nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
仲田 洋文 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "仲田 洋文")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
1996: 基盤の斜め移動断層変位による未固結被覆層の変形構造 1995年兵庫県南部地震による野島地震断層の初期調査結果
Deformation Characteristics of Incompetent Overburden Induced by Diagonal slip Faulting Preliminary Investigation of the Nojima Earthquake Fault at the 1995 Hyogo ken Nanbu Earthquake
1996: 野島地震断層上の地表断裂構造 地表路査と物理探査
Structure of surface fracturing observed along the Nojima earthquake fault Surface investigation and geophysical survey
1997: 基盤の横ずれ.斜めずれ断層変位に伴う未固結被覆層の変形 野島地震断層の地表の変形形態の特徴と断層模型実験による検討
Deformation of Unconsolidated Sediments Induced by Strike slip and Oblique skip on Bedrock Faults Deformation Characteristics of Ground Surface Induced by Movement on the Nojima Earthquake Fault and Study of Physical Modeling
1997: 野島地震断層で観察された未固結な表層地盤の変形構造
Deformation Structure of Surface Unconsolidated Layer along the Nojima Earthquake Fault
2010: 東海域の海陸統合地殻構造(SSS027 P12)
Crustal structure of the Tokai region(SSS027 P12)