気学会誌, 123: 156-159, 2003.
- 山本 千珠子, 森川 聖美, 中川 誠司, 山口 雅彦, 岩木 直, 外池 光雄, 山本 隆, 電気刺激による味覚誘発脳磁場応答, 日本味と匂い学会誌, 9-3: 583-586, 2002.
- 岩木 直, 外池光雄, 脳波・脳磁界計測における脳内信号源推定法, 日本味と匂い学会誌, 9: 67-75, 2002.
- 岩木 直, 平田 直也, 外池 光雄, 山口 雅彦, 嘉悦 勲, 新奇刺激検出に関連する神経活動の脳磁界計測による可視化, 日本生体磁気学会誌, 13: 41-48, 2001.
- 岩木 直, 上野照剛, 今田俊明, 心的回転課題による誘発脳磁界の電源推定, 日本応用磁気学会誌, 22: 777-780, 1998.
- 岩木 直, 上野照剛, 時系列情報を用いたMEG最小ノルム電源推定, 日本応用磁気学会誌, 22: 773-776, 1998.
- 岩木 直, 上野照剛, 空間的に分布した脳内電源推定の高速化, 日本応用磁気学会誌, 21: 729-732, 1997.
- 岩木 直, 上野照剛, 聴性誘発反応脳磁界電源の時空間特性の推定, 日本AEM学会誌, 4: 37-42, 1996.
- 上野 照剛, 田爪 國利, 岩木 直, 荒 克之, 磁場による熱輸送の制御について, 日本応用磁気学会誌, 15: 713-716, 1991.
Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings (Selected)
- Zhang X., Iwaki S., Self-location and reorientation of individuals without reading maps: increased spatial memory during GPS navigation using AR city walls, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer (Proceedings of the 26th HCI International Conference, HCII 2024), 14737, pp. 254–267, 2024. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-60458-4_17
- Cui W., Iwaki S., Color-temperature cross-modal association: the relationships of hue, saturation, and brightness with temperature, Proceedings of the Color and Image Conference, 31, pp. 49-54, 2023. DOI: 10.2352/CIC.2023.31.1.10
- Peng Q., Wu Y., Sato T., Iwaki S., The relationship between older driver’s cognitive ability and takeover performance in conditionally automated driving, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer (Proceedings of the 25th HCI International Conference, HCII 2023), 14042, pp. 102-115, 2023. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-34866-2_8
- Morita K., Shiroki M., Iwaki S., Toi T., Mismatch negativity linked with sound lateralization in elderly individuals, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (183rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America), 50, 050003_1, 2023. DOI: 10.1121/2.0001719
- Peng Q., Iwaki S., Visual attention of young and older drivers in takeover tasks of highly automated driving, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Proceedings of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020), 12207: 210-221, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-50252-2_16
- Liang X., Tong S., Kumada T., Iwaki S., Golden ratio: the attributes of facial attractiveness learned by CNN, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 2124-2128, 2019. DOI 10.1109/ICIP.2019.8803166
- Iwaki S., Beliveau J.W., Multimodal neuroimaging to visualize brain networks for 3-D object perception, Proceedings of the International Display Workshop (IDW) 2018, pp. 964-967, 2018.
- Tong S., Liang X., Kumada T., Iwaki S., Tosa N., Learning the cultural consistent facial aesthetics by convolutional neural network, Proceedingss of 2017 International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture and Computing), 2017. DOI 10.1109/Culture.and.Computing.2017.53.
- Iwaki S., Bonmassar G., Belliveau J.W., Visualization of human cognitive processing by MEG, Proceedings of XXXI-th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, pp. 1-4, 2014 (DOI: 10.1109/URSIGASS.2014.6930115). DOI 10.1109/URSIGASS.2014.6930115
- Iwaki S., Induced gamma-band brain responses to direct eye contact in the frontal and parietal cortices, Proceedings of 2013 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 6183-6186, 2013. DOI 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610965
- Iwaki S., Dynamic brain responses to eye gaze perception between directly facing subjects, Proceedings of 2012 IEEE/ICME Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, pp. 705-708, 2012. DOI 10.1109/ICCME.2012.6275652
- Iwaki S., Bonmassar G., Belliveau J.W., MEG-fMRI integration to visualize brain dynamics while perceiving 3-D object shape from motion, Proceedings of 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 4917-4920, 2011. DOI 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091218
- Iwaki S., Bonmassar G., Belliveau J.W., Neural dynamics of 3-D object perception assessed by combined MEG/fMRI imaging technique, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI2009), pp. 205-208, 2009. DOI 10.1109/ISBI.2009.5193019
- Bonmassar G., Iwaki S., The shape of electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is altered in stroke patients, Proceedings of 2004 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 3443-3446, 2004. DOI 10.1109/IEMBS.2004.1403966
- Iwaki S., Ueno S., Imada T., Tonoike M., Biomagnetic measurement of the neural activity in the mental image processing, Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 21st Annual Conference, 1999. DOI 10.1109/IEMBS.1999.802539
- Iwaki S., Ueno S., Imada T., Source current estimation of brain magnetic field evoked by mental rotation task using minimum-norm method with MUSIC prescanning, Proceedings of 1998 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 2197-2200, 1998. DOI 10.1109/IEMBS.1998.747047
- Iwaki S., Ueno S., Weighted minimum-norm source estimation of MEG/EEG with MUSIC pre-scanning, Proceedings of 1997 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 1170-1171, 1997.
