nkysdb: 共著者関連データベース
COLLERSON Kenneth D. 様の 共著関連データベース
+(A list of literatures under single or joint authorship with "COLLERSON Kenneth D.")
共著回数と共著者名 (a list of the joint author(s))
5: KOMIYA Tsuyoshi, 小宮 剛
4: ISHIKAWA Akira, 石川 晃
3: AOKI Kazumasa, AOKI Shogo, KOSHIDA Keiko, SAWAKI Yusuke, SHIMOJO Masanori, YAMAMOTO Shinji, 下條 将徳, 鈴木 勝彦
2: HIRATA Takafumi, LIU Jingao, MAKI Kenshi, SAKATA Shuhei, TASHIRO Takayuki, YOKOYAMA Takaomi D., 山本 伸次
1: ARAI Hiroyoshi, IIZUKA Tsuyoshi, KAMBER Balz S., MCCULLOCH Malcolm T., OHTA Kenji, OHTANI Eiji, OMORI Soichi, OZAWA Haruka, PEARSON D. Graham, Pearson D.Graham, SHIBUYA Takazo, SUGIMURA Emiko, SUZUKI Katsuhiko, WILLIAMS Quentin, 岡田 吉弘, 平田 岳史, 渋谷 岳造, 澤木 祐介, 牧 賢志, 青木 一勝, 飯塚 毅
発行年とタイトル (Title and year of the issue(s))
2010: Majoritic garnet: A new approach to pressure estimation of shock events in meteorites and the encapsulation of sub lithospheric inclusions in diamond
2010: Monazite geochronology and geochemistry of meta sediments in the Narryer Gneiss Complex, Western Australia: constraints on the tectonothermal history and provenance
2012: カナダ,ネーンコンプレックスの初期太古代火成活動(SCG71 01)
Early Archean magmatic events of the Nain Complex, northern Labrador, Canada(SCG71 01)
2012: レイトベニア成分に乏しい太古代マントルの探索
Search for Early Archean mantle lacking the late veneer component
2013: 後期衝突物質の付加と均質化のタイミング 初期太古代超苦鉄質岩類の強親鉄性元素組成からの制約 (T2 O 8)
Timing of late veneer replenishment in the Earth's mantle: highly siderophile element constraints from Early Archean ultramafics (T2 O 8)
2015: Geology of the Eoarchean, > 3.95 Ga, Nulliak supracrustal rocks in the Saglek Block, northern Labrador, Canada: The oldest geological evidence for plate tectonics
2015: 西豪州ジャックヒルズ変礫岩中の砕屑性衝撃変成ジルコン
Shock metamorphosed zircons recovered from the Jack Hills metaconglomerates in the Narryer Gneiss Complex, Western Australia
2016: Occurrence and geochronology of the Eoarchean, ∼3.9Ga, Iqaluk Gneiss in the Saglek Block, northern Labrador, Canada: Evidence for the oldest supracrustal rocks in the world
2017: A prolonged granitoid formation in Saglek Block, Labrador: Zonal growth and crustal reworking of continental crust in the Eoarchean
2017: Rhenium osmium isotopes and highly siderophile elements in ultramafic rocks from the Eoarchean Saglek Block, northern Labrador, Canada: implications for Archean mantle evolution
2017: 強親鉄性元素に枯渇した太古代マントルとその意義
Highly siderophile element depletion in Archean mantle and its significance