nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
MUNAKATA Kazuoki 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "MUNAKATA Kazuoki")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
4: BIEBER John W., FUJII Zenjiro
2: DULDIG Marcus L., EVENSON Paul, GONZALEZ Walter D., HUMBLE John E., KATO Chihiro, KUWABARA Takao, SCHUCH Nelson J., SILVA Marlos R., TRIVEDI Nalin B.
1: AKAHANE Shigenobu, DULDIG Marc L., FUJIMOTO Kazuhiko, FUKUNISHI Hiroki, HU Qiang, KOYAMA Morikazu, NAGASHIMA Kazuo, OKAZAKI Yoshitaka, PYLE Roger, PYLE Roger K., TANAKA Takashi, WASHIMI Haruichi, YASUE Shin-ichi, YASUE Shinichi, ZANK Gary P.
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1999: Precursor Decreases of Major Geomagnetic Storms Observed by Muon Detectors
2000: Precursors of geomagnetic storms observed by the muon detector network
2003: Near Earth Trajectory of CME Deduced from Cosmic Rays (GA4.02/03P/A06 003)
2004: Solar modulation of galactic and heliotail in anisotropies of cosmic rays at Sakashita underground station (320 650 GeV)
2006: Determination of ICME Geometry and Orientation from Cosmic Ray Observations(SH51A 1460)
2006: Modeling of CIR driven modulations of galactic cosmic ray intensity obtained by the Muon detector network(SH51A 1466)
2007: A Forecast of the Termination Shock Position(SH14A 1689)