Review Articles
- 岩木 直, 特集「医療と電気技術」:医療現場を支える電気技術, 電気総合誌OHM,オーム社, 2019年4月号, pp. 26-29, 2019.
- 岩木 直, 脳波を用いた運転支援システム利用中の注意リソース配分の評価, 車載テクノロジー, 技術情報協会, vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 52-55, 2018.
- 岩木 直, 原田 暢善, 第II編:感覚をはかる・感覚ではかる~計測技術 第6章:視覚ではかる―ちらつき知覚の変化に基づく簡易疲労計測技術―, 感覚重視型技術の最前線~心地よさと意外性を生み出す技術~, シーエムシー出版, 2018.
- 岩木 直, 精神的疲労状態の日常的なモニタリングを可能にする技術の開発, 検査技術, 日本工業出版, 22巻, 10号, pp. 1-5, 2017.
- 岩木 直, マルチモーダル脳機能計測と五感の研究 (第1章第5節), 香りと五感, フレグランスジャーナル, pp. 57-67, 2016.
- 岩木 直, 日常的に利用できる簡易的な疲労計測技術の開発(第3章第7節), ドライバ状態の検出,推定技術と自動運転,運転支援システムへの応用, 技術情報協会, 2016.
- 岩木 直, 原田 暢善, スマートフォンを用いた日常的利用が可能な疲労計測システムの研究, パーソナル・ヘルスケア―ユビキタス・ウェアラブル医療実現に向けたエレクトロニクス研究最前線―, エヌ・ティー・エス出版, pp. 141-146, 2013.
- 岩木 直, 神経系 (1.9.3節), 福祉工学ハンドブック, 朝倉書店, pp. 105-108, 2013.
- 岩木 直, 原田 暢善, ちらつき知覚に基づく簡易疲労計測技術, 月刊機能材料, 33巻2号: 4-8, 2013.
- 岩木 直, 機能的MRIと脳波・脳磁界計測を用いた統合非侵襲脳機能可視化技術 (解説記事), 画像ラボ, 2010年1月号, pp. 36-40, 2010.
- 岩木 直, 非侵襲脳機能解析技術の最前線 (解説記事), 電子情報通信学会 情報・システムソサイエティ誌, 第14巻: 6-7, 2009.
- 岩木 直, 高精度非侵襲脳活動可視化技術 (総説), 知財プリズム, 7: 126-129, 2009.
- 岩木 直, 脳磁界(MEG).脳波(EEG)を使った脳活動の高精度イメージング技術, 近畿経済産業局広報誌, 450: 40-41, 2007.
- Iwaki S., Visualization of brain activity using neuromagnetic measurement, Advanced Technologies for Biomedical Measurement, pp. 15-16, 2007.
- 岩木 直, 脳磁界・脳波による脳活動イメージング, AIST Today, 6-9: 14-15, 2006.
- 岩木 直, マルチモーダル脳機能可視化技術, AIST Today, 4-3: 7, 2004.
- 岩木 直, 認知と脳の情報処理, 医学と工学からみた交通安全対策, 11: 78-83, 2002.
Japanese Patents
- 特許第4406705号 (特願2008-232781), 精神的疲労の測定機能を有する携帯端末装置、そのプログラムおよびサーバコンピュータ, 原田暢善, 岩木 直, 出願2008.9.11 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第4524408号 (特願2009-043625), ちらつきの閾値の測定装置及び測定プログラム, 原田暢善, 岩木 直, 出願2009.2.26 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第4788956号 (特願2006-021820), 脳活動解析方法および装置, 岩木 直, 出願 2006.1.31 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第4798455号 (特願2007-063274), 精神的疲労の測定機能を有する携帯端末装置及びそのプログラム, 原田暢善, 岩木 直, 出願2007.3.13 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第4836140号 (特願2007-076841), 脳活動解析方法および装置, 岩木 直, 出願 2007.3.23 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第4883580号 (特願2007-148747), 精神的疲労の検出方法、装置及びプログラム, 原田暢善, 岩木 直, 出願2007.6.5 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第5131851号 (特願2008-260279),生体信号計測システム,岩木 直, 出願2008.10.7 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第5413860号 (特願2011-530780),ちらつきの知覚閾値の測定装置及び測定方法,岩木 直, 原田暢善, 須谷康一, 出願2010.7.20 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第5515066号 (特願2011-051418), ちらつき知覚閾値の測定装置、測定方法及び測定プログラム, 岩木 直, 原田暢善, 出願2011.3.9 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第5578681号 (特願2011-096826), 標準フリッカー値の計算式の決定方法、標準フリッカー値の計算方法及びプログラム、並びにフリッカー値測定装置, 岩木 直, 原田暢善, 出願2011.4.25 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第5608945号 (特願2010-080165), フリッカー値測定装置及び測定方法, 原田暢善, 岩木 直, 出願2010.3.31 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第5641470号 (特願2010-048505),生理的疲労状態の評価方法および装置, 原田暢善, 岩木 直, 岩橋 均, 高橋 淳子, 佐々木 卓, 小竹 隼嗣, 宮地 崇之, 松本 令奈, 出願2010.3.5 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第5645190号 (特願2011-097965), ちらつき知覚閾値の測定装置,測定方法及び測定プログラム, 岩木 直, 原田暢善, 出願2011.4.26 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第5812308号 (特願2014-119705), フリッカー値測定装置及び測定方法, 原田暢善, 岩木 直, 出願2014.3.31 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第5975492号 (特願2014-211460), ちらつき知覚閾値の測定装置,測定方法及び測定プログラム, 岩木 直, 原田暢善, 出願2011.4.26 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第6021012号 (特願2013-120856), 車両用注意喚起装置, 近藤敏之, 光本直樹, 奥野英一, 岩木 直, 梅村浩之, 出願2013.10.14 ((株)デンソー,産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第6466250号 (特願2015-102233), 自動車運転能力判定装置及び自動車運転能力判定方法, 佐藤稔久, 岩木 直, 武田裕司, 赤松幹之, 出願2015.05.14 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第6472709号 (特願2015-099450),自動車運転能力判定装置, 岩木 直, 佐藤稔久, 武田裕司, 赤松幹之, 出願2015.05.14 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第6501114号 (特願2015-099449), 自動車運転能力判定装置, 佐藤稔久, 岩木 直, 武田裕司, 赤松幹之, 出願2015.05.14 (産業技術総合研究所).
- 特許第7079465号 (特願2017_214565), 対象物への親密度を推定するための評価方法、評価システム, 大山 潤爾, 岩木 直, 出願2017.11.07(産業技術総合研究所).
- 特開平06-326856, データ記録装置および方法,村上 達也, 児玉 和行, 岩木 直, 羽田野 英一, 出願 1993.05.17 ((株)日立製作所).
- 特開平07-262102, データ記録方式および装置, 村上 達也, 岩木 直, 児玉 和行, 黒須 康雄, 岡見 吉規, 西山 淳, 羽田野 英一, 出願 1994.03.18 ((株)日立製作所).
- 特開平07-336534, 画像処理システムおよびその方法, 岩木 直, 村上 達也, 児玉 和行, 黒須 康雄, 西山 淳, 出願 1994.06.13 ((株)日立製作所).
- 特開平08-314638, 記録再生装置用制御および信号処理装置, 岩木 直, 山川 秀之, 出願 1995.05.22 ((株)日立製作所).
- 特開2003-289523, データ記録装置および方法, 村上 達也, 児玉 和行, 岩木 直, 羽田野 英一, 出願1993.5.17 ((株)日立製作所).
Foreign Patents
- US 08/166079 (US Patent 5522041), Data processor and data transfer method, T. Murakami, E. Hadano, K. Kodama, M. Fujinawa, S. Iwaki, Filed in Dec. 1993 (Hitachi Ltd.).
- US 12/624067 (US Patent 7891914), Mental fatigue detecting method and device, N. Harada, S. Iwaki, Filed in Apr. 2008 (AIST).
- US 12/558894 (US Patent 8485826), Portable terminal device having function of measuring mental fatigue and its measuring method, N. Harada, S. Iwaki, Filed in Mar. 2008 (AIST).
- US 13/395178 (US Patent 8579441) Measurement device and measurement method for flickering perception threshold, S. Iwaki, N. Harada, K. Sutani, Filed in Jul. 2010 (AIST).
- US 13/062081 (US Patent 8808196), Measuring device and measuring method for threshold of flicker, N. Harada, S. Iwaki, Filed in Aug. 2009 (AIST).
- US 13/063289 (US Patent 9125609), Portable terminal having function of measuring mental fatigue, method for measuring same and server computer, N. Harada, S. Iwaki, Filed in Aug. 2009 (AIST).
- EP 09813004.0, Portable terminal having function of measuring mental fatigue, method for measuring same and server computer, N. Harada, S. Iwaki, Filed in Aug. 2009 (AIST).
- EP 09813005.7, Measuring device and measuring method for threshold of flicker, N. Harada, S. Iwaki, Filed in Aug. 2009 (AIST